Weeks lioeal News IS OK Dress Carnival There is every prospect that the Fancy Dress Carnival at the Skating tonight will be a great success The ice is in good condition The Regiment Band from Aurora will be in attendance Cash prizes will be awarded lor costumes and and the boys and girls teen planning all the week what they are to wear on Public Library Board meets Monday evening lor organization The annual of East Tp Association takes place at on the lost- Salvation Brigadier and Mrs Southall Irbm Toronto will conduct special meetings in the Salvation Army Hall on St next Saturday and day Mrs is the secretary tor lie Womens Social and Rescue Work in Canada No doubt there will be a good at tendance I The regular meeting of the Order of Foresters takes place on Wednesday night lust Full attendance members In quested Social A Social will be held in St Pauls Church Sunday Softool Monday evening Feb at 8 oclock Games music and relreshments Sli ver collection Proceeds lor benefit Sunday School Fund All friends of the school and members of the are cordially invited Fine Sleighnide Methodist Sunday School was fortunate in having a beautiful day for their sleighride last Saturday afternoon There were seven sleigh- loads besides several cutters and boys and made a lively racket Tea was served in the School Room OB their return from Aurora which was greatly enjoyed All together took tea The Social last Friday evening at the Parsonage considering other at tractions in town was quite a suc cess and everybody present enjoyed a very pleasant evening Last Sunday the Pastor who is President the Ontario Chris tian Conference preached at Mark- ham Christian Church and his place was filled by Rev a student from Hall Toron to who was well received Bringing Them to Time Four summonses were issued this week against parties who failed to clean the snow their walks They paid the fine forthwith More to fol low Seven young men paid costs for not attending to the payment their poll tax Let others who arc dila tory take wanting The M mid Club are making preparations for their Irish Concert which it intends to give in the Town Hall St Pat ricks night Look for full partic ulars in next weeks paper A special meeting of the is called lor Tuesday night Feb to discuss concert business Ail members requested to be on hand a Sale Register TUESDAY Feb Mr S will have a sale of stock imple ments and furniture on the north half of lot 1st Con King St credit for sums under or per cent off for cash except for hay Sale at one Duncan Auct WEDNESDAY Feb Mr John will have an extensive on lot Con North bury mos credit or 5 per cent for cah except for hay grain fat pigs and fat steers Sale at one H Kavanagh WEDNESDAY March fliagana to The Waters Hudson St Law rence and Niagara will be freely used Developments in the electric Rail way field during the last year have been very marked- The New York Central company have completed plans for the electrification within the limit of trunk lines entering New York The- Rail road has determined to electrify its New York terminals The subway St the Ra pid Transit company has been suc cessfully opened for traffic Several will have an extensive and the leading steam roads now unreserved sale of stock electric street and interurban sys- furniture etc on lot Queen St East from Newmarket credit on sums over or per cent ofl for cash Sale at oclock sharp E Smith terns for operation connection with their existing lines thus making the demolition of the old lines antag onism between the two systems of propulsion The singlephase alternating Great School An educational institution which can show an actual daily attendance of students gathered from all parts of the Dominion and whose graduates are eagerly by business firms may reasonably termed a great school Hie one business training is the Central Busi ness College of Toronto The cata logue issued by this wellknown school is an interesting production may be had on application to the Principal Mr Shaw At Home The Employees of the Spe cialty Mfg Co Ltd have arranged to hold their second annual At Home on Wednesday evening March 1st Prof Hardings Orchestra of To ronto composed of pieces that was so much enjoyed at their last At Home has been engaged for the occasion A fine program of vocal and in strumental music games and danc ing been arranged Supper will served in the Mar ket building A limited number of tickets will be offered for sale to outside friends rent motor has been perfected and TUESDAY 21 Owing successful operation and stormy weather Mr B completed and success sale has beer postponed tested an electric locomotive of the above date Everything will II be sold on previous terms Sale at oclock Smith Auct FRIDAY Feb Friend Mor ton will have a sale of stock and implements on lot 3rd of miles north of Kes wick credit or for cash Sale at one Auct Oclock I J Kavanagh MONDAY Feb Albert will have an unreserved sale on the NorthWest quarter of Lot in the 2nd of East- sufficient size speed and power to meet the requirements to trunkline railroad passenger service All these show a tremendous spurt of activity after a considerable period of seem ing lethargy It is difficult to anticipate what may take place during the coining year but it would seem to he safe to say that the time is not far distent when electrical power generated from the waters of the Hudson the St Lawrence and the Niagara will he freely used in the operation of and the furnishing of light in the city New York And further that the interval to elapse before main Month of February we Take Stock Our is too heavy tor this time of the year must he Reduced The only way to do it is to Lower Prices This has been done to the Lowest Notch lines of our White Goods Sale will be sold at the same lously Low Pices Do not wait until the last days Sale but Come and Pick out the Choicest Bargains THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Credit till November on sums over trunk lines of railroads in New York Sale at one oclock sharp fitato least may be successfully Kavanagh Auct Tonic for Social Club Miss Sutherland entertained the Eleven Fortyfive Club at her home- on Wednesday evening A progressive euchre was very much enjoyed by the members of the Club and as a result of the play Miss A Cochciiour and Mr carried off the prizes It was decided by the Club to To be among the fruit and flowers Iter tain its friends at an Assembly to of the beautiful southern resorts for be held in the Sovereign Bank Hall few weeks is a cure for those on Monday evening March the Gib run down in health or who cannot to which the invitation system will operated by electricity has been will be materially shortened and Tied Up Three TUESDAY March Mr Ir win will have an unreserved sale of stock implements and furniture on lot 3rd Con bury South of Sharon mos on over or for cash Sale at one H Kavanagh special says the seventy of worst winters in the mem Halifax Feb A one of the of the oldest inhabitant relaxed this Feb John French when a thaw set in after a the Centre Road miles north cession of storms with temperature of Mount Albert will hold an w below aero that trade tensive auction sale of farm stock mails post- implements etc at one oclock P meetings and emphasized the sharp No reserve as the and tor has rented his farm J commercial with the main land is now three weeks since K ester TUESDAY Feb 2SMr Fred of lots and Con will dispose his horses cattle and a long list of valuable implements on the usu al terms at oclock sharp No reserve as Mr M Shane is moving to Winnipeg the winter steamers crossed and week since the mail reached Char- lot own having been held up for several days at Cape Travers YOU A COLD Grocery Department just inside the door 17 lbs Granulated Sugar or ilOd Canned Tomatoes best brand lbs Light Yellow Sugar can buy Vim Comfort Soap Canned Corn best brand money Vita Eclipse Soap buy 10c Grape Nuts Sunlight Soap Pink Salmon Triscuit Surprise Soap 4c Clover Leaf Salmon Malt Breakfast Food Tea for in bulk English Pickles White Onions California Dried Peaches Tea for in bulk English Pickles Mixed Prince of Wales 8c for Mocha lavaTlllsons Oats McDonalds Brier Canned Peas Orange Meat Chrlstice 3 lb Soda Biscuits A LSO the cold winter weather Full Information and tickets may be strictly adhered Mr A 10 Harding of Toronto will on application Trunk agent to any Grand iie for occasion Express Thieving Last week a family moving from Perth Newmarket shipped a lot of preserved fruit by express paying charges in in order to have the same safely and speedily de livered here but on opening the box a twoquart sealer had been ab stracted This is sending things by Who stole the fruit Was It the way messenger or was it tak en by agents at one of the express Offices Was the fruit stolen on the or lino Q Friends The regular Quarterly Meeting wil be held Saturday Sunday The following ministers are to he present Dr Mills Alma l ltNK Dale WTMoore and others Say but aint we getting Saturday a meeting for pretty nifty weather lately ship Saturday a meeting for Saturday p meeting of minis try and oversight Saturday 8 p missionary meet ing The first action when you have a cold should be to relieve the lunge is best accomplished by the free use of Chamberlains Cough Remedy TUESDAY March Mr This Remedy liquefies the tough Wagg of the Centre Road mile and causes its expulsion from the north of Mount Albert will sell by cells the lungs produces a free public auction sheep a number expectoration and opens the fresh milch cows and some good A complete cure soon horses also a number of lows This Remedy will cure a plemeots at one oclock No re- cold in less time than any other serve as proprietor has sold his treatment and it leaves the system in farm JO Smith Auct a natural and healthy condition It counteracts any tendency pneumonia For sale by Lloyd AT Mr John Miller has been very ser iously ill but at last report was a little on the mend Wo understand Mr Is suffering from at attack of blood poisoning We regret to hear that Mrs Walter of Yonge St formerly a Sunday a p in service The Missionary Meeting Saturday resident of Pine Orchard is suffering evening will be addressed by Alma mild type of diphtheria Wo Dale and Frank Dell hope to hear her recovery soon The public cordially invited wafi lhc matter with out mail service last week There was a lot of Pine Orchard mail went astray I wonder what Uriah was doing to The North York Association lor the let the team run away the Trapper Chappell born in promotion of the tension of the day of Dr An old arid familiar figure on the streets of Newmarket passed away last Friday in the person Of Mr Ster ling Chappell son of Alfred and Canal Columbia New York State on the of December located Id King Townthip Nov 1st and retired from farming pursuits about 80 years ago He was the last of a family of five tons and six daughters for the past years made his tome with Mrs Jos Taylor Ave Newmarket where he was cared for by her and Miss J Simpson Deceased was remarkably mart for his age being in bis 3rd year and fcis vasof short duration He wan had Lake Canal into this Riding The wood cutters are getting njet at the Council Chamber Newt pretty well cornered up market yesterday afternoon and hardly stand another winter made arrangements regarding the like this deputation which is going to Ottawa 1 We understand that Mr to present the claims of the aoou finished sawing lor for this public work The will of at least CO j There was an oyster supper at Pert people They will be appointed as Starrs last Friday We follows from Aurora there were about forty Newmarket I from Holland Landing and friends there sup- 4 from Bradford from West pose Bert will soon be leaving our from burg from Whitchurch and from King a number took in tin- an old but has arranged that the speak benevolent heart will be in Ottawa on Monday to was gitiero8 to the poor and confer with the- who appealed to in and make necessary arrangements for We might cite an of J delegation The delegates will if are born as we rome- fal generosity waich about leave on evening Two times hear they must yet be born mexl cars will provided leaving and bib on Toronto which arrive in Ottawa Horace Water Street crowing The old on morning and have again gentleman came along while same evening arriving home on I Some girls a lot time around and Vodueilay morning The fare lor looking for the ideal man when there his towards the the trip is ill SO The dele- are a lot of real ones lying around by banding him a bill will be pleased to have any other appealed people from North York accompany Application tickets at SUNNY JIM Stock Market Trade in live stock at the Toronto market was very light Ihis week the blockade on the railways having pre vented all arrivals except a few loads The general run of prices remains as last week exporters going all the way from for the best down to for bulls Feeders arc still to good Blockers to and dairy stockers to Butchering stock Is running all the way from 440 down to for common hulls Calves arc to I Lauib4 Have advanced llogn arc a little the best going at Toronto markets Feb White Wheat per a 08 08 02 0 00 0 heavy to Ma generosity might bo mentioned being gift to a boy last the above rate he made to CHAMBERLAINS STOMACH AND TABLCTS who led Mm brjnu when he Mr Cane by Saturday Already people from New- CONSTIPATION funeral service market have their intention fcD by Rev Joining the delegation at Karc prominent drug A Campbell tte remains were expense The representative people glt of Baxter Springs Kansas Bed Vheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bush a Oats per bush a per bush 0 a Butter roll per lb a per doz a Potatoes per bag a Dressed Hogs per a Hay per ton Ducks per lb Chickens per It Chickens per pair Turkeys per It Beef fore Beef hind OH 00 10 a a a a a a a In plot Newmarket day was throughout Hiding taking up Stomach and Liver the matter In manner Tablets are In my Judgment cold the funeral was ami legation will most superior preparation of any- fairly well attended were Meters PoartMi Webb V North Yorks most Influential In use today for constipation Zens in every prospect that They are sure In action and with no their claims will meet with tendency to nauseate or gripe For prval of the sale by Lloyd Fob Flour per barrel a Whlto Wheat per a 05 Spring Wheat per bush a 00 loose Wheat a Bye per bush a 75 Buckwheat a 0 Hay per ton 00 a 17 20 Bran per ton per Butter per It Kggfl per doz 0 Packed per do Chickens per pair Bucks Turkeys a a a 20 a a a 70 a a 0 0 16 00 J A Table Linen per yard Table Linen per yard Linen Towels Linen Towels Linen Towelling per yard Linen Towelling per yard 8 Unbleached Sheeting 94 White Sheeting Checked Apron Gingham per Checked Apron Gingham per yard Stair Linen per yard Stair Linen per yard 46inch Pillow Cotton 48inch Pillow Cotton Embroidery Linen Checked Class Towelling per yard Checked Glass Towelling per yard Table Napkins per dozen Table Napkins per dozen Wide Feather Ticking Grey Flannel per yard Grey Flannel per yard White Flannelette per yard White Flannelette per yard Cream Flannelette per yard Wide Plain Pink Flannelette Wide Stripe Flannelettes Wide Stripe Flannelettes Wide Heavy Factory Cotton Wide Heavy Factory Cotton Wide Heavy White Wide Heavy White Cotton Wide Fine Victoria Lawn per yard Wide Fine Victoria Lawn per yard New Pattern New Pattern New Pattern Wrapperette New Chatelaine Hand Bags Please come and examine 16 16 18 19 1 1 40 19 10 8 10 J 15 12 The Co Limited