Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Mar 1905, p. 1

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The INTELLIGENCES AND ADVERTISER I Giro liberty to know to utter to freely according to conscience above all other liberty No paper sent outside York unless paid In advance LTV No Copies fcc Newmarket Ont Friday March TERMS per annum if paid in advance SUPPLIES BUCKETS flaring pattern BUCKET8 straight TEEL SAP SPILES AP DIPPERS 2 quarts heavy AP BOILING PANS ft It Made to Order Black or Tinned Steel large square or round YRUP TANKS Tinned Steal and gal LARGE GALVANIZED PAILS and quarts Order Buckets and Boiling Pans This avoids delay when wanted Toronto Letter I Food Clydesdale Is Gaining Friends Daily will do well to secure our prices on Nails and Builders Hardware We think we can save you a little money Plumbing Furnace Work NEWMARKET a fit HEADQUARTERS FOR DRUGS CHEMICALS AND PATENT MEDICINES THE NEXT TIME YOU OUT OF NOTE PAPER LETTER PAP E R EN VELOPE8 Or Writing of any Kind Call and See our Quality and Prices AGENTS FOR Parkers Dye Works and Canadian Express tor Trains Handled with id Marks Dceians Copyrights Ac for charge In Scientific American and Gravel by For deliver Order fcail promptly to A Aurora F At 550 per ton BEST HARD COAL Nut And Size ALWAYS ON HAND AT- J Huron A metropolitan car ran a cou ple or- dogs at last week one of them a valuable Airedale ter rier said to be worth Its own- er is now making loud demands for better car Tenders At the Queen St East crossing where the tragedy of last Thanksgiving night occurred another tragedy was narrowly averted The car ran over the Scotch blocks doing great damage and shaking up pas sengers badly The ear through the northern protection bar breaking the section and was- twisted on the truck the springs be ing broken and the car tcirown over the western track Knight was the most seriously injure of the passengers and removed suffering from concussion of the Francois a brake- man was killed Saturday morning near by falling between two freight cars of the train upon which he working It has suggested to change nj of Memorial Park on Portland street to Victoria Park in commem oration of the late beloved Queen Vic toria I Hon is as chief guest at the igoode Legal and Literary Societys bar dinner on Friday evening at the King ward On a vote of to the Board of Control has appointed James to be successor of J Flem ing as assessment commissioner The prize list of the Spring Horse Show is completed The Show takes place on the to April in clusive There were patients in the Genera Hospital at the close of the jmoah men and women five less than at the same date in The prisoners in the city jail num ber of these 1 are males and females a total increase of the week It is not often that a Hindu pundit pays a visit to Toronto At the Queens Hotel in the person of Prof Kershaw of one is to be found Kershaw s a Hindu Brahmin has just arrived from St Petersburg in the of which city he acted for some years as professor of oriental languages j Mr Ross Robertson has inform ed the Mayor of his intention lo present ihe corporation with an oil of the Town of York now city of Toronto painted in will find a place in the new City Hall A prisoner in the Prison named Patrick died suddenly on Saturday He was years of age and was committed from Sud bury I Hon Dr Minister of tion has denied report in circu lation that he Was to succeed Dr Clark at the Asylum and ftp gener al public are glad of it As the result of a quarrel over a game of cards in an Italian boarding- house Centre Avenue was shot and fatally wounded Where the shooting place the police found cards and ft keg of beer The man who fired the fatal shot declared he did it in selfdefence and has to the poller Henry Maelonald a young tinsmith was crushed beneath the wheel of a street ear on Saturday evening and jwas so badly injured that his death resulted Sunday morning the automobile show which opened here on Monday last was a decided success The display of horseless carriages of every description exceed ed the expectation of those most in terested Three carloads are on view from Cleveland a judgment delivered by Judge this week he lays down the principle that executors of an talc are liable for the a j or who performs the duties which they are le gally required to perform The millinery week is ahead of last year and the attendance of lady milliners the country towns and villages In see the fashions Is In advance of last year- In shape uud colors season marks a sharp de- from Inst years Mr J of tbe an ablress the Club on Motiday last on and the The trend his observa tions may be learned Nothing more clear than than each Province should have abso lute control There wa a large crowd at the Armories on Saturday night to defeat of Indoor bane- ball team Permission to open certain streets in Toronto for installation of a pnjematic postal tube system applied for by the Department at Ottawa Post has Office oo A FAMILY Protected From Catarrhal Diseases by EDITOR nit MB Judicial Taxation For the Era The Passage BY A The horrors of the pas- sage as the crossing of the trotilil waters of the English Channel has been termed are not so grim and so lugubrious as in the days when those small lively the Wave Foam Breeze ami others so well remembered iravciers te diously lumbered ip to the of the greqe waves We Channel plunged down their sloping steeps and then with a luvlng lurch more disturbing to the equa nimity of those whose physical sus ceptibilities precluded them from parr in the pleasures of the in- voyage than either a bona fi roll or pitch creaked and tren- from stem lo stern as each lurch would rend the good asunder or wrench apart her staunch old timbers Many a has been enacted on board those little tossing steamers dearest friends who on terra would almost give their life for each other now become apparently hopelessly mid utterly regardless of each others sor rows the sprightly and vivacious lose all their gaiety and hilarity and sink into a djsma gloom and die sparkling wit is a ghastly and dolorous hypochondriac The floor of the cabin is like a strewn with groaning and writhing men clutching at anything which will anchor ehem to the spot they have chosen while doleful wails and moans surge in ever increasing volume from all sides- Here at the hows is a newly mar ried couple starting on their rnoon He has carefully adjust her rug and wraps and done his best to make her computa ble and the enamoured pair en gaged in animated and most endearing conversation Soon however Hags and a solemn si lento rapidly ensues And wow al though the day before he had sol emnly promised to love and cherish her in sickness and health until death did part that promise is utterly thrown to ihe rnl soon he ignores his pallid bride together and allows a sailor to fai ry her off and deposit ruder the care of a stewardess down below without a word of remonStiaiice without even an attempt to help Or here is one who a quarter of an hour before loosed upon his fellows with a contemptuous stare as ii the whole world was his now transformed into haggard crouching wreck a hopeless picture of abject misery lint soon the vessel in smooth water all their are and they resume those which thv ijnils the little steamer had so rudely this Is a remind of ourselves Tossed about ny and storms of fife it by never refused aid of tie Spirit we have grasped the outstretched of the Saviour who so lovingly bore the punishment of our sins when our lifejourney is ended we shall enter the haven of rest and eternal joys Hut alas then are others refusing ship wreck of their life and are on the Realm of black grinding re morse The Assizes for the Judicial of York which closed last week The Ontario Government has made 4ij extended over a period of about seven j the following appointments from which we judge the MPP for North proportionate share of tho did not make his visit early expense of the same will have to bo last week to the Queens Park for no- borne the ratepayers of York thing to be Coroners for North On- Toronto which has Dr Darling wood Dr Galloway Bearer ton lDC Wanes to pay receives a largo Dr Gilpin Brechin and Dr advantage out of the expenditures Henderson jurymen litigants and the salaries Scarcely another an indication of the attitude city in the whole Province has sessions the British money market financiers the or County Courts ex tending two weeks must counties not Mrs Fred St Louis Mo Mrs Fred Ivory Mo writes As long as we have had In we have not needed a doctor are nine of us the family runahi rendered greater vice thar live doctors the patent mediclea I used iu tie that I was sick J was fo bad towards Canada the manner in which the first mortgage bonds of the were up very gratifying indeed The British press states that in hours the sleek was subscribed ten times over Instead of that was ask ed the loan was of fered At a meeting of the Grand Council of Templars Toronto last a report was read on temperance nd prohibition in which it was stated with taxes lessened week ly York is heavily taxed and in point is the hewer of weed drawer of water for the advantage Toronto If North York was parated from the and West and from Toronto for purposes it would form a county greater In wealth and population than a number of near that although the Whitney one thought I not pledged to prohibition Ontario and would not near stilt Hon Mr ttmtney was pledged r license nestion expenses as at present while of our County and Assise ever rccov A cold the beginning of catarrh l0 remove the liquor license prevent colds to euro colds is to cbofti political arena and to out of Its victims force the act Compensation to ho- If is used in the family who lost their licenses was promptly cure colds the family In pro- Vigorously protested against as being tec ted against other ailments opposed to all law and practice in house Use It for Templars were urged to support la grippe and other cllmatlo refusing to publish liqour ads hero will and local option should be urged other ailments In house Medicine Iambus for free catarrh book Council j Newmarket Feb Council met Mr Holier t son in the chair I The minutes of the last regular and special meeting were read and on mo- were adopted j The Mayor then took the chair I Accounts and communications were taken up and disposed of in commit tee of the whole Following bills were Passed P J Anderson It ticket for vagrant Hughes cleaning j where The uptodate character 61 the Methodist Magazine for March is shown in the full discussicn of the Russian situation with gravings and reports of the Welsh revival and its lessons with port rait of Evan Roberts and Famous Welsh Preachers ol the churches in evangelizing the Philip pines is also described by the Rev Armstrong with numer ous illustrations Dr John than whom no man can write with greater authority discusses tbe future of the Indians iu Canada There arc other articles and on the whole is a notable number of this family magazine courts could all he transacted each time in less than a lessening the time cur jurymen re quire to be away from their homes such These interminable courts will drive the people to seek relief from the undue burdens they are call- upon to bear as and th sooner the better Pearson coal at House freight on transformer freight on transformer Express en rolls and station- Ash ton Lloyd wood for Fire I Jill I 11 1 2 no ill in Advice Snider work at P House II Snider work at P House P work at P House T thawing pipes T thawing pipes T snow cleaning to Ed Cole breaking read Commercial Ins Co insurance Can Gen Co carbon brushes Hart rolls and sta tionery I Moved by Mr seconded by Mr Smith that the Mayor Messrs Coombs and Robertson be a committee to formulate an arrange ment with Cot respecting the old Registry to safe guard the interests of both parties and report the same lo the Council for adoption Carried I Moved by Mr Robertson seconded by Mr Smith that the grant of ten dollars Ikj made to the Horticultural Society Carried I Mr Robertson seconded by Mr that a grant of I ten dollars be made to the Sick Childrens Hospital Carried On motion Council adjourned During the past week ttie Court heard arguments in the contention that Provincial Leg islatures have power to pass laws regulating Sunday labor Although definite decision was not given was indicated by the Court that- their judgment will lie against the contention The Judges appear to hold that legislation on the ques tion of Sunday labor is one dealing with the criminal law and belongs to the Dominion During the discussion Judge ashed What right has the Provincial Legislature to make it a greater crime for a man to shave me than for me to shave myself This question Indicates tile trend of the thought of court Since the foregoing was put in type the Court has decided that Legislatures cannot deal with Sunday laws ail vise mothers slop losing their little ones with oil and soothing stuffs and use only IJnnyft Own Tablets This is the advice of Mrs Joseph of Out who has proved the Tablets the best medicine in the world for the troubles that af- Alfred ilroux of over by an electric two was run ear and cut in In the Federal Senate it Ottawa last week Sir nimuiond moved That the attention of the Government lie directed to the local foreign and Imperial postage charges with the view of remedying inequalities therein and the Senate affirms the principle that the convey ance of let tecs newspapers books periodicals etc uhould at a low er scale of charges within the em pire than at toe time ruling with any foreign country Speaking to the motion Sir George said it was to the credit of Canada that Sir Wil liam had reduced the late lo two cents per pound whilst treat still imposed a heavy charge The publications sent by the Ameri can News were playing hav oc with Canadian news I The supply light literature war Protect Yourself Against Germs People With Weak Stomachs Most Liable to Catch Disease When the stomach and digestive or gans are weak the food does got di gest and there is a sour slimy fer menting mass making it an ideal spot for the disease germs to multi ply The only way to protect your self against disease germs la to strengthen the stomach and digestive organs and is the only agent so far as is known that will accom plish this The ordinary medicine that is tak en for indigestion and stomach trou bles- is advertised to act upon food alone and hence can give no more than temporary relief is a certain euro in all cases of stomach troubles excepting cancer because it enables the stomach and digestive organs to act in the way nature intended they should Drugs cannot digest the food they simply decompose it If you suffer with distress alter eating pains in head chest sides and belching of gases and bad taste in the mouth dizziness or vertigo heart burn variable appetite sick head aches spots before the eyes and have a general feeling of despondency weakness and debility you should at once strengthen the stomach and di gestive system by the use of Mlona Theto is no liquid no alcohol no spoonful doses with Just one simple tablet out of a fiftycent box before eating and your stomach will soon become so strong end healthy that yon will he germ proof Ask J Y to show you the guarantee under- which ho sells costs nothing unless cures The Dominion Government has de cided to make the canals free of tells for another year Ij was Killed white to his load of wood slipping off and crushing him A press despatch- from Whitby lining states that the election of The Opera House most entirely American ft was his to the On- Legislature is to be protested The Pickering bribery business will no doubt be further developed during the trial Fireman John Cor by the roof filing was burned and Ifss was killed upon hi to The New Century Refrigerator Jinn conviction that the party in who desired to give the col onies preference was in tight The motion carried diet young children Mrs Companys drying kiln at was j burned with a lot Valuable wood Loss The county of Durham Is taking steps to dissolve the union with Northumberland and set up as an in dependent municipality The eightyearold son of Donaldson Loudon was kicked by a while climbing on a sleigh and it is feared he is fatally injured Thirteen killed and upwards of lifty injure by the col lapse of the flooring of an African Mitbcdist church in Brook lyn adds- My little one has had no but the Tablets since she was two months old and they have kept her the picture of good health These Tablets ale good for children of every ftge and cure all slnmgeh and bowel trou bles break up colds prevent croup expel worms and allay the irritation teething And you have a solemn guarantee that there Is not a particle of opiate or harmful drug In this liMfliefne Sold all dealers or sent by mail at 25 cents a box by writing The Dr Williams Medicine Co Ont I FOR PERFECT HOME DYEING EASY TO USE BRIGHTEST AND BEST FOR THE DIAMOND AH Druggists and TAKE NO OTHERS

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