Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 20 Jan 1905, p. 4

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JAN J I rli r Wi they want of Mooneys Perfection Cream Sodas the ones shoe J for midday luncheon and bedtime per Its surprising How nourishing crackers Ask your grocer for Perfection Cream Sodas in the moist proof packages that keep them so fresh WHITNEYS BAD VOTES The Legislative Record of J P Whitney A NONPROGRESSIVE AND REACTIONARY PUBLIC MAN By agreement with the Provincial Government some American capital ists undertook to develop a largo water power and establish the larg est mil id America at Marie Having ample power and abundant natural resources in the way of ores and timber American company rapidly extended the works to in clude a flteel rail mill machine chops sulphide pulp mill chemical record works furniture and veneer factor- whltaey Leg its railway and steamboat and op- ffiP iron and other mines to everything proposed by the j The company expended over thirty liberal Government He has million of United States capital In the the enterprise before there was a Government which have to get any profits fi000 been sanctioned by hands were employed Mora capital was needed to able opposition though establishment has and again proved by the- farming community On page of Journals of 1693 it recorded that Mr moved seconded by Mr Kerns that the resolution respect ing aid of agriculture be not concurred in but re ferred back to a of I Whole House with Instructions to strike out the proposed vote of for tho salary of an assistant In practical knowledge of Gregg Shorthand BookKceping Commercial Law Rapid Calculation Correspondence Spelling etc will open up the of the REMUNERATIVE POSITIONS way to W CO out of arrears Govern ed we to oiler Our facilities for this knowledge are ruoat complete WINTER JAN 3RD For full particulars regardw ing our careful and course write NOW to j AMERICAN Toronto BROOKS Principal is J Slabs Delivered PER CORD LL KINDS ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER per SHINGLES LATH going till the varioua Indus tries to pay Hard times struck the States the money was not available and the works closed down Five thousand hands were work with their wages in and winter coming on having ample security money to pay these and the loan has already been re paid To have these works permanently closed would have bean disastrous to the credit of the Province and put the development of Ontario back The directors of the Soo compan ies tried to raise money to reorgan ize the industries but came short of the amount required by two million dollars The Government pledg ed the of the Province to raise this money taking a first mortgage on the industries for security The Industries are now reestabltshed the Government loans are being repaid nearly are employed re ceiving wages of over a month It required courage to take the coursj followed by Premier Ross but the splendid results have justified him WOULD HAVE HAD THE COURAGE TO TAKE COURSE Ik said last fall Hill that the might veil have been thrown Into Like ion He has initiated nothing He has proposed nothing new The fol lowing extracts from his legislative record will prove the truth the above statements how ill- fitted ho is to become Premier of this great Province of Ontario of By reference to page Jour nals of it will be noticed that on the third reading of the Govern ment Bill to regulate the closing of shops and hours labor therein ilr Whitney entered his vote against it f a of During the session of a Gov ernment Bill was brought in re specting the of Agricul ture and other industries It was moved by Mr seconded by Mr that while this House concurs in the proposition to give greater attention by the Exe cutive Government to the agricul tural interests has hitherto of the Province than been done it is of British Columbia and Pino Ladders Half Price Egg Stove COAL SOFT COAL SELECTED PEAR80N bike Mother During a bible lesson the was trying to parable of the you me any who is the evil one Who owed the tares V dm A Instantly shot up from of class Well David she fcaod is the evil Pleeee maam David my mother Why teacher in Be- anirwexed ha eyeing bis patch- erf the be Cured by as they tte portion oi the ear Inre only way to cure deaf- and that is by rentes by a the mucous lin ing the you have a sound or and when it daf- teas is result ar4- unlets the can be Wen arid this tube to its normal will he detrytd for- aer nine out ten are caus ed by nothing of the We will give One for any cat of by catarrh that cannot be cued by Halls for tir- free J fioM Dzuolcts Family are the AN INSTANCE Of NEW ONTARIO DEVELOPMENT AND A QUESTION On his accession to the Premier ship in ilr Ross found that some before twentyfour town ships along the north of had been surveyed seven of them opened for sale to He also found that although the land well suited for only a few settlors had bought land owing eh folly to the that for several months in the they were shut off from the rest of the country tor want of railway communication Premier saw at that what was most needed to settle this country was a railway and decided that the railway must he built A charter to build a railway to I this district had been given but the holders the char ter teemed in no hurry to build no private company was pre pared to build it then the Province would do so and with characteristic courage and promptness Premier Ross asked the Legislature for au thority to build the road as a Gov ernment enterprise which was given The road is built and in operation You can leave Toronto at mid night and reach district the next morning The lend in the original twenty- four townships has been to new townships have been surveyed in the district also all Bold end to afford expansion in this direction sixty townships have been urvyed over the height of land ready for settlement as soon the railway now building the district The building of this railway has the discovery of a new silver mining district near one of the most important In Cana da and the pirn- along the road south of the farming district sold for probably a million dollars more than if tho been then HAVE HAD TUB TO BUILD THIS AH A PROVINCIAL or he have riven the road and sums In money and land to a private company CR0WK UK OPENED SETTLE MEMT opinion that end can be attain ed without incurring adding another member to the CutVe Council and the inevitable additional expense which will be con- on such addition and that therefore the said bill be not now read the third time but be forth with referred back to the Committee of the Whole House with instruc tions to amend the same by striking out the third section thereof Wage Journals The section of the bill which it was proposed to strike out reads as fol lows The- Act respecting the Council is further amended so far as the same restricts the Exe cutive Council to six members Had Mr Merediths resolution pre vailed there could not been a Minister of Agriculture Mr Whitney voted for this amend ment and by doing so opposed the appointment of a Minister of Agri culture By this vote he clearly put himself on record in opposition to One of the most important and most beneficial moves the Government ever made VTaaUd tl Ulalmr of Mr Whitney voted for the abolition of the office of Minister of Education the following amendment moved Mr seconded by Mr Clancy on April p That the said bill consoli dating and revising laws respecting the Education Department be not now read the third time but that it bo resolved that It is expedient to place the Education Department tho control of a nonpolitical and that the bill be referred back to the Committee of the Whole with to amend the same by providing for the abolition of the office of Minister of Education after the dissolution of the present House Mr Whitney was therefore then and is now in of an Ir responsible oligarchy to control our educational interests instead of the present system of Governmental re sponsibility Again in p Mr Whitney voted for a simi lar amendment lha f ft During the session of a was introduced by the Government respecting disputes under the drain age laws and providing for the ap pointment of ah expert drainage re feree Mr Whitney opposed this un der an amendment Introduced by Mr Meredith fp Journals Mr Whitney also repeated his vote on March lh at Mr Whitney opposed the appoint ment of a Superintendent of Neglect ed Children a branch that has fully its establishment and exis tence Mr Meredith moved an amendment to the bill for tho pre vention of cruelty to and the hotter protection of children and Mr Whitney joined with the Opposition las Liberal Government have true to policy of opening up Ontslo in the facilities afforded bona fide settlers In makinghoi- In Dew Ontario Thus there have been surveyed and placed on market up to the present Number of grant town- Number of la Crown for ale at of persons located grant slooe Number of acres sold and located under AU 4MlCfi in voting against it p Jousi Votd Acraiiiuiodft In Ontario On April p Jour nals Mr voted a resolution rixllng a new- Asylum for the Insane for Ontario afterwards at al though it was eoon filled with pa tients showing the wisdom of ln- for tho Insane at that time Mr attitude towards the Agricultural College has nev er by one of blind and the of Natural History etc for the Ontario Agri cultural College Mr Whitney vot ed for this motion and in so doing evidenced his antagonism to this most useful and well conducted in stitution the On May 2nd p Jour nals a vote was taken on a resolu tion of the Government to take a plebiscite on the temperance question Mr Whitney recorded his voto against this method of ascertaining opinion on the subject referred to to a of Our Territory Mr Whitney Is on record as voting against the yearly surveys of new townships in Northern Ontario sur veys that were absolutely needed as settlement advanced On May Mr Clancy moved seconded by Mr that a resolution respecting the expense of the Crown Lands Department be not now con curred in but be forthwith referred bock to a Committee of the Whole House with instructions to out the item of proposed to be voted for surveys of townships in new districts See p Clerk of Forestry Almost every new departure by the Government which tho country has again and again approved was voted against by Mr Whitney On April Mr Monk moved second ed by Mr Preston that the resolu tion respecting grants in aid of agriculture be not now concurred in but be forthwith recommitted to a Committee of the Whole House with instructions to reduce item by being the salary and dis bursements of the Cleric of Korea- try which was now vacant and in the opinion of this should bo discontinued p Journals 1814 Mr Whitney joined with the opposi tion in voting for this resolution and yet no branch of Government was more has proved itself more valuable than the Forestry Branch of the Department of Agriculture Mr Whitney has never grasped Importance of the great subject of forest preservation and On March for the third time Mr Whitney voted to abolish the office of Clerk of Forestry for TralolDf of A vote taken In the House on April 1804 p J la to grant a certain sum for the Ontario School of Pedagogy Mr Whitney opposed the grant and voted against It loiood Rend True to his oldfashioned and non progressive ideas Mr Whitney dur ing tho session of voted for the following resolution which was moved by Mr Meacharn and socond- by Mr That all the words of tho motion after the word that bo struck out and the follow ing substituted this House views with alarm tendency of the Gov ernment to create new offices and Is of the opinion that the of Pro vincial Highway Commissioner with a salary of exclusive of ox- la unnecessary places an additional and useless burden on the Province See p IBS The of new of Pro vincial Commissioner has more thun Justified by the sub sequent jnd the Govern ment more praise for their advanced policy in this al most any other one act And yet as had been said Mr Whitney did all in his power to block progress in this direction Toted Coast Bill The public will recall tho excellent and much needed legislation of to reduce the number of county coup clllors thus effecting a great Having In time and expense in this rnlm Municipal Government besides sim plifying the election and procedure Mr Whitney six months hoist of the bill thus opposing an other legislative reform demanded and since sanctioned by ths people p Journals to Audit of On April on a resolu tion In Committee of Supply to for the purpose of a Munici pal Auditors and expenses Mr Whitney voted It The published reports of this officer are thv evidence of the need of such appointment which has saved muni- thousands dollars and effected a much needed reform of foal try of Journals cordfl the following- motion Mr Carnegie moved seconded by Mr that the resolution respecting grants In aid of agriculture bo not now concurred in but bo forthwith referred back to the of Supply with Instructions to the item by for the farm pro per of the Agricultural College for the Poultry Association Mr Whitneys name is among supporters of this motion which Indicative of his altitude and of his party toward agricultural In terests kloro Opposition to The Journals of the of page 261 show that Mr Carnegie moved seconded by Mr that tho resolution respecting grants in aid of agriculture bo hot how con curred in but be forthwith referred back to the Committer of Supply with instructions to reduce the item by being voted for In structions in fruit spraying Farm and West ern Dairy School and reduc tion in vote for printing Hero again Mr Whitney proved himself to be an obstructionist in much pertains to the development of our agricultural interests Again on April Mr Whitney voted for Mr Carnegies motion to strike out of tho estimates the sum of for Western Dairy School at Mr Whitney talks of establishing three or four Agricultural Colleges in Ontario still he has voted for the abolition practically of a Dairy School which costs the Province a trifle and which has been means of giving Instruction in butter and cheese to a large number people Work All Out As late As the session of Mr Whitney vobsd to do away with the Public Works Department thus wip ing out of existence this important branch of Government which for years has been under the control of a Catholic Minister of the Crown On March 29th p Jour nals a resolution of the of Supply was opposed by an Opposi tion amendment which read that the resolution be not concurred in but bo forthwith referred back to the Committee of Supply with in structions to reduce the item by being the salary and expen ses of the Public Works Department By reference to page 262 of tho Journals of it will be seen that the Leader of the Opposition sup ported a Conservative amendment that the resolution respecting im migration be not now concurred in but be forthwith referred bark to the Committee of Supply with instruc tions to reduce the item by being immigration vote for agencies in Against i Victorian of The Government brought in a re solution on March voting for Lady Aberdeens Victor ian Order of p Jour nals Strange to say Mr Whitney voted against this small vote for such a deserving philanthropy Up of Now Ontario Notwithstanding fact that electors have clearly evinced a wish that the opening up of Ontario should be facilitated Mr Whitney opposed the Important Railway Bill of by personally moving sev eral detailed amendments although he refrained from voting on the bill as a whole It will be remembered that railway resolutions of 1809 provided for assistance to railways that would bring within reach tho Lake region and the coun try lying west of It also provided for assistance to the Ontario and River Hallway Mr Whitney however did all In his power to negative this assistance on Household utensil can be made to look a good as new by washing in a solution of Sunlight Soap They will shine and glitter thus helping to make the home bright and inviting Sunlight Soap means less than half the labor required in wishing with com mon soap and makes everything spotlessly clean Sunhg Soap made of pure oils and faU contains no ingredient injurious to the hands ASK FOR THE OCTAGON BAR Sunlight Soap Washes the Clothes White and wont Injure the Bands LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO j I ft FOR Main Timothy tho part of Province of Immigration On April Mr Whitney voted to strike out of the Esti mates the sura of being amount expended for maintaining an Emigration at Liverpool This was dono notwithstanding fact that what Ontario moat at the present moment la en couragement of farm laborers and settlors on her wild lands Aootbor Voto at Hon On April Mr Whitney voted against the third reading of the Bill providing a grant to the Central Hallway Mr land grant as a phenomenal steal although he afterwards practically apologized for his vote at meeting held In Victoria Hall September in the City of Toronto ilia of of tba Mr Whitney voted against all arguments submitted by In the session of for de veloping pulp Industries country For Instance ho voted against a grant to the Pulp Paper Manufacturing Company On a a mo day he voted against a grant to the Blanche Pulp and Paper Company On the April he voted a to the Spanish Pulp Company If Mr Whitney had his own way no pro gress would have been made In the development of the pulp Industries of country Which are promoting settlement which already employment to a great num of people and ih tho course of a few years will form nucleus of small towns Id Northern Ontario f f Bits of Humor Mary didnt I tell you I liked my beef well done Mary You did but I didnt say any thing did I eoplo can have their whims If want to for all me TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Laxative All refund the if it fails to euro Groves Is on each box Delicious Attractive Is the IMklng at the i I INCREASED POPULATION NEW ON prime object has been tho of the Crown of the Province this going on roost of eent ycar The following table from tho Illustrate this growth concrete form MiiHkoka and all from FANCY to Puffs from at lie ted NEWMARKET MAIlBLW0RKS LATEST IN and Head Stones Allan Strayed From my premises a twoyearold Dull dark red The of Ms horns were cut off and two notches cut out from the under side of left ear Any person giving informa tion where I will find him will be reasonably Address DRAPER Box Wood Wanted In addition to our wo have n Klondike All Sandwich Twists and Spice and Tea I teKi Mfirhk Cuke Bananas Naval Oranges and Messina Lemons Lunches at Hours and Hot Dinners on Saturdays A HILL No Not Too Late To enter for a term In any Depart ment of our excel lent school the Scald Tenders will he received by the undersigned to supply the Indus trial Home Ten Cords of green fourfoot Maple and Cordwood All to bo firstr class wood least to he onehalf Maple anil cut with a saw Tendcro to he in not later Jan and wood delivered not later than hit of March No tender necessarily accepted J Inspector Newmarket Pqr Sale Two Jersey Heifer In and May Also Spring Calves Would exchange any tor good fresh milch cows PEARSON Newmarket Total Or gar For the Winter Term now open we have a of teachers and can advantages not to bo found In a unimportant school Write for particulars and to start at once SHAW Principal Toronto The Way Over They tell this story In the commis sioners at Kills Island New York Two Irish Immigrants just arrived stood one morning on the Government landing watching a dredg er at work a few yards away pres ently a diver crawled painfully from the channel slime up a I wider to the deck of the dredge One Irishmen very much sur prised turned to his companion and said Look at that mon Look at Mini if Id known way over Id walked over too

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