Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Feb 1905, p. 2

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advertisements v Commence about March at Hughes Wanted at Once A good general Servant Apply to James Eagle St House for Apply to Mrs John Hunter St Farm for Sale or to Rent acres being lot 2d in 3rd Con of King Good wheat farm Fall plowing acres of wheat ground LLOYD I Card of Thanks undersigned desires to convey her sincere thanks to the many kind lends who extended assistance and on the occasion of the fun eral of her mother Mrs George MRS JOHN- HENRY Property for Sale Desirable sixroomed Brick Resi dence Kitccen and Good well and cistern and about onehalf acre of ground Situated south side Queen St East first house west of track Apply to A T Sharon or Newmarket JA Mortgage Sale by of VALUABLE FARM Autonomy Another progressive step in th a na tional history of this Dominion was taken in the Federal Parliament on Tuesday last when Sir measures giving to tho North West Territories the status or two Provinces to be hereafter known as Alberta and Saskatchewan and forming part of the Dominion of Can ada E30HAL points Miss Lottio is visiting in the city Mr Willis of Toronto was home over Sunday Mir Alex Millard of Toronto was in Town on Wednesday Mr Harold of Toronto was home over Sunday I Mrs Held of Bradford is visiting Roughly Alberta will comprise toe present Territory of or few weeks and of Athabasca and Mr Grice of Woodstock was Saskatchewan will embrace Assiniboia Saskatchewan and the remaining half the guest of Mrs Cook over Sunday is visiting her sod v- 1- Arthur in New of Athabasca We learn from that Mr and Mrs Aubrey Davis gave Premiers observations that these two euchre on Tuesday even an area of j Miss Oliver and her mother axe visiting in city for a couple of and intend going to Almonte for the remainder of the winter to visit Mr Ed Oliver A On account of the illness Ohan- oeilor Boyd the Marie election case at Hail last Saturday was adjourned- till March fa From a statement by Sir Wilfrid in Parliament on Monday it moire than apparent that A KC is to become a member of the Dominion Cabinet THE CASH BUYERS AND SELLERS Newmarket Barriri square miles and still leaves a terri- J Huges Town Clerk nt been appointed a Justice of the to the north of about the Edmonton has been The Reform Club of Montreal will banquet Sir William Post masterGeneral and for North on tho of March Large preparations are being made for the selected as the Provincial capital of Miss Maud Wallace of Lindsay is the guest of Mrs Manning for Alberta and to enjoy like a week distinction for Saskatchewan present estimate of population in each Province is given at We Premiers speech that Manitoba request for westward is not to be granted but a conference will be called between Ontario Quebec and Manitoba and the new Provinces now being created sometime during the present year to discuss the of the boundaries of the three pleurisy Rev A Miller of Victoria Uni versity spent over Sunday with his mother Mr Ca verb ill of Toronto was the guest of Mr Aubrey Davis over Sunday Mr Bruce manager of the Sovereign Bank was in Ottawa over Sunday Rev J attended the convention in Toronto yesterday Mr A Thompson is getting around again after a sever attack former Provinces northward to Hud sons Bay The public of the new Pro vinces will continue to remain under Dominion control compensation amounting to to be given j Mrs Cyrus therefor to be increased as the on Tuesday owing grow The financial terms illness of her show that very generous treatment Mr Andrews of Aurora has taken a position at the Spe cialty Works Miss milliard has gone to the city to assist her uncle Mr Alex Millard went to the to the serious It is rumored that Mr Samuel science master in Lon don Collegiate Institute has received a letter from Hon Nelson Monteith formally ratifying his appointment by the late Government- to the faculty of the Agricultural College An exchange remarks that since defeat of the Ross Government many people are wondering whether the ex- Premier and his Cabinet arc entitled to the prefix Hon to tiheir names In point of fact no exminister is entitled to the prefix of Honorable but it has been accepted that once the prefix is placed to a mans name it amounts to a life honor Usage has the distinction as a matter of courtesy An giving effect to the arrangement between the Ca nadian and British Government au thorities was passed on Saturday The Canadian Imperialists appear to have got on top and the arrangement will cost this Dominion about payment to each Pro- young host at a enjoyable pretty dear lor sentiment per year will at first amount to day party at last week On the day March at oclock a in the Town of Newmarket in the County of York there will be sold The Harold Farm being the west part of Lot Concession Town ship of containing one hundred and fifteen acres d toan of less Terms easy further 7 brcthcr Mr Pratt annually and this is tut the Master Cameron Allan was the I thin edge of the wedge It is paying 1320375 to lie increased by ou a eliding scale as population and land value increase less Terms easy particulars see posters or apply to Vendors Solicitors J accompanied Miss on her return home to for a couple of weeks visit Mr Ed who Pa Under the after the 1st of July next this Dominion will assume the cost of maintenance and full the important defence works which the Mother Country has erected at Halifax and Ksquimalt- as a basis for I her North Atlantic and North Pacific It has been our good cure many novelties in Goods from some of the fortune to Spring Dress leading Dress Or to FRANK DUNCAN Auctioneer For Sale- Several Houses and choice Building hats in Newmarket Also about 2000 Cedar Posts and Quantity of Hails on Jot Bast J A CODY Newmarket Some considerable portion of the Ed who is fitting exposition and justification of J iic j himself at Owen Sound spent over to He commented Ion this fact that epjJ here wS ate schools been authored by JJ g a to London Mackenzie in and confirmed that had no right to take away what had been granted to the of Territories but lhc has secured a situation at the Canadas expenditure for defence pur- countrys an- custom and practice since am a good J poses will bring up the from these and other premise argued Edition to Che Methodist Choir I nUa outlay to about To Rent The fine large carriage house stables good orchard garden three acres of land belonging to the estate of the late Francis Starr Apply to STARR STARR A STARR Executors Imperial Co Represented In Newmarket by MRS JONES PARK AVE tec Call and grt and samples Premium with order Everything the BEST to have forgotten that it would have been equally an to have left the new Province free to deal with this question on their own motion instead of the other parts of Confed eration forcing upon them separate school whether wanted or not For our own part we are among those who do not believe it the proper thing for Federal Parliament to make the maintenance of separate schools a per manent constitutional obligation on the new province The A Act concedes to Legisla tures full control of their educational institutions subject to the right of the Dominion Parliament in a specified to enact remedial legislation Everybody knows what this means and an attempt at remedial legislation the Tory to the wall and gave the reins of power to the Liberal rat Ottawa The Oppo- iion leader accepts Sir Wilfred pro position it is true but all the same wo would much prefer that the edu cational question had been left to the Province interested to deal with and hope ore the bill passes that an alteration may le made in accord ance with this view appear to be in swing of militar ism just now is Hughes mother of Mr- ip who has been very for two months continues very low The Tomb on Feb aged years home on Saturday evening Mrs M over A specialist was here from the city last Saturday hut he gave relatives no encouragement Revs and At Campbell gave addresses at Convention on Wed nesday Mr President of the Co Association and Jackson- wero also in attendance the JMATHEWSON At New Westminster floods Houses of Canada and England For Variety Style of Weaves and Price we do not have to take a backseat from any store in this section We are assured that our values and Styles are correct from the early purchaser This year we bought our Dress Fabrics in dress lengths only No two the same We are showing some very pretty effects in Voiles Lustres Sicili ans Mohairs Fancy Tweeds has always had a rep- for Good Black Dress Goods This year we are more determined to have our Stock of Black Dress Goods ahead of anything shown by our competitors and have added many new lines consisting of Cashmeres Broadcloths Satin Cloths VoilesBlister Cloths Soliela etc have arrived and are quite an innovation to anything we have ever shown Pretty Styles at 250 to 5 each epartment At Glasgow Scotland on Feb Mrs J an Mac Kinnon aunt of Mrs lJdgar Jackson in her year Town on Feb 1905 infant son of Mr W Lyons TORONTO Strictly ail meaU Magnificent catalogue tree Students admitted at nay time J ELLIOTT Is something for pence Or to think over Stratford Beacon credibly through a from Scot land that a who ell8 a of his product Canada having been assess ed for the liquor fund to he in Scotland doing In that amyjnt or more PERFECT CONFIDENCE Where be a of worry in the a child croup there now owing to the ftuoottf of Rem edy la the of Mm I her the at of that remedy a world of confidence In Cough Remedy for I with My child subject to of croup always prompt relif For tale by T Lloyd In the recount of County election for the Judge decided that the oast for Mr Lib eral and Hon Mr ex Speaker of House were a tic On Monday the Returning Officer gave his casting vote in favor of Mr The is giving certain temperance people ovj Rose by joining with the western vezy consider able jolts now The Canadian Royal Templar too too occasion to about the fate of Mr Ross being a lesson to politicians everywhere- and then gave a to Mr Whitney to walk Hamilton Spectator a Conservative of years that Mr Whit ney is Independent of the temperance vote It pat him and that Ontario will be Conserve the temperance people- have ceased to use the Conservative party as a whip to chastise Rom pence Co now have a text to think about An old criminal was what the firat ate that led him to ruin and he first thing that led me to my downfall was Keating an editor out of two years Wlcn I had done that the devil had a me I could not him off latter introducing a topic for discus sion Tribune Mr Brim- son and Mr P Hartley To ronto Junction spent three or four days with Mr John of Newmarket who is ill from an attack of inflammation of the lungs arc pleased to say that Mr is improving nicely Mr John arid family of Man and Rev and Mrs Mo- of visited at Manse on Mr who is a brother of Roy and an old Button boy was on his way borne to tho West where he of putting in hundreds of acres of wheat this npring The of Saturday this to say in sporting column respecting an old Newmarket boy Since last bummer it has been pret ty well understood in circles that Harry Gillespie would not man- age the Tecumsehs another year have been way for Rome time past with a view to se curing Walter Cain handle the Is land Indians and he will in all pro bability accept the offer that been made him Last season ho was with He Is a authority on the fine points of game which he learned In Newmar ket and has always been to the fore front as one of the men who play with as well as with their hands and heels One of the readers of tho at Pickering writes The first death In the history of the College occurred last Thursday at oclock in the person of Lily Hicks of Jamais Her death was caused by pneu monia She was a favorite among all students and teachers and was exceedingly clever being in the III form and only years of age The principal Mr Firth did all in Mb power for comfort On Wed nesday he had a of Pickring with Dr Pow ell one of Torontos best physicians She has a brother and sister at the College who feel the loss keenly The College Mr A has cabled the parents hut as yet has had no reply We all sympathize with Mr and Mrs Firth in this sudden rfeath as they have had much We carry everything that is Good in Groceries We sell Groceries on their meritnot on the strength of their being Cheap Our first consideration is Quality- and this combined with our immense turnover enables us to supply our trade with first goods at a very slight advance over second class goods Our plan of selling on the Small Profit and Quick Return system has increased our Grocery Business It will pay you to Get the Habit of coming to this store for your Grocery needs on Jan Gil bert Lawrence younger son of Gilbert aged and days on Feb Sidney Jackson aged years son of Ell and Brolly Jackson Chicago and nephew of Jackson of TATE At Holland Landing on Feb Ursula wife Mr aged 70 years THE Undertaking You can buy your Cheap For Cash Mount Albert on Feb Nicholas infant on of Mr and Mrs Gorman aged months and days New York on Feb Win brother Mr John of New market Interred at New York At Toronto on Sunday the Feb Charles eldest eon of late Nelson of Newmarket in his year Funeral from Alex Millards under taking rooms 350 Yongo St on Tuesday the at 3 oclock terrrxit in Mount Pleasant Cemetery Newmarket on Feb Joseph aged yearn and months Deceased attended his brothers fun eral In the week preview and caught cold Funeral wan conducted on Monday by J Fallis interment at LUND At the Isolation Hospital Toronto on Feb 20 1005 from diphtheria Frank sou Mr Dan of Whitchurch Deceased formerly kept the old North American Hotel Newmar ket and leaves a wife and one child to mourn their loss At Clinton avenue To ronto on Feb 1905 Mary wife of Martin in her year Inter men t at Aurora Cemetery yes terday afternoon and John Millard and The Cradle In on Feb 20 to Mr and Mrs Arch a daughter LYONS In Town on Feb to Mr and Mrs Lyons a con Spokane Wash on Feb tfce wife of Mr Hiram of a eon grandson of Mr O J Newmarket The flltop the Rest Bradford on St Valentines Day Feb Robert Patterson of to Miss Clara phlno of Lloyd town the Methodist Parsonage Newmarket on Feb 22 by Rev J Mr Marvin ot Holt to Miss Polly daughter of Mr Skinner Pine Orchard I I 1 I I Mil the res den of the parents near on Feb by Rdv If L Partridge Mr Geo Whit church to Miss Mary John ston daughter of Mr Gilbert Johnston At St Johns Church Newmarket on 20 by Rev P Whitney Mr James Harrington of Victoria Harbor formerly of Newmarket to Miss Mary of this Town At Holland Landing on Wednesday the Inst by the Rev Walter of and Keldon brother ol tho bridegroom Mr John Wallace of to Miss Sara Ann McEaohern dkuitcr of Mr and Mrs Peter McEaohern of Holland Landing A J I MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET Order will Prompt AtteoUoe on Feb of England to Miss KatoLuesbyof Newmarket They intend going to England on their wedding tour In MoGULLOCH In loving memory George who died at the Parsonage New market Feb deeply regretted by bis congregation and highly esteemed by the church of tho Bradford of which ho was chairman A The last sermon of deceased was founded on tho text But If we walk In the light as Ho was in light wo have fellowship one another and the blood of Christ Ills Sod cloaneeth us from all Bio let General of John I Chap and verse WELLS RICHARDSON ft Gives the True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies the World Use It LOOK FOR THE TRADE MARK BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES a a Mi to Quinine Seven sold l I months CoreaGrtp felTVroIa This signature a every box

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