Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Jan 1905, p. 5

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I THE NEWMARKET ERA JAN J ONTARIO BANE Capital UP- Acs Head Office Toronto B BRANCH- General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL American Collection promptly atieodrffo LEGAL Thos J- Robepfcson Public Street to loan rood Farm Security T Solicitor Notary Public etc Money to Loon at Lowest Rates Court Ontario Con Ac ri door South Of Ol- Herbert will beat on Saturday Court BoilcFtorifor J Roe Co Banker and Ontario Aurora Block J A for and Life Companies lone to it Current Rate the Office A Fire tad Isolated Weeks WHAT OH A ABOUT Methodist Church Large congregations last Sunday and tie sermon in the morning by the pastor on the necessity and effi cacy of prayer was admirable and in spiring Mr Young rendered a very nice tenor solo choir is doing well and the organ voluntaries are a delight to ail listeners The Convenient Service to York Is via Grand Trunk and Lehigh Val ley Through Pullman Sleepers Grand Trunk agent will make reser vations and give full information The Vote in The vote for County Council Divi sion No was as follows Archibald Joseph Rogers 5S2 John Rogers- Sovereign Bank Branches of the Sovereign Bank of Canada have been opened during the past week at Gait and Tweed mak ing branches this progressive in stitution has in Ontario and Quebec Clubbing Rates Era and and Weekly Ma Era and Daily Globe year York only Era and Montreal with premium Era and Farmers Advocate new subscribers only Era arid Toronto Sun Era and Farmers Advocate re no I aj Era and Toronto Daily Star one year to out of town subscribers Era and Weekly Mail with premium Era and Montreal Witness 1 or Iters created ths of Ajriculturo whfch has by successful farm- era It has made an success of this important Department in spite ananticeptic that penetrates the J of Opposition obstruction criti cism 2 It expanded on Agricul ture in It baa expended on go Agriculture since It over to CATARRH PNEUMONIA CONSUMPTION Deaths fateful trinity they are of ten called Catarrh is the first pneumonia often follows con sumption finally exacts the full pen alty This can all be averted by using healing balsamic I I air cells of tto lungs reaches the entire mucous surface the throat and breathing apparatus it carries- health it goes brings instant relief and is absolutely certain to cure delay get today It Societies It has aaiatnl the Fruit Growers We specially recommend our read- pairmens Horse Sheep and Swine to subscribe to the Farmers and Home Magazine Ad- Breeders Poultry Rvkcepers Associations and the Ontario Experimental Union during the same period- It has carried on the roost success ful Agricultural College in America with an attendance of during the year Seventy per cent of graduates so far as traced are en- means health certain cure Two raontfes treatment trial size Catarrhozone is Ribs Broken Last Saturday while crossing the kitchen floor Mr slip- pod arid ell breaking two ribs- Mr has been cripple from rheu matism for a length of time which accounts For the accident and makes his troubles all the harder to bear But Mr is not a man to complain Oyster Supper After the installation of officers at the Lodge on Monday night by District Deputy Grand Master J of and the con- elusion of routine business The College has carried 50 and members proceeded to Mills tensive series of field and feeding Parlors where a on an ex- did Oyster Supper was served in ex cellent style Airs Cook not Only deserves special praise for the appear- of tables and the spread generally hut the entire management Toast and peeohes followed by the visiting Grand ami Messrs J A Allan Hclmcr Jack son Hughes Chss Morrison and Fred Jones Songs by Messrs Geo Williams Richard Willis Geo Thompson ami A Peter man Vio lin selections by Mr was the best supper had for sonic years Traveling dairies were through the Province for several years Three dairy schools have attondou thus far by 2240 persons The staf of the Mail and Empire on Saturday afternoon presented a hand some clock to Mr Horace on the occasion of his approaching marriage The bylaw for annexation of To ronto Junction to the city was car ried by a majority of The County Council will now demand ing a readjustment of County Ft the Lodge tots Fifteen Fruit Experimental for criminal justice Of course ions are being maintained the City will kick but the County has Practical instruction in fruit spray- justice on its side on Farm Simpson and AUCTIONEER flltacoe Street Painter Corner Millard and Help for the The Salvation Army is bringing out a large number of immigrants to work on farms early in the spring IO married and single These arc a desirable class of men and those wanting help during next season would do well to communicate with Brigadier Howell 20 Albert St To ronto who will supply necessary in- application forms etc Fares paid from Toronto to farmers addresses by the Government fins men put a new furnace into the St School House between here and Aurora on Monday Provincial Nomination in Newmar ket Wednesday afternoon Annual Cemetery meeting next Mon day evening Increased attendance at the Union Bible Study last Friday night Remember hereafter no more If you hope to be counted alive To date letters Dont forget this is Since the snowstorm last Friday night wo have had good sleighing Mr Lewis on St Is erecting a new windmill this week John A Broker and Financial Agent Bonis an Auditor sold for Arcade and Sanitary Engineer Manning Toronto Plana and made on all kind of at will receive prompt atltntloa J b Jackson of WARRIAGE LICENSES At r at FOR Death Southard We clip the following regarding the death of an old Newmarket lady from the Morrison Illinois Record a copy having been kindly forwarded to this office Mrs Southard day January at the home of her Mrs Rachel in this years and days was horn in Cana da a few miles north of Toronto I and was the last sur viving of a family of four- teen children Tin- early of her life were in Hip vicinity of Toronto ajd she was married to William Van Southard To this union nine children were four of whom arc still Mrs Ra chel Kennedy of Morrison Mrs Silas White of pa of Silver Creek Nib and John A Southard of Colo The first few years after the death of her husband whib she with her son hut the last sixteen years of life made her home with daughW Mrs A Kennedy in city For several prior death her health failed rapidly A FAMILY NECESSITY Is a remedy capable of affording in stant relief to hundred and one ailments constantly arise It may be a perhaps toothache neuralgia pain In the its morepenetratiPg pain sub duing and more powerful than any other liniment is at least five times stronger than ordinary re medies and its worth in any house hold cant be overestimated for man or beast is a for all pain and costs only per bottle Buy today Council Council met to Statute Thp following made the necessary declaration and took their scats Mayor and Councillors Smith and Hunter Council till 8 pm Council met at pm Mayor house the chair also Councillors jCane anI Coombs I Mayor briefly addressed the Council He was in favor of ex tending the granolithic walks but not out of flic ordinary revenue As these walks arc a permanent improve ment he was in favor ol issuing hentures for a period of years as suc ceeding generations will be benefited thereby He also drew attention to the new Assessment Act by which all machinery and personal property is to be exempt and a special business tax to be collected Until the As sessment was made it will he impos sible to know how the new Act will the Tax rate- Mr Smith took his scat A communication with reference to asking the Government to take the control of the Long Distance Tele phone business of the Dominion was referred to the Finance Committee A Ryfyaw was passed appointing the following Auditors J A IJastcdo and M Trustee Public Iteprscnlative The Mayor and Messrs Cane and Smith were by ballot strike the Standing Committee The hills of ami from I Lloyd re Public School accounts Were referred to the Finance Commit The Retilub Mission applied for elec tric lights for in and the matter was refrrc back for further particulars Council adjournal has been widely given Valuable bulletins been pub lished twelve reports are Issued an nually It collects and publishes valuable agricultural and muni cipal It established Farmers and Womens Institutes attended mooting 19004 It provided cheap for drainage by farmers It established a Pioneer Farm in River District an undoubted success The bacon and pro duced in amounted to end in It has assisted in developing at profitable trade with other in purebred stock It has set apart to aid the sugarbeet industry Rev John superinten dent of Indian missions in the arrived in this city on Satur day last He will spend the four months in Ontario lecturing on behalf of the missionary cause in the Territories The City Council was duly organized for business on Monday Among the notices of motion was to limit to the number of tavern licenses for the year beginning May This will wipe out a lot of saloons During the hours of church on Sunday evening three cases of housebreaking occurred The thieves got away with from to at each dwelling The Court for York Court- was opened last Monday Chief It started the Farm- presiding and I- air in America the Stock x J Show at Crown It is assist intr in improving Fall loL Fairs by aiding in securing expert about halfadozen criminal Judges Whitney awl soda is the won a largo share of the cant name given to an prizes in live stock leverage in this these turo beekeeping and poultry at the Rev James Gordon announce PanAmerican Exposition of the pastorate of Church kindred interests have placed take on the statute book since 18BH ln February Whitney ami have op- Court of Appeal has decided posed many of the steps games of chance may be played proposed by he Agricultural in ones own private house and that for the improvement of our a of the Citv Council to the Ontario agriculture is invalid Miss Charlotte Parkinson of appoints assistant legislation of the Lib- matron in Toronto jail to fill a va- of Ontario it occasional by resignation among the most advanced body of ftf in this department that an country can includes Railway Co has award- other features a contract for a new storage The Labor Disputes Act of costing to be installed the Preston Bill which no at the power house It is thought lass than thirtyfive trade dispute Mr Fleming will soon have the Coui- already amicably settled and City Corporation in morn by the provincial appointed at an early day Mrs Mortimer Clark of Govern ment House has issued invitations for for that purpose It has recently established a Pro vincial Bureau of Labor charge of an experienced and able It has pas sod labor legislation that la regarded us the most advanced a dance on Tuesday evening the Inst Tho gross gate receipts at match on Saturday night between the A rtiiw was SOOT After expenses each club got as share and progressive of any self govern and the Champions country It has passed the Act the Employer Act the Factory Act the Hallway Accl- dents Act Act for the Itelief of Cooperative Associations the the temperance Act the Masters and throughout Province be too Servants Act end the Act to So- Whitney for after her this 00 TO W J SMITH The rapid rise of the Schuylkill caused by the heavy rainfall in the floryJIng of several factories and rendering several mills Four thousand bands arc out of work visltod this and for past few sle was to her She passed Tweed Jan Tho largest fully away Sunday morning having In many years Liveries Are waiting for you keep ttfl watting too long are all hungry But Kit all for work Some may kick i little Hut they enough to give you to sre goln you are Kit her V1 or lJyiti an ago allotted but few asl She was the oldest person In blocked ami trains on la and and was one of the mos ay of Railway arc stalled of county here The express from the east cam The funeral took place Tuevlay at no farther than Tweed at prewnt pm from the of The Stirling hockey team drove from Mrs A there yesterday and conducting the Inter- afio stalled here was in drove j are Jarnrs Dickon formerly of died of lockjaw at J he Sentinel has teasel to exist In Its place fa now the Tot tenham Tribune the first which was issued last week The nv proprietor out a very and him success prices killed Sentinel Save Expense to iikft it Soap and powder and save a fit of sickness by having in the house and one vhen you notice going vrong You will well look vcll and keep vcll if you will learn to Pills cents end the Act to cure Compensation to Workmen for It has enabled trades unions and labor organizations to become Incor porated It passed an important Act regulating Act re lating to truancy ami compulsory school attendance the Lion for Wages Act registration of suffrage votrs and and Arbitration Act It exempted from taxation living up to has closing of ft bops and the hours of labor therein for children mid young persons ft hurt protected the of workmen on contracts for works It has legislated on behalf of employee of street railway It hits provided that in a contract for printing mid binding certain work union equivalent Wngol shall be- paid by the contractor It has to pass regulating hours of certain persons ftuch those in lively stables and drivers VOTe FOR THE ROSS GOVERNMENT Hi roller Not the following table of- Com- to coat of pupil for a Public School In United Cost per pupil for a School in Ohio Cost for School in Maa- Cost pupil for a In Cost per pupil for a Education In New or ml Hoard Schools Votuntary for Ontario hour Indulgence down at but we think so Mrs Clow was asphyx ia led by coal at Odessa Kdtnonton the divisional point Grand Trunk Pacific terminals and of with shops Ik- Ul U0ti9 I f If Your Liver is Wrong You are Wrong all Over A torpid Inactive liver goes hand In hand with constipation Such a chronic condition requires a system atic effort to overcome it and good health and perfect body drainage Smiths Pineapple end Butternut Pills containing the two needed elements to liver and muscular action go accu rately to the liver add bow els restoring them completely Suppose your bowels failed to move for a week or ten you know you would be pros trated It Is Just the tame differing la degree when your do not move et least once a You know you become and your blood gels and feet mean and aick all over You ahould have full neallfyp dally Dont let serious condUlona and will drive bowel out of system end establish are purely vegetable and cure in one We will you a sample of these AbolutOr Free scaled and postpaid that will convince you beyond doubt of their Wonderful curutlvc properties Ad dress Smith Co its St Street Montreal Canada Smiths and Butternut euro Constipation Biliousness end Sick Headache In night dealer cent A Cure at Price era I I The Latest SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAH CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE Dont Forget Our Annual ALSO ING A Gentlemans Wardrobe is incom plete without a Striped Worsted Trousers These can be had by making your choice from my Selected Stock of Patterns Co WILL DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET NEV7UARKET Buy Soft Coal for Threshing At per ton Twine and feot to BEST HARD COAL Nut and AUVAY8 ON HAND J St for Sale On Tyler St Aurora occupied by Mr Miller Good location Terma easy For apply to A O Newmarket FirstClass Farm for Sale In Tp of Whitchurch being half of lot In the Con Good toll good state cultivation fall plowing done fall wheat In ground STARR SALE Tho convenient comfortable Brick- clad Dwelling oo street occupied by tho J A Chandeliers for Said Six coaloil Chandeliers complete with lamps for Ihrco or six also flight wall- which will be sold Cheap on application to JACKSON Church rfewmarket i

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