I i i w MUST LIBERALS GREAT Premier Ross Can See No Signs of Defeat COMPARISON OF THE TWO POLICIES Successful Banquet of the Ross Liberal Club tons Orchestra The toast of King a st ill more unscrupulous with Sir Wilfrids Tribute The Secretary Mr A then eve fc Applaud It is very op- People fellow when you know that they transportation facilities for I poriun too we should meet just read the following letter of regret from Sir Wilfrid my absence fitand conflicts come in California an invitation came to mo about and what they are for Our to attend a complimentary dinner to be young men particularly and we arc offered to Hon Geo I regret that pressure of business will not per mit me to avail myself of this invita tion If circumstances had made it pos sible at all it would have been a great pleasure to me to attend to testify to my strong admiration for the eloquent speaker courageous leader and the and Stirring Address by Wilfrid Recapitulation of tire and Administrative Progress A Good Class of Candidates in tha Field Opposition Criticism Unreal and Untruthful If party addressed themaclvea to teak of the disputed territory WfieMftMJfiWdftfefiSW PROGRESSIVE ONTARIO Our cry Progressive Ontario- There shall he no sleeping at our posts there will be no negligence in the watch tower when Provincial rights are being assailed- there shall be no faltering to grapple with whatever pro blem arises whether it be the development of our tries or the promotion of moral reform This Govern cannot fail in view of the intelligence of the people of this country The cry of corruption when property presented recoils upon the heads of our adversaries We defy them to assail us as a Government either in our political integrity or the of our administration Hon Geo Ross at the Ross Club banquet of bringing every part of the Province most dissipated in fortyeight hours par- Dear to the centres of commerce celled it out among their friends what ft gigantic undertaking I How per square mile where we are realizing was it accomplished By aiding in nearly per Square mile as We tha construction of miles about our land Applause They parcelled onethird of the entire railway mileage out at private sale a heritage that is to ot thi3 Province and of Provincial worth nearly two hundred millions funds wo have- given to this work money In the long list of Just fancy or six men in Liberal Administrations in the a Council chamber sitting down to sup- many years of management it has not a railway system that would do been shown and it cannot be shown for the production of the natural that sales of our Crown lands wealth of the country and provide pro- used for the interest of any member of Parliament or any Minister or for any improper purpose whatsoever Hear Not a Dollar Misplaced We assisted then in the construe- hoar We have reaped from for ests in the last thirty years a harvest of and that money gone of odd of railway and where it ought to go into the public to thia moment our opponents are not treasury and not into the pockets of the friends I Parliament buildings for the come if not for all til the Legislature shall yield to us whal thirty years we have spent moment about Toast of Dominion Parliament In proposing the toast to the Parlia ment of Canada Mr said that the A record of Opposition blunders and Incompetence contrasted with a Gov- eminent record of progress and efficiency is what Premier present ed to the public at We banquet in his Honored by the Ross Club last Friday night in one of his most effective fighting in recent years If reaon3 were wanted for the rallying of Lib er ects to the banner of the Premier in the present campaign they were fur- ished by his masterly recapitulation of legislative and administrative his tory of the Government which in many of its most important steps and ridiculed by an Opposition which periodically resorts to new leaders Who one after another failed just campaign brings a new cry to take the place of those which have failed be fore to make any impression on the in telligent electorate It a speech in which no quarter was given the enemy A public man who has been the victim of a steady of abuse and misrepresentation able to stand and quote from the records instance after instance of the failure of the Opposition to grasp he needs of the Ontario public With such a record of success on the one hand and such a record of failure on the other Mr was able to look for ward hopefully to the vote of January the electors would decide on the merits of the two parlies is Good In opening he spoke of the out look for the election referred to the required CO Parliament of of legislators world Since country good commendation Canada was a inferior to none good of candidates now coming out and said I dont tee how we can be defeated He reviewed the work of the various departments of the Government able to ay matter or small with which we have lae been successful and that in itself hows some judgment on our part A glance over some of the legislation chow tiiat the Government had capacity in direction and the having covered the Opposition resorted Jo vituperation and criticism unreal in cases untruthful and in almost case a misrepresentation of the tacts As the raven could only nevermore the Opposition could only use the parrot cry corruption it had given government and future Parliaments of Canada had much to do fairer country existed to rule Canada was budding out Per haps she was in the golden era perhap3 the Augustine age if not on its thres hold Under the greatest living Cana dian Sir Wilfrid he could truly say that the country had made unpre cedented progress They were first in the battle except a few of them in To ronto and they were on the eve of an other and as great a battle in which he predicted the same sweeping victory for the Premier that had been won by Sir Wilfrid a short time ago As the company rose to drink the toast the orchestra struck up the Maple Leaf the company joining heartily in the pa triotic chorus Ovation to Hon Mr Ross Responding to the toaet Mr Archi bald Campbell created amusement by stating that so far as the Parliament of Canada was concerned it was in a fairly healthy condition and he believed that Sir Wilfrid Laurier would be to struggle along with his majority for the next four years The wonderful progress of the last seven years would be exceeded with the building of tho great Transcontinental on which rail every locomotive and every car should be made in Canada The great city of Toronto have people instead of The increase under Liberal a dru in 1st rat ion had been wonderful and it was in fctrik- contrast to the time under Conser vative rule when there were six thou sand houses in the city empty and the people were out of work Continuing the speaker said they were met to do honor to one of the great est statesmen in public life and this reference to the Premier electrified the audience For a moment there was a rumble of applause which Increased in as to these political questions which engage public attention during every election campaign Iccn in a quite in fe bnidi my time and looks to be one of f J t the campaigns I ever went into Laughter and applause I do not fee how we are going to be de feated this time applause in fact never could see how we were to bo at any time Renewed subject P buildings are than ever does it appear that are going to succeed for various arranged far as sons behove the Liberal party everything else never more united than it is at present bHo the writers of a tew open letters to spent one you ait down to see what that in volves the drawing of plans man aging of contracts and so on and you will see that some of the large enter- prises which I have named and will name in a moment required considerable effort on the part of the Government Ibis time perhaps more fhA architect 000000 per an and I believe that can be done Had Developed Industries Now I am not going to deal in way Our op- they had given those they they showed that they had and we have tiered tactically Now you dont time to come they it east and west and north we have blunderers in office They showed they yield at it in season and out of season we have they had taken false ground ah j and it and how now they ask the people of this country to it Ho that a party that hai not give them their confidence without the prescience the foresight to showing or demonstrating that they good for twenty years fa have any policy on which they would as J body in the tail with all that we attempted to do should they be returned to power Wo grappled with the question of good j That was in my time Six counties have already accepted our on sugar industry Berlin the contrary notwithstanding Laughter and cheers Have Their War Paint On From every part of the money for political purposes or misap plied in any way so as the Govern ment is concerned Applause Mr Campbell There was no Lnngevin come the tidings that the Liberals block cot their war paint on Hear hear l They assemble in large at con- Had Neglected Nothing vent ions The best men in a constitu ency arc more disposed now than ever they were to place themselves at the service of their party and that Is Mr Ross I leave you to draw your own conclusions as to how other Gov ernments have let public contracts and sign for men do not like to go them with what we have done down to defeat in looking over the course X no Provincial com field can say as was said in the old in Ontario That perhaps is Bona that there is not a man of misfortune laughter but the Look at the Two Pictures I have now shown by way of preface what we have done and only very par tially Now let look at atti tude of our opponents It is well to look upon this picture and then on that our ninth and our ers probably The policy of are entering their ninth the Government been to encourage too Thev have carried on Wherever we could home industry and against as long the War any to that the money now sent abroad of the Spanish J Propound in to supply us with our natural wants as useless a war Hear hear expended In industries on our own do you suppose that the people of On- ground Canada for Canadians the are such- idiots that if our of industries in any line that cuts in tub ninth campaign had be productive and profitable thing better to present to them than wo The money was paid out of public l upon ims picture treasury and no man can place his Produced pounds of sugar last We are entering now on on one single dollar paid for blood v will yield to the farm- as a for today that party is today an- pealing to us with a policy as futile as anything you can imagine its whole pathway strewn with the broken fragments of policies that has rejected Cheers Tnese men have not the fidenee then in the policy propounded in day to repeat policy now not having confidence in it campaign the war a future Some Conservatrve Mistakes good to the Hed Applause And if all the and all others who are good subject and love their country and a good cause join with us and believe they will what in there for but certain victory as I think the Lib era party deserve Hear hear believe we will win also because we are offering to the country an Ad ministration the services of some of Can- noblest sons The Government of plause the a small the Cameron clan but would follow his chief party is one and j or Daniel Webster would say one and inseparable instincts and characteristics are the same on a smalt as on a large scale You know what it did in the Dominion and you have seen what we do in the Province Applause We have to with a system of education equal to the wants of people Education is an organ ism it grows The boy grows out of knickerbockers into manhoods Ontario has always I am happy to oT there is a fresh I think our opponents will ad- j n the tailor Our school system been composed of men of high to grow in the same way and the to secure ion expenditure of 25000000 Ameri can money most of it but they may spend more if they Rental From Public Franchises What are we going to get from those franchises We are going to realize nearly by way of rental and I received an invitation today to visit the opening of the first power house on the Canadian side on Monday next showing that this investment is real showing that we arcs not shooting arrow into air but that the I propose a few minutes to take up your time show some had that they would not have taken thcD mistakes and they are a few They had an mistakes that they committed- in- Ilea ion DOW they tent Mr followed for a short into power they will have a Mints- time He was not satisfactory to his Education Why did they a band- party for they retired him almost it Because they found public forcibly and Mr Whitney has been at opinion was against them it now for about six or seven years So tactically and constitutionally they near and yet so far Laughter Now If our op to a single department of education which we have neglected whether you with the kindergarten and work your way up through the separate and public schools lo the high schools the universities or whether you take the education for the blind and for the deaf dumb or Imbecile or in our reformatories or in our tee leal arc win because I think trie schools or in our agricultural college ask our Conservative opponents to point j Everything Mr Chairman character of great administrative question 1 put to you is in your ability It was in predecessors have the educational facilities time am proud that it is so still by the Government been tin- try is going to get substantia rewards am proud to think that Liberal equal tothe wants of people I from our management of this depart- party has not lost of produc ing capable and honorable men ap plause and I have around me and at my back a Government thoroughly loyal to their leader and I believe thorough ly equal to the responsibilities that- imposes upon them With out a Government no matter what your policy may be the results would be uncertain I believe also we that is a simple proposition were unable in all these campaigns under leaders as I mentioned to submit an policy to the people of this country which was more acceptable than ours were wrong because they believed Minister of Education was more si stent with our form of responsible Kayo government than an irresponsible Super intendent were opposed to a normal school at Ottawa They had no faith in the training of teachers the people would have accepted j were opposed to a normal school at Lot- it before now don repeated the same blunder They Routed by Policy were opposed to ft normal school at went to Hamilton for the training of high school teachers another blunder- volume until the cheering and hand- clapping reached the point of a demon stration which must have been exceed ingly gratifying to the Premier When Mr Campbell was permitted to continue he said that the Premier had been call ed a hypocrite by his enemies but he took consolation from I he that when Alexander Mackenzie Edward and Oliver Mownl were alive hey called and hypocrites Accord ing to the Tories the only good Lib erals were dead Liberal and in future yearn Hon Geo W would be spok- by en of as one of the brightest spots Canadian history The People Put Them There If was getting tired of those repeat- of corruption the ligation bad not been off last Liberal element in Ontario as strong as it not stronger than ever it was The Victory Let me give you one fact or two In the general election of the Government was in a popular minority Ontario of In the last general election the Gov ernment in Ontario was in a popular minority of only We cut the Conservative majority of in two in the last election That Is a sub stantial reduction and proves that the Mr Ron reviewed wwe of the blunder half the Tory party would be now of tbs Tories in abandoned forgotten more abandoned luggage As to the had been in power thirtytwo forgetting of the past It was to do wa trie put Paul did things that He was not going to turn behind I preen forward In speaking of the reorganiza tion the Premier announced that it said In some quarter the lion Of thy Province would he relieved in January The Opposition in general had forsaken their past policy and now they were looking into the iliese years them down such a man Hon Ross for a party led by me qh and Whitney He would y longer pit down and their and He would give a for Oliver The Liberal convention had been attended by of the lower of the party and it humiliating to hear these Utile fallows call them a Look in whatever direction you may and yourselves honestly question is there anyone that has not been met Our Position in Education Education is not perfect in this or in any other country nor never will be perfect in accordance with the of some people j but we know where we We took the first position the Worlds Fair we take the first position in the esti mation of visitors from abroad who examine our schools The products Liberal party is not depreciating in d0 lni tlc l ilj or weakening in number Ami ij P would eliminate 1 in the live in Toronto from I i aggregate vole then the party carried the Province of On- transferred to flrt place among a very majority Ap- I like Toronto It a beautiful city It I well 7 it r heads of and other I like to live in Toronto ana m lending If the product ib its honors and comforts Politically i must the process be must be however do not like it so well t- i correct process a sound flic was almost to i of our university hero is the pro- if my would j j excuse me it would be more tolerable department of Province Everywhere you go in this country and In every of the United States you will find the schools of have produced nun of culture and refinement who are filling and responsible The In edu cation by this ha brought forth some low mo to say and without a shadow of egotism every matter or small with which we have dealt lias been suc cessful and that in itself shows some judgment on our part some judgment on the part of the Legislative Assem bly that advises and in my judg ment far more to the credit of the Gov ernment than any obstruction or criti cism could be to their disadvantage A Progressive Mineral Policy We the development of our mineral resources we arc get ting on with them very well During my time wo have placed upon market from our gold mines nearly worth in silver in Iron ore I2H572S that iron ore we sold mostly to the United States gome at Hamilton some at some at Midland some at the Son pig iron worth nickel Sir Wilfrid the country in his third or opposed to the establishment of fourth campaign not as leader always School of Practical Science a while Mr was leader part of blunder only real school for time he went to the country against woikingman It was started in a very strong Government led for a only few pupils two while by Sir John by Sir fc today it has a stall or John Thompson by Sir Mackenzie j professors nnd over students Howell by Sir Charles oppose of these no arc all men who stood high in Laughter and applause lint if legislative and political circles But at the end of the fourth put naw pasted in them to rout horse foot and artillery ifi He had an alternative policy which 1 fc London said it was not the people of this country And and moved a vote of want these men varmiis partly blundered there because of their policy and for other have oh reasons well were duven out of power What do you think therefore of an Opposition that for all this time has been bantering with public opinion have been endeavoring to convince tho electorate that they are good wo What do think of their stronger weaknesses- I not use a term of their utter incapacity for in a in here three mineral products if in all thU time they cannot people that an exchange Failures have been immemorial In matter of fur Tyre and In the day of judg ment than Toronto politically Laugh ter Hut leaving that strong phalanx of Conservatives which Toronto to be always able call to the front out of consideration the Province of Ontario Is a Liberal Province Hear hear I do not know how many scats will carry in Toronto i have produced in the last live years under a mineral policy that some peo ple condemn worth of ore It is leading to thin position that sooner or biter Canada will be inde pendent of the world for her iron and for her steel and all products that made from iron and steel applause a most important consider at ion for Canadian when we see that in the United Stale because of tin flion of vast beds of ore and for the manufacture of iron they able to form trust to control the American market and indirectly to control the Canadian market That was one of their ob ject Fought For Provincial Rights in to platform lo aee they could crawl on It a slrrring Mr Hois declared he did not claim to be the equal of Ids but he did have the irjleresU of the whole people at heart Some of Those Present The banquet held in the of the Forelr Temple and deserved in go down to defeat and they would of They will A fcong by Mr of the programme the Toast of Our Guest win carry in in election A few no doubt Hear hear You arc willing to try and Products of the Farm in that constant in a gl boa friend Mr the there la hope at Icwt of ftnl of a sooner or later Ibis time Agriculture has grappled with great not later problem of rinding out valu of and atmosphere In regard to their on the product of the farm What do our opponent say In regard to Ids convince the is desirable from time legislation failures they have been the presentation of their policy up the present hour and with failure writ ten over their whole career they now going to the country asking for public confidence Rothschild had a rule that he would never toke a man who had failed in Shall the i Ontario take into their service a party that fails in presenting acceptable policy that has failed eight times Applause Old Abuse Then will be I hope it I think it would be at this stage of the campaign if we would look back on the history of the nil wo Don the confluence coun try Vaporing does not educate hot air Is neither nutritious no comfortable from our fading of Toronto lnat resorted to kingdom in their mahHor was proud that the Liberal party was loyol Mr A of the leader whose political Club was in chair At hie him as one of the of Canadians was and at his left Arch Won- J of the Government and John Other at the head table were exAid Curry Urn yerguboir l A AH ward J hi J Tier Dr Milium Mala it3y Hetfoert If Wowt Valter P Jerkin J Irving Kits Dr arid others Htoyuft of the To If fell the honor of proposing the b Our he remarking that the neighbors if we do not return the farmer ah increase threefold We ary of failed and had been honorable say J am fold yes Id In tho often reiterated until the Tories had orWj the Liberal party hut products of to advance among are after thevaddle in which the farmers a desire to perfect have been riding for the last few years this of the of Canadian With to homes Ho bring to the markets of the world of in the years we grappled their product that which will stand with great problems and vep hare severest teat until today In Now Dice as I said before are took a pari questions with which I have ho four year dealt and they only a few In Just as I am rated legislation we dealt with municipal law man and who has much fault to find with thing In descending our municipal law We have dealt had not with labor laws and we had to go Into had the to for rights of Hie Province and had to content the field with the hut constitutional law yew that could bo found la this coun try in England and wo were Commendations or every I successful in our be- jann from those who once voted the Privy Council wo sue- litigation at home I 1lte tiesIs it a put these facts before you and I have sua thing that a this doubt some of them to the can so direct of country to show that this is a Cov- I shall not discuss various ques tion that were at stile In these ciniaijfs I may Mint in the very In which now and who as Mn Sir Other ho was rated when In the Government now a very bad did a very bad from the I honor Mr John that honor the Dominion House mid j Sir Oliver I now numerous a arehls admirers in Conserv ative circles fragrant as How era may be with which they adorn his when was In the and when was thorn In when he held the fort the of the and held It like a his was described by Alall as recreant to principle that Is what they pay of me faUhlcM to pledges you have heard that- corrupt to core extravagant to the vorflc of Pro bankruptcy and dell- these Former Opposition Attacks Some years they flet- tation against bo pa rate schools Yea will remember how they moved schools should not be sen led on high scnuot hoards of how they moved that the ballot be made compulsory ami her with ferocity they attacked the bccaiise I prepared a series of religious called The Ross Hi We for the use of our public schoolH All that lias abandoned but if it was wrong last separate schools be on high schools then it is greater wrong now for have hili schools now than then a failure on their own because have own cry They attach ed us allowed French 10 W taught in localities where the language prevails and motions wcr made and speeches were made that thin l be these They would have nor German We took round that French must l that the teacher must use own an to how that instruction WW he communicated French i our schools today and I urn fild is Intiglit in our choolH wna and is in every on these it was wrong filter vtnrs ago in wrong now Why they abandon this Another or Laughter anil they go along their carter every f they seem to be throwing over luggage that lift ta in order that their war might can ter more freely and dnuflo cannot ieeso Canada high before the countries of tliej to every one of them and third In tho matter of butter while world I you cannot put your band Upon at fit Louis our cattle grrat to Liberal carried off high honors party addremd Itself or upon any great ft la only the other day too that I measure II undertook to dispose of and read that our fruit grower had carried that has and remember I am speaking modestly the capacity for it duty to keep up with the demand of the people In every quarter audit fa a thing In the double bar rolled in mentnl power mid p Hey which Mr Whitney us policy of the conference and his own policy subsequently that there Is nothing proposed except a few In Imitation of our policy nothing that be really usefully added to what the Liberal party proposes or what the Liberal party has done Hear hear A Campaign of Vituperation The fore from that back on ilin liter of Relocation on normal sclusoK or liberty with the constitution to rtfar- selmols Applause Where confederation stand now policy was then and now And thidr policy und It la wrong now And they have Moll sivs the electors are there- rt lnltry Uey mvo power That is what you had ease Our was that It if hi in lew ffi Another Cry They Abandoned Now regard to said thoro must be a Minister of culture They did not want one now have abandoned Hat field of administration now and of loathe Premier The was received with prolonged and cheering I nm proud to say thai It had the Off one of first prizes at the the aging of jolly good to grapide great measures cultural KxhlhlUon at London low When In attempted to corn finding thaV each and all of Everywhere there Is evidence that the cheering and fclng- these have in advantage to the work Is not superficial every is entirely covered lug was renewed finally he was country and credit to the party Is evidence in the Improvement of claiming suport to Mr instance wo of the farms In the larger hank ac- what they propose to do or what Mr of to the task of railway develop- counts in competition with other peo- they are capable of doing the who pa fan Club and thank you very I Ontario Thirty years ago wo ploy that work of the Department loiguajje of this is one of blundered that after ithev Agricultural sincerely for your cordial had hut a limited railway system this of Agriculture honestly and efficiently vituperation It one of unreal tfnoraly forsook or abandoned the although it was in the I Mr for tie kind words la done and that it has brought to this In which he has to Wood of artery of extraordinary rewards club greatly by which too products of Irdd this honor the factory the Mm and Had Abandoned Everything Sir John said a years later that must go from that day to now men -a- who cannot come of their own accord that Mr who have not the ability to Imprest every farmer on tho to come these men say that we must in every campaign have o They objected to the wrnovaiw lliUY against that departmental in tho WU3- country to be invited a portfolio In the hope Jjjj say that we must extol Ms merits before his Mi J so much to In public life of dally conflict were only orupujous of their markets Thirty Then miles a managed the Crown lands heritage- that our In most cases untruthful in every case a mlarepreeeiiUtlOn of tho is a cry of corruption I wont discuss It now I have done no already It I a parrot cry that rtt the raven thai the hint When they saw how it fl ceased their of the previous campaign because it Interest of no use and they had found It no In shed at they hope that by a new cry would lection They restated tickle the oar and receive public of a dairy school in favor wy then with ernpha- of Middlesex They resisted that on their by the wanted to teat iUb f flwiott and ei an