Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Jan 1905, p. 8

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The Mammoth and the Mosquito mil feu coat lo jut jtiis credible to wed era taut wis able ike bob of of such is the today re festrtt yet Ike ay have sever bee It bow for devise for kill he and It they will to Join the monster lizards aid fiij ajedaa- jb became The mosquito carries tke I era of bit bile The spread of our ever for weak spot find a place fa our blood we Dr V Pierce chief coxiuhiar to Hotel tad Institute at There be trip germs of or would slid if bleed were pare if lungs as otter organs were fed on rood bleed akeald ot be allowed to accuiaulat tie to be safe it is best to take a gentle at lean once a week Sue a as Dr Pierces nothing could Per potting tie i tad aa a and tonic for by colds trip nothing will build one up quicker Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery This is a med icine entirely of roots kerbs witbout the use of alcohol Dr Pierce Medical it seat en receipt of to pay customs mailing only Seed piper ar for lo Dr Pierce Idfe around the Bui wtdeawaxb cor- ttqbthy The Independent Order of Foresters intend establishing a court here and arc giving a free concert in Pub- He Library Hall on Thursday jug Jan even The late ilea Flint of left his widow and family an estate of The annual Baker family reunion took place at the Mr Sene ga Baker Baker Hill on Monday I Among those from a distance were Mr Baker of Buffalo and Baker of Toronto Junction press of thankfulness were voiced J present that the head of the had been very enjoy- familyMr Joel Baker spared another year A able Jay was spent by a The A putting in the switch to tfie have their new engine on in a few days A of surveyors bavc here loe few days looking up a possible for canal which is to connect us with Trent valley system Miss Alice A Ferguson U Column Bar position of trust to an crease power to a fuller the employer a better using of time A to good to th white Model it rocndotl character A Bar Yes see the rail in front the A fchrl jA selves soul and body at the shrine rann company of gave was addressing or less unfortunate men in A Bar Yes a bar to decency to birthday on Tuesday evening He them the rent is behind last U took WgJ was cot in itself to Maine and the is advanUfie It io present Miss Ma- who resort- odds anoth- our popular school teacher l to know how to use the with a handsome ring get with stones curate was YcSf and an address sk al- posted at though taken by surprise ot his higher nature to that made a suit able reply A very en- W y character that Is the only thing that joyahJe was spent will ft ami the wrecks time The patrons of the cheese factory I language and asked met at the school bpuse oil Tuesday who his of this week to settle up the seasons h The output for this sea- Church son is largest on record tramp it tie went of satisfactory and the in to am clergyman of the England replied the who one year ago was a Model Public House charge A Bar How short terse and ex pressive Yes bat not a bar to a be Con earth and hell reputation of this duties made me What you find plant Here is another proof that evil of the drink traffic lies former is sustained The has recently put in and already J The necessity of the day is I specialization Skill in one line wins out where i ability counts fur nothing J people find stenograph J quickest surest means of adXiCcmwit to the J Last week we had rails rotn three railway cials for private a good Ibis was in railway work alone- We had to Young men this Is worth looking into- Write for fret and particulars New i term Jan 3rd Mr held a meeting in ra on the recently installed switch board has been made a central telephone station with three- wires corning in and likely to bo another from Shi oh shortly f At a recent meeting of the I Court at Idora the following officers were for the ensuing year Webster Bro Fawn Roe- Sec P Harvey J J A West garth J J KINO CITY Another old and highly respected resident of the Township of King passed away on Sunday last at his late residence King City in of Michael Winter years Deceased came to this country about years ago and has resided in the township since About years ago he retired from farming and purchas ed a dwelling in King City where he resided until his death Mr Winter had been a member of the Methodist Church for many years In politics he was a Reformer The funeral took place on Tuesday A memorial ser vice was conducted in the Methodist Church King City by Rev a Bel- ford of Aurora He leaves a family of three sons and two daughters a good- supply of milk is coining in and no doubt this under the able su pervision of Mr Kinnell will prove as successful as the cheese business AURORA the deception and dangerous nature of alcoholic liquors and the more respectable the place where they are sold the greater is the dan ger to the community Temperance Vanguard mm TT l AfietaWaPreparatiouforAs iheTood aril Beg Sunday The Montreal points a warn ing the authorities on the lion liquor selling it- says certain of hotel- Good Farm to Rent lb tbe of King being West ball lot in the 3rd con teres mostly cleared good buildings good Spring iU farm Fall ploughing to be done aid fall wheat in the ground Orchard Apply to JAMES Desirable Residence For tale Tbe Cedars corner of fart The reaideoce Is in firaVolaas property will be old at bloc or BUILDING LOTS be oa or Millard til good reason- Apply J WILLSON Choice Farm the of lot SO la Con for tale King City Vil lage Good good CoaTtoit to For particulars apply to toe Executor PARKINS j Bull Astray upon lot in the 2nd about the of a Yearling Bull Owner is requested to prove property expenses ard it away J PO Bulls for and K03 old for cow JA MILNE On mile of Aurora OAK Christmas day being the fiftieth an niversary of the marriage of Mr and Mrs John of Oak Ridges their children and grandchildren met at the old homestead here on Monday 2fth to celebrate the event Among the guests we notice Mr Win awl family of Chicago Mrs and family of Mitchell Mr It aod family of Kettleby and Mr flan If Nelson and family of Aurora- Mr and Mrs Hughe were presented with a number of gold coins and several gold nuggets of gold the mines in Northwest Mr who is eightysix years of age was presented with a chair which will much appreciat ed in his declining year Mrs was presented with a dinner of white china trimmed with Mr and Mrs Ilvghcy have most of their live on the farm now home and have a large cir cle friends who wish many more years of happy life together Mr is one of tin oldest liv ing settlers of King township His goes to the rebellion of thirtyseven In religirxi they arc Methodists and in politics Conserva tives Last Tuesday evening an event of considerable interest took place at a meeting of The Rising Sim Lodge A i AM of this place when Judge Taylor was presented with a Past Masters jewel on the eve of his departure for Samia J Sons agricultural works keepers still continue in the vicinity and The Underbill Shoe Montreal to sell intoxicating Co factory shut down on Sat- Mors on Sunday They make no their Sons start up again dently violate he law Some of the power will be supplied by the new them even go so far as to boast that engine and boiler which they have re- have nothing to fear if the installed Provincial Government does not the conclusion of the services in the citizens will he obliged the Methodist Sunday School on Sun- to organize a league which will afternoon Mr George Smith lo have morals respected It who has been superintendent of the is unfortunately a fact of no rare school for several years and who has currenee to see on dozens resigned the position was presented- and dozens of at the with an address accompanied by a doors of the hotels which we public- handsome arm chair and silver head- denounce for a week or ten days to make about it They have important changes in their machinery barrooms wide open They cane the officers friends and members of the school The Council for 1003 was elected by acclamation as follows Mayor T Councillors J Bas set J Rogers Towns Webster L A School trustees Nor man Taylor J Stephenson Another Cain for Our Site It Is riot My Business A wealthy man in St Louis was asked io aid in a series of temperance meetings but he scornfully refusal Being pressed he said is not my business A few days later his wife and two daughters were coming home on the lightning express In his grand car nage with liveried attendants he Slowly but surely our cause is win- rode to depot thinking of his its widening way Commercial splendid business and planning for the men of every stamp arc led to sonu note that the man who uses liquor is below par every time Entire com munities have risen up in strength of their might and declared they would no longer tolerate such an evil in their midst With pleasure we learn that at special election held lately under the Heal Local Option Law at O the drys- won by a majority of sixteen With Iron- dale dry all towns on the Cleve land and Pittsburg railroad have abolished the saloon an for week LEMONVILLK A Happy Mr and New Mrs Year J as a re Partridge fell a at and was Kin the holidays at the home of bin parents in Ltskard Mr and Mrs Alex Lemon and fcon of Wnnipeg arc spending a few home of his parents Mr and liar wood of are vlffitlng at her Mr J Mr at Toronto Dental College was in town on Tues day Mr Phillips and daughter of spent at his home here Mela returned home after spending a month with In Buffalo Quite a number from here attended tree at on Fri day evening Mr J Croft of Buffalo a at Mr A ffahons Vein terete in of Sand- lord iu home for a few days J attended the of Irwin sod Mr J Hodgson which look pi axe on tho at the residfjicc the brides mother Mr T who has been quite ill for a few days is getting belter the Era to absent Impoveriahed Boil like blood needs a proper fertilizer A by analys ing the soil can tell you what fertilizer to for different products If your blood is impoverished your doctor will tell you what you need to fertilize and give it the rich red corpuscles that are lacking in it It may be you need a tonic but more likely you need a concentrated fat food and fat is the element lacking In your system There is no fat food that fa bo easily digested and as Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil It nourish and strengthen the body when milk and cream fail to do it Scotts always tho same always palatable and always beneficial when the body is wasting from any cause either in children or adults We will Bead you a fno that tare In form of a label on tbu wrap j ol ery of buy scon Toronto Out and All Accident There are railroads centering in St Louis If there been an accident it is not likely Irave occurred on the Mississippi Rail road Yet it roubles him It is his business now The horses are stopped on the instant and on he finds that the accident lias occurred 25 wiles distant on the Mis sissippi He telegraphs to the I will give you for The answer flashes hack No will give you for an en gine A train of surgeons and nurses has already gone forward ami we have no other With white lace and anxious brow the man paced the station to and fro In a halfhour perhaps which seemed to him a half century the train ar rived He hurried toward it and in the tender found the mangled bodies and lifeless forms of his wife and one of his daughters In the oar follow ing lay the other daughter with her dainty ribs crushed in and her pre cious life oozing slowly away A quart of whiskey which was drunk miles away by a railroad employer was the cause of catas trophe Who dare say of this tremendous question It is not my business Boys in Danger Mr Colin addressed Street Sunday School Montreal recently on the subject of temperance The most serious thing that- confronted the hoys was the fact that sooner or later they would meet with temptation to drink He thought the great lack of temperance education was the fact that boys were not sufficiently impressed with reasons why they should not drink He pointed out four main reasons tor total abstinence namely lor your own sake for your familys sake for societys sake And especial ly for Christs sake Young men who had education mechanical and scientific knowledge and experience were in great demand but- the man who could drink had hut one accom plishment too many He was not wanted in society In business or any where else The boy who felt at home in a barroom was done for Sooner or later he would prove a failure The speaker recently asked a sa loonkeeper how he was prospering Very well replied the man you see I never drink the stuff myself What would you think asked Mr if you went to a grocers for a certain kirul of breakfast food and on asking what it was like got the reply I touch the stuft myself One must pull against the stream A person vho was idle was in dan ger It was safe to be engaged in some moral movement People usu ally went astray gradually It was only doing right that we avoided going wrong The older were re sponsible for the younger the stronger for the weaker brethren Sound Advice from an Irish Politician The clever Irish politician and Lon don journalist Mr P OConnor in one of his recent articles sounded forth a note of warning to young men which is suggestive of the tenor of thought in some directions Mr OConnor says Let us whisper his final word in your oar It wont do the least harm if you are a teetotaler You may lose something hut you gain tenfold believe in half a century from now no man will rise to the height of any profession in the field forum or at the desk who is not a teetotaler Wo arc glad that a man of Mr OConnors position whoso temperance leanings have not heretofore been of ten avowed should thus frankly ami freely atate his sentiments to the oncoming men Reading between the lines of Mr advice wc cannot but note his opinion that at before a great length of time has elapsed any other than a teeto taler may never expect to gain the loprung in the ladder of fame ifiLin and The Kind You Have a iter Narcotic Bears the Signature Remedy for Souf Worms Convtdsons fess fflTdLQSaQFgt TV- WRAPPER I r J THE TORONTO XT fail Empires ATLAS OF AND THE WORLD a R Ban Raymond a writer in the Toronto Daily Star gives the follow ing on the bar I stood before a door and read it in gilded letters the one word liar As I read a man pushed open the door and staggering fell upon face on the pavement When he rose a thin red stream trickle down his cheek He fumb led for his handkerchief and the blood stained It and his hands ft blood of a rifioe oflercl up the shrine of the bar A liar Yes well named a bar to liappincH for Is there Ik a mind that and a face that bloody A liar Yes to good for who wauls w drunken man Me is no welcome at theatre club or concert He is a he reels the he is a at home A Ye drunken man there Is a bar against you in the very ho tel where you bought the liquor and got full You arc not wanted there for you arc a bad advertisement lor who Is the hotel man who will point you and say That Is my That in my customer That in a product of my brand A liar I Well named well put j pithy and to the point Hawkesbury Dec 29 The Northern Railway station was de stroyed by lire at last night Campbell the station agent and Ids family occupied the upper Oat and were with difficulty saved So rapidly had the flames spread it was found impossible to rescue Mrs- Shaw Mrs Campbells mother who perished origin of the fire is at present unknown Losing your hair Coming out by the combful And doing nothing No sense thact Why dont you use Ayers Hair Vigor and promptly stop the falling Your hair will to grow t and all dandruff will dis appear Could you reason ably expect anything better If ft ilnrii falling out cor right W k for air WORTH STUDYING WORTH HAVING WIAIL AND EMPIRE has secured as a premium for its subscribers a number of the most useful and instructive World Atlases that have ever been offered on such reasonable conditions In fact it may be said that at no time has any Canadian publication made such a generous proposition to its readers The production is by the RandMcNally Co and contains besides a large of the world projection a map of the Dominion Province of Ontario and separate maps of the Maritime Provinces Quebec Manitoba and the North- West and British Cohimbia these there are large and detailed reproductions of all the great countries in the world in map form The edition has been specially prepared for the benefit of Canadian readers It is absolutely uptodate THE MAIL AND EMPIRE has obtained the exclusive for this Atlas in Canada The large maps are 14 inches in size and printed on calendered paper Regular price 50 cents FREE to readers under the following conditions WITH THE WEEKLY MAIL AND EMPIRE New and old subscribers may secure one copy of the Atlas on ordering ONE YEARS subscription payable in advance mailed to any address in Canada Great Britain or United States for 100 for or and writ to r Circulation Department MAIL AND EMPIRE TORONTO SPECIAL and months Both papers including premium Atlas of Canada and World sent to any address months for to of this WANT A Local for Newmarket tod surrounding territory to CANADAS NUR SERIES Newest and specialties Hardy Shrubs and A and territory for man Pay Handsome out fit free Write for particular cents for our micro- Just tho thing to in ex amining and plants for lncta STONE WELLINGTON over Toronto Ontario WANTED lor surrounding to fruit trees email fruits trees and Now Varietlw of Potatoes Good salary or commission paid weekly 0er Acres Under fitock guaranteed delivered lis good and accompanied by ilea terms aro tho best is Interested party now to NURSERY CO Toronto Out this House for largo and stab J Lots fruit building lot on Gotham St

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