Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 20 Jan 1905, p. 3

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I Weeks Meal IS OH A ft Newmarket team went to To ronto last Friday and defeated St- Georges by a score of to match at Newmarket last County Council Tuesday afternoon York Co Council will meet in Toronto and the first business is the election of a Warden In all probability someone w the southern part tie County be- the choice After this rou tine the Council will probably ad journ till Thursday as the Provincial Elections take place on Wednesday Good Bill t Should Mr Lancasters bill to the Railway Act pass into law this session of Parliament Newmarket will have the railway crossings guarded so as to protect life The bill referred to re quires that where railways run trains a higher speed than ten miles an through the thickly populated parts of cities towns and villages the crossings shall be protected by gates watchmen or other effective TEE- NEWMARKET FRIDAY JAN 1905- I Another Cpnal Scheme Notice is given by the Canadian Canals Corporation of an application to the Dominion Parliament for a charter to construct between the Georgian Bay and Lake and also from Lake to Lake Ontario There is a clause in this application that may lead to some thing entirely different from mere development It is this Power to take and use water for the raid works and for other purposes Some time ago about twenty arte sian wells were struck in the vicinity of Lemon and a large quantity of water obtained Steps were being taken to convey this water to To ronto but the farmers objected This looks like another scheme to drain these lands under cover something larger For Your or Pleasure a few days or weeks at the delightful Winter Resorts in the South Direct connection with all lines Consult Grand Trunk agents regarding routes and rates forget to vote for next Wednesday 1 Last Saturday was the coldest morning this below zero A runaway horse with one shaft attached to the harness Stopped un der the Methodist Church shed on Tuesday evening Messrs Taylor and ship ped a car of mixed live stock to To ronto oh Wednesday Cemetery Co The annual meeting took place in the Fire Hall on Monday evening There was only a small attendance On motion Allan was voted to the chair The Secretary read the annual re port of the Directors which was adopted The report states that the general improvements and repairs have been maintained There were interments during the year but only 21 of these died in Newmarket Regret is expressed at the demise of the late J J Pearson one of the most faithful and efficient members of the Board The necessity of endow ing the lots for ihtir perpetual care is strongly emphasized Mr J A the Treasurer read his report showing that after paying all forking expenses and put ting to the Care of Lots Fund the balance on hand is more than last The Endowment Fund wts increased over last year aid now amounts to drawing a per cent interest On motion to adopt the report some discussion took place on the ad visability of making all collections before permit for burial is issued as there ape about unpaid for lots awl care of lots The Board was ad vised robe more stringent especially in regard care of lots and the re port was adopted The following Directors were then elected by ballot Messrs J A Webb Jackson C John J and Auditors J Millard and Brunt on Meeting adjourned The Board will meet on Thursday afternoon of next week for organiza tion Beautiful Cushion Tops This week at Hughes Womens Club The fifth meeting of the Womens Musical Club was held Thursday of last week at the usual time and place The composer for the day was Schubert and the following short but enjoyable program was rendered from that favorite master Paper Miss Edith Robertson Song The Serenade by Miss Piano Duet Overture to by Mrs and Mrs Grant Son Abo Maria by Miss Piano Solo The King by Mrs Grant After the minutes of the last had been read by the Secretary tie President said that as so many bad written to the Secretary lately asking how to join the Club the thought it advisable to read over the rule in the constitution of the Club at the first meeting viz Any member may nominate a can didate for admission and upon ob taining a seconder such nomination shall ho submitted in order as at the next meeting of the Board of Directors in whom the pow er of election is vested The President then read a letter from Miss I Ma Wilson received by Mrs Aubrey Davis which speaks for Mrs Davis According to your egetion have made a hasty and brief outline of the wrk in the the ory of music proposed for the Wo- Musical Club Two courses are one In practical work one in history At the pleasure of tie club might be combined in practical work with one in history If some definite course of study of this kind were pursued by the mem ber- of tie Club would it not seem than an aimless though soci able and enjoyable season without practical result being pIKhod This of course Is only for a suggestion to be receiv ed or set aside at the and iretlon of the Club Yours sincerely K Wilson had written out a synopsis of work for the year and it fa to be hoped that a el may be formed with some idea of work Many may not understand that the Club was not form ed a a social club alone Its aim or abject being Rule fry Club shall be of women and is organised for in both ard for the ivly the of music Banquet At the conclusion of the Council meeting last Monday evening ex- Mayor Cane invited the members and other Town to Hills Re freshment Parlors where an excel lent banquet was served On removal of the cloth Mr Cane proposed the health of the new Mayor and exMayors remarking tbiit during the 23 years that he had serve in the Council there had al ways been harmony and a desire to do what they considered in the best interest of the Town Mayor briefly replied that though following one so effi cient he would endeavor to discharge the duties of the office with credit to the Town ExMayor Jackson was in his remarks being elected to the first Council in Newmarket and hav ing served for to years fully appreciated the efforts made the Council to advance the Town His great regret was that North York had not been made a separate county which was strongly advocate the year that he was Warden The North Riding had at that time as great area and greater assessable value than thirteen counties in the Pro vince who were paying from to a year less County taxes than we are Had made a County Town at that we should now have a Ax or seven thousand people Robertson and Lloyd also briefly to the toast the former being no on his year of municipal service in Newmarket In proposing the health of the Other members of the Council Mayor of the necessary lay required for roads Mr A Smith who has now been yearn in the Council desir ed the Town Hall enlarged and Improved Messrs Coomb- Hunt er Dr also replied to this toast Messrs and McKay the courtesy extended to the press Messrs I Lloyd J flushes J A P J re plied on behalf of Town Officials thh of the Town has- quad rupled since Mr became postmaster On account of the magnificent spread the health of the host and hostess was drank and replied to by Mr Hill might that ibe tables were decorated with three handsome bou quets of flower presented to Mrs Cook by Sir Touin Regular meeting last Monday even ing All members present Mayor in the chair Following bills passed United Factories P J Anderson for charity Express on Electric goods Ed Moles and freight on transformer Thos cleaning enow 3 Thos cleaning boiler Peter Ausman work at power house Peter cleaning boiler Smith drawing coal A drawing coal Jesse wood for power house 50 A ByLaw was passed appointing the following officers PoundKeepers J and Trios Hunter Jr Williams Cyrus Clubinc Lewis and Jos Wesley- First Engineer P J Engineer Geo Trivet 3rd Engineer Richard Osborne Fire Wardens AH members the Council Board of Health in place of H Pretty deceased Medical Health Officer Dr Scott The report of the Striking Commit tee was adopted as follows Finance Robertson Roadheuse Cane and Coombs Fire and Light Cane Robertson and Smith Road and Bridges Smith convenor and rest of Council Printing and ByL a ws Coombs Ro bertson and Property Coombs and Hunter Market and Town Smith Mr Robertson was advertise for the sale Messrs Robertson Cane and the Mayor were appointed to confer with the County Council re purchase of building occupied by the Town Clerk The ByLaw Committee was in structed to introduce a bylaw March 1st limiting the number of hotels in the Town of Newmarket- The Mayor was requested to write the Manager of the York Co Radial Ry Co and advise him that for se veral days past the snow has not been cleaned oil the track ol the in the Town and that in consequence the cars have not been running to the north end of the Town which has caused great inconvenience to passengers and that the agreement calls for cars running to the north end Council adjourned o of Buffalo is spend ing a few weeks with her mother Mrs J is visiting rela tives- at Miss Jane Phillips spent- a week with her brother at White Hal Par ry Sound District Mr T who has been very ill for the past few weeks and under the doctors is slowly improv ing Mr and Mrs attended the fdneral of her father Mr of Sandford on Saturday De ceased was in his year Our pastor Rev Washington preached a powerful sermon on Sunday evening last against dancing and euchre parties Miss Carrie Gilbert has returned home after spending a few weeks with relatives at Miss Ethel Saunders is spending a week with relatives in Newmarket Clifford Piplier has gone to to work for Mr Avery Mr and Mrs spent a day in Newmarket last week Quite a number from here Attend trie skating at Air Cooneys pond mm v v Hall Hunter and instructed to of 1000 Town The public wait never them surrises for this sale and we some big i COME AND SEE THE BARGAINS IN Ladies White Wear- Cottons Blankets Quilts Towels etc This Sale is for January only Come early as many lins being once sold out cannot be repeated at the same price PINE ORCHARD the order of the Wood hauling is day in our burg Mrs of Uxbridge is vis iting at Mr Halls Mr Freeman Widdi field of was the guest of Mr this week Mrs P Hunt is spending a couple of weeks in the city Mr Walter Brown has returned to Mr Fred Toole and sister Mrs were visiting friends in Markhara a couple of days this week There was a runaway in our town last week but fortunately no darn- age was done Young ladies arc scarce in our burg but they arc alright for they seem to he in great demand as understand that on the of this month Mr Rogers of East was married to Miss Sadie Mo- Kenny daughter of Mr P J Mo- Kenny Come all ye honest Liberals And listen unto me Kindly pay attention To these few wordsand agree On the of January ft Is our full intention To bury alive SUNNY JIM It is now stated that It Carney has grown so forgetful that he is still hazy about that bank deposit Curious isnt it The other member of the firm Is doubtful however neither Is the bank clerk VIVIAN Mr of preached a grand sermon to a very large congregation Sunday Mr Bunting also sang some very appro priate selections Mr intends to be us every other Sunday at pm A grand Liberal organization meet ing was held at J Brooks house on Wednesday The house was fill ed to the doors when ficlrt and his brother Ed arrived A load came from Churchill J Brooks was elected chairman for this divi sion and Hugh Campbell of secretary James Hiehard and Jos Scott were the guests of P James Thursday eve Mrs Rota Graves and daughter of Sfcrubmoni were in town Sundav We arc pleased to say that Mrs Mitchell who has- been very ill is improving nicely Thomas Simpson of who is learning to be a baker was here to see his grandfather Mr McCor- who is ill Brooks who got His thumb pulped in the turnip is able to he at work again The family have left our division and gone to reside in Mr Lem Paisley and bride take possession when the paint er and paperhanger get the house cleaned up Mr Isaiah Dougherty who is hale and hearty at nearly eighty paid a friendly visit to Pine View on Satur day High and Sons have taken a contract to cut fifty cords of beech and maple and fifty cords of soft wood for J Brooks this winter FROSTY tOOO KETTLKBV THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER i Alteration of J remise Selling a large part oi the stock at i 1 A C i In order to concentrate the stock in the South Store i On Sunday evening as Mr was coming out church he slipped and fell on the back his head spraining his ankle badly at the same time On Friday evening last Mr J Curtis and wife in commemoration of their marriage invited his bible students in the Methodist Sabbath School together with a number of teachers and after a sumptuous re past including oysters c speeches were indulged in together with mu sic Altogether a very pleasant evening was spent Mr Oscar who Has spent the past J years in the Territories spent with hi here and on Tuesday last took his departure again for the West taking with him a wife in the person of Muriel eldest daugh ter of Mr Win old Survey Vre join their friends in wishing them The Store leased to Mr Gar I to commence work on Monday annual oyster feed at Mrs On Thursday evening the village commissioners called their annual meeting and straightened out business of trie year Those calendars is furnishing his customers arc all OK It makes the business look as though it was interesting We feel like asking your leaders to smile on Mr Lennox and for the popular on the Stock Market ii The only changes in Toronto this Week is hogs have advanced over last week and lambs higher DO NOT SUPPRESS A COUGH When you have a cough do not try to suppress it but remove The cough is only a symptom of vote disease and the disease is what candidate you should cure then the cough will of Itself The most common Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats hack ing coughs pain in the lungs It relieves coigesfion sub- Cherry fcfl Beit in Call at 4jA for this occasion the flow ers being produced at his model farm on St this would probably the last large supper catered by Mrs Cook in tKo present premiss the tables pliotozraied by Mr with the seated The delightful social was brought to at midnight by the dues inflammation It heals ircnfjhcns Your doctor will you He knows all about this cough medicine We i ft f tut lft Mi A KkOY I mi vAtu Mi Weak Throats ssfzr yroatly recovery Purely gently a and prosperous life on their new homestead in the wild and wool ly West On evening a very enthusi astic meeting was held here in the in terest of Mr the popular Liberal candidate for North York Quite a number of the S of convened at Mr A on Mondty evening and presented Mr Oscar and vIfo on the eve of their departure with a pair very heavy all wool blankets and a dainty meat fork accompanied by an address- Mr Lewis Mount is quite ill Mr A has began to team bin- effects to Schombcrg where he has leased a general nlOre premi ses and purposes embarking In the mercantile business in the spring The sick at Proctors arc progressing more favorably At he annual Cemetery Hireling here on Monday following officers were appointed President Watson Secretary Jos lingers Treasurer Proctor Archibald A Ham- Watson Jos Maker The rejmrts of the officers were duly adopted and the work of the past twelve months was consider ed very satisfactory The directors hope by the efforts of all the shareholders to make It still more gratifying during the milling year The bachelors of vicinity meet this Friday evening to enjoy their The annual session of the North York District Division Sons of Tem perance will be held at Kettlcby on Feb 1st The business meeting will open at pm and there will be a public meeting in evening when addresses and a program will be de livered This being the annual meet ing for the election of officers and other business a good turnout is ex pected markets Jan Flour per barrel a White Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bush a Goose Wheat a 0 per 40 a per bush a a Hay per ton 00 a Bran per ton 17 a Shorts per ton a 00 Butter per lb a 0 per doz a Packed per 0 a Chickens per pair a DuckB a Turkeys a cause of coughing is a cold Ano dynes will promptly suppress the cough- ard preparations containing chloroform opium etc arc used for that purpose but they do not cure cold Chamberlains Cough Rem edy on the other hand does not sup press thocough but relieves it by removing from tin throat and lungs the mucous which obstructed the breathing and allaying the irritation and tickling in the throat- It also opens secretions and effectually and permanently cures tte cold as well as the cough For sale by W Lloyd Toronto markets The Ontario Director Coloniza tion and Forestry Mr has just returned from a visit to Al gonquin Park in the dis trict He reports all kinds of game there are rapidly increasing Thin ho says is particularly true of tho beaver which have lately caused much annoyance to railway and lum bermen by building dams in runways Beaver is protected for another year deer are plentiful the rangers encountering sometimes a couple dozen in a days tramp Mr Crane of California suffered for years from rheuma tism and lumbago finally advised to try Chamberlains which he did and ft effected a complete cure liniment Is for sale by Lloyd White Wheat per Jan- bushl a Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush 0 Sand and Gravel For cement delivered by mall promptly attended to A Aurora loose Wheat Oats per bush per Rye per bush roll per lb per Potatoes per bag Dressed hogs per per ton per lb Chickens per Chickens per pair Turkeys per lb Turkeys per lb Beef fore Beef hind 30 0 a a a a 3g a a a 21 a 40 a a 7 00 a 11 a a a OH a 08 a 10 a i Wo have a proposition to make to you if you wish to be suc cessful and independent It will tell you how you may in a few months holding an ex cellent business position A post card will bring you particulars For ten years we have been training young people and plac ing them in good positions We have a mastery the business Tho Kennedy School is in Canada conducted exclu sively for Stenographic educa tion It is best Send us a card a Tote Laxative Seven boxes told In months This signature Cures Cr Two cm very box I

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