Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Feb 1905, p. 1

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YOKE INTELLIGENCES AND AD to tea to to utter tad to freely recording to conscience above all other liberty i SPA No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance i LTV No Newmarket Friday Feb id J TERMS paid in advance I STORY After New Years StockTaking I And weeding put all winter good A go time to money even if not needing the goods until next season We have a good assortment of Coal- Heating Stoves Self- Feeders and Parlor Cook Stoves which you can save from 200 500 each on We would much rather sell these goods at a small loss than run the risk of carrying any stock overy in Following Lines Heating Stoves XCut Saws Axes Sleigh Horse Blankets Weather Strip per foot CLYDESDALE STOCK FOOD FOR HORSES CATTLE SHEEP HOGS AND POULTRY QUICK SURE CURE Hand Sleighs Skates Bells NEWMARKET GO TO IN Perfumes Stationery Hymn Books Bibles Poems Fountain Pens Purges Brushes and Hand Bags A -ALSO- WEBBS CHOCOLATES A Good Farm to Rent of King being of In the acztt mostly cleared good buildings Hiring Pall to be and fall wheat la the groocitJ Good Apply to JAMES Desirable Residence it Cedar corner of Attnta TV will cold a a ww pv iiuiitd J IO ELLIOTT MM TORONTO Strictly finrVcltsa- In all Magnificent catalogue tree admitted at any J ELLIOTT Principal Corner Alexander Cedar Posts Wood and Building Timber FOR 8ALE Cm bin up to It long HENRY Toronto tetter A member of the Grocers Guild of city stated a lew days the annual consumption or sugar in Canada is pounds The I price is practically two tents lb higher than last year which Means an advance of that the people of Canada must pay for su gar this year Canadian iv is the most economical Toronto Industrial Fair men made a dead Get to get a slice or the Gov ernment grant of 52500 to Swine Breeders Association but were defeated on a vote The Executive of the Ontario Pro vincial Winter Fair tendered their annual business in this city Fri day last A satisfactory financial statement was pre ted The next Fair will held in De cember has won first in group i and only lost one in the series sec ond A writ has been filed the Grand Valley Railroad from op erating its cars on Sunday The line runs from A municipal Reform Association has been formed in this city The chief operators are persons who wanted the Council to cut liq uor licenses this year but failed to get their demands The earnings the Street J tail way for January reached over an increase of over January A record crowd visited I he Clydes dale and Shire Show on the third day The directors were delighted with the success accompanying their A blustering snow storm on Sun day made it very disagreeable on the streets Oh Monday forenoon fire did about damage to the Musketeer hotel Queen St While the family were at church on Sunday evening thieves ransacked the house of Rev Or pastor of the College Street Baptist Church but did not secure anything of very special value Mr Robert It widely known as a veteran ol Canadian turf passed away at the Queens hotel on Sunday in his year He had his summer home in and spent the winter months in this city A good many people from this city are visiting Niagara Falls these days to sec the icebridge and beau tiful scenery that locality The icefringe on tne trees of Goat Island are just grand Another investigation into alleged irregularities at Toronto University begins- on Saturday Feb The commission has asked and obtained lull power to evidence of the widest scope Faultfinders have now the opportunity to air their griev ances or henceforth stop grumbling Henry Lemon proprietor of the Clyde Hotel King St died on Sunday last alter a long illness De ceased was well known throughout the counties York Ontario and Feci bis hotel being headquarters for farmers He va years of age A little boy of seven years the only son of Mr and Mrs met with a fatal accident on Friday Mr Medd keeps about horses on his farm For some reason Willie was in the way when they were being driven back to the stable after exercise and was knocked down and kicked on the head He never regained consciousness and away Saturday Gorge the deputy return ing officer at the Bay street lire ball who left Toronto for as a re sult of the municipal election inves tigation surrendered to the County on Saturday afternoon lie was on bail ap pear at the March Sessions Irene Weaver pupil of Arthur Blight has been appointed contralto soloist The will of the late David Walker dispones of an estate The first regular united service the Agnes St Urn St Metho dist churches was held Sunday evening Over Ok Agnes St members met at the oh church and marched in a body to Klin St church where Carman preached lev J J Rice who laid the foundation stones Agnes St church As ago took part In the In toe Police Court Friday Henry Haines of Newmarket was convicted bigamy and was sent to the for one year Toe City Council on a vote of to 10 to cut licenses The temperance gariwitfon8 are now preparing a pe tition for local option A WHOLE VILLAGE I Attacked by Crip One Family capes by v love to her th Jn MjmM hut did waj Even if but that was nonsense be admired any one it was golden-hair- Bessie or blueeyed Grace some pretty creature and she was plain very plain according to the rules of beauty which were laid down in those days She was little and nan with a- tiptilted nose and a mouth large enough to be expressive Mean little mouths were then admired She had a round face and low In those days ladies were anxious to have high ones In fact she thought very poorly her own charms She that no one made that William did not but she did want a much Paring tne winter I and my ran sat down and looked at the of were with la moon again as it rose above the The very thai pie the and she thought time in the village where I resided William still at work upon the set- nearly everyone being It ting of an engagement ring that a Our doctors treated ft as beat they could happy lover had ordered for his were very in the treat- sweetheart and oh she thought Boon as my family J if things were but changed so that taken sick I vent to the and she was a lovely creature to whom bought six of and in some one just like William was en- all it according to the direction gaged and that she wore hei ring given on the bottle and although our her finger and kept hidden away seemed tobe more than nsuallj precious than all jewels the Violent In the yet recovery valentine in which he first told her was prompt and we were all sooner than thou who were treated try Hetty called a voice at regular physicians Many people died of this la grippedor ing epidemic and few If aywer tick short a time myself and fr After we were all well we one bottle of Send for a of Winter book contains a lecture by Dr on la grippe which baa attracted rid attention end baa reported n leading papers AQdJC3ZX3 Ohio oi Id the Days of Valentines WISH some one would send mc a valentine said wondered ty Hanson She was She leit ting at the parlor window might looking at the moon and the lamps had not yet been lit in the early February evening and she this moment from across the hall Hetty my child youll never get the rutlles tonight unless you begin In that day many ruffles were worn and there was much solemn work with a flatrbtaded knife after the weekly wash day So Hetty went to her ruffles and shortly afterward William tame in to show the engagementnag to her mother and herself lir laced it among pink cotton in iu Russialeather box How handsome he looked Hetty could not sleep lor a long while that night thinking of him From the window the room the wing where he slept a light shone he was awake What was he thinking she friends They paid visits She even Went to ft dance but no lover appear ed They went to church and sat in the pew in order of precedence tie fa ther the mother the daughter Wil liam at the end of the seat But still no splendid stranger appeared gazing at her with admiration in his eyes as they often did in the novels the day had the valeutiue coincfrom The year rolled by Valentines day came again Nothing had altered in the jewellers household- for the records in the family no would have known that Hetty was a year older that when she con fided her wish lor a valentine to the evening moon Perhaps the in moon had heard her wish and gratified it William now nineteen and had become a splendid workman Perhaps he did hot talk as familiar ly with Hetty Hanson as of yore They were both older and she said to herself I can be as reserved as lie A very serious elderly gentleman with a queer brown wig goggle eyes- had fallen- into a habit of call ing and evidently had some inten tion of offering- himself to Het ty The family spoke of him as a person great probity But somehow probity by itself does not win the virgin bean What he should send her a valentine she thought before sleep came to her on Valentines live What a stiff poky dry as dust thing it would he But in the morning there was Necklace is in Gizzard of an Old Hen Webster City Iowa ft As result of having lor dinner Miss Mamie Fort has recovered possession of a roucb- necklace which was lost by her two years ago The chain was she her shutter open hat the yellow raps still shone when she lei I asleep and dreamed that Cupid came to her wings bow and arrow pink gauze had uttered the words aloud Then and all and with bis lowest as she turned for she had frightened hereon by speaking aloud thot she saw a deeper shade amongst the shadows and heard a step on the carpet She ran to the hall door There was no one to be seen and she rejoiced such a foolish thing to say and usually she was not silly but she did want one very much There are no longer any valentines Oh hut there are you say I know The shop windows teem with them I know it the tine proper ceased to I when the spurious valentine was printed in quantities and to be had of every stationer The pretty tilings your Itmale relatives send you as they do Christmas cards or the ugly things vulgar enemies forward per post are not to be considered- In Hettys girlhood the lover who dar ed not utter his passion openly was the sender of the valentine lie could not buy one but he could get lbedged paper or lace paper on which to write and he could use his brush and color box and do his with loves and doves and his muse and his lyre or If he were rich pay some poet or painter to do it for him Such valentines you may still find amongst the treasures of ancient na tions or ol antique spinsters all over of land And it as Mich a one for on that thl little Hetty wished that February night Other girls got hem She had never had one in fact she had never had a lover never an offer for mar though she was eighteen years old and girls married early in those days To he sure she would have refused every one for she had a little of her own one that she hid in her soul deep down where no could sec it Site liked William too well to marry any one Though as for William he she knew felt no thing for her beyond friendship or was a match in any way suitable for William was only her lathers ap prentice Her lather was a Jeweller and silversmith and William had been with him ever since he was four teen years old he was one of the family He shared the toon dinner and the six oclock tea he went to church with Ills father had been an old friend ol hers hut had no prospered In lite find Hetty Knew that the match that would ex- of her would be one with a man some position who had mon ey or at least in the way In rich William waa just her own age and an apprentice for three years more how tendered her a valentine She awakened on valentine to find at the foot of her bed not Cupid but Diana a black- bound gir who M errands lighted the fires opened the door and made herself generally useful her hand she held a square lxCke most beautiful paper all gilded and and hearing on a ink space left for the purpose came in golden letters it Missy Hetty Diana Reckon it am a timc Day Missy Reckon youiii gwine for yar Missy Yah Yah Hetty took a silver coin from a lit tle bag that hung bedpost and put it in Dianas black palm I Diana away laughing with joy Then the girl arose ami bolted the door and going hack to her couch opened the wrapper ami with in all blue and silver amongst little smiling Cupids such as she had dreamed of encircled with posies of some fairyland for none such grow here lay her first valentine to her mind the most poem ever written though no lloint the clit ics as hard to pleu then at now might have thought differently A valentine Oh the lovely thing Oli the precious thing kissed it twenty times for its beauty and tried in vain to guess who could have sent it But she did not chow it to anyone She had always thot that if she had a valentine she should show it to the other girls and let them lease her about it She had believed she should be proud of her conquest as they were Hut now she only wanted to keep it to her self Of course her mother taw it and marvelled and admired as she did but no one else But the girls checks grew brighter and her eyes softer and she sang little love songs in the twilight And In these she said to the moon very care ful not to speak aloud however I have as dear a valcrwtlnc s any them And yet though she half expected it nothing came of the valentine No stranger sought an introduction No wonderful revelation of one who had long loved her secretly was made She helped her mother keep the house She fluted the ruf fles Mid skimmed the preserve kettle Her lather and William worked to gether and came in to dinner tak ing oil their aprons and Washing their hands on tho back porch had tea company mostly ancient family ana at her bedside again ami in her hand a splendid wrapper and within a finer valentine than the hisi one and by the same hand Oh no the dry old merchant in the brown scratch wig never sent that Hetty laid the two together in their wrappers and those in a great sheet of what folk in that day called silver paper and kept them to admiro And still no lover appeared in person save the elderly merchant whose name was Mr Moles and un less were to tell you bow she arose went to bed and how she learn ed to make salads and to bring fel lies to perfection and bought new dresses and wore them and called on the Misses Brown and the Misses Black to say nothing the Misses Grey I should not be able to write much about the eventful year or only this Id spite the valentines tho girls heart was sore for William Vcrmilye now fast approaching twen tyhad seemingly lost ail her friend ship for her comported himself idly and even betook himself to some other church on Sundays And She loved him better day- and was vexed and grieved and wept secret hut was so haughty in her manner towards him that her mother reproved her Kor William Vcr is a worthy young man said and of good birth and well- behaved and I am ashamed to sec you use him so because he is your fathers apprentice and you have mon ey He kind to him Oh ho can do very well without that said little Hetty and went up stairs with her nose in the air and cried as If her At last fib had three valentines each finer than the other and Mr Moles had and hud thanked him for his compliment and declined on the grounds hehad not thought of marrying any one ami at least he did not worry her by calling and looking at her hut approvingly as though she were a curiosity in a museum It Is your snubbing him Mis Hanson said to Hetty You use him badly Why I cannot think He never presumes And all while Hettys heart was breaking lor one kind look from him She thought nothing that He was going away not even when Valentines came though per- haps her unknown lover might re member her again She could not sleep that night but sat In the dark by the window There she could see William sitting by a shaded lamp at a near his window He was at work and very busy Concluded on Page found stowed away in the gizzard off the where it had evidently for some time as it la quite notice ably worn in some places although it is in fairly good condition Miss has only recently moved to Fort Dodge from a farm souUi Iwp years agii last summer while picking a flower bed in the yard she lost the necklace in question As soon as it was missed a thorough search the premises was made but without re sult The chain was given up as lost for good and the incident was almost forgotten When the family decided to leave the farm and remove to Fort Dodge they sold all but a few the fowl which they took to Fort Hodge with them- There were a down of them and the family has been eating them one by one on special occasions One fat old hen had been saved until the last When the this remaining j fowl was opened Owing to an acci- the inner luting was into j and a speck of what appeared to he appeared On invuiaiion long lost chain was stowed I away and suffered little damage A Smile in Dose If your ones are cross peev ish and fretful give them Babys Own Tablets and they Will soon be cheerful smiling and happy Worried mothers who use this medicine will find theres a smile in every Mrs Out says Before I began vising Babys Own Tablets my little one was al ways sickly and cried day and night But the Tablets have regulated his stomach andV bowels given him strength and he is now goodnatured and growing finely Mothers need not be afraid to use this medicine- it is guaranteed to contain no opiate or harmful drug and may be given with perfect safety to a new born babe Sold by all medicine dealers or sent post paid at cents a box by writing The Dr Williams Medi cine Co Is There a Hell has lost its powers as de terrent from evil When men were born in fear lived in dread and look ed on death in horror hell was a philosophical rational and useful ba sis of restraint Do not misunder stand me as suggesting that hell has died out The places of Us burning has moved It was made the minus sin and of it men were afraid That was rational and right We must teach men to dread the fires sin lights within That is more rational and awful than any fires that can burn without Sin puts hell into men not men into hell The hell of days add more modern times- as far as any- practical helping toward righteous ness is concerned has gone out But a more fearful hell is turning Only lew have eyes to see It speculative hell 1b subject tor jokes comic papers Thank pod the hell of fact Is not yet a joke with men lie who knows anything knows 3 sin and hell are synonyms The- church has lost the assistance he strong right arm of mora law be cause she pushed into specula realm a trucstlon that to present fact Hell Is a present to those who know kind that burns In every moral world A preacher In the Christian City An Insurrection has broken in Argentina and a state of for thirty days has been declared the entire republic FOR PERFECT HOME DYEING e I I EASY TO USE BRIGHTEST AND BEST J DIAMOND All and Dealers TAKE NO OTHER

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