VV the era Dp H DENTIST St Newmarket Dp S NEWMARKET DENTIST mil Albert Block on 2nd aid th Tuesday of each month Coal Coal LI Wow Is the time to put in your We axe also paying the high est price for- all kinds of gram MANAGER Are beginning to arrive SHIELDS Mount Albert Jersey Grades for Sale Heifer from month to rears old have been bred also Cows For further apply to STOKES Mount Albert timber Lot for Sale The West of East of Lot Scott which is a large of hardwood hemlock ce- and tamarack For terms and particulars apply to DAVIDSON Mount Albert PERSONAL Mrs David of rt match has been a few days with her Parents Mr and Mrs- ranged for Friday evening the BALDWIN BREEZES They say thero is a spot on the of such immensity as to be team from Newmarket will bio by the naked eye even though we way and this jar som ninety odd millions of miles promises to bo the best Miss who has been on 1 game cf distant Probably this to some recovery Miss Forrest leaves this week for Toronto to undergo an operation to J a I day was exceedingly interesting andT Mr of encouraging to workers but what will bo our situation by asin of March Our north and sooth owing probably to bad Her has reamed and short notice The next where she has been spend- few days at the heme I Mrs J I Program for the Guild was tent is accountable for the unusual of February Un less a intervenes which is pro lines are almost by drifts- The snow on the level will average about two feel with a of snow and ice heavily impregnated with water Siipposin SUTTON have a fev to clear out J H NOTICE Lehman Boot and Shoe Maker feu moved into the shop recently oe- by J Hunter where a full the best shoe Pol and Dubbin that is made made to order Repairing a Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY A A sociar was held at the home of Mr Thomas Watts on Friday A very enjoyable time was spent although some difficulty was J experienced in getting there owing to badly drifted roads March 1st Obligation to Evangelize a sudden thaw comes make the WorldMatt j should be thankful we do not LeaderMr Ross lv in Missionary Evening of peace instead Oppression is sure eventually to drive men to rebellion and the Oppressor is liable to meet an avenging spirit The is al most certain to meet one Perhaps Russia may rise from her struggle purified and better than 7 WHEN YOU HAVE A COLD The first action when you have a A sleighload of our boys and shoM took in Zephyr skating rink is best accomplished by the for freedom Cough Remedy heretofore- Let us- hope so WO understand f fjfj This Remedy liquefies the tough favorite song of nine is The Geo il0m The first line- J heres a land that is fairer- Owing to scar ty water the the day when to earthly climes woollen mills been unable to comp ift P- Total HEAD OFFICE CANADA MONTaEftL or Andrew Chairman Went J Deputy Cbalr- Samuel Cloue- Alex- Accepted Current DA CSMITH Ageot Mt Albert Chief Aifent for Try Our Own Emulsion of Wild Liver Oil with Cherry Bark run the greater part of the last month Mr Barrett has had the in side of his house painted and grained Mr Ira Graham of Uxhridge did the work and made a firstclass job who arc inclined to criticise our present Government shouJd con sider the state of affairs in Russia and eel thankful Dont forget this branch when you need nicely printed butter paper News is scarce again this week but it Is all for the best Everything is going on all right although there is nothing doing There was an excellent turnout at the Meeting on Sunday evening last considering the had state of the Mr Cole gave an unusual ly interesting address on the topic Next Sunday evening the topic is to Ix by Bio and sister Mrs Sub ject Home Missions is very suggestive This blustery lows This Remedy will cure a winter weather the mind of the in- j Government and was loud and iuces- cold in less time than any other valid is apt to wander to the his call to ministers of the treatment and it leaves the system in Islands the balmy islands to denounce it but natural healthy condition It the Pacific Ocean or some failed to make the same call land of whose beauties travellers j the suppression of the reeking cause have told And by faith we can that is responsible for the greater Mrs John of sister of Mrs P passed away on Tuesday aud was followed- to her last resting place in Briar Hill Cemetery by a large number of sorrowing friends The train was late on Tuesday of last week being stopped by a a few miles down track they whistled for ass- si stance The met Thursday week heme of Mrs McKay The were all pleased to meet their former president Mrs who was at the meeting and who with Mr had ar rived- the previous evening The Presbyterian Choir was enter- last Friday evening by Mrs Morrison Miss Pringle left here on Friday morning for a weeks visit in Toronto She will have the of taking in Mendelssohn Concert- on Saturday evening Mrs is on sick list Mr Jos was home over Sunday tr J P Whitney assumed an air of holy indignation against the al leged political corruption ihevRcss An unusually Fine Display of Goods useful as well as ornamental EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE SUMMERFELDTS HARDWA ft MOUNT ALBERT counteracts any tendency towards pneumonia For sale by Lloyd Tho slavery of the rum power is a greater tyrant to depose than sce-it- afar But it requires an When Its Furniture abundance of wealth to visit those faraway clinics so the majority of us are not permitted to see thorn by the literal eye However it is pos sible for all to sed the land evi dently meant by the composer of song part of it hut then he sets the pace by indulging in a Scotch himself It would be a case of nursing the cause and denouncing or punishing the result Geo took the Pres byterian- services last Sunday as the one who was expected failed to I Our citizens are doing but little here it is supposed on account these days to make news merely of being snowbound An Excellent Remedy Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble We keep the leading of Properly fit and guar antee them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT It had better be bought here We think thats good advice Bigger display here than at some places more variety more chance that you will get the precise something you are looking for Then What we show you is stylish strongly constructed and we can prove to anyone There was a good turnout at the in ten minutes that buying MOUNT ALBERT Our of Division on Tuesday evening The Division is growing in interest at Mrs and daughter are away on a vinit to her daughter who lives some distance from here Win P of Division was appointed a delegate to the Prohibition Convention at Toronto this week He intends going Another old respected resident Mr Robert Cattle parsed away Friday aged His two sons Rob ert and of Toronto attended the funeral which place on Bun- day afternoon The funeral was large ly attended considering the bad state of roads Mr has been confined to the house for a few days owing to severe attack ofla grippe and bron chitis here makes it a good deal eas ier for the family purse THEAKER Wall Papers and Carpets Are In for It will pay you to Aoying elsewhere ROSS BROS Mount Albert Planing Sawing Mills Doors Sash and all kinds of Dressed Lumber hand I it- T ALBERT DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green Bought In bulk and pat up lu by Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot alto carry a full lint of among o- Core Fatally Re- day or T LLOYD and fe mild weather week was juite a treat but it teems to have been a of bar as wo hear of rnani complaining We hear that Miller is still on tho We regret to learn of the death of Mr Frank of Toronto former ly a resident of Pine Orchard Mrs Henry has return ed home Cane has returned to her homo in after making a visit with friends Mary Miller to Newmar ket on Saturday te upend a few days with friend before returning toher home in the Junction Mr has len line their old home in Barrio ird vhitod city on Percy Van fiunday in Newmarket- Mlw ik upending a time in Newmarket with her ftUter Mm K What wrong with the Chummy pretty near had a runaway I his week Fortunately ho caught team went We understand that Mr May Hold a week foe a trifle over had wood on afternoon and giving an to the on Friday night for their If a at heart vtrUM It in his man ia no ho material for your house ready this winter and save money Lumber and Shingles CUT CHEAPER THAN ANY PLACE NORTH OF TORONTO P WOODCOCK trying to keep comfortable and for spring Winters been cold Ice on Emer ald Lake is eighteen- inches solid crystal Lines appropriate to the occasion suggested by the romantic courtship of a jolly bachelor and his maiden love We strolled into the garden and un derneath the trees sat the lovers seat- to read a Baldwin He swore ho loved me truly which caused an awful sigh And when he begged to name the day these words did reply Spoken Now if you mean business ami want to marry Im your huckle berry every time hut not before pa Our local fisherman Nelson has keen having grand luck white fishing this winter I wasnt watching to lice how sorry hed look when a trout or lunge skipped by Those who fear not the law are reck lessly spearing so rumor One trot is worth twenty white fish Mrs John Gum Swamp is just rallying from a six- weeks encounter with la grippe If goes for her every winter Mr brother from Scotland rive I last fall and is spending the winter with them lie doesnt like Canadian- winter It is nigh onto fifty years since Mr and Mrs came to Canada A visit from their relatives in Scotland is appreciated A person of a robust hardy consti tution can defy yes even enjoy rigors of a real oldfashioned Cana dian winter hut if one by oft la grippe pneumonia quinsy catarrh and other diseases of the res piratory organs are sure get in their evil work I hoar mere com plaints this than In previous winters Most if not every one a victim and many longings for balmy spring are heard The Owl has fell tough at limes hut so tar has survived Yates is filling the mill yard with logs so you may obtain lumber next season safe enough The Carnival at the rink last Wed nesday week was well attended Mr Millard and Miss Vera were among the prize winners We are sorry to state that both Mr and Mrs are on the sick- list hut believe they are on the mend Overcoatings In the Newest Designs Just arrived FIT GUARANTEED at GEO HAIGH SON Merchant Tailors and MOUNT ALBERT COOK SUNSHINE QUEEN HEATER AND GOOD CHEER HOT All for burning COAL OH WOOD J ROWLAND Mount Albert A Newmarket be In Mount Al bert at Town Hall very Wednes day afternoon and evening to receive In Voice Culture Vio lin and prepared for exam 1 CHAMBERLAINS STOMACH AND LIVER TABLETS UNEQUALL ED FOR CONSTIPATION Mr A a prominent drug gist of Baxter Springs Kansas says Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets arc In my Judgment the most superior preparation any thing In for constipation They arc sure In action and with no tendency to nausea to or gripe For Bale by Lloyd Woodstock Feb I7 A serious fire broke cut in Norwich tills morning at It started In the second ofllulctfi clothing Ing dim to tlic explosion of a lamp It soon spread to third awl then over to Hat tys hardware store The brigade arrive promptly and got Are under control in hi than an less Is between Boneless Cod Fish regular lb for Kippered Herring regular can for Imported French Sardines regular can for Fancy Santa Clara Prunes bright fresh fruit regular 8c lb for Fancy Santa Clara Prunes extra choice large fruit regular for Fancy Santa Clara Prunes largest and finest imported for 10c Santa Clara Prunes arc known to be the finest grown in California and Cousins Scotch Cured Finnan very highest grade lb Clarks Domestic Sardines very fish special can Our beautiful clear Golden Drop Table Syrup Is put up specially In and tins Finest Salmon special can Evaporated Peaches regular lb for Mine Meat enough for pies special Canned Plums regular caa for Canned Peaches regular loo can for Canned Pineapples regular 25c can for Canned Pears regular can for Apitezo a dainty Biscuit Food used with milk or cream cures Indiges tion and puts color In your checks box Wheat regular for Force regular at 2 for Vim We also have Oate Quaker Oats Orange Meat Swiss Food Llle Chips Grape Nuts Polled Com Meal to lbs Com Meal for 26c lbs finest Tapioca for Canned Pumpkin regular can for A full line of Fancy Biscuit on hand bunches Cotton Batting regular yard for pieces regular yard for 10 pieces regular and yard for Print fair good width special yard Print full yard wide regular yard for pieces Black and Colored Sateens regular yard for pairs Grey Wool Blankets regular clearing at pair White Wool even weave soft lofty finish regular pair for pieces Torchon Lace good width and new goods yard Ladies Taffota Silk swell now goods each for pieces Fancy Vesting came In too late for regular 25c yard for pieces White Lawn regular yard for Mens Heavy Pants at all prices from up Mens Heavy Vests regular each for Mens Mitts Sox c on hand tho celebrated Birds Mackinaw Cloth ate buyers of Butter Eggs Honey Lard Beans Potatoes Spy and Johnstons Cash SUTTON 9 O ft i