Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Jan 1905, p. 5

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mwwm is ioocoo Weeks NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Easiness TRANSACTED fa Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL attended to- is goixo on Union The S teachers the Town meet this evening in the Presbyterian School Room at for study next Sundays lesson This will complete Mr A Davidsons series as leader Thon J Binliter Public to Main Street 0000 to loan on good Securi Bollottor Notary Public to to Loan at Lowest Rates Court Building Church Everybody was delighted at the ad dress Mr A at the prayer service on Thursday evening last week and there was a splen did attendance Mr P Pearson is to give the address on Thursday evening of next week Doth services on Sunday were well attended and the pastor delivered ex cellent sermons especially the one in the morning from toe text It is the glory of God to conceal a thing In the evening the by Mr Young with humming accompaniment by the choir was excellent which occurred the City Toron to which affected very Ihe amount of our members sub scriptions The Regiment Hand was en gaged for the two last days of the Fair also the Band of the Body Guards on the third day The amount paid for special attrac tions as shown in the Treasurers report may seem large but consider ing that these same people provided the program for a concert on the se cond night of Fair at which the re ceipts were more than the total cost of their engagement your Board can- not but feel it is money welt spent During the summer we again amal gamated with the Newmarket the Era A Highly Honored It seems almost that in the abort space of years a city the prompt and prober discharge the various duties you been call ed upon to perform Your zeal and devotion to the in terests the Masonic Brotherhood were from time to time recognized and acknowledged courteous iu jour has sprung up with all he newest in- demeanour to each of the visitors re- ventions in every industry with sonic posting admission on the nights of of the most stately buildings parks convocations and always and boulevards great numbers willing to listen with respectful of the business places humblest of your equal to any I seen in Toronto brethren whilst the school houses are in the congratulate you upon your sue best sanitary conditions with all the achievement both morally latest designs or the comfort and and financially as during your terra convenience of both teacher and pit- of office Vancouver A Chapter What is most surprising is largely increased in membership that this fine and healthy city with its financial department greatly all its beautiful surroundings was replenished cultural Society to our mutual bene- only 35 years ago a howling wilder- 1 To express these feelings in some fit jness- where the wild beasts measure is the wish of the The annual Excursion of the about in large numbers members of this Chapter to present ty was by tram to thence No doubt a great many fallowed- suitable testimonial as a by boat to Midland giving an the advice of the great New York token of the resist ami honor in to visit two of our northern Journalist and orator Horace which you are held towns This resulted in a profit to inspiring people in savin is with unfeigned pleasure now urn ace in Barrister fcc Chopra Soor of Court J Rot Co Banker Bank Aurora Reform Block Money to Loin INSURANCE rf J Arcnt for Sit Life to inter eat Current Rite A R Ramsay Agent tow Bite to P Simpson and Dr Wesley put a new his residence last week Pail timber and have been coming in at the rate of 30 loads or more a day during the past two weeks Have you renewed your sub scription Dont permit a discon tinuance of its welcome weekly vis its The man who loves the beautiful snow so much that he wont shovel it his may be a good citizen hut we doubt it Protection Society The annual meeting of the North York Union Mutual Protection Soci ety took place in the Fire Hall last Saturday There was nothing calling for ac tion during the past year and the Treasurer reported a balance on hand of nearly although it is five or us of The Council of the County York kindly made us a gram of H0iL0fi and this amount together with the balance on hand as shown in your Treasurers report will considerably reduce the mortgage On the whole we are to re port the Society in a flourishing con dition To balance on hand from including money re- i for members fees for Legislative Grant Municipal Grants Members Subscriptions Donations in Goods Moneys retained from prizes of for members fees for Admission fees to Exhibition Rents Ground Stalls and Grand Stand etc Funds merged from Horticultural Society Proceeds of Concert Proceeds of Excursion Proceeds from Adv in Prize List etc etc no man go West endeavor to carry out the wish of But I an wandering oil my subject the Companions and to add umjitali- Mr Editor As there arc always assurance which will number societies and organizations he far more pleasing and more cvisting in any place is in Van- tying to you than this jewel that you the ladies are numerous are to receive in the affection and amongst them Some of the latter esteem of the Companions that you are very good speakers and a good example to their rival institu tions But prominent amongst all of them is the Masonic Fraternity amongst which are to be found some of the mast leading and influential citizens of this city All the different branches and grades are represented here all of which arc in a prosperous and flourishing condition ami as arc frequently members of he craft arriving here arid often some are left through unforsecn misfortunes they arc upon applica tion relieved and dispatched to their places of destination at the earliest opportunity One of the most flourishing 53 branches of the Masonic Order in MX Vancouver Royal Arch Chapter No which was instituted about years ago and is at the 1666 present time one of the foremost in tlie Dominion of Canada Total 50 composed of good and trusty EXPENDITURES members or the craft intelligent and energetic business men but it reach ed its zenith under the able and wise government of Mr Sidney jr raised near Newmarket I Grant to North believe in relative of Mr Society per union of Newmarket One Rent Lighting Buildings and Ws brothers is Worshipful Master Grounds 67 Toronto Mr Sid- Paul on Mortgage 300 is the manager of the Interest on Mortgage 3121 Dining and Sleeping Car Department I division work and owing Urn Barron Will- Working Expenses successful administra- six years since an assessment was made on the membership which Paid for Prizes numbers for Special Attractions The officers elected were as follows j also used at Concert President Jackson 1st VjcePres Dennis 2nd Secretary J Millard Treasurer Webb Directors J Beats Simoom Bolton John fl Auditor tt4 or for Property avitaU Ml A aid tfa Toronto on all and it Omoe will son Widdifield Norman Paid also used at LICENSES At irpi at private ley Auditors Jackson and J Hughes York flg Society The annual meeting took place in the Fire Hall Newmarket on Tues day of last week Mr President 5t the chair After con firming the minutes of last annual meeting some informal discussion followed The Secretary then presented his annual report as follows Gentlemen It is with pleasure your Board sub mits to you this report for the year just closed The Fair which was held Sept 20 and was in every respect a marked success this being true fi nancially as well a from an educa tional standpoint One thing to be however the lack of interest shown by local farmers in various classes such as cattle sheep and swine Your Board has endeavored in many ways to in crease the number of exhibits in but have met with only lim ited success The only reason we can for the lack of enthusiasm in this department being the fact that ibis is not a stockraising section The splendid show of horses which has made our Fair one the leader in this class surpassed any former year The quality was highclass and the cert By Balance on hand includ ing amount retained for members fees from prizes 51 Total ASSETS To cash on hand including Prize money retained for members fees for Grants and Donations still due Value of Land 2000 Value of Buildings Pens- Chatties etc of the chapter during the term of his office the members came to conclusion to provide a suitable testimonial in token of their appreci ation of his efforts and as Mr is native of the neighborhood of Newmarket it can not but provide of pride and horror to all those who know him I can also say that if any of his friends should happen to visit the coast and should meet with some unavoidable accident and call upon him they will And in gentleman timely aid and suc cor Mr 1 enclose the address presented to Mr Sidney thru Your humble servant 5379 Total LIABILITIES By Prizes unpaid but still Mortgage on Grounds A BORNGASSEIL more than an- f f Total If there is one thing other that will afford encouragement mx it is the im by his brethren thai his work is recognized and appreciated and of tins an ample The total entries at the Fall Fair produced here on this occasion in the several classes were over have been requested the The foregoing report having been received ami adopted the meeting proceeded to the election of officers and directors for ensuing year- toe chairman nominating Messrs Boss and H scrutin eers ballot The following were elected President 1st A K 2nd VicePros J- Proctor awards as keenly contested Director Boss is I and G of this District Companion J to pre sent a testimonial to the retiring Past 1st Principal of Vancouver Arch Chapter Sidney I can assure you Companion I not only consider the request a personal but a most pleasing duty which will afford an opportunity to pay a tribute of respect and honor to an omeer who lias left no undone to pro mote the interest and welfare of the as at Toronto Exhibition In Schmidt I Fortune Chapter during his term of office poultry also deserves spficialjj Cane Geo A EI anil of equal importance is pleasure of the meili- mention as thc largest exhibit Coombs A we have over had Tlie Committee in this department did excellent work In the revision of the prize But One new- feature was te edfor which brought out a large selection of various Acting on the report of last year the poultry was enlarged thus this department to of this Chapter to make a pics- WW wlkose relatives I am acquainted for lation Auditors J A and to a personal friend coming lirotji the ianiy locality where I A vote of tnanks was tendered the for over forty with retiring Board According to statement prize had been awarded the Board jBitrtite the Masonic Iratermly all and paid oil and respected in the on the mortgage where they reside on hand to pay 500 To Excellent Past First Principal the Treasurers Jinan- some of them the usual amount r amongst the most important WJ It was again ntcessary to use a tent for roots etc for M though main building is large had at the sti it is too small for the incrcas- requirements our Fair is adjourned It is tiki merit alone is the title that at as early a date as Erectors meeting will be to Masonic privileges Our ancient possible this building be j j when a charges declare that all preferment fitted with galleries to Treasurer will Sykea One earliest lessons to the Neophyte In Free Masonry is Liveries Art tsaVaiUas Iotj Wo terra hungry But arp alt for work But to ford the further accommodation so much The exhibit on dairy and also that to Ladles Work were very large and of splen did quality On the whole the number of entries a slight over that of lawt the amount In by thr Treasurer not ho large However taking Into act that Sir Win did not donate this year as heretofore his special prize valued at the aiAount paid an last Another Secretary an appointed very annoying proper remedy The fcejnoC must be put In a thorough would like rtUtract as from a eecham MU If you tee are to itek you are Kithtr or age from a we year the fire In cents among is groundol upon real worth awl personal merit only so that the Lord may bo well served the brethren not put to shame nor the be despised Sytesthe7iKriilrfrs of Vancouver den ial re In some Way to show their for zeal energy and which you drVoteVi to the of tho in pity have ever punctual of yodr juBtattd your Inlays and unver cant and familiar with inark of the Order of the Royal Craft an well as prompt- in ihb of business Involved In may long be spared to aid and as sist by your safe counsel and matur ed experience and that the Most High may bless you and your fam ily is but the echo and sentiments and feelings or all the members of Vancouver Royal Arch Chapter On of the Companions A Vancouver January IS YOUR BREATH BAD Bad breath is one of the early symptoms of Catarrh which should be checked at once and allowed to run into consumption The surest cure is fragrant healing which cures Catarrh by removing its cause No case is too chronioeven the most stubborn yield in a short time to the balsamic vapor ol tarrhozone It makes cures that last for once cured by you stay cured is pleasant convenient and safe to use relieves almost instantly and is guar anteed to cure every type of Catarrh bronchitis and asthma Use only complete outfit sample size li Exhibitions leading societies tho Province tore evincing consid erable Interest in the suggestions by Mr of societies that the number of held annually In Ontario should materially Societies should recoivn proportion tho expend for agricultural poses Such a change would do away with and district societies Ontario lutlou ban u resolution of these and ex- the belief that litre result in larger kiuuin of rnonoy be In The Executive of the Brooders latloii at Its annual meeting Iu Tor onto on Juuuary lUtli piiHSoliy approving of these mid statin Its opinion that oxhlbitloriK would result In larger bettor prizes urn well Jifi Lion In undesirable feature now rfo op The joking taxidermist work is and In a sandpaper factory I In em ployees as you might say are roughing It If Your Liver is Wrong if are Wrong all Over A torpid Inactive liver goto la hand a condition a itorX to overcome It tab- VS good and perfect djinage Smiths dtemut containing tded to end go raUly to the them completely to mote It la just when your aVeaaOohoj fJSfeaiW you soon jlti Jtfj lLtan and all aboald tad fc will p ra nurOr g fc Smith Montreal Oleics Igaiiths up 2d dials- fc SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACJKS FOR a T Dont Forget Our Annual ALSO NEW GOOD i Now Silverware Now Cloche New Brooches New Pins New Tie Pino New Cull Links New received this week them New New Now Neck Chains New Chains New Charms J Now and New Waist Sots Call and we flhnli to T WATSON and Graduate men At SB Twine I and feet to tho T HARD COAL F6y jUeilm ftply to Oat FirstGlass Farm for Sale la of Whitchurch ol lot In coll good fall plowing done fall wbtat In ground At I IjaFJSTAHp t FOB BALE its ooauilciit ny for Six coaloil lamps tec or nix also Might will fca iJv

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