n -J- THE ERA FRIDAY FEB ONTARIO BAST Fell EE8T Held Tecsxto NEWMARKET BRANCH A General TRANSACTED Interest on Deposits AT BroHtaT DRAFTS ISSUED AT ILL American bputbtand Collections attended to- ftfcMBi M J 0 Street o a Security Public etc Money to Loan at Lowest Rates Court BiilUHQV Barristers Ac fl Booth Pott flee Newmarket J Herbert Lennox Aurora be d Court 8oHcitorIfor J Bom Co Banker Bank Aurora to Loan W Barrister Reformer Block J ft Agent for and Hone to at Current Kates At Kate and ft ft Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Town tors Simpson MOJa8t Drurflit and Fancy AUCTIONEER Ahu flltaco Bolton tana and John ft state Broker and Auditor Ina-ranoe- or arobanted for Maa Arcane St ft Bills ftjKMttot a Toronto on all at Bra will raoetre attention hot The chairman the Railway Taxa tion Commission had an interview with Premier Whitney last- week who expressed the wish that the Com mission should go on with the work just as if there had been no change of Government Mr and his colleagues are now preparing he second part their report The Mail and Empire remarks Mr Whitney has not been able to call to his Ministry every man Cabinet rank He bad only one Cabinet to form Why not extend the without portfolio list and ought to have Hon while the call was being made to say the least Guess he got tired A few days before the resignation of the Ross Government follow ing appointments were made Robert English to the position of chief turnkey of the Toronto Jail to suc ceed his late Win McLeod of to be Sheriff of to succeed the late Charles Geo Bush to be jailor of Lincoln Co jail and Matthew Martin to jailor at Chatham In view of the changes made by the new Assessment Act the County Council of Waterloo have arranged for a conference of the assessors the various local municipalities of the County It is intended to go through the Act and With the guid ance of the County Solicitor endea vor to reach uniform action in the work of assessing The meeting takes place at notice the City Council of Ot tawa is making an effort to have the entire city and a certain area of the surrounding country to be conducted and governed on similar lines to the District of Columbia in the States Ottawa would like the country to run her municipal government and the privilege of spending the peoples money in the region known in bygone days as The respective members of the new Government began their work- on Thursday of last week proceeded to his departmental and took over formally its adminis tration It is understood the Leg islature will be assembled for busi ness in four or five weeks the new ministers meanwhile will endeavor to make themselves sufficiently familiar with the details of their several he- part merits as to be able to appear in the House with an intimate knowl edge respecting the same The Election Court has voided the Federal election in South The Judges held that the blunder of the Deputy Returning Officer by numbering the ballots prevented a majority from electing the candidate whom preferred Had it not been for this error Mr the Liberal nominee would have been returuyl Following precedents no costs were given A new election will now be ordered and Liberals have no of the return of their candidate laiu4f MARRIAGE LICENSES At th Baa ufliB at If The Dominion Government is mak ing provision for the erection of a fireproof building in Ottawa which is to serve for the storage of valu able public documents Writs for byeelections in constitu encies made vacant by members cf the Government accepting office Kate been issued Nominations take place on the and of contest polling on the of this month A press despatch Otitawa states that Mr Lancasters proposed amendment to the Railway Act re garding the protection of railway level crossings in cities- towns Mid villages was made for the first or der of the Committee tomorrow Saturday The Telegram facetiously remarks that for the first time in years the Hamilton Spectator rises to pro pose the Health of the Ontario Gov ernment Yes and to think that James Hughes should live to see the day that he is General Under Minister of Education In legal circles it seems to he a general impression that on his turn from the South Hon J Gibson KC will be gazetted thief Justice of the Exchequer Court Soon after the Legislature created this new division the name of the AttorneyGeneral was connected therewith For Era palming as a Business Premier Whitney denies the story given out by the World that the Government purposed to provide a salary for the Opposition leader equal to that a Minister The matter had not been brought to his attention or by him Mr Whitney also punctured the report that Ike Government ha1 already de cided to add two storeys to Leg islative buildings He aid it was all news to him The junior vat organ must- gel more defi nite information before sending out such yarns When the case of the four Christian Scientists who changed with manslaughter was called in the Po lice Court Toronto the other day it will go to the aid the Magistrate This will likely a case During Mrs Stewarts examination in reply to the County Crown Attorney respecting the given to the sick she replied The treatment is the law of God applied to individual consciousness for which a charge of is made for oath visit The Magistrate In the case to the Assizes It seems pitiful that people should die like this for want of proper care The prisoners were bailed at IK00 Hon Mr Whitney intimated to press reporters last week that a De partment of mines is to be created and it is expected that this will he one of the early acts of new Ad ministration The head of this de partment is still one of conjecture but Government organs hint that it will likely be cither Smyth PP of or Mr Conservative party organizer for On tario The criminal population of Canada now confined in the seven Federal penal institutions of the Dominion number about MOO and as a writer in the Mail observes This class con stitutes a problem not for the and the judge but for the reformer and the sociologist and to this matter Hon Mr re cently made some interesting refer ences lie also paid a high com- to Archibald of the Salvation Army for his indefatigable work in connection with the parole system No doubt the great pro blem of dealing with discharged con- victs is of paramount importance and while the parole system is an innovation it is apparently working out satisfactorily Of course it needs to be administered With the utmost discrimination and caution else it would render our courts to some extent abortive and prove a menace to society The public have this guarantee however so far as Canada is concernedi that before it is granted the convicting judge or magistrate and the warden of the penitentiary are asked for a report Then Archibalds opinion is taken before the Minister Justice orders a on parole Should persons thus paroled take unfair advantage their opportunities they are punished all the moro severely as a warning to others Under an indeterminate sentence the prisoner is confined just as long as the interests of society seem to demand protection from him this may mean months and it may mean years or for in Sight Marie Mich Feb There is great excitement in the gold district over the find ing of ore running J to the ton Machinery has been running a few days with great results It is claim ed there is worth of ore in without going below the present level A rush of pros pectors is expected in the spring Toronto Star is shooting at the Art you teg Wo are ail hungry But ail for work tea my kit a but to you to you i to kit are or in the having his own fun politicians now in the ascendant in Ontario For Instance the for North Toronto to bo Mated for a Cabinet teat but got left to this fact the man with a dental supply company the for North Toronto afford to a few teeth he want to Then paying his com pliments to Vcot York he observes However there no thing to tayaalnM vivlom Premier Whitrifey In Mr St John as the only of fice would keep Mr St voke The dark in the Cabinet prov ed to be doctor folios out A In the new Cabi net are held by lawyers and this an agricultural pronce Hamil ton and will with delight that they will not for home time tlxat their are not real Cabinet Ministers must get your liver stomach and bowels right Beechams Pills act like a charm in setting you right The appetite of youth comes with all its old relish after using Nat ural sleep- is a short course remedy Host We are moving out of the old con ditions said Prof On tarios DeputyMinister of Agricul ture at the Maritime Winter Fair When our settlers first came to Can ada they faced the primeval forest during all the clearing period the old agriculture held With a new generation conditions began change live stock came large barns were built butter and cheese began to be made and we gradually changed all our methods building the exhibits it contains are proof that we are trying to up with the demands of the times and to compete with other countries by following the New Agri culture Toe Agriculture must con ducted upon business principles In old times it did not seem neces sary to pursue these business meth ods in fact with the surroundings then existent there was no chance to so In our towns and cities the merchant and the manufacturer has also had to change his methods of business The farmer is just as the man in town who makes boots cloths and hardware The manufac turer in town finds it necessary to the kind of goods that the con sumer demands It is also one of conditions today that the farm er should produce what his consum ers want We must Consider what district is best capable of pro ducing and work along that line Grow the craps arid keep the live stock that thrive best where we live The manufacturer must economically Our best saw mills jit instance arc now run with practical ly no waste material even the dust is used One of the best ex amples of economical manufacturing is seen in the great stock yards of Chicago where absolutely every part of an animal is into a matt- product So the farmer must endeavor to convert to a pro fitable use all his products Ho should see to it that there is no land under weeds under fences or in careless cultivation Tho farm er has perhaps in his- operations greater problems to meet than any other manufacturer if he would avoid unnecessary waste The Agriculture must be con ducted upon scientific principles should not today he any ob jection to book farming for the in telligent man can from agricultural paper and books get the valuable experience of other men who have done the work he is trying to do Our people are wisely beginning to lay aside their prejudice against books and to try- to get the best in- J formation from every available source Scientific men have been and are studying and finding out truths about plant growth the con- our soils the breeding feeding of animals the growing of fruit etc and it will pay to J learn what these men have found out The farm work the future will be a great deal more enjoyable In Ontario the fanners arc very seldom referred to as old The intelligent man who watches closely all the results of his work is inter ested and takes a pleasure in it The world has lately found out that the farmer can be benefitted by an education applicable to his business A few years ao in Ontario we first found out that Ihc farmer had a wile and we are doing can for the betterment of the woman on the farm In the past has had a hard life her work has been practically- unending and she has not had the benefit of laborsaving de vices to the extent as her hus band We are trying relieve the farmers vif of all the drudgery pos sible by our system of womens in stitutes and domestic science teach We have also found out that there arc children on farm and wo are inaugurating a movement to try to provide the right of edu cation for these children The home is where our agriculture starts and is nurtured The refor mation of the agricultural home is the start after alt of our New Agri culture a farmer with an inclination to knowledge wife who how to make the best of her opportunities and children gel- ting a rational education awl I care not how poor that farm is it will succeed With these conditions we shall hear no more hay- sec but- we see the farmer walking the streets of our towns as well dressed as anyone and respect ed as one of the best citizens of Can ada A of Ag Ottawa 46 a Sharon Feb 3 Meeting of Council held this All members present hut VTS5i THE LEADING day Reeve Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Communications received Reeve re absence on account of illness in family D Draper re gravel account Canadian Canals Corporation County Clerk re control of speed of automobiles by Municipal Coun cils and Bel Telephone Co re assessments Auditors- report received and final ly audited and allowed and ordered to be published in usual form Bylaw re commutation statute labor deferred to next meeting of Council Messrs Walter Eves T and Cane were heard before the Council in support of the propos ed extension of the Trent Valley Canal System and the following motions were adopted by Council fa vorable to said proposal viz 1st That in the opinion this Council the interests of Country would be greatly served by the deep ening of the East Branch of the Hol land River via Holland Landing Newmarket and Aurora the West Branch of the said river via Brad ford and the Township of King and of the Black River via Sutton West with such improvements thereon as will render said streams available as commercial highways 2nd That the five members of the Council and Walter Eves he appoint ed a deputation to upon the Dominion Government at in support of said project arid that the necessary expenses attendant thereon be paid by the upon the order of Reeve In re of control of speed of automo biles on the highway the Council by motion approved of the regulations Delating thereto remaining vested in the Local Legislature thus securing uniformity of law governing the same On motion the Clerk was instruct ed to communicate with the repre sentatives of the Metropolitan Kail- way with a view if possible of ef fecting a variation in the route of the proposed extension so as to lo cate same on or near the Con Line re lots and of Con Council adjourned to meet at Sha ron on Friday March 3rd at a AGENTS FOR The Diamond Dry Powder Take cold easily Throat- lender Lungs weak Any relatives have consumption Then a cough means a Cherry deal you Follow your doctors- advice and take Aycrs Cherry Pectoral It heala strengthens prevents for MpWM at coQabft tar know a A- All for Weak Lungs Bio a Pill Ivor cranio and thuo aid coo very use You will find vigor- and life which adds zest to both work and play Using Pills YcfaM feel iike a new person a breath aid a Todhjojdifetake Mono Good Throe Townships in Have a Large Amount of Good Agricultural Soil Reports on the Government of the Townships of Stock Taylor ami been received at Surveys Department Mr A Code of is a low- lying township heavily wooded hut if It were drained the land would he excellent tor agricultural purposes There in no In whole Taylor has a lino coot of which suitable for fann ing drainage the whole could he utilized Eighty per cent of clay will make ftno land Black wide and deep inns thin MADE IN TORONTO In od CATARRH OP HEAD la very common hut very danger- because it causes and leads to consumption Cure Is as certain to follow tho use of Catarrh- ozone day Is to follow You simply breathe the fragrant healing which spreads through the nasal throat and Juries driving out every vestige ot Catarrh I was cured chronic catarrh of the nose and throat writes M Wilkinson of alter many years ol misery by which is a splendid remedy to free the air passages from mucous relieved quick and my cure has been permanent Trice for two months treat ment trial size We Shall Give a PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATION ON THE Market Square Newmarket Saturday 18th 1905 At One p To Show the Value of the Diamond Guaranteed Permanent by Canadas Best Chemist Invaluable to Farmers and every Householder J A ALLAN Op NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE 0 to Winter Goods Must Go r ESTABLISHED Reliable Watches at Reasonable Prices Every Watch Warranted for one year PEG IAL TIS Watches and Clocks Properly and Promptly If you have any old Gold let make it over into ring or something useful Eyesight Toetid and Spectacles Carefully Fitted T and Graduate Optician Desirable Residence AN ORDINARY PILL la liable to cause but Or Hamiltons Pills drake and Butternut never or any pain The mildest and pure lor headache and Use only Dr Hamiltons Pills Price Vet TV to Will fco fcold M M ftUZLDZtta LOTS fttU or seed fee MRS NEWMARKET Kiro destroyed a wing of St Lau rent College Montreal Loss u 3 nil and Head Stones Allan BUTTON A bird on on a plate a bonnet is WHAT IS DYSPEPSIA Qualms lor yet dreading to eat You may bar the real thing but cure like it did who says I was frequent ly attacked such sift that I thought It was heart ease I lief I kept on using am cured My digestion was it perfect order and I dan eat toing Nothing Is as as Ferrozone for dyspepsia and with weak stomachs at druggists FOB SALE The convenient comfortable Brick clad Dwelling occupied by the under 80 J A