r v i Kiln fit NEWMARKBT DENTIST at HI Brooks Block of each Coal Now Is the time to put In your Coal We are also paying the price or all tods of grain SHIELDS s Mount Albert GOODS Jersey Grades for Sale from months to rtan old have been bred J also 4 Cows For further particulars WDSTOKES WOT Mount Albert fc Timber Lot for West of East Lot Don Scott on which is a large of hardwood hemlock For terms and apply to DAVIDSON Mount Albert NOTICE Lehman Boot and Shoe Maker fits moved Into the shop recently by J Hunter Where we foil line of best ahoe pot and that made made to order Repairing a The Liverpool London INSURANCE COMPANY Am Capital HEAD BRANCH MONTREAL board or directors Andrew Gault Em Chairman Went- MARKET There was only a slim attendance the market on Tuesday Prices as follows butler to 20c eggs to chickens to geese turkeys to- 9 SUCCESSFUL CONCERT Tbe entertainment given by the Methodist Sunday School on Monday in the Town Hall welled tended and of a most enjoyable char acter The item on the pro gram was a cantata en titled Santa and Johnny Canuck by forty performers ENTERTAINMENT Tle annual entertainment of Presbyterian Sabbath School will be held in the Town Hall on Monday Jan 2nd There will be an attrac tive program of choruses recitations and dialogues and the Dairy Maids Drill by young ladies will bo re peated by request See bills for par ticulars f Misses Leek and Walton teachers in buz school were made the cisterns had been empty for Mr Geo of Toronto and Mr so long Frank Pearson of North Bay home for the holidays are Link baa gone to for a visit Mrs J Moore has gone to Miss presented ley for a visit- Master Dan Moore her with a handsome parlor at is his holidays with his closing exercises on cousin Bedford in Aurora j At the school- meeting week Miss Emily left a couple l James was elected in of weeks ago to tae a course of place 9 and Mr A training for a nurse in Child- in place of Mr George Hospital ill Toronto who resigned Dr Pearson and Miss Pearson spent j Christmas with Mrs P Stewart BEST REMEDY FOR The finest remedy for constipation in Toronto The school concert on Thursday night was the best ever held here The drills dialogues songs Sec were I ever used is Chamberlains Stom al executed in a manner that reflects ach and Liver Tablets says Mr EH great credit on the teachers Mr j Butler They Power and Miss Eaves During the J act gently and without any evening Mr Power was presented ant effect and leave the bowels in by the pupils with an address and a a perfectly natural condition Sold fountain pen to which he made a by Lloyd feeling reply Miss of is visit ing at her aunt Mrs J J Terry An interesting and close hockey match was played on the rink here between the Scalpers of Tlie Skating rink is again in opera tion in the drillshed under and the team in a score of to in favor of The surveyors of the Metropolitan Railway landed here on Tuesbay with Mr Pratt teller of the Metropoli tan Hank here received the sad in telligence Wednesday of last week that his father had passed away at of Christmas gifts by the pupils of their respective departments an amount which indicates home Mr Pratt We especially recommend our j business to subscribe for the Farmers Ad vocate All places in Mount Albert were closed on Monday and the town presented quite a deserted appearance P Clarkson dentist has discontinued his visits to Albert until spring J School reopens on Tuesday next with the same teachers in charge- The slipper roads on Tuesday kept the the forges busy and the left the next morning by train to BALDWIN BREEZES I Presume festivities put in joyful spirits as they should bo the foremost of all holidays The Jews being unbeliev ers in our Savour having ever ap peared on earth couid not take- part in the celebration of His natal day In these latter days there have arisen men who at idea of the immaculate conception of the blessed mother of Christ Such however are the teachings of the and we must accept them as true no matter if they appear mysterious to us What are we told of those who or add thereto Amongst those spending the holi- fey with relatives here we observed Miss Georgia Crittenden Toronto Mrs and the finest in air at Alex and and Mrs Julius and family at Squire with Wills sharp eyes spying out J upsetting grandmas plans for a joyful surprise with her tree if Lyman Millers gramophone dis coursed sweet music and entertained the crowd at store on eve The entertainment at Egypt school- on Wednesday evening last took form of a box social interspersed With music drills and juvenile Aft- unusually Fine Display of Goods useful as well as ornamental IN THE HARDWARE LINK UMMERFELDTS HARDWARE MOUNT ALBERT We have received this week a lot of I the nicest goods we nave ever You should see them HDRAMSDENS ALBERT Strayed Henry in lately to see her sisterMaw Mrs Geo Wright who is very ill Mrs Leigh and daughter Miss Gertie left on Thursday of last week to spend the Christinas holidays at and was pronounced an ele gant by those attending pro- costs something over twentyeight dollars Some of our young men were grossly rude and totally for their good manners if they ever Lad worth J Em id esq- Deputy Chair- Eeq Alex Accepted at Current Bale DA Albert CbJef or Try Our Own Emulsion of Cod Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy Coughs Colds Lung Trouble We the leading of fit and guar antee them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Card of spent Monday with her mother Mrs Sanson Mr Mrs Urqubart spent Christmas at the home of his par ents in Miss Flossie Forrest left on Friday for a two weeks visit with her broth er Dr Forrest in Port Hope Mr J A Miller left on Tuesday for in the dis trict Mr Geo Grose spent Christmas at his home in town Mr Terry of Sutton spent Christmas with his mother Mrs M Terry Mr M of Toronto was in town for Mrs David Forrest of Toronto was in town over Sunday and Monday the guest of her sifter Mrs Mr Hunter of Toronto spent a few days at his home here Mr Grose of Medicine was in town for a few days week any by disorderly conduct and acted Into the premises of the undersign- j fc all the contents A eving n one Red and White Steer partners years old Owner is requested to prove property pay expenses and it away likely remain away all winter Vida who has given o risill was her millinery here left last en tos 3W19 A Rocker Would Do Nicely for Detroit accompanied by her TOBIAS WAYWARD Mdbnt Albert spefid idays Miss Harrison of Brock ar rived here last week to spend winter with her- aunt Mrs Dr Noble Mrs Ramsay for many years a of Sutton but latterly of New Ontario passed to her rest last week Her remains- were here on Friday evening and interred on Saturday in the family plot in one very pretty browneyed lassies at box social He tailed to grasp his luck and sold out to Mr Ross who had a glorious old time sampling the goodies and chaj with pretty May The boys are catching Brer Fox getting a fine stock of pelts Continued on page In the Newest Designs just arrived FIT GUARANTEED j atGEOHAIGH SONS Merchant Tailors and Woollen MOUNT ALBERT You couldnt think of a more lhe Cemetery appropriate Christmas gift You couldnt give anything that would Be more highly ap preciated Hat this MOUNT ALBERT Our Spring Wall Papers and Carpets Are In for Spring It will pay you t them before elsewhere ROSS BROS COLD Withstood Other Treatment But Quickly Cured by Chamberlains Cough Remedy Last winter I caught a very se vere cold which lingered for weeks says J Zephyr Ontario My cough was very dry and harsh The local dealer recommended Cough Remedy and guaran teed it eo I gave it a trial One cent bottle of it cured me I believe Chamberlains Cough Remedy to be the beat I have ever used This is one of the most staple medicines in use Thousands have testified to its excellence It not only cures a cold quickly but eflectually but coun teracts any tendency towards pneu monia It is equally valuable for children and may be given to them with implicit confidence It always cures and is pleasant to take There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains no opium or other harmful drug Sold by T Lloyd If you decide upon a Rocker let us show you now easy we can make the price Choose now Assortments f are unbroken and you miss the rush of the last day or so Decide upon something now and have It laid aside until you wish It delivered ALLAN THEAKER A STOUFFEf T ALBERT DRUG STORE Pur Paris Green Bought in bulk and put up by poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot carry a lull Patent among and gai Rheumatic Cure Family receive day or LLOYD VIVIAN Flossie and Walter Brooks To ronto spent their parents here Quite a number from here the Sunday School enter at Friday eve ami report a very pleasant time Will of Newmarket visited at View Farm Christmas niglit Brooks and spent with friends in Toronto Married of to Way of this on Tuesday On return trip from and other points friends and relatives give them a rand at the The concert given by our teacher and pupils in the school house Thursday eve was a success the Mioses I fill of and Mies A Markham were heart ily scored arc all iha talk at pres ent Both sides are winning so some people will an meeting at Brooks on Friday eve Dee Interested in of Mr is invited Bend the Era to day afternoon and evening to receive in Piano Voice Culture Vio lin and Theory prepared for examinations For Sale Ram shear Number of Ram All Shropshire registered Also a few Berkshire Sows and J Mr Geo Wright spent at under the- parental roof Air student from Knox College was here from Thursday of last week till Monday of this week On Sunday he occupied the pulpits and The Misses Lucy and Alice Scott arc home for the holidays Mir Lyall ycott spent also at home Mr Mrs Roadway attended wedding of his niece on Tuesday of last week at Kcttlcby Air and Mrs Lapp of came here layt week to spend with slaughter Mrs returning on Mr Joseph Cad ieux is home from Toronto spending the holidays with I Ms family Newmarket will be in Mount Mr Geo of Manitoba with at the Town Hail every bis wife and family have been visit ing with lis sister Mrs John Joyce and other relatives in this vicinity Airs Rev Smith and infant child of Toronto arc visiting her par at Brae On Thursday evening of last week a treat of candy and oranges was given to the Sunday School children of the Presbyterian Church Short addresses were given by mans Mr Carrie and Rev On Friday evening tlicrc was a tree enter by the children in connection with the Methodist Sunday which was quite affair There will be an oyster supper and dance In St James Hall on the for the of the Hall A Hot Fowl Supper will he given jo St James Hull on Monday Jflg Jan under the auspices of LadifA Aid of the Church An interesting program will be given Mr Henry will occupy chair A political meeting to he held here on Saturday evening when Mr and others arc to speak The meeting will he held hi the Town Hall ti J COOK SUNSHINE 0 QUEEN HEATER AND GOOD CHEER HOT BLAST All for burning A OR WOOD J D ROWLAND J Mount Albert To Farmers- Bull from Bull Brampton herd be kept service on lot the Con of St Lambert and Stock for tale Sharon pp OF MARRIAGE- BUXTON WEST OUT ft BE QUICK Not a minute be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup Chamberlains Cough Remedy as Boon the child becomes or even after cough ap pears will prevent attack It never falls and Is pleasant and safe to take For sale by T Lloyd The Ontario Bank with manager Roes proverbial enterprise and cour tesy Is handing to Its customers ex ceptionally artistic calendars por traying scenes in effects At Foley Bros three miles west of the work struck an charge causing a ter rific explosion Injured man and seriously rod five Our Display of Goods is Simply Superb and range in price from the most moderate priced gifts right up to suit the most fastidious tastes See the display in our windows and then come in and see the store full inside We have everything now on dis play THE CHRISTMAS DINNER CURRANTS RAISINS Good Clean Currants Fancy Cleaned Currants lbs for Choicest VotUtta Cleaned Currant for lbs Selected Valencia Raisins for Royal Grown Fancy Selected lb Fancy Seeded Raisins boxes for full v Extra Fancy Seeded Raisins package Corona Dates pound packages Choice Cooking Fig fio lb Table Figs loo lb Cranberries very choice quart PEELS STAPLE GROCERIES boo Cream regular Ginger Snaps regular lb lor Tea regular lb for lbs Finest Tapioca for 10 Gold Duet Corn Meal 25c Bottle Richardson Butter Imported Pickles bottle Color tor MM Freeh Lemon choice quality rt Orange Peel Crowe Lemon and Peel ft Citron Peel lb Mixed Cut Peels in pound Cartons box PRUNES DATES FIGS Fancy Santa Clara Freeh Prune lb Fancy Santa Clara Prunes larger lbs for Fancy Santa Clara Prunes largest site Fresh fa lb Yeaat box Jflnj Sugar ft Beat Soda Bo Beat Clover Honey regular ft for Com and Laundry Starch regular loo box for He Witch Toilet Soap Savory Thyme Marjoram and Poultry Chew in Canada mite Mocha and Java regular Wo Royal Dutch Almonds Shelled Walnut In Johnstons Cash Store SUTTON a V