Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Feb 1905, p. 8

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yen gratis as ytu healthy tody Dr acia a Kit ia rf ft healthy dad tad We ami eat properly tad di sc at well lo It it a fact any form of may In ft few ft clear skin ft of pimples and buck A woman hi the beauty of her aefa Dr Golden ft nutrition by to fetln digest aaaimilate the nutritious food It the irritability ftnd ftymptomt of lotJi- and thus the person eared from of areata headache etc watch common A tonic made op finely of alcohol the of the Mood and then weaker for resistance Is to certify thai I bare Doctor Colden Medical the ftraadtst the world writes of Weir bad I decided to try year five and now I am dour Say own A number of my fries bo are osier Dr medicine and they it Way blew too your ad wrh Dr Pierce that ft tonic made with alcohol will shrink the red blood corpnscleft make the system for resistance it why he avoided the of any or Medical Discovery Which contain the pure from roots herb without a particle of alcohol Accept aft substitute Medical Time jut food for or debility Biliousness Is cured by the of Dr Pierced pub and Neuralgia Do Their Terrible Work In February Every tortured victim of rheuma tism carefully read letter Mr of The Sovereign Bank of Canada Begin the year in with our an account Savings Bank Deposits of TWENTY and upwards received and Allowed on Dally Balance AND Poor Times a Tear without presentation of Pass Book January April July and October of each year m OAK RIDGES The Oak Ridges Tennyson Club held club supper at the residence of Mr Harry legge on Friday evening last A number of and friends from Toronto Richmond Hill was and Aurora were present cured by Celery Compound ami a enjoyable evening was About since had a A program consisting of attach of grippe followed by sic ami reading was given during rbeumatism for the and was much appreciated prescribed the usual remedies o which helped me at time but did not eliminate the disease Becoming gradually worse I finally became and began using met with a medicines without any benefit painful accident in Then I went to Clifton Springs took Works on Monday afternoon treatment and felt somewhat bet- He was sawing a board with a but after coming back I culax saw and by some means the very much worse and was confined to board caught in saw and bed for a I then went to back wiUi tremendous force struck Preston Springs and really Mr in side breaking but returning home I got tworibs and bruising him internally worse I was then induced to try We are pleased to learn that he is Celery Compound and doing quite as well as can be expect- gained in health and strength up to but it will be some days before the present writing I now walk be will be able to be out from my house to my store a jtance of of a mile daily and to church Sundays Celery Compound has done all Ms for me My friends arc surprised A number of young people of to see roe able to at- attended the skating car- Believing nival here on Tuesday Aii A was held on Thursday ifcr know of the gyeat benefit niit in honor of Lennox M from Paines Celery Compound I cheerfully send this A sleighing party of young people from spent an enjoyable at the rink here on Monday evening Shamrocks played a game of in on Friday night the score being in favor of the home team Brandies in Canada AMP 45 igeats In all Parts of tbe Courteous Treatment Unexcelled Facilities Modern Methods AOCXUNT IS INVITED W Wallace Bruce Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH Albert Branch Slabs Delivered La grippe has once more found its way to and is doing a rush ing business Richard Palmer farmer of King leaves his estate to his sons Freder ick Albert and Richard and daugh ter Clara lie owned a farm in King Township worth and had 60S in live slock and cash totalling Dome of toe young people were at Bolton rink on Saturday night- Mr and Mrs Jack of Man- returned to and in tend residing in these parts Mr Norman White happened with an accident last week The result- was a burnt face arid arm which caused him to suffer much pain but hope he will soon be out again A meeting was held in Sunday School on Wednesday night to select more boots for library Mr and Frank Davis of Kct- were the guests of Mrs Nelson en Sunday A banquet was given here on Wed nesday night in honor of Len nox MPP- PER CORD KINDS ROUGH AND LUMBER Sheeting per lift SHINGLES LATH Ladders Half Prioe COAL Egg Store Hut SOFT COAL SELECTED LUMP The grat not so rwcti to fill the to fill the people The true incentive to a and tippy Mtox be pleasure In the William Medical Examination Free By DR of in or not there fact that the doctor eta ex- the of your either meteU of and to health and who would have all their lock of hair name age to Sayings of Wesley The Northwestern Christian Advo cate has brought together these aph orisms I no time to be in a hurry begins his work in children The best of all Is God is with us I look upon the world as my par ish I dare no more fret than curse or swear buries his workmen but con tinues- his work I save all I can give all I can that is all I have Loyalty to rulers Is with an essential branch of religion It a happy thing if we can learn obedience by the things is plain Cod sees it best for you frequently to walk in a thorny When devoted to my my time my fortune life I did not except my reputation Be punctual Whenever am to go to a place the first thing I do is to ready then what liinn re mains is my own ISieeds Oiling As a preservative of leather oiling the names is a very useful thing Rut there are many ways in which harness Is oiled and not all are good ways following however may lie vouched for to be all right Take the harness to a room where you can unbuckle it and separate parts completely each part well In water to which has been a little potash Scrub- well with a brush until alt and has been removed Work the pieces well under fie hand until they become supple It wont do oil until it becomes Let the parte dry In a place where they will do so slowly When moist oil For thin purpose cod liver oil ft to the best for the purpose Besides if you were to use neats foot the rata and mice art your en emies at while they not touch a harness oiled with cod liver oil a good done of oil to all parts then up to dry When well with a soft rag Then will have a oiled Celery Compound Is Recommended By Druggists And Physicians ft It Is Good to That salt and vinegar mixed will polish brass That a good substitute for liv er oil is either honey or oil or both That a lump of sugar soaked in vinegar is generally considered effica cious in stopping hiccoughs That sulphur sprinkled in your hoot is a preventive and cure for- rheuma tism That lemon juice makes an excel lent gargle hut should not by any means be swallowed That if olive oil is well salted the difficulty of swallowing it pure as a cough medicine is overcome That to wash your hands with an orange instead of soap it will keep them just as clean and make skin white soft and fine That it is a good thing to butter your fingers when stoning raisins as they will not then get sticky TO CURB A COLD DAT Take Laxative Tab- lets AH druggists the if it fails to Groves signature it on box Hint The Maiden I have a fluttering about my heart and I no ap petite doctor Tho doctor Oh youre in love I cant do anything for that You cant doctor Certainly I cant Why doctor youre not married A SERENELY HAPPY MAN Is Mr of North who was cured of muscular rheumatism by the most powerful rheumatic remedy In the world I suffered all manner of pain for years he writes and was the only thing that did me any good I can heartily recommend for all forms of rheuma tism It goes to the very core of the pain and brings lasting relief Let every sufferer from lame back aching joints and swelled limbs use Nervi- Its sure to cure and costs 25c for a large bottle A man cannot have an idea of perfection in another which he was never sensible of in himself Steele f The rcaxn why all men honor love It looks up and not down and not CASTOR I A For Infants and Children Kind You Have Always Bought the filKnituro of The Outlook Is It Dark or Bright The Question Answered from Two Standpoints Rev Dr J Jackson editor of American Issue has written for The Herald an article on the temperance outlook An editorial in the Liquor Trades a leading antMenipcrciiC discusses the same question We reproduce for- the information our re instructive extracts from statements The Temperance The general temperance current sweeps irresistibly onward The hea vens are bright with rainbow promise We men who are down in the thick of the right are the most cheerful and confident of any because we know We who sweep the country from cast to west thou sands miles who talk with thou sands of temperance workers and feel the pulse of the States irong and confident The eagles of Judg ment gathering against tho Amer ican saloon God is stronger than Satan The Gospel is mightier- than gates of hell are getting a twist on the neck of this monster bhe saloon and will wring it before the present generation passes away The Liquor View Both prohibition and local option liber tycuxtailing ideas and plans ate gaining ground with the people es pecially in country towns and villages if present ratio of progress is made during the next twenty ears we shall expect to see if alive the liquor trade confined to the larger cities We cite the narrow shave in Ohio to prove this This will all happen unless the liquor trade wakes up and meets the present tremendous activity of tile antisaloon advocate with a lot of liquor trade educational work The people should be allowed to hear the good solid argument which can be advanced in behalf of the trade and the ultimate terrific results if the saloon is abolished lies and never real men happy and strong athletes Does tobacco stop your growing My boy What a to Cigarette smoking makes the heart weak and fiabby and it is not able to pump enough blood to strengthen to bones and- and make them grow and the blood it does supply- is watery trash You yourself Joe are white as a and as in too never be a man But doc Ill stop smoking cres my and doc I will And he did Exchange V North York County Fair SEPT 20 AND 21 Under the direction the North York Agricultural and Newmar ket Horticultural Societies affiliated OFFICHRS RHD DIRECTORS of the Amalgamated Board President 1st VicePres A Widdifieid 2nd J Proctor Treasurer Jackson Secretary Keith Webb Bert Gardner vs Barroom The contest between moral sen timent of the community that seeks to rcmovo liquor evil and greed that sustains that evil arc to day ranged in lines of battle a different from those of a few years ago It is the same struggle the same forces fight on the opposite sides hut the direction of the cam paign is under slightly different aus pices A few years ago temperance soci eties in Canada were very strong numerically When the Province of Ontario had about half present population it bad an enrolled mem bership of temperance organizations five time as great as it has today The ocicties planned contests and chose representatives to direct them Today the temperance societies numerically weak and some of them are working along now lines Tho development of Young Peoples So cieties in connection church work is largely responsible for change Thc church- too has es poused he temperance cause and is not dhe same need as there used to be for separate temperance organisations The old societies wlUi faith ful membership still doing splen did work but the country looks to day to the Christian churches as leaders in warfare against the drink It is- a battle between church and the barroom This is well The fact makes MM more clear to people thc and work of liquor traffic That traffic is a It undermines opposes and defeats religious enter prise and effort It Is business of church to make war against It is thc business of the church to put down the barroom In days gone by some temperance societies were little more than social gatherings neglected to some extent thc high mission which they organized to carry on Is this true of any churches today attitude and action of any church organization In thc struggle now on Is the answer to- this question as far as that particular church is con cerned El Martin J Smith Bruce A Davis H S Cane D A Coombs A J A Cody A Smith J Ross Geo Trivett Eves R Schmidt EXECUTIVE A J Proctor A Coombs Trivett Fortune Martin Wm Holladay A Smith j PROPERTYG Martin A J Smith FINANCE Ross Bruce A Davis LIGHT Fortune Lundy A Smith HEAVY HORSES- J Proctor A CATTLE SHEEP SWINE Eves Webb J Proctor J A Cody POULTRY J Bert Gardner GRAIN Proctor A ROOTS A FIELD CROPS Webb J A Cody Geo- Trivett FRUIT Fortune Mar tin J VEGETABLESWm J Smith PLANTS Mar tin A Bert Gardner DAIRY WINES c A Smith Ross Wm A Davis LADIES WORK A Coombs Schmidt W Bruce Eves S Cane CHILDRENS A Lundy Cane NAT HISTORY FINE ARTSG Martin A A Coombs MANUFACTURERS EXHIBITS P Schmidt W Cane A Davis RINK Geo Trivett J Cane W Eves The President by virtue his of fice is a member of all committees A frozen heart does not make a at If back Worry is worst wolf that comes to our door Tobacco and From Gordon Stable in a lit tle sketch called The Boy who did and boy who didnt have following helpful information Was I near dead air Pretty nigh- You see youve got a touch tobacco heart said Joe You dont mean for to say as ow cigar ettes can urt a young chap But do mean that my boy And Im not likely to tclJ you a lie or anybody else a grave yard not a hundred miles from hero that need not have been dug had boys fill it kept away from cig arettes No tho smoking did not kill them right away It fust weak ened them and so when they fell ill of orUnary complaints they had wot the strength to get over them But theyre far hotter dead They would have grown up poor weak ARE YOUR KIDNEYS SICK Let your morning urine stand for hows La or vctcel sad then fa milky or cloudy r conUlas a dish brickdust sediment or If eitJ or germs float about In It If kidneys m well filter so blood if they arc or from taut they leave the fat blood and this poison affects the entire It Is natural to urine a but many who healthy are obliged to afar to ten times dally and are obliged to get up frequently during the have sick and and dont know It Pills euro Rheumatism and an Kidney and make new rich blood We will Scud you a generous paid together with our Urge book on the above mentioned Co James Street Montreal Canada Kind You Bought which has in use for over borne the of find has been made his per sonal since its infancy one to deceive yon In this Imitations and are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and Children against Experiment I What is a harmless substitute for Castor Pare goric Drops and Soothing Syrups It Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is Its guarantee It destroys Worms and It cures Diarrhoea Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency- It assimilates the Food the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens PanaceaThe Mothers Friend GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of AMD ALL Of AMD The EM You Have Always Bought Over 30 Years C i lsi A Question of Price When you axe ready to place your lor your SPRING SUIT dont lot the price be toe only considera tion QUALITY MEANS MORE TODAY than ever before have always held our reputation in fair dealings good workmanship and styles we intend to keep it by still carrying the largest arid beat line Woollens that are on the market this present season INSPECTION INVITED to con vince you tie that we axe able to compete all competitors In Price Workmanship and Quality J fflcLADGE NEWMARKET No other dilutee la ao prevalent the nutrition of the It the urine of the errant pains in loin mha of th heart end a combination of thew in L033 MANHOOD you nJ mar COCKLE ihen at and Bind for our Free on TO CURD OR NO PAY meys Bladder jraplalata Srect the are- a PlVeSJS p hin or of the bach tendency AH affect theia or tans Of Have you aching or weakness over of urinate- deposit In urine of hands or Dont kidney to euro any of theia or no pay feet a feeling In NEW TREATMENT er No Names Used Without Written Mich I in and two airlclurea of I operated on twice but only I Of K The la the atrlcturc removed in and my eexual and 0 I wi In recommend you with my whole V7 Before CURES GUARANTEED HO CURE PAY treat a Kid for for Homo alUrTreatmear ind euro Debility and Urinary Consultation io f r DETROIT men VarlcoceU As lo of ettcnen i In Ihc hack

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