CHINA HALL leeks teal The Town Hail engaged or an illustrated Lecture on Monday even ing descriptive of the Red Man in British Columbia and Alaska Exhibition KESWICK On Saturday evening the ins a representative gathering of the La dies Aid and members of the Chris tian Church met at the home of Mr Jesse the object being to make a presentation to Mrs the very efficient organist of the The Outlook for Seed The difficulty of setting sped corn van- letlea during the last two and the expensive lessons by many corn who used seed exhibition of Diamond Fire Extinguisher is to be on the Market Square at one Kcswlck Christian church A beautiful combination of unknown make the sideboard and china closet and also a music cabinet were presented ac companied by the following address Mrs Jesse Connell- Dear Sister The members of the next Saturday afternoon- I Church on behalf of the church ha the most marvel- fa material I o as fully as a l our appreciation of want to Ions control o isioie our appreciation of your pointed agents for th sale of this of God as preparation See ad January 1905 Holiday trade was more than cod with us On locking over our stock we find some few lines ant cold as well we expected If you are open for a come Crt2T Oxidized Hall Lamps Ruby Globe for It would be buying at LINE OF Library La nips too late or trade now can have at SMALL PRICES another line of Lamps to dear out at each Toilet Sets At close prices to reduce stock Dinner Sets At prices to reduce stock Rich Cut Glass Every piece useful and handsome at a trifle over wholesale to re duce our stock The Above Bargains for Days Only After all we are having a pretty steady winter and it is likely to be no easier on the coal bin or wood pile than last winter King Council meets at on Saturday Mr Lehman takes charge of the Union Bible Class in the Presbyter ian Church this evening won hockey match at on Tuesday night to The Chosen Friends had an Oyster Supper at Simpsons refreshment par lor Tuesday evening organist and the responsibility of the singing as well It is ho small amount of labor The effort and anx iety must call for earnest per severing work I am confident I speak the fellings of all hearts when I say We humbly pray God bless you Not only in this glorious work in which you are engaged so successfully but in your home life wo ask Gods richest blessings to be yours to keep you and vour dear ones from further illness to prosper you and yours in all good things in one to make you even a greater blessing to world than you have ever yet been Once you told us if nothing else prompted you in this good work to do it gratuitously it was that Here wo emphasize In your early life you was taught the blessedness of being a worker for Lord giving Him your best a willing service everywhere for Jesus a blessed heritage is such a training What a grand and noble part it ever makes for those who receive it God bless those praying faithful parents who have and are striving to train their children to be faithful to God Once more let mc assure you how fully we appreciate your good work and trusting you may be long spared to labor for the Master and that we may all he united as one in His bless ed service I am yours for Christ On of the Ladies Aid we present you this as a token of our love and gratitude MRS NEIL MORTON Jan Secretary The was read by Mrs Neil Morton secretary of the Ladies Aid to which Mr made a Dept I this line we lead keeping only The Trolley For the past week the Trolley has boon putting up a brave fight to con quer the drifting snowflakes and has succeeded admirably Perhaps Monday was the worst day following Sundays snowstorm The Snow Plow did splendid service but owing to a break on Tuesday morn ing it had to lay up for repairs For two or three days the cars were running very irregular but have got down to business again The car that should arrive here at five oclock on Monday afternoon did not reach here till next morning The late car on Thursday night continues to grow in popular favor On Thursday evening of last week over were in the Newmarket car and there were so many more to come North that a trailer was brought up as far as Richmond Hill There is some talk of running the late car two nights eachweek Webster has asked for a special car to leave at reply Short speeches were then oclock every Monday morning We made by Rev Pennon and others A believe such a car would be well social evening was then spent People In the city could with the family and all felt that visit in the country over Sunday and church ties Were stronger get back again before office hours on by this very pleasant event Monday morning A much greater Tuesday her son interest than usual he beet quality and celling at close is manifest in Newmarket this season pices trade and will give most careful We want your our The Leading Reliable Telephone 5 Mrs Ira Morton left on for a few weeks visit with at North Hay The funeral of the late Mrs lard Mann was largely attended on last despite very bad state of the roads Mrs Mann was one of oldest residents of this over this fascinating winter sport This is probably largely owing to local patches for Mr Silver Township her age years and Shield a unique trophy now on ex- months in the window of Watsons Miss Bessie Terry is expected homo Jewellery Store Thc score now tflis her extended visit Hon of reliable seed fop of more than ordinary Interest A survey of the available of northern grown seed or this important fodder crop Indicates that the difficulties of getting good wtflr Jtei even- greater than during the two years The ties for fodder or ensilage along the northern limit belt In are undoubted of thc Flint type the latitude of Ottawa only few strains of the Dent varieties ficood results for ensllago in the a ernge year Unfortunately for progress in corn raising In Canada our supplies of Bead have been largely from the country to the south and ha yd been of types and varieties that quired a longer season to mature thnn Is afforded in soma of dairy districts where the corn crop Is most needed and most valuable We have a number of very -Rood- men who are making a specialty of growing corn fori the purpose fif along Lake Erie and who lave a quantity of Rood seed for sale this years The Seed Growers Association has taken up in a way matter of creating a supply of refable corn and It may be the future promises for a permanent basis of supply a art icle and of varieties- that are excep tionally well suited for ensilage ana fodder purposes in all of Can corn can be grown success 1 The severe fr art during the part of list autumn rendered bulk of the corn crop useless for the purpose of Heed A belt about a ralW in width along the Northern Shore of Lake Erie was affected only PHghtly and from some sections In this district there Is a supply of very pood reed The cost of the small quantity of seed corn that la required to plant an acre In with Co cost for labour In cultivating and handling and the ultimate value per acre of good crop would to make ifc that the host avail able seed of the satisfactory type and variety should be at any cost It would be much for fanners If they were able to obtain their sup- plies of send corn in the ear then have a fair lea of what they were getting While in the ear he danger of injury to the vitality A the seed from damn its af ter affects Is reduced ton minimum Corn that Is shelled by a machine Mud left In sacks for six weeks or more will seldom germinate niOre than per cent unless condv for have been average vitality corn tested In the Seed iLab- last year were for corn received In the ear poyr cent and for corn 85 Tnr It Is much to be recommended then that wherever possible ob tain their supplies of corn in the ear only To meet the IS NOW- I NEWMARKET Foe to the I WESTONS J TORONTO BREAD Every Day lor seed corn In this condition CO a stands as follows Won Lost To United Factories 2 3 Town Specialty 4 1 The United Factories who are in play Office Specialty on Saturday night and against the Town next week with friends at The Sons of Temperance Division held a vry pleasant social evening at their regular meeting on evening the lit Valentines Day Hall was decorated in keeping with the day They treated them selves to an oyster supper The Di vision is looking up and a special Hill curlers came up fort is being made to secure on Tuesday defeated r- Y U THINK 1 T OVER For you could not find a better or more useful arti- a good Fountain Pen Wo have a complet line PRICES to men came rinks and were points Following were by 10 points fhc lay evening by 16 the skips Newmarket Co 22 Boys Stewart Hogg A Ve warrant every pen ATKINSON CO Boyds now a to all trains Orders by for all pert of the A BOYD match at next The will of Arthur Goodwin has been entered for probate Ho left estate of May niece Archibald Goodwin and William Goodwin cons receive each Elizabeth Good win deceaseds widow receives a life hi the entire property and George Robert Goodwin another son the beneficiary of the resi due which is under The will of Levi Richardson of was entered for probate estate is principally real estate valued at The will of the late William formerly of Newmarket was filed for MicCililmjs AUCTION SALE members A number is to join next Tuesday evening The Division which is in a prosper ous condition at has I ecu invited to pay the Division here a visit on time weeks from Tuesday last The Grand Scribe Mr J Walton of Aurora and the Mr Rogers of Krt- were expected at oyster supper but owing to the had Male of the roads did not come I he Di vision hope to have an from them before the winter is over On Tuesday evening Hi resolution of sympathy with John I I of the Division who has been ill for the past Tew weeks was passed by the Division Moved by Sec onded by Leslie Morton and re solved that wc the Keswick Division of Sons of Temperance In session as sembled desire to express our sym pathy for our esteemed John in his assuring that our and prayer is that he will be restored to his former state health and be able to take his accus tomed place In our gatherings and that the It Scribe pro tern for ward a copy of this resolution to if Of Sheep be Wd at FEB Ye apply to Temple cornpetet to time prorate In th Surrogate this week Is worth fronds of Mr and of W piey to hear that he ban moneys by recovered as to able to book debts a house the and lot on street Newmarket of worth His widow been for a few receives a life annuity from the to nurse his father In bis At her it is to be di- vlded equally fclx rfotifr Vlncxnt William Charles Allan Ty son and Henry all of one Newton of David of Aurora has tfjwfa bit Jarnw and Albert of to wt their fathers will of last The plalntlfl cays that undue Influence was upon tie Inat he not make will at the would do well to adopt this of ftblppintp crate that use1 or this purpose in the states of Illinois Thin crate Ik two feet long foot wide and mm- foot deep and made of half Inch lumber three in width Its capacity one bushel Or ha- tween one and onehundred and twenty bum If tho corn can planted In crnte will hold sufficient Heed for acre While It Ih true there miy lie additional nost for freight on of the weight of the of the crate and tSat extra work required shelling the corn tin become when dif ference In vain between Kto matured corn and of mi- crop Ih SEED ON THE FARM To find out or producing plants neither expert knowledge nor found In every farm home of any lcnd or seed lined ui the farm The and most convenient way to tent wood of corn and cereal and tl root crop and larger table send In to place a number of them nay one hundred between of Molting paper Canton flannel or cloth not them In an ordinary dinner plate and Invert another plate to cover them The seed should be hut wet The temperature of the farm house lltlog room would be but ho me earn should be taken to guard against or cold All irood weed of corn cereal grilun or timothy will at the end of five Very of finer of Borne of the garden and of or be germinated to hotter advantage by thorn In be longing to a flower pot that that In water and Kot on a cloth that bo kept damp or In a pan containing not morn than oneeight of an Inch of water object to keep but not wet If a aaucer be not available a brick will answer purpose a In lp on cancer they on ay tie to light but not to the of nun What windows open with the thermometer at zero exclaimed a friend one cold winter day as she stepped into one of our readers sit ting room through the air from two windows was freshly blow ing You must have an exception ally good furnace she continued keep ours running at full speed this cold weather and yet wis cannot keep Warm But I never think of opening windows be pleased to call for ur order and deliver It promptly Here she gave such a decided shiver your Grocery needs entrusted to our care they are in the hands that I thought it advisable to experienced grocers who will zealously guard your mine before explaining my reason for the cool atmosphere And do you never Cattle and Poultry Spice 00 open your I asked on sweeping days Never except ami then I caution Kate to close them as soon as possible dont wonder that you cannot warm I said You dont mean to say that you open your windows to heat your house she exclaimed That la one of my reasons I re plied smiling at her astonishment Lest she should think had sudden ly taken leave of my senses I hasten ed to explain Do you think that it is impossi ble to heat- dead air I asked Dead air Evidently I was not making things any more intelligible hygiene had not been introduced into her brain It is impossible in cold weather to properly heat a room in which the air lias been allowed to remain after day We are inhaling poi son into our whenever wo breathe tho same air over and oer again Three times a day in cold weather windows all over my house are opened and a draught of air allowed to circulate freely The result has wo seldom have colds rooms heat quickly headaches are unknown and our coal bill I know for a fact to be less than that of any of our neighbors Do you feel cold now I questioned No Indeed I am delightfully warm was reply And yet It Is scarce three Min utes since I closed the windows so you see fresh air heats very quickly My friends face was lull of inter est When she arose to go she I think Ill home anil change the air In my house and then sec It I can heat It A few dayn alter I chanced to meet Mrs Brown on tho street and she said I am so glad found your win dows open When I called on yon en Friday X have profited your ex ample expect to fiave Ion or two Our furnace bourse and alt done to bring about this state Is not ours fresh Just as rich as It should be try half a pound Its Chase anborno and a perfect ground unequalled Our customers declare so Our salee em phatically confirm ft ft Marmalade Oranges Genuine Seville Navels choice stock Fine Lemons 20c Spanish and Domestic Onions HAMS BACON COOKED MEATS AND PORK PIES Pure Maple Syrup and Clover Honey Sec our Display Toilet Soaps Phone 35 HARDY Company decided not accept shipment for prohibition points In has so notified chm the north whole race aid the wound belle which to fumble together In they are never on Knox Presbyterian atSt Wa burned on Sunday about has been to tlib- SCOTCH TWEED SUITS A IDocs world owe every man a living arts an exchange It but- It taken hustlers to collect the debt despatch from Hubbard went to tho Kobe Japan to The Express reports cupboard and rubbered The cup- that the email steamer larc looked moum- with harbor at tho poor dog Then an Idea OeaVa on Sunday and sank and her And she had sausage for rices li 6 I f J- s mine my end prices that are the AND Fit TO I ATKINSON if hi persona were drowned supper