Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Jan 1905, p. 4

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a J TV TJBE NEWMAUKKTKlA FRIDAY J The Way We Grow He Sees His Finish loading editorial in last weeks ExpressHerald reads like a political dirge pi anticipated defeat at the polls on and spells out with unmistakable consciousness Pale Girls Obtain Bright Eyes Rosy Checks and Perfect Health Through Use of Dr Williams Fink Pills i There has never been made in Canada thai won friends Perfection Crean Sodas They hungry made us of disappointed hopes wonderful I Miss Jennie Burrows Que benefit your Why should it be a strange Pink Pills have done me thing that the Liberals of North York should select an official of the Reform Committee in the person school I grew worse Mr as its nominee in Sisters chargecalled in s says I write to thank you for Ihc Dr Williams I am now age but the time I was fourteen I did enjoy good health A couple of years ago while and a contest This Riding is not- Alter treating me for some time without any nrj he singular in this respect Several loId lhat discontinue constituencies throughout the Pro- studies When I got vince have done the same thing sent to Caledonia Springs iic first the present campaign on both month I was there it sec- help sides of politcsin some instances lmHWr naming Presidents of Associations in relapsed into i the Secretary or other mem- My heart would so of central organization As that I could hear the it made I was so weak I could not a rule those taking in active part in the political organizations of the without resting two or three I hues Province come more in immediate My head would sometimes so contact with tbe rank and flic of the violently as to almost drive me wild j and at other times I would so party and where they are known to be men of ability integrity and taking treatment worthy of confidence there is nothing but all the time was getting worse strange in such men bring selected as and worse and I hardly honed ever to be better again At this time I fi Is a well made Most Progressive Record of the Government Acts of the Roes That Setting Apart of Addlnrtoii Acres Acres Acres Acres Algonquin Park J tfOOO Acres Total AcrAb The making of soap no longer a chance mixture of miscellane ous fats Expert chemists carefully watch and test every step in the making of read in a newspaper of a somewhat had I Mr has been an similar case cured by tie use of Dr member of the North York Libera Williams Pink Pills ami I TRUNK RAN WAY Association for some yearsis widely try them- By the lhroughout a half dozen I uncompromising supporter deal From political platform adopted at by week I gained in health and am Daily for Wbarr Strength until the time I had connecting with boats for l0 thorough Knowledge of lKXX eleven boxes was points on Lakes electorate of North York expect lellor health than I had done for An their representative and is now well and strong am- Dally except Sunday for impendent to honestly for the blessing of Colling- responsibilities health wonderful Dr rtfft of the position with honor to him- pills have conferred upon S scU lo constituency strongly advise every JIustolML private life he is above reproach ani girl who reads this and we anticipate the result on the lo no time in taking Dr inst will in an unmistak able manner the appreciation of such a man for representative by an oldtime Liberal o OS pm Daily for ner Orillia North Bay and points in the Canadian NorthWest pm Daily except Sunday for Colling- wood Meaford and 9M ARRIVE NEWMARKET am Dally Soo North NOTES Hams Pink Pills Dr Pink Pills cured Miss Burrows because they made the rich red blood necessary to drive disease from the system pills go straight down to the root of the matter in the blood and cure thai That is why they cure all troubles due lo bad blood Anaemia pale ness eruptions of the skin palpita tion headaches kidney trouble rheu matism neuralgia and a host of other troubles are all due to bad Bay The P for Last York ought- to Wharf and go down u Ottawa on a missionary am Daily except Sunday from tour The proposition for Pene- chase hy that city of the Ottawa blood- and are speedily routed from tan and Electric Railway- got a crushing do- the system by the rich red pm Daily from points in feat by a vote SIP to 34S7 against by the use of Dr Williams NorthWest North Bay Public ownership dont always count Pills- Dont take a substitute and pm Dally except Sunday from and practical knowledge of Gregg Shorthand BookKeeping Law Spell etc up the way to torn of the REMUNERATIVE POSITIONS we hate to Failing on a candidate for an and out Milton of Mr Whitney the Tories of Ottawa have selected Mr P Ross as their of Mr Dcnnis Murphy to oppose the liberal nominees The Ottawa Free Press thinks that Ross see that the lull name Dr V v name will be Dennis after the votes are counted Wil liams Pink Pills for Pale People is printed on the wrapper around each box in you can get the pills by mail at a box or six boxes for by writing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Out Hon W Ross having denied Mr Whitney a statement that the latter was a position in a coalition government Mr Whitney has again in an insinuating way reiterated Speaking of the Worlds strenuous efforts to compass election of Mr Geo for Mayor as a trje public ownership man the Globe makes this observation The World is Tory and several other the assertion but this is not things first public ownership far factory Mr Ross says no such in the The Worlds offer was ever made by him or by public ownership not any person on h behalf mis is vote for the purchase of gas clear cut and distinct it is now up known record on the to Mr Whitney to give names to the Our for imparling knowledge are w TERM COMMENCES JAN For full particulars our careful and course write NOW to Toronto Out V ft V V Slabs Delivered PER CORD ttLL KINDS AMD DRESSED LUMPER per A T ri Ladders Half Price GOAL Bit SOFT COAL ELECTED LUMP Charles furniture t badly by fire question It now looks as if the Opposition during the late Dominion elections enjoyed the advantages of a purity fund somewhat akin the operated during lie last Ontario elec tions by the Toronto gentlemen nat urally of Conservative leanings It will I- to the to hear of the generosity of Mr Whit neys friends Ontario metropolis The eminent railway to is Iwa on Saturday last of the Northern Ontario New At a rornanc- vay it was decided to tale over for ion from the con tractors on the I the new rom from North to New For the present it is no change will made in existing operating staff em ployed by contractors whose vas announced some time ao will have charge of the operation of Mm railway and will from time to time make for the regu lation of the freight tariff Talk about the personation of a dozen or twenty vot ers tarried to a mining centre by VJ that the origin of Minnie as a political how a Coalition Government we the dirty or was conceived and lioMcring work of the newspaper writers now for a I Morals daUl weakness the Province should and which road as the you are registered on Into the public crib the voters lists country may look for puhlic or stand convjeted of Deafness Cannot be Cared by local applications as they reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deaf and that is by constitutiona- remedies Deafness is canoed by a inflamed condition of mucous lin ing of the Eustachian Tube this tube gets inflamed you have rumbling sound or arid when it is entirely closed deal Is the result and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal con dition hearing will be destroyed foi ever nine eases out of ten are by which Is nothing hut an inflamed condition of the surfaces We will give One Hundred for any case of Deafness caused catarrh that be cured Hails Catarrh Cure Send for cr cuius free J CHENEY CO Toledo 0 by Halfs Family Pill are the beat work of the vhitney-ia- newspaper writers no combination or rather strongly supporting Mr Whitney at by some one in their party interest Tory This accounts who the plan of sending out in the If In i Wwdlturg of Into the older of the since Province retUni Out of thit pendltux taken th consumption of intoxicating losing urns might fairly to prevent the sale as contributions either for relief liquors on Sundays during taxation or for th improvement hours to secure the most of the country enforcement of the Jfft and make Toronto University Adoption of the local option pro- fire grant Of License Act and suck Hospitals and chart- more fully ties ia l ending of the of Asy lums and Public titutions 2058364801 Surplus distribution Distribution of clergy lands Refunds land improve ment fund Agriculture and arts Immigration Administration of jus- Aid to railways annuity Colonization Municipal drainage Swamp drainage River lake and bridge t National parks Public buildings con struction outlay Repairs and mainten ance since Total of over 497199554 987 Utilities That the ffffatest facilitiea be afforded municipalities to the ownership of all franchises of public character affecting the or transportation the municipality The fats and oils must be perfectly pure and at every stage of the process the soap must come up to Sunlight standard That is why it cleanses your clothes makes your blankets soft and fluffy docs not destroy your most linens or injure your Soap washes ctjiially well in hard or soft water Your denier authorised to return tie purchase money if you are not satislicd LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TOROMTO Th are through their by he0uftghtwey- AS A ARTIST Policy- Bait CM eh of lies I The Tory Opposition of Ontario fade shown its incapacity for leader ship and Government during all it history Thats the reason why it is still in Opposition Thats the reason why it will cor Opposition It is a party without stability without a settled and continuous policy It is ruildurhss ship At one tinia they opposed the ap pointment of a Minister of Educa tion They were opposed to building Normal Schools at Ottawa London and Hamilton They one opposed the the school system of the School of Practical its departments should Science- They FOR 145909792 LIBERAL PLATFORM SUMMARIZED on Which the Rota Appeal to First That in till its depart have in view those practical courses of study which specially fit the youth of Ontario for agricultural and industrial pursuits and that the Provincial University should receive the general support of Legisla ture That the Agricultural Department should continue the educational work Of the Agricultural College Farm ers Institutes dairy schools good associations and other simi lar associations with undiminished and Second purity of Elections That every form of bribery and all fraudulent schemes to defeat the honest purpose of the electorate contrary to the spirit and tradi tion of the Libera party That the sanctity of tire ballot box should be protected and all of fences against the Election Act pun ished every riding should conduct Its organization without outside in terference or assistance Third Assessment and Taxation That railway corporations should contribute to municipal taxation in the same proportion as other vute property Fourth Extension of Government once opposed appointment a Minister of Agriculture an Minister of fiklucatjon They objected to the removal Agricultural College from to They resisted the starting of a dairy school in Middlesex and a Pio neer Farm at They oppoied the Liberal Govern ment in Its light for provincial rights They have placed obstacles in the way of building railways to open New Ontario and its re- They have formulated policy after policy only to change It for some thing different They are as unstable water FINANCIAL PACTS eg Corner Main Timothy That the Trite f Rata Mail eald in 1900 management the has been thrifty Judic ious and clean The Montreal Witness splendid financial position Prcrved by administration since Confed eration Toronto Telegram The fi nancial and administrative record of ICTUR YOJ PAY CONSCMT CUEO It en I lud incoivi- tjf 1 fvciiiias though W j I stoop pica Can lll fijA iwiit am of vr n Ice- fc a jf dil cnladl from art h a at under la I In I aptinafcw Hallway from the Liberal party is en the whole te l0 The of the pro vince have been wisely handled In proof of the above testimonies WRIGHT I a the public you will I later your polling place is for elections marked the Tory regime hi the realm of Federal for years of office previous to th Trunk Pacific and If prac ticable to James Bay and that town sites on the Government Hall way and Trunk Pacific should be surveyed and sold for the benefit of Province Fifth Timber and Minerals for the all on agricultural lends tho districts be the use of of Umber on such funds pine alone excepted on such lands should not be but should bo the of the and that with lib- I of local or viiKiitl bnijrtr not bo fiuu on the thut for the general and Wood iliut only the matured timber on pine lands should hereafter be sold with a view to preservation of the fonstH us a source of revenue for all Mine to and that pulp con cessions and water powers north of the height of land be Mold at public auction telghth Provincial for Protection to ls Thut a to with the of concorned of public and the application of In iron- delnttire debts matters of a similar character would be a source of great protection to it may be said Ontarios annual re ceipts Interest would retire Ita total liabilities twice over The Interest paid annually on the provincial trust funds valued at amounts to more than suf ficient to meet the entire annual payments of the province for Its li abilities for railway cerMflcats end annuities Out of a total appropriation of millions In twenty years the Opposition has objected to less time olio rent on the dollar Ontario Is without a dollar of debt presently payable Ontario had in the banks on iwnvtohcr Ontario ever since has shown a surplus of assets after de- presently payable Ontarios surplus of assets after deduct liabilities Dec ill was Ontarios position on enviable one lis have so manag ed as not only to create no debt but to leave a surplus of interesthearing assets that yield an Income could be at nine millions ESTABLISHED YEARS CURES GUARANTEED PAY HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN POISONS and dheaaca Thar fipOiryarTUfoblfrdoFitaTietlinand from the cauio It ill blood for jybu- ij a ttd 10 Of be It frVCft or OR You fed NO AMB8 WITHOUT WRITTEM List for Fre Cor Michigan Ave and Detroit Mich PROGRESSIVE IhUsuttw Of lh With evidently to IctI the to that hav ing r nt the did not ryjnir to Ak only it In out a fraudulent In a ft tin i Labor That the branches of the public aflectlnif public labor A- t flJ of Labor and fac- U coreoli- whole crowd Is as hungry as Or ft Con- alruoilaa f toil meat A and Advanced Pull A at trie gnat An advanced policy on educa tion and 2 of Approval of policy of railway lull It to ft rinibcr and mlnernLi for the The and provin- hit Ion If wolves in the dead of winter that Us obtained to avoid and to of pine and the crowd of party writ alien prison to a in one day Take Laxative All drufcfcfBtB refund the ir it falls to j droves slKoature is on etch box labor from Interfering with the op- of the working Tenth of Colonisation and a of Colonization Labor hi appointed for the et- of Ontario and for pro moting Immigration of suitable commission for pro- I or ward policy on the labor question 10 Appointment of of Colonization and reform of IlKrc four or five hundred des titute Russian Jews in Montreal who have escaped from Russia in order to avoid conscription MANY SUDDEN DEATHS are traced to a heart that was If your heart Is weak or heats too rapidly you to strengthen the hearts raiscles Jts action and stop smothering spasms always cures a weak heart and restores tola organ to a strong healthy state best medicine for the heart In the world Is which beats any substitute Widely used by doctors sold at per box by all drug gists William Golden was arrested at Windsor on the charge of promoting a swindling upon farmers means of a dairy produce company aa a Strayed From my premises a twoyearold Bull dark red points of horns cut off and two notches cut out from the under side of left car Any giving informa tion I will find him will bo reasonably rewarded Address DRAPER Box Lean it Han toagM ELLIOTT TORONTO Strictly In all depart ments catalogue free Students admitted at any time J Principal Comer Alexander NEWMARKET LATEST IN and Head Stones ft

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