r J Mi the Children all they want Perfection Cream Aodaa the ones should have for midday luncheon and per surprising how and nourishing rii2fts I crackers Adcyour grocer for Perfection Cream Sodas in lha moist ureproof packages thai keep them so rciy BOTES At the present Assize id Toronto a jury awarded 11000 damages for mental shock The Globe facetious ly remarks Election results arc not actionable under this law It is said the plans of the Canadian Northern Railway Company are now all complete for connecting the vari ous short lines recently purchased in the Ottawa Montreal and Quebec districts with the main line at Fort William and with the James Bay line which runs from Toronto north SL A DECIDE NOW To take a in our Col lege tad prepare to a re- sponsible and remunerative Hon- Our calls for skilled fie help are greater than we supply fe AMERICAN Y M C A Toronto pot the reputation for giving the BEST In both Commercial and Shorthand education Our cources are complete and are arranged to meet the require- of a modern business of- J fice Bookkeeping Commercial Law Pen manship Correspondence Spell ing Shorthand and Touch Typewriting thcrGunly by experienced Enter time J Instruction Handsome cataJ free Principal BROOKS r Special NEWMARKET TO Billings Mont 134 Colorado Springs Denver Butte Mont Silt Lake City Utah Spo kane Wash Portland Ore Seattle Wash Vancouver Victoria Sin Francisco PROPORTIONATELY LOW TO OTHER POINTS Tickets on Sale from March 1st to May 1005 or J Mc Donald District Agent To ronto lor illustrated literature ted full information For Ticket on It is rumored in the Education De partment up in the Queens Part that H Alley librarian and form erly private secretary to Mr court will be appointed private secretary to the now Minister Mr Alley was acting in that capacity in the days of the Government Too Executive of the Ontario branch of the Dominion Alliance has decided to call a general convention of On tario temperance men and women in Toronto on the to consid er the present situation The pur pose it is said is to learn the true attitude of the Conservative Govern ment in regard to prohibition The relative difference the number of prisonors in the Hamilton and Toronto jails is that in the Am bitious City prisoners are so scarce that the jailor not sufficient numbers to do the ordinary worn in and about the building while in To ronto the Governor of the institution dont know how to keep them em ployed The City Police Mill grinds them out by the dozens almost daily Toronto has two representatives in the Government and a third who lives just over the imaginary fence into West York over onethird of lie ac tive members of the Cabinet The Sun remarks cer tainly give Toronto more represen tatives in the Legislative So long as Toronto votes right she should have as many representatives as can Theres nothing wooden about Br says the Hamilton Spectator Possibly not but Mr tray find him rather green for Cabinet purposes all semc The man on the Telegram in his and Downs takes occasion to Lives of Hon It A Pyne oft re mind us that the now Minister of Ed ucation sat at the feet of P on the Toronto School Hoard Mr Deputy Corn of Fisheries in in receipt of a letter the Commissioner of Pennsylvania in which he expresses the belief that the State Legislature will adopt all those recommendations not now on the sta tute books adopted at the recent in ternational conference at Detroit par ticularly those in regard to a close season for fish and the size of the mesh Pennsylvania was not repre sented at the conference referred to and it- was thought at one would not fall in line in regard to the of the fisheries GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY J I 1147 am Dally for Wharf tor point aad Boo am Sunday for PeaetiBi WWf Ml pm Dully for SUy- OrillU HuaUTiUe Bay point the Canadian pm Dally Sunday for flltjitt wood ARRtVE am Daily from North Bay Wharf am Daily Sunday from pm Dally froro la Han Bay HuaUvillc and Bar- rte I pm Dally Sunday rle OrillU The judgment in the South Dominion election case which declared the seat acant being ap- Liberals claim to be confi dent that Mr would carry the riding but they the law dcli- settled Pending the Appeal Mr Smith the Conservative go to Ottawa and retain the seat the is that in South Wen I Worth certain ballots were disallowed which a deputy returning ofliccr had num bered while in McCarthys riding North such were approved by the county judge dally exodu of feOt and ha almost Outlying officials of the late Ross Government arc their way to the Parliament Building to ascertain their tiling Minis ters Last woefc Mr chief engineer and Mr J Black traf fic manager of the and Northern were in the city I ho latter called upon Mr Thomas of Col- nation Forestry and discuss ed matters relating to the coloniza tion of New Ontario also in relation to the condition up7n a change of Government Nothing like a fair understanding Already action to be cropping out In an interview with Mr Crawford for West Toronto with a In reference to the Whitney Government he I have been four years longer In the either Mr or Mr following election I received and letters from all parts of Province on my large and expressing the expectation and hope that would hive a place in Mi I have carried my of the of the party for years and Toronto the great Industrial cen tre Ontario and has always been loyal to the Conservative forWet Toron tos that the riding has not a is thought worthy of consideration In the distribution of Government honors Next Am THE NEISARKET FEB BY M LOT The Worlds Remarkable College Graduate The story of Helen Kellers life is the biography of two wonderful women the blind deaf and dutch girl who for over twenty years has fought against awful odds and the kind Ingenious and patient teacher who led her charge into the sunlight of knowledge and of kinship with humanity In when Miss Annie Sullivan was called to Ala to assume the care of Helen the child had been living for nearly five years in the mental darkness that followed her treble affliction resulting from con- The task of education seemed wellnigh hopeless for the one senso which the childs mind was to be awakened to consciousness was her sense of touch But in June eighteen years later Miss Keller gradu ated from with distinction aod received her degree of A fairy tale of education this romance of the conquest of obstacles a superb triumph of concentration At her entrance examination In June 1900 as If Nature had not sufficiently handicapped her efforts she had to submit to two additional trials The Questions were given her In the Ameri can Braille system of writing tor the blind with which Miss was only slightly familiar having learned the English two systems being as different as two of shorthand This delay la out the translation of the oueJtlons was further aggravated by the fact that her little Swiss watch with raised figures had unfortunately been at home so she no means of gauging the time yet her typewriter clicked out the answers and she passed with flying colors In atudft During her college course in many studies Miss repeated the lesson while Helens fragile fingers feathering their way oyer her mentor a face translated the muscular of speech into idftw She English political economy logic higher mathematics the other myriad phases of college wisdom through her wonderful She the languages has learned to spealc with clear articulation eanewlm row play cards chess and basketball dance and perform a hundred impossible thing Her memory is happy her mind la wonderfully broad thorough and ber book The Story of My Life as a WosTapbyiU Important work of the on WcLo lS methods and bum wfdU ciiiUftttf r it ml WHY YOU SHOULD USE tea and Because it is put up in sealed These packages protect the flavor of the protect you in weight and guarantee of quality No article of food is so easily tainted as tea it absorbs the flavor of everything it comes in contact with Place an orange beside some tea for an hour and then taste or smell the tea orange too few tea bins are tight enough to prevent tea from absorbing the odors of fruit vegetables cheese etc etc usually mixed together in a grocery and the ordinary tea chest is very little protection The Red Rose Tea sealed lead package preserves all the original flavor and freshness of the tea open a package and smell its fresh fragrant aroma Packages Red Rose Tea are always full weight and uniform In quality H St John BRANCHES TORONTO WINNIPEG imf Toronto Crockers Bread of Montreal was killed by a brick falling oil a building Kveryooo thinks of bread a oventy feet high striking him on not person in a hundred pro- ho head parly appreciates the wholesome Biscuits Pure Food state of Ohio City hat soda biscuits contain food laa better than any otfrer article of diet as Frank J Cheney oaU that ho toe senior partner of the firm of o Head grit fa a boon to any borne It at the time Tiefce atso contain more j J Cheney Co doing strength and fleobforrning material I the City of Toledo County than doea bread Meat vegetables state aforesaid and that wid firm willpay the nip of One Hundred Dol lars tor and every of Ca tarrh that cannot be cored by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J to before me and subscribed in my preface tola day of AD A Notary Halls Cure la taken inter naliy and on the Mood and mucous surfaces Bend for by all druggists Family Pills are bent broad arid milk are dilute nutriment Soda are concentrated They tue rrafially all food contain water and re rich id the that to build up the We live in leading that bede- for Perfection Cream is aa and more it fa found what mi they art A on of Rev Mr lander was killed on tho railway near Four more charges were laid J Hill the bankrupt Thomas dry merchant ol disponing of Mb goods with tho of defrauding creditors A naval officer at Vladi- from Arthur that warhhijfi sunk In that harbor arc hope of raiding annual of the Onta rio Ladies College took place last Friday evening Over 400 guests went from Toronto by special train and the big seminary had a very gay time The guests numbered over Mr Rogers well teiown in North York confined to his home by an injured foot the result of an accident horseback riding on Saturday One small bone was broken and the ankle twisted About noon on Monday last a occurred at King St East and did about damage About five inches of snow fell on Sunday and pedestrians had to take to the middle of road in some streets A carter named John has been arrested for stealing goods he was entrusted to deliver from flhe railways The District Labor Council wants the city to make loans to workmen for the erection of homes It will be a sorry day for municipal govern ment when the door is open along this line At the session of the Ontario Phar macy College last week a resolution was passed deploring the increasing tendency of drug apprentices to break their articles their preceptors and that each drug gist should not rearticte a clerk until he produce a written statement from his late employer that he had left in a satisfactory manner Mr was bobbing around the Parliament Buildings last week Possibly he wanted to see Provincial Secretary Hanna to see if the room looked familiar Very considerable preparation is being made for the GovernorGener als visit to this city on the The ViceRegal party will stay at Government House A Yacht Club ball on Wednesday the and a state dinner at Government House on following evening are part of the program Bowing down to the other fel low is what Grits say is weakness Jerry was thought to be as bold as a lion politically but another King reigns and now he has the courtesy to turn down a late appointee of the Ross Government as chief turnkey of the Jail made Mr go to new Provincial Secretary lor au thority Tito plentiful fall of snow since Feb ruary came in has furnished lots- of work for lately arrived immigrants- Street Commissioner having men cleaning snow some days The new Minister of Education Hon Dr is sairi to be a New market boy thus the old Town keep up end last week posted a forfeit of with the Globe to bind a race with Tom Sullivan for a side agrees to allow Sul livan for expenses to row on Toronto Bay between July 1st and September 1st Joshua M Gould found guilty of arson at the last sittings of the Ses sions renewed his bail Friday last before Judge Winchester Ho will ap pear in March for sentence sure ties his wife J Jones in and himself in Captain of the Bedfordshire Regiment arrived at the Queens Ho tel last week He is on his way to Japan to act as British military at tache to the Japanese troops Mr Arthur Scrapie formerly private secretary to Hon Geo Boss has been transferred to Provincial Secretarys Department where he is acting secretary to Hon J Mr James who has for more than a quarter of a century been connected with Toronto gen eral post and Is at present superintendent of lettercarriers Is to resign from that position very soon His health has failing for some lime The jury in the Assizes on Friday fast brought in a verdict of damages for Christian and for his wife against for injuries received in a hotel bus which was struck- by train the last July Harriet Jenkins Ave Was knocked down and run over at Queen York streets last Friday evening by a runaway horse belonging to Dr A Peters Rev Win Frizell will de liver a lecture embracing an account his trip through Palestine and other Bible lands at Queen St Presbyterian Church this Thursday evening The lecture will be Illus trate by lifesize llmollght views -ooe- everybody to esc Soaitght Soap play of We have used Sunlight Soap and we want to tell you that it is the best soap made thats why we are writing We found out that the Sunlight way the best way to wash with Sunlight Soap At first we used to wash with Sunlight Soap in the old way as we did with cornmon soap but after we washed according to directions printed on the package we would never wash the old way again We first soap the articles leave them to soak and then nib out lightly on the wash board Not much to do and it makes the clothes white as snow ASK FOR THE OCTAGON BAR Sunlight Soap washes the clothes white and wont injure the hands LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO and wish I had enough money to en dow a col lego Which one would you endow V Oh wouldnt endow any but Id havea great time blowing in the money If it wasnt for their mistakes a great many men would never bo heard of The farmer shouldnt get lonesome He can always go out and listen to the beanstalk Even a postage stamp is no good if- it gets stuck on itself Mamma is that all the pic I can have Yes dear It is quite a largo piece for such a small boy Then mamma please out it in two pieces and give me one at a time Bad men live that they may eat ami drink whereas good men drink that they live Socrates Protect Yourself Against Germs People With Weak Stomachs Most Liable to Catch Disease When the stomach and digestive or gans aro weak the food does got di gest and there is a sour slimy fer menting mass making it an ideal spot for the disease germs to multi ply Tho only way to protect your self against disease germs is to strengthen the stomach and digestive organs and Miona is the only fcgCnt ho far as is known will accom plish this- Tho ordinary medicine that is tak en for indigestion and stomach trou bles is advertised to act upon the food alone and hence can give no more than temporary tfa Is a certain euro in all cases of stomach troubles excepting cancer because it enables the stomach and digestive organs to act in the way nature intended they should Drugs cannot digest tho food they simply decompose it If you suffer with distress after eating pains in the head chest sides and back belching of gases and undigested food had in mouth dizziness or vertigo appetite sick spots before the eyes and have a general feeling of despondency weakness and debility you should at once strengthen the stomach and di gestive system by ho use of There is no liquid no alcohol no spoonful doses with Just one simple tablet out a fiftycent box before eating and your stomach Will become so strong ami healthy that you will lie germ proof Ask J to show you guarantee under which he sells costs nothing unless it cures Hugh Ferguson general merchant of has made an assignment to Martin Assets and purchased this popular Bak ery from Mr A Hill I am now prepared to cater to the wants of tiio public arid hope by strict atten tion to business and providing Fresh Pastry as well as FirstGlass Bread to merit a continuance of the sup- port accorded my predecessor GIVE US A CALL SIMPSON Thoroughbred Stock for Sale Large English Berkshire Boats and Sows Jersey Springers one Clydesdale also choice Barred P Rock Cockerels and J P House to Apply to Newmarket House for Sale Situated on St Newmar ket rooms wator good garden lota or fruit Belong to tho estate of the late Jas Apply on the at the noon hour or in Mm even ing or write to One of FOR SALE Brick House Barn 10 acres of land good orchard good location on Town Line mile west of Apply to A WILLIAMS Newmarket For Sale Two Heifers la January CalHa lor Kdok mitcb cold storage department of the C Stephens Company of was burned Loss over James who fifonally visits In the State once gave a brief ad dress on subject of the At the conclusion of his Interesting talk be said Can any of you tell mo what space The young son of a country editor promptly raised hi hand my lad naid the poet do you think space is Twentyfive cents an line for I op Lay matter he piped out are understood to equal There than fiftythree Toronto treal houses Interested bo about no less and Mon- SCHOOL For practical education is the known well- on and Vingo St at cord the Ap ply at or to Holland Landing House and 4 Lots For adjoining Catholic on the Went apply to Newmarket He that Is surety for a stranger bo wiser next time OF TOUONTO Its present staff TwentyOne teachers Its fine equipment includ ing Hundred and teen Type writing Machines Its modern ami thorough work Its success in placing Its students and graduates In good positions all combine to make It the important Business School Canada Correspondence invited Write to SHAW Principal Toronto T I Notice Is hereby given that I was appointed Financial Agent for Mr the recent Provincial in North York fiursuanco of sec of Ontario Election Act All accounts contracted by or da behalf Mr must bo teat to me on or before day of February A WILLIAMS Sand and Gravel For cement Orders by mall promptly attended to A Aurora mm