Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Jan 1905, p. 5

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NEWMARKET FR1HAY JAN ONTARIO BAN STOCK UP Total mix NEWMARKET BRANCH Generic Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED Keeks ideal pais WHAT IS OK Union Bible Class There were only nine present at the union Bible Class last Friday night Oar Toronto he For toe Era 1 Testing Dairy kingdom of Denmark oc cupies an almost unrivalled position as a producer of firstclass bacon and ury Public to Notary a Coort Oauxlo Conveyancer or- in Batiks Barrister Reformer Block INSURANCE J ft A teat tor to at ft Ramsay low Property Bunk Hew Simpson ll St aha prank AUCTIONEER lUIUdt and w A Estate Auittor or at Property fcX A Ellis Room Toronto til estimate made at Era Office will prompt Judge Is having a excursion at expense of Street Railway Co An order tier as Canadian exporters of been made by the court appoint- these products fully realize This him a Commissioner to visit lead- 1 preeminence has been brought about cities- in the States and report on chiefly by the general diffusion of Mr Davidson a most inter- street ear The grand jury j information and the heart exposition of the lesson A- indictment that the Street cooperation of the fanners alonj larger attendance is expected this Railway Co lines nave killed over every line that will be to their nm- evenfng Class meets in the persons in a little oyer a year and adntage There many School Room from to now- the Company is going to prove reot ions in which Canadians might Hi Who Has Charge the Work in tne Township of has- the try body welcome if possible by report profitably imitate energetic hat Toronto cars are as well equip- of ours not the least importafit as the generality of street rait- being in the improvement of dairy ways herds The aim of intelligent dairy- Grain Inspector has been men in Canada as well as in Din- suspended and says it is politics mark is to produce the largest The Department say there is no amount of firstclass milk butter or in it and if Mr is cheese at the least cost Let Winter Rcaorta Consult nearest Grand Agent or address J McDonald District Passenger Agent Toronto if you desire information regarding the in it and it Mr Adamson is cheese at the least delightful Winter Resorts of satisfied by keeping a civil tongue then what cooperative Mexico or Florida Unexcelled service and equipment Bargains About half price at Hughes City Skating On Saturday afternoon last Mrs Christopher Robinson brought out to Bond Lake viathe Metropolitan a jolly party of young people to en joy a skate A special car was en gaged and along with the party hampers of good things were brought to add to the enjoyment of the out ing It was indeed a real jollification Clubbing Era and Weekly Era and Mail Era n4 Globe only i J Era and Montreal Star with premium- Era and Farmers Advocate new subscribers only Era and Toronto Sun Era and Farmers Advocate J rt I3n tit Era and Toronto Daily Star year to out of town subscribers Era Weekly Mail with premium Era and Montreal Witness Wo specially recommend our read ers to subscribe to the Farmers Ad vocate and Home Magazine he can get some Conservative mem- done for the Danish dairy herds box of parliament to ask for the why the way of cheapening the cost and wherefore Guess he knows all right enough It is reported that there is a deficit us see testing has in at production The first of these gooperative test ing associations was formed in of at least in the collapse of Each society is composed of a Peoples Cafe The concern f number of farmers about twelve started along benevolent lines but has got in a hole After hearing all the circumstances surrounding the death of Davkl King the driver who was killed by a street car a the corner of and Adelaide streets Wednesday morn ing of last week Coroner Youngs jury exonerated the hut made the suggestion that all cars stop before crossing the corner of Vonge and Adelaide streets The new chemistry and mining building of the University of Toron to erected the Government at a cost of about will be opened during the second week of January Mrs John Rockwell well known in Kingston and Toronto cir cles died at Duluth on Christmas Day Glass bricks are gradually coming into or fifteen who agree to have careful tests of their cows made at frequent intervals during the whole milking period by a competent man hired for the purpose Fairly accurate re cords are thus obtained not only toe yield of miik and fat but of toe amount kind and cost of the feed consumed The information thus secured has proved remarkably effective in inducing the Danes adopt better methods of breeding feeding and culling dairy cows In when the first testing as sociation was formed the value of the butter exported from Denmark was In when over three hundred of these associations were scattered over that country the value of the butler exports amount ed to an increase of over fifty per cent- in six years It 1 Methodist Church use and it is said that glass is generally agreed that the greater will soon be used lor making statues part of enormous increase was for public places as it resists to the work of the testing rod ing effect of the weather much relations in weeding out the poor Utter than marble or granite Not only was the average The military banquet to Sir Fred- of the milking cows large- crick Borden at the barracks increased but so much additional week was a very agreeable function J skill in was acquired that the Some glad promises were made of feed necessary to produce a A cablegram has been received- 1 roiii pound of butter now estimated to Shanghai China announcing the he less than twothirds pi what it death of Miss Minnie A was when the first cooperative asso- of this city from smallpox She started operations in 1 left Toronto last September for the Canadian dairymen who are looking Methodist mission field in the Flow- for dividends on their investments cry Kingdom Miss was should consider these figures The Last Sunday was a redletter davS Gloved for her gentle reports of the testing societies the Methodists several individj character and of dis- that the cost of beeping these subscribed towards purchase yearly records was from forty to surplices for the Choir The Friendless last week at cents per cow while the increased of the Quarterly Board was Newmarket boy returns per cow as a result of five tained but the whole matter the Conservative nominee for years testing were from six to fit- in the Provincial teen dollars per annum Surely this lions is an eminently satisfactory rate of The Brewery at Queen and interest The extraordinary increase Niagara streets was destroyed by fire in the number of these societies in During the week the fine pipeorgan last week Loss about Denmark shows how highly their was again tuned by experts from the Mr Walter Scott Is Liberal can- work is appreciated The tests made where it was built and for East York to the Local by the original associations were the new leader and and will no doubt be chosen sufficient to convince Danish farm- did full justice to the as successor to Mr John Richardson that they were not dairying on The choir sang delightfully Mr was fired last week business principles that they wer the pastor preached better usual for coursing too fast in an auto on allowing a lot of robber cows to eat and the whole service was inspiring Ave These auto men will up produced by their good The innovation of the choir learn in time cows and they were quick to adopt was received by congregation with The Radial Railway Co has better and moro profitable methods general approbation In the the Council of Whitby that all no- The hundreds of cooperative cheese evening the church was packed and have terminated and factories and creameries doing Richards of Cincinnati sang with Companys proposal withdrawn- ncss throughout Canada prove richness the familiar yet A new Lodge of Royal Arch -Ma- that we can work success- welcome solo The Holy was organized one evening last fully along cooperative lines ll From the Ottawa Journal Mr J fl Moore who charge of the drainage work in Township was born in Me city of Toronto June 1st his father Robert Moore practised law for years was educated at the High School To ronto University and the School of Practical Science where he graduat ed in He served with Selby township subdividing in the Northwest Territory in and he was also on Geological work in the Thunder Bay District with during the summers and During ho was with Andrew Hell of Almonte with whom he served under Articles of He was sworn in as an Ontario Land Surveyor in He became associate member of the Canadian Society of Civil En gineers in and located in Smiths Falls where he now resides in He is county engineer of Lanark Town Engineer of Smiths Kails ami engineer for the municipalities of the and S Mountain Oxford North- lower Marl boro Montague North Burgess Beck with and Huntley He has pre pared four reports for the Township of having for his object the drainage of acres of land with in the Township of and the adjoining townships of Gloucester and Mountain He Is also engineer in charge of the townships of and Mountain for he dredging of south branch of the North Castor River work draining acres of land within the townships of South Mountain and Winchester Aid J Ask with of Ottawa is the contractor who do ing the work He has a very exten sive practice in land surveying and general engineering as well requiring the employment of a large staff of assistants and of a sunny disposi tion Mr Moore is highly esteemed by all who know him In his work he is a logical thinker and reasons with clearness and precision which enables him to solve many a problem His pleasing manner his fund of stories the sunshine that always accompanies him his sincerity and withal his lino manhood makes him an ever welcome caller to the numerous municipalities he represents OOD kept a and the congregation was taken by surprise on Sunday morning when the newly organized choir appeared in uniform City Jackson itsjer or MARRIAGE LICENSES I At was organized one evening last fully along week It is named St Patricks only a short step from Chapter It starts with a Liveries tor you Dont keep too long bare are all hungry But all uxioui for work Horn may kick a But you If you are golf you ere fcfttln or Young men and young women continually asking the question how can I increase my present salary Good salaries are in most cases the direct result of a thorough knowledge of the business in which you are en gaged The demand for skillerl office help was never so great as at the time and the ambitious young nan or young woman who has trained in methods will have no difficulty in so- curing pleasant and profitable employ ment British American Col lege Toronto has the reputation for giving its student such a training in business principles as will enable them graduation to accept re sponsible and reinJfujrative itionri its courses all the shorthand branches J desiring to obtain full infornuitixi gardiiig this college are to drop a card to British American College Toronto and receive a SOine catalogue with full regarding various department I ion Under heading of Provincial Campaign of York In Kait West arid York the are working with a vigor wlmii The of Mr Valtcr Scott by the York Liberal to have given the greateit satisfaction and a larger ma jority whlcl honest Jolm Richardson ufcually is for Even the Conner virnlt that in North York Mr will rosily win Mr in York is developing a ban already Mr St- to in the and jj ft practically refuse all Invitations oUier Tory lorn hope come help Wine Is a lyi to any home- It and cleans t the ftwue time of over Mayor was triumphantly reelected to the civic chair having a majority of votes over Mr and Mr Mclerson put together Messrs and were to the County Council on Monday lor Ktobleoke The sale of the Kinel Ar cade was completed on Saturday last The purchase price Was Traffic out of the city for the Christmas and New Year holiday sea son on record as probably the largest in the history of the railroads this point David did very suddenly whilo he was at breakfast at the Royal Arms Cafe Monday morning l actual loss An cam- is the coopera tive factory to the cooperative test ing association and it would seem that methods which have proved of such marked benefit to Denmark could not much longer remain unheeded in this country In every dairy com munity there is at least one particu larly intelligent and progressive man who won Id have lilitje trouble in in ducing twenty or thirty his neigh bors to join him in an yitcrprisc that has proved to profitable else where It has been demonstrated by the census returns and other official sta tistics by work of the experi mental farms and agricultural col leges and by numerous private Inves tigations of dairy herds that a large proportion of our arc kept at an Deceased had but recently come from Scotland Mr J Smith was Mayor of Toronto Junction on Monday by majority over Mr A About deaf people were in at the opening of the conference for the deaf which began on Saturday afternoon at the Bible Training School The speakers all used the sign language and were giv en earnest attention The opening address was given by lor- over Another Japanese Victory HUT THEY lapantfc Army Arthur via Dec Utter prwiuclng of captured Oclock tMi wiU a Japanese dynamite exploding at 10 oclock made breaches In the wall thru which a body of Japanese under cover of a treinendois bombardment and capture the flrivt light A fight re- ftulM In the capture fort COO men SO The cap tured fortythree tort taken palgn that will bring dairy fanners face to face with facts as they exist on llseir own s urgently need ed in this country The problem of Weeding out the licit cannot be made to yield milk at a profit Is by far the most Important one that con fronts our dairymen today The possibilities in this connection were well illustrated by at the recent Winter Pair at Ho told of a friend of his who had increased lire average production of his from In one year to 115 the although price remains the same In the third year with cheese considerably higher the average of his herd came up lo and in the year following to This was accomplished by more skill ful feeding by weeding out unprofit able by buying from value the owners were Ignorant Yours very truly A Ottawa Dec Fire did damage to St Andrews Winnipeg The Norwegian blown up at sea by the explosion of her cargo of naphtha KM Ha tfftiri fcztt Colony Sells Acres to United States Syndicate Winnipeg Man Dec The adtau Pacific Railway Land Company today sold acres of land in Calgary district to the and of Min nesota The laird comprises a por tion of that set aside this year by the company because it was too high for irrigation purposes Up to the first of this month the company had sold about acres of this block to individuals the sales amounting to over This was the firot syndicate to buy lauds in NorthWest having bought acres and Milestone for colonisation purposes which is today the most densely set tled part of Alberta The syndicate proposes to do the thing with this block of land and it is the first big slip towards colonizing land in the newlyirri gated block They will put fanners on these lands who will cultivate win ter wheal and other grains The plans of the big syndicate in volves settlement of hundreds of families adjacent to the Town of Cal gary ooo Mr Arch Campbell for Cen tre York visited Ottawa this week ARE YOUR KIDNEYS SICK your rooming urine for in a or vetsland then if it it milky or cloudy cental a sedlnum or pin- tie or float about it your kidney arc ditai are well they filter just much Wood but If they are fclck or weak from any they leave the in blood and this the Itla natural to urine three a day but many who regard lUeuuielveA at healthy arc to pa water to ten tlmei dally are obliged freucnllv during the have and and dont it Kidney I and l make new rich will pM Free together with on the P flbillfi Jamea Street Montreal Canada THE fffl Ai I Latest AND HAHDWARE COMPLETE IK ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN j0b NEWMARKET CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE I Dont Forget Our ALSO White Goods 1 A Gentlemans Wardrobe is incom plete a o Striped Worsted Trousers These can be had by making your choice from my Selected Stock of Patterns NEXTDOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET NEWMARKET if Soft Coal for Threshing At per ton and feet to pound A POSITIVE CURE OH AY BEST HARD COAL Nut and ALWAYS ON HAND J Huron St Residence for Sale On Tyler St Aurora occupied Mr Good loeatloa particulars apply to A FirstClass Farm for Sale In of Whitchurch- being hall of lot In CX63 Good soli cultivation all plowing done and fall wheat In ground STARR FOB comfortable on nlrwt Nowmarket occupied by the nfcdsx- Etsned J a Chandeliers for Sale Six coaloil with for three or nix also a Wight wall which will be cold Cheap on application to JACKSON Church I-

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