ii The Ross Resigned For S1 The Causer rati to Cabinet I J A complete outfit for Wood Dealer tod Carter Grand opening Apply once PEARSON Wellington St On I Hon and his Cabinet tendered their Commission in place or Hon Mr nations to toe who resigned Imperial Silverware Co Represented in Newmarket by advised sending for Mr J P Whit ney to form a new Administration During the evening previous Mr Ross in an interview with a Globe reporter expressed his great appre ciation of the energy and tact with which the Liberal candidates con- Oar Society Column has been pass ed at Ottawa removing Mr from the office grain in spector at Toronto The dismissal was recommended by Mr Horn chief JONES PARK AVE wrfalsol At now being held Icill and get quotations and see of the generous support given by the iiuircc candidates were nominated on wiUi every order Everything the BEST Liberal party to himself and- col- j E Devlin j leagues under somewhat trying cirjur and Mr J No leader could have j a Liberal a more loyal following and this eraI Conservative respectively South End Bakery POINTS Miss- Alice Hughes is visiting in Toronto this week Mr Geo Simpson of Toronto was in Town on Wednesday Mr and Mrs A J At Heme last Friday night grain inspector oh the ground of John has been efficiency in the conduct of his office very poorly but is improving Mr and Mrs Wellington of Toronto spent over Sunday in Town Mr and Mrs Duncan Marshall were guests at Hon J Davis last night Miss Bessie Robinson of Toronto spent a few days this week with I OVERCOATS A SUITS ft THE VALUES IN Newmarket a 1 Mr Ross said was to him a very a rumor comes from Ottawa that Miss Kelty pleasant reflection after so Hon John will be an Mf E4m of years of public service The same j over Sunday with her friend j A with the Dominion remark applied to his irr tt j throe different Administrations and prepared to cater to the wants or public and hope by strict Parted to business and providing witn regret man as they have confidence in the Fresh Pastry as as First- Class Bread to merit a continuance of the sup port accorded my predecessor GIVE US A CALL SIMPSON House to Rent Appjy to field Newmarket On the Opposition side of the House Mr Ross said he hoped still to have some influence in shaping legis lation and in forming public opinion To serve bis native Province in any capacity was a privilege hi prized and his retircmeii of fice would not in any Way abate his rcseniative interest in the Liberal party or in the prosperity the Province for which that party had done so much in tie last thirtyfour years On Tuesday Law Secretary to the Lieut-Coier- called upon Mr J P Whitney Miss Hughes Mr and Mrs J Millard en tertained at The on Wed nesday evening A party visited Mr and Mr Speaker Sutherland was ban- Mrs David on Wednesday quelled by his constituents at Wind- j evening and had a good time on Saturday last Hie many Mr A Thompson been friends of Mr Sutherland is hir old confined to the house this week ami native Town of Newmarket will be his wife continues very poorly gratified to learn of this mark of yf Mrs Hunter wore and esteem the attending the als of the constituency which elected Mrs Hunters grandfather FOR SALE Brick House Barn acres of land good orchard good location Situate on the Town Line half a mile west of Apply to A WILLIAMS Mr Johnson Man I writes he had a prosperous year and so far they have enjoyed a pleas ant winter Mr and Mrs If of Saratoga New York arc here on a visit to his father who still keeps Thoroughbred Stock for Salesmg was in the swim on night when the trio from North I York North Ontario and South On- Commander I were honored there by political admirers member Herbert Lennox H Movie and at the Queens and together they Charles expressed a deter- vcry poorly most Mr JrS who has the a situation at the Office charge of duty as a representative Specialty moved his family here from Perth this week They will at The Bowery until they can find a house in Town Whilc on the way to church just months ago Miss Ann Premier and will consider any tt J P Whitney in accordance he and she has not been able to Minister of Crown LandsHon J J from the Montreal lot I the Protection of Women And of AgricultureHon Nelson that wifebeaters he ken- which leaves her the proceeded to Government I to use his best where Mr Whitney and His I independent judgment in held a short consultation The task of forming a Government was under- taken by Mr Whitney and by noon In reply to Mr Ames in on Wednesday his colleagues bad this week Hon Mr selected During the afternoon rick staled that when the amend- the Cabinet was sworn into office as ments to the Criminal Cole are consideration in he This week special purchase of Mill Ends of Flannelettes away plow regular prices In all there are over yards These ends measure from to 15 yds each We have gone through them all measur- ed and ticketed every piece with the number of yards and price per piece There are all qualities in this lot We will the entire lot on sale Saturday morning at savings from to 35 per cent Our Spring Prints have arrived It has never been our privilege to show such a pretty assortment in fast colored goods as we are showing this Season at 10 and 12c per yard Monteith Provincial Treasurer Hon tenced to be whipped Large English Berkshire Boars and Sows Jersey Springers one three- yearold Clydesdale Mare also some Minister of Education Hon choice Barred P Bock Cockerels and i Pullets Secretary Hon J A J A J I St Marys only surviving member of the family Mr Will of Toronto was here to sec his mother on Wednesday He has been selected by the firm of P Works Hon J Last week the Conservative press was frank enough to give credit to revolting Liberals as large in achieving victory for the to whom he has of the Boss Government This Jeen for a number of week however they are forgetting to represent them in Paris France He sails on the their Liberal allies a they are forgetting and proclaim the House for Sale Minister of Public Beau me Without Portfolios Hon Adam Beck result as a popular Conservative lwo Hon J and Hon W majority Just wait till next Will on his to the electors is made and sec and wish him success Conservatives of is old time A femembered good garden lots of fruit Belongs procession bands of to the of the late sic etc from the Queens Hotel to gives currency The at the noon five St rooras domestic water A Wi Hough by In the evening the the city had a high Apply on Halt where a civic reception London that Lowerre Summit Park or la the even- was accorded King will make announce- York fan Vaxi in his speech when he open lag or write to One of The Cabinet is selected from sections of the Province and Parliament on Tuesday next of his a con represents business of bo absent from NOT Notice Is hereby given that I was appointed Financial Agent for Mr two Roman Catholics and one Meth odist jit is announced that Mr J W St John is to be made Speaker this will help balance up the Moth- Dominion If this should chances are a M will be distributed to Canadians in the recent Provincial end of the Ministry Thede- official and educational number titles to Mr and Mrs If Gardner a daughter fctctloo in North York nomination holding only third place of of the OaUrlo Election the Provincial census has more Jan P Our sales for ANCHOR BLEND LACK TEA and CHOP JAPAN TEA at lb are increasing daily The people of this vicinity know how to appreciate a good article when it is offered for sale Act AH accounts contracted by or ca behalf of Mr must be to me or before the day of February AD 1905 A WILLIAMS Newmarket FirstClass Tamarack For sale lots and St 1260 coed the bush Ap ply at or to Holland Landing House and Lots Foe fcdjoiiiiog the Roman Catholic on West apply to representatives in the Cabinet than two leading denominations of the Province We also that the Ministry contains four lawyers three doctors two business men and farmer but those classed as business men are without portfolios The Whitney is now fairly in the saddle and fairly in the PINE ORCHARD Mount Albert on Sun day Feb Mr and Mrs Rowland a on The estate of the late Henry is valued at including a farm in King Township worth Thro- brothers two two nieces and one nephew divide the For te January and Kay AUo tay of tor good at Feb- t Fire broke out morcing In the rear of J White and mm fcpread casing a big Jo to iA Important of Vwns was a frame- completely together with the whole Loss on to ASK AY A pretty wedding took place on Feb 1st at Laskay Church when Miss Jennie Allan daughter of Mr Mark Allan was married to Mr Albert Marshal The bride wore a beautiful dress oi white crept do with bridal veil and orange blossoms and was given away by her father Rev J Lemon pastor of tbe church con ducted ceremony Miss Lizzie Allan sister of bride made a pretty also in white Mr Arthur Marshall was groomsman Miss LydU a of bride played wed ding Mr Fred Willis and Mr Will acted as The happy received at the home of Che brides father where a sumptuous supper awaited the invited Owing to to fact that it the J wedding in the church it cau harness emporium j myual Mr and toon was in flames It was only I will reside in their beauti ful home on Spruce Avenue Strange and will 1c at home the first of March jftr bard work that the stock and furniture were partly wved Much was by water by fflwsrxe James Trim- but a Sunny Jim wasnt dead last week oh no he was just a little over the election and when he came to was glad to find himself a grittier Grit than over We regret to learn of the illness of Miss Case who is at Mr Johnsons We wish a speedy recovery Miss of was the of Miss Cora Conner last week Mr and Mrs visited at Mr Browns on Sunday Mr and Mrs T Playter spent Sunday at Mr Jabcz Johnsons lira Win toff of White Rose spent Sunday with her parents Some people from here went a long way to have a drie against the astern breeze Sunday eve Mrs C Hold is spending a time at Holt with htr mother We arc glad to Mrs My who has been some time the General Hospital is improv ing nicely to all accounts there must be a lot of money in butcher ing as wo understand that one our popular buyers baa to burn Better pay the fanners a little more for their pork as there is quite a on bills It will soon bo time for the asses- to come around so you better hunt up your dog chains and be ready to- tieup the dogs any mo ment Two oyster suppers in our burg week A largo number took In the one on Tuesday the Slut was quite evident that some it of the sea son Old King Grippe Is still stalking around overcoming fresh victims all the time have had wme very frosty weather this winter but we have had no reason yet to of too snow will very like ly get plenty in March according to the Owls prophecy will hate to Mount Albert on Fri day Feb 3rd to Mr and Mrs Jas a son The Altar To ronto on Jan Mr Forsyth of Whitchurch lo Miss Hutchinson MARSHALLALLAN On Wednes day Feb 1st in the Presbyterian Church Laskay by Rev J If Lemon Albert Marshall of Hid Township of King to Jennie eldest daughter of Mark Allan Laskay Wednes day Feb 1st at I he of the brides brother Shaw street Toronto by lev 0 King Alexauoev Pearson Cameron of Toronto to May daughter of Mr Robert Windsor of the resi dence of the brides parents on Feb by Rev J Mr of Man to Miss Delia youngest daughter of Mr Chas of Whitchurch SUNNY JIM Send Era to NO ft Hoist You can buy your Cheap For Cash A SPIXJIALTY John Millard 17 tad It The Tomb In Aurora on Feb 8th Timotby in his year Funeral this afternoon at 130 in terment at Newmarket Cemetery Whitchurch on Monday Jan 1005 Mrs aged years STOVER At on Jan 27lh widow of Stoverin her year MILLARD On Fob 1005 infant daughter of Mr Watson Millard ASHBURNKln Newmarket on Feb 5 at the residence of her soninlaw Mr Geo Itrcrnntr af ter a long illness from heart trou ble Caroline relict of John Ashhurne aged years Interred at StouBvillc on Wednes day THOMPSON At St To ronto on Tuesday Feb May dearly beloved daugh ter of Robert and AIHe son aged 1 year and months Sleep on Sweet bate And take thy rest God called thee He thought it best In Mount Albert on Thurs day Feb 2nd Ann Dean daughter the late Kllas of Sharon aged 74 years months and days Interment Sunday In Newmarket Cemetery I In Mount Albert On Monday Feb 1005 Horace Douglas Infant son Mr and Mrs Ramsden A months and days o ft SCOTCH TWEED SUITS A T- Prices Examine my and prloeo and that they are the CHEAPEST AND IN TOWN Fit end NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON STREET r SAi flffinlTUftEtyWDEBTAKIQ MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Order wilt receive tod Prompt AtUaUoa Winnipeg Feb ft Kite broke out it bbi3 morning furniture store of Frank Sallows Prairie and before could arrive on tbe had gained such headway that It was control The firemen are making heroic efforts to stem the conaagratlon So far Sallowe store and Express Companys are a total loss roport says Both thce were in Campbell Block Other buildings in vicinity are now on fire and will undoubtedly bo lost They are hardware store fruit store and Bailey Block occupied by Bailey LaterMr Baileys loss Is Mr Bailey formerly ran a bakery In Newmarket Tho total loss by Mondays fire at Portage la Man Is es timated at 35000 February at the Winter Resorts moat popular month of tho year For pleasure or travel California Mexico or Florida offer difficult to find any other part of the world restful healthrestoring cli mate luxurious hotels Round trip tourist tickets to all southern are on sale doily who cannot take avantto the above resorts should spend a days or weeks at Narby Win ter Resorts St Catharines Spring Mount Clemens Mineral and Preston Springs All Situated on Grand Trunk agents J Mc Donald District To ronto for literature full For Call on Agent