xm nonsense Bessie for you to talk of on the shelf Why it alt worries your aches and I did take plenty of outofdoor air cultivate happi ness by allowing your mind to dwell an the trifles and the worries of life I sent fifty onecent stamps to Dr V Fierce of Buffalo for his Common Sent Medical Ad viler and found it con tained much useful information the care of my health physiology anat omy and everything should know decided to write Pierce and tell him all sbout ray ailments I received such a nice carefully considered and con fidential letter in reply giving rae advice my diet exercise and all This advice free to everyone and I wonder you dont write him at once It didnt lake me many month to regain my good looks Ever since I was I have suffered agonies periodically but now I am free from pain worry and bad temper Oc casionally I took Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets this for the complexion and to stimulate the liver Then I took Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription three limes a day for those womanly weaknesses I told you about That ray secret of beauty Its the easiest thing in the world to be happy and keep ones good looks Look at the thousands of women who have been made well by Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription look how keep their looks Dr Pierce offers reward or any case of Female Weak ness Prolapsus or Falling of Womb which he cannot cure All he asks is a fair and trial of his means of COS- TO Mr concluded bis course of lectures on electricity before the reading circle on Monday evening a very pleasant evening being spent at the borne of Mr J At- Hopkins Mr J A Hopkins has sold acres of bis farm to Mr Thos Cun ningham and purchased Mr A farm BRADFORD About two oclock on Tuesday morning screams of fire fire aroused a few of our citizens from their peaceful slumbers to find that the residence of Mr Sawyer on Holland street was threatened with destruction- Fortunately timely aid checked the fire in its incipient stage and thus prevented -what- might have been a very serious affair as a stiff west wind was blowing at the time The fire originated in the office of Mr grain merchant The supposition is that a lighted match or cigar must have been dropped by some person into a saw dust spittoon and after smouldering for a time broke out into a flame A large hole was burnt through the floor and the office desk was badly damaged he- The Sovereign Bank of Canada Begin the year with an Account in our Sayings Bank Deposits of TWENTY CENTS and upwards received and Interest Allowed on Daily Balance AND Compounded Poor Times a Year without presentation of Hook viz January April July and 3 1st October of each year Branches in Canada 45 AND Agents in all Parts of the Courteous Treatment Facilities Modern ACCOUNT IS INVITED W Wallace Bruce Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH Manager Mount Albert Branch Slabs Delivered PER CORD ALL KINDS ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER per LATH Ladders Half Price COAL Egg Stove Nut Pea SOFT COAL SELECTED LUMP PEARSON A B tax collector or lie township of Needing or J has been arreted on charge of of 1 of Set Itt money ClairvoyantPsychic Medical Examination Free toy DR Y of JJtJievlng In or not there la no tie tat that the doctor of your either of physical and health and who would have re- kelpie invalids all their lock of name fcAOip DR Y AURORA Mr Millers youngest son met with an accident last Saturday by which his right leg was broken near the thigh He is doing as well as could be expected The Railway is again out of business and the mails and passengers or Kettleby and arc being conveyed by buss from here It must be a very expensive job for the company James an employe of the Tanning Co of Aurora met with a terrible death Thursday afternoon He was working at a machine used for splitting leather when bis hand got caught between the rollers His hand and arm were crushed to the shoulder and he was otherwise terribly injured His arm was amputated by the doctors but the shock was so great that death relieved him from suffering in a few hours Deceased was well favorably known highly re spected by his fellowtownsmen He leaves a widow and family to mourn his loss The funeral on Sunday was very largely attended and de ceased was buried with Masonic hon ors The Farmers Ice House The of the rived when the ice house may filled There ik no why form bouses may not have a continuous supply of ice through- out the summer Where a stream or sheet of water within reach the cost is but trifling An lee house can be constructed very cheaply the following fashion Large posts or eight Inches In diameter Sunk lot to the ground to support th frame work the walls For small lee house two or at the very most three pouts on each bidet would he sufficient Inside the posts two inch plank may be nailed on the posts and the plank completing the walls of the storage A door be constructed of short pieces of Plunk kept in place In the tin lee itself and on the outside the posts As the Ice is hoard closing the doorway may taken down one other The roof may be after an to suit the builder roof would bo ffntlfnetry a in the filling of the Ire house floor should be covered about a loot deep with saw dust or dry chopped The Ice may then be laid up on this leaving sjacc all around between the Ice and the wall ibout one foot wide As the MM In this space would filled with saw dust or straw whichever used As each layer of crevices the should filled in with lef hips and soft snow to lis to elude all air from the After full supply of lee top should be covered a foot with straw Or The for the house should so that Us provided It Is Important thai ground below the Ice fehould kept dry A twelve rir eifcht rtfrdInK spue- within JO tons Of ice hlo undoubtedly be ample for all Purposes on the The mater to Ink would be only a trifling a few pond or creek would bring enfilrh ice nil the house is the weather when the lc likely fcound and What Is called rotten Ice Is Ice with air which last nearly as long fee Oar Toronto On of week death came suddenly to Mr A McCagne for 18 years ah employee of the gen era was found sitting dead in his chair Heart Trouble The receipts from all sources at Toronto last year V to admission fees figured up to SI 17600 Nine hundred Chinamen distribute among laundries and constitute Torontos present share of the yellow peril The jecretary6 report presented at the annual meeting ef the Toronto Chi nese Mission at Knox Church also showed that about twothirds of stationary Chinese population are en rolled in the ten classes of the mission A youth of years in the Court on Friday charged with stealing a quantity of chewing gum tobacco and some money from store- Remanded for a week John Donaldson who was arrested last week on a charge of stealing a valise a watch four bank and some valuable mortgage papers from Irwin Smith was remanded till The Premier did not make PP for West Toronto a Cabinet Min ister but an evening paper tells him tochepr up as Mr Whitney may make him a Householders will be glad to learn that a break in the sugar pi ices is sure to be here at an early date The big men are trying to the market steady so that they can unload on retailers but the latter are not buying heavy in view of a falling markets A new steamer called the China will join the Toronto fleet this com ing summer and will ply between Montreal Toronto and Cleveland carrying passengers and freight The West York Orange Lodge has passed a resolution asking that the proposed Wallace Memorial Home be built on or near the banks of the in the native county of the late Grand Sovereign A rumor is prevailing that the riew Legislature will meet for business last week in March A deputation of florists watted upon Park Commissioner Chambers to talk over the recommendation to erect a Pavilion in Allan Gardens Mr Chambers said he thought a building of adequate proportions could be erects for about The Star says The new Provincial Secretary is so busy seeing that by the time the Legislature meets there will be nothing in his gift not even a vacant cell in the asylum that will not be spoken for Mr A Budge formerly of New market the wellknown secretary the M A of Montreal was in the city part of last week giving lec tures at the training school for associa tion secretaries at the Central Associa tion Building He gave an lecture on his trip to Australia and New Zealand last summer on Friday evening Mr Kennedy has written to the mayor asking that necessary ac commodation be made in the Toronto Hay Market for farmers He suggests that the old Railway stable site be purchased as a suitable site Mr Peter Ellis has fixed Mondays and Thursdays at am upon which he will sit a County Magistrate in the City Hatl Caterers say that the supply of ftsh in this city at the present time is finest ever on and prices are than lost season If Your Liver is Wrong You are Wrong all Over A torpid inactive liver got band wlLb finch a condition requires a syttetn- effort to overcome nod good health and perfect body lags Smith Pineapple containing two eeded elements to Increase liver and action go accti- to slugglab and restoring them completely Suppose your bowels railed to move for a or ten you would be pros trated It la Juat the In when bowels do not at one a day You know von toon languid and tired your blood bad and you feel wean and all over You a full healthy dally Dont let wrlona develop and will drive oowel out of vour and are and in one night We will aend a t r fesWrh to the Associated Fairs meeting wanted to have the an nual meeting go east and west- down Ottawa Valley and up in the Western peninsula would make travelling too expensive a large majority of delegates and it decided to foregather always at Toron to On Thursday of last week two fires one the result of the other that fol lowed an electrical accident two men to the Emergency Hospital with hands and feet scorched It occurred at the power plant of the Toronto Railway Company A broken wire set fire to the coal shed where the men were at work The citys civic reception to Pre mier Whitney will not take place till after the bveelections on the There is a foot here wholesale and commission pro dealers to forma mutual protec tion society against farm ers Frauds perpetrated in near ly all kinds of produce but more es pecially in butter eggs honey and fruit A consignment of pnrw clover honey during the past week was largely mixed with buckwheat honey Henr Hoover a milkman was sent to jail for ten days for stealing milk from doorsteps Up to the present all efforts of those interested in Hamiltons trade toput no end to cut rates of have The two steamboat companies have announced their in tention of continuing the fight on the opening of navigation 10 cents a trip between the two cities Hon Ross left fur Jamaica on Tuesday He will probably remain in the West Indie for the next four or Provincial Detective Rogers ha- been engaged this week investigating a serious complaint lodged against certain jurymen at the Assizes Tbe Railway Commission has au thorized the expropriation of all the land on the Esplanade that the Rail ways ask for compensation aa0 Rockefellers Estate John Rockefeller the Standard Oil magnate is laying out the finest domain in the world and intends to spend on the improve Already he has expended on his great estate in the Hills outside New York This estate comprises eight thousand acres five thousand which have been turned into a private park Next spring he will begin erec tion of new palace which will outshine anything on ibid the Atlantic For years Mr Rockefeller at an expense of hun dreds- of thousands of dollars a month has had two hundred do ing nothing else but carry out ihc plans of a landscape gardener in beau tifying the great- domain A ery of five hundred acres Iras established and here is grown rare plants shrubs young trees flow ers used in landscaping the park So far ten thousand small evergreens American pine spruce and trees base been set out and sixteen thou sand more will be planted ifcj the coming year The historic creek which Hows through Sleepy Hollow the laud made famous by the tales of Washington Irving has been transformed into miniature wa terfalls and a chain of artificial lakes by oddshaped and bridges The improve ment on the great domain is i si take a rose garden was made after designs by John idler Jr The garden is three hun dred ft long and divided into separate gardens connected by round ed stone terraces surrounded by a stone wall In some place fuel high and by granite Mr eke feller has ordered three car-loads- of lilies roses rare shrubs dants to be used in this garden and next year when the garden is t Is intention to make It garden in he world His gardeners have given orders to spare no expense in the laying out of the garden Radiating from the manor house now occupied by the are miles of wooded opening into and meadows vistas of shrubbery and evergreen U It Is No Good Can any one mention any benefit which the liquor traffic confers upon a community It gives no for farm because while it may absorb a small quantity of that produce it takes away the producing power of a vast of community who now wasteon drink money which they ought to spend for butter and cheese and milk and vegetables and meat and all the food products which come from the farm and for Jack of which women and children all over land arc suffering today It helps no legitimate manufactur ing Industry for it curtails earn ing power lessens the wages and wastes the money of the drinking Working man who would otherwise be to purchase furniture and cloth ing and luxuries which his family are now compelled to go without It gives help to the wage earner for while it employs a few hands in making and selling strong drink it employs only a fraction of the num ber which would find work if the cap ital now invested in the liquor busi ness were used by some more benefi cial manufacturing or commercial en terprise It confers no social or moral bene fit such as does the church or the school for which the church and the school make better citizens and- noble women anil men the liquor traffic un dermines character begets vice and crime and drags humanity down to wretchedness and sin- It docs not help the countrys reve nues or municipalitys revenue or by its wastefulness it diminishes the wealth of the people thus de stroying or preventing the accumula tion of property which through the ordinary channels of taxation would soon yield far more revenue than the fraction now paid by liquor traf fic of the vast amount which it plun ders from the people It makes no man industrious It makes no home happy- It lightens no social burden It does no good It ruins homes It blights lives It character It impoverishes the community It is a curse a mother r of Free sealed and that wlfl you beyond of their wonderful wopertlta Ad- P Smith Da Smith Pineapple and Butternut CoaaUpaiiort and to one All cent A Care at He tier a acknowledged licfoe treasutvfl in the heart To conceal a fire does not exllnguisli It Afire in the business section Indianapolis Monday morning caused with In surance of Infirmity Ik common to the hu man race but here is no reason why tho race should content with a common Infirmity There has been but one smoker graduated from the Scott Kan School yearn it took him five years to get through Strong drink It is the enemy of all purity and righteousness nothing new Id say Upon the sub ject hut there Is plenty to do seems to put the evil away from us All will acknowledge its baneful fluince upon the life of our nation hut few comparatively seem to real ize their personal obligation toward thin momentous question A blind musician has for ten or twelve years partly supported his family by going from seaside resorts to mountain hotels during the sum mer giving concerts and taking up collections He says that never throughout these seasons wander ing minstrelsy has he met with the least or dishonesty No one has dropped a counterfeit bank note or coin into his hat The fact is thafHndness appeals to the bet ter nature of men and women just as a childs loneliness and sorrow ap peals to a mothers heart Head for instance this incident published in the New York Tribune A pale little lad in a westbound train glanced Wistfully toward a scat where a mother and her merry child ren were eating lunch The tears gathered in bis eyes though he tried to keep them back A passenger came and stood beside him Whats the matter asked Have you no lunch Yes I have a little left and Im not so awful hungry What is it then Tell me per haps I can help you Its its so lonely and theres such a lot of them over there and and theyve got their mother young men glanced at the black band on boys hat Ah he said and you have lost yours Yes and Im going to my uncle but I never aeen him A kind lady doctors wife who put tip my lunch hung this card to my neck She told tile to show it to the ladies on car and they would be kind to me I didnt to any one yet Yon may read if you like The young man raised the card and road the name and address of the boy Were the words And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple verily I say unto you he snail In no wise lose his reward The reader brushed his hand across his eyes and wan silent for a moment Then Til tome back very bo said and made his way to the moth er and her children And presently little George felt a pair of loving arms about him a womans voice halfsobbing calling him poor dear little fellow bogging him to come with her to her children And for the rest of that journey at moUierless George had no lack of AS WHY YOU SHOULD USE j ro Because It Is full weight Yon get a full pound of tea inside the package The le wrapping is not included in the weight is weighed by automatic electric machines- machines that never make mistakes clerks sometimes do and the tea is poured into the packages after being weighed Put a pound package of Red Rose Tea on a scale and it will weigh to ounces according to the thick ness of the lead wrapper or the tea poured out will weigh ounces Everything about Red Rose Tea is always full measure weight quality purity and cleanliness and your satisfaction will be full and complete when you use it ESTABROOKS St John BRANCHES TORONTO WINNIPEG Not Entirely rice When you are ready to place your order for your SPRING SUIT dont let the price be the only considera tion QUALITY MEANS MORE TODAY than ever before As wo j have always held our reputation in fair dealings good workmanship and styles we intend to keep it by still icarrying the largest and best line of Woollens that are on the market this present season INSPECTION INVITED to con vince you of the that we are ablo to compete with all competitors in Price Workmanship and Quality tk0 THE SPECIALISTS OF AMERICA and weaknesses men an open book have been curing them for years Wo have our lives to It and thousand upon thousands of men restored to Vitality lIay monuments to the skill knowledge and success of Wo never hold out false hopes wo never undertake a caco wo cannot cure We have made so thorough a study of all the diseases of men of Varicocele Blood Poisons Hydrocele Nervous Debility Paralysis Bladder Urinary and Kidney Diseases General Weakness Loss of Vitality have cured fio many thouranIs of cases that If there Is a cure for you find It here When wo a case Is no such thing as failure We charge nothing for consultation and our knowledge skill and experience ore at your service Wo will explain to you How and Why We Can Cure You why tho diseases of men requlro the knowledge and skill of Master Specialists Wo do not require to experiment with your caso wo know from experience in treating thousands of cases exactly what to prescribe for your symptoms Dont bo If you have treated without success wilh Quacks Fakirs noils Tree Trials etc You must get cured and Doctors alone can cure you Our New Method System of treatment has stood test for yew why should It fan In your Should your care prove you need not a dollar We refer you to any In to our financial standing If you cannot call p Clack for Homo Treatment Consultation Free cent All Over the World will find famous because of their good works People of all classes and nations over fifty years kept their Livers right and Digestion using TZVJZ By an explosion on a British marine boat while the gasoline tanks wore being charged four men were killed and fourteen injured On girl was killed and fortytour other Injured by an accident to a suburban train on Eric Rail way near N J on Mon day Sold Everywhere Doles cent CASTOR I A Infant and Kind You Have Always Bought Boars of THE CAUSE OF PILES Is Invariably constipation which Is quickly remedied by Or Hamiltons of Mandrake and Butternut Sure relief and no griping pains For a remedy that never fails use Dr Hamiltons Pills Price