THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY FEB 17 Apprentice Wanted Good smart boy to learn Moulding Apply to SON fisri North End Foundry The Cabinet Oar Society To Let St tfbod good Buildings well watered wheat In and tall done Would make an Dairy Farm Apply at too Em Office 3w4 Hon Mr Whitney and tie colleagues may now fe said to fairly seated in the saddle at the Queens Park Toronto Tbey assume duties and responsibilities of office with Mr Mrs- invincible majority a clean slate and were visiting in Durham last Toronto better hampered only by a certain number preeleetioQ promises which for a time may be traversed to some Indefinite future The country will scarcely expect them to enter at once upon the work of legislation or Thomas an old resident Toronto passed away last Friday Deceased was born in County Don Sutherland week when a young man For years he was a resident of Toronto AND HUNT r J Wanted at Once administration like old veterans long Lake Superior District have located harness- but tbey will be Newmarket to a progressive street Mrs David continues very poorly also Mrs ran first passenger train Mrs J gave a to Gravcnhurst and oclock tea last Monday- afternoon j The good work of the Home for Miss Velma of Buffalo is durables is growing by leaps and visiting with Miss Ruby Sutherland bounds and at the present moment Mrs Quant- and family from every ward is filled and each one of the bcds has its helpless occu pant Of this number almost axe fee or nonpaying patients from proprietor show a the with zta to Tow Qlrl with have called to office That siting a brief period at the made in connection with the cofaijg and general work Wages ju for home of fee J J Mason Bowman- stealing from H Doblc at the 111 a IA per Apply personally to MRS J STOKES Matron at Industrial Home For Sale Several Houses and choice in Newmarket Also about 200 Cedar Posts and Kast to country purity of administra tion and progressive legislation as any Government ever had In this Restaurant The whole seven Mrs J and daughter stand remanded until the gave a party to a number The Globe started a tor Old ladies on Thursday afternoon of last Country destitute poor Last week Actual v Newmarket With regard to the Liberal make Mr in the new House we doubt thev will stand lor the planks Keith attended tie Provincial of the party platform laid down Association in Toronto a couple the late Liberal Convention Public wccK v- I to me joi 0 Jackson and Mr Fairs in Toronto a couple of j The fine residence house stables good garden fjni three acres or land to the estate the late Francis Starr to I STARR MF STARR A J Imperial Silverware Represented in Newmarket by JfRS JONES PARK AVE get quotations and and it is our sincere tne Associated Press despatch that Mr J P Whitneys Mr J Y attended Thus far the Toronto Globes fund will be as energetic and Council of the College of Phar- grants to has supplied sourceful as their predecessors several days in Toronto last destitute children with pairs or boots milk breakfasts soup dinners and sacks of coal City officials have been interviewing Hon I respecting the an- J of the Avenue Road and section to the city Thei Ross Government refused to sanction all the J parties vcfjiltingwhat Mr I Toronto will do remains to be seen By have passed into Five Miles of Paper Calculation stock we orty prm I opinion too will be more or less censorious- Government appotnt- will likewise be canvassed not only by Liberals hut disappointed officeseekers in Conservative ranks Indeed this fact has already become apparent No sooner had the World announced the appointment flf Mr John Laton as a license commission- than the Telegram remarked To- Mr J of Kinistino who has been visiting Jives in York since Christmas left for his Western home this week hot Mrs John Roynton and Mrs Chamberlain of of J- c -J- Over One Hundred Different Kinds Our increased trade has necessitated doubling our space We have today one of the fir est Wall Paper Departments On- conveniently arranged and well lighted Our efforts in the past nave bean appreciates and we feel assured that our present venture will merit the same Inspection and Comparison of Prices is Invited Aurora The price of beer has been raised by spent Monday with Mrs J brewers and this has caused quite a at The Bowery ripple in retail circles A meeting Mr and Mrs Jackson gave between the brewers and liquor shop a Flinch party on Tuesday evening dealers last week resulted in nothing I A ronto will not regard such an evening the Moth- point mm t as a satisfactory first- payment upon Mr Whitneys prom- j 52 Mr of the license law Thus it Mr amounting Call and earn pies Premiums with every order Everything the see 3m3 ap- that already the new Premier is being made conscious that ties and responsibilities of governing JZU is a liffcrent thing from the action of opponents and tLc these perplexing problems will likely increase as the days go by I definite The Street Railway has handed over to the city its cheque for lihe per on Januarys receipts to an increase Turner of North Dakota and Turner of visitr of about over January Mr Justice Street sitting NOTES IS Mrs J Anderson Mrs left for Montreal on Tuesday evening having received a telegram about noon announcing the death of her daughter Mrs Wilkin HUH in the K Turner who Assize last week decided of his daughter Mrs Evelyn Tat ten who has been years and rtama leases a husband and four little boy to l he loss of an mother i A J In common is the de sire of every young person look- forward to success in We are placing students now at to a month as initial salary In what line can do to There is a great dearth of We want more loys from tho country Consult- us- we have a mastery of this I i Mr Horace of the Mail and editorial staff has ap- pointed private secretary to Premier I Whitney This accounts for the fact that the senior party organ has not proclaimed some of the blunder- i announcements made by the less er party journals Mr is well known as a journalist through out the Province affectionate that a brewer cannot give liquor to his employes in his warehouse has Mr I LJJb of on an appeal before a Toronto writes see by last County Judge The case arose weeks that they going to in and the temperance men an example in I I Wilfrid intimated in reply to tec that it was his teoduce the bill on Tuesday next givj autonomy to called a Sunday School It have decided to make reminds me of the old days They this city ought to get Jack and I to Ab members and their drive or them would them supper and At a swift ride What is the matter Home givpn in Victoria last with North York Friday night by Hamilton Times Stanley Mills Mr J the retiring Co buyer Mr J S Marker has dent and Mr J Allen the new jufit returned from his trip president the Board of Trade where he has been engaged for appropriate references at the last lew Wtcke studying selecting annual meeting to the incorporation and making for the spring of tne organization sixty years ago of having visited many of Geo II Daniel a pattern maker in principal centres of the world Mr the Foundry was found pronounces this lie best and in his bed on Saturday Heart successful trip in every way ease that he has ever trade A free fight among Italians A trolley party of some forty who were gathered in a house in Gen- critical viewed thoj avenue drinking boor and playing On Friday last some people call it unique art collection at Prof Cum- cards Jed to police interference an unlucky day the heads of tne Art Gallery in Aurora on rious departments at Parliament Thursday evening last Mr Cummer The visit of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral to Toronto has postponed to too very great dis- appointment of those who had Leon looking forward to tho special tions arranged in honor of tin- Vice- Regal party The Illness of Lady I Sybil Grey daughter the with an attack of it the cause of postponement of the visit Intimated rious departments at Parliament uiun Hon Mr accompanied by Mr gave an entertaining mtcctioo to Miliar Deputy Minister of Education or more and Jceday next gh land President of the A added to the evenings enjoyment by upon Premier ritorica Will the Minister of the Interior bo present akod Hon Mr The i Sir Wilfrid amid the laughter House A leek papers in the city the Tory persuasion have- become in the in venting and giving publicity to un founded rumors The day it was announced that of Public Works waa abvut- to arid associate witi a private Mr fez- had no such Intentions and wasur prised to e such a rumor in print My but the Tor lea are hungry dioief want religions wrricein A went always a good deal of annual of Dominion haa teen post- from Feb it is will be able to be The plan of to of tfiy low ad so- two and faaiJD more than to for fifty Whitney Mr Aubrey White Deputy Com of Lands and Mr Mil lar on behalf of and col- logue delivered brief felicitous aJ- to which the appro priately responded A on on and a coach overture hut only wer hurt li3 room of Organ Company totally by fire llng left tut the tare wall The will aVit On Friday last Hon Mr introduced a very important bill respecting contracts for Government works In explanation bo fitatcd that intention of the bill was to provide that hereafter contracts in amounts involved exceed 1500000 shall be let not only after have been asked but also that they fchall let under the sane of the in- of being of by the Min ister in charge department as at cleverly rendering instrumental selec tions on both piano and organ Sup per was served at the Queens understand that Dr A Webb and Mr A acted as the hosts for the evening The story of crisis in cluding the nest of traitors epi sode got an airing in tho Common on Friday Hon George Fos ter for North Toronto a provoking interruption of Sir William led up to an unexpected debate and hitherto Motor connected with treachery up to the of Kir from too Premiership Sir gave the member for North Toronto a V Rowland tot Oliver before the After a calm and matters have moving uaoolly In Par- It the of favors the of giving fouMeon ftcholarthlps valued at In the A women and in A to teach In taking a in the at The object to charge in with grdw a for have at their Pub lic rnuot be the the dfrrtrrit by March the Police Wolfe von for a long time chief correspondent of Associated Press in Berlin tells a story of bis last weeks there had given information ol a too intimate- nature about the and was ordered to leave The American secured a respite to two weeks for dur ing which he could wind his af fairs but ho was a marked man and the police shadowed day and night At he hit upon tho expedient of placing a stuffed dummy of him self on the front porch with itoback toward the street and while tho po lice zealously watched the dummy he was daily slipping out of a Ride door and goinjr unmolested about his busi ness disguised in a pair gog gles and an old bat manikin sat in with from nine in the ling till tu at a pulled Inside by a at On the roorniog of von Sohier- departno for the United it turned with Ito wood en face toward tho street displaying a small placard for edification of tho police Thanks Im off v freight trains were stilled In Ontario by snow on The Hamilton City Council fed to cut liquor by a vote of to Si Teller Winnipeg roil dealer to two years in I he of The find t3jror Silvia has arrived at St after a experience in a The principal got away on a train for being The Fairs Association was pretty largely attended this week but far from unanimity in some of its con clusions Tlie Canadian Pacific Railway has filed plans In Registry Office as Ike steps in expropriation for the acquisMlen of pro perty en the oast side of Don River city will the railways demands before the Hail- way Commission The Cradle At Aurora on Fob tlie wife of Mr of a son The Tomb TAYLORAt Ailandale on Feb 1006 Rev Taylor of Mrs W Hunt er of Newmarket in his year King on Fob 3 James Interred at Lloyd town Cemetery on Feb Ann of Mr Geo aod years and days Interred at yesterday Furniture Gadertaking You can buy your Cheap For Gash I exA 3mMlaajf A SPECIALTY John Millard tnd by Street is not entitled to ricoier damages from the city plank sidewalk upon which she fell was held not to be out of such repair as to entitle to damage People who court in- -5- 200 Yards Cnsh Towelling regular per yard for all line Li en Hand Toweling ejular7cpr per yard and Glass yard at- ues Saturday per yard 5c Twill Sheeting 2 yds wide yd Saturday per yd lye I iJozfn Ladies Night Robes New inches wide J to 6 and oc val- and white day each in pink 89c B Soar pound br bar Soap bars Fairbanks Glycerine soap ckeioc New Fig- per pound New Prunes per pound 5c New Cleaned Currants lbs for 25c Soda Biscuits per pound 7 Ginger snaps pe pound j Fruit Biscuits par pound Mixed Biscuits pounds for 25c Via pie quart 25c Raw suar pounds lor Golden Table syrup lb pail 5 M A It CARRIE AND HUPJTER BROS A -n- 5 -i- -s- v d ti -i- -E-i- i J MAIN ST NORTH All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt On Thursday at of pneumonia KH- son of Jacob Rose aged years at on Montreal on Fob wife of Mr Nelson Wilkin formerly of After about a Illness from pneumonia on Feb Artt domestic at the In dustrial Home for several years was a splendid help and will bo greatly missed The Keeper and Matron gave her every pooslbl care and attention Newmarket on Feb Sterling his year Tfaeeci by His Thumb in Pa Fob The texy surrounding the or T an Impress Co package con- i 5G50 consigned on Jan by treasury department at Washing- ton to the Citizens National Rank of J Newcastle Pa been cleared by wore injured oao severely flames which burned for nearly an hour burst the roof of tho building after It was thought to have been extinguished None the guests were hurt The fire which started from cross ed electric light wires about oclock was discovered by a bell boy who was almost overcome by in arousing guests and employee hotel confession of Love a mes senger in employ of company was In tho sweat box five hours He then accompanied the to his homo and returned 15- of tho Ho had spent for a diamond ring and for a heavy gold wedding ring both for his Intended wife robbery was traced by a thumb print on the seal man who had handled the package was com pelled to havo impressions of bis thumbs made Love is but old and baa been active In church and society circles In Newcastle St Johns Feb cross country train Held Railway system was derailed near today wreck caught fire and a flrotclass pacwiget car and a mail car wore totally consumed A dining car and a sleeper woro overturned Into a ditch and smashed pas sengers escaped with slight injuries A man named fell out of a sleigh between and and was frozen to death The price of wool to going up It will be advisable nevertheless to keep your flannels on tow longer Russia again gives an official de nial to the reports of peace negotia tions Tho war must go on It asserted until victory crowns the arm WELL8 RICHARD80N I Gives tho True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Button The Largest and Boat Creameries and Dairies in Use It LOOK FOR THE TRADE BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND -X- vranrj 3j3zeo ri VC53 lib cold month J Sa ii