W SM that TV wan to poultry department tne Constrictive party ranged against us and ask the question of cultural College to an important yourselves ask of- your branch Of agriculture and they up reflat ed that- Look over r work of the last twenty years and you will find that at every useful they opposed it- what do you think of a party like that I If record as a business man they show one tingle Conservative that voted against his party because Sir John refund to ratify the that was made giving that territory Not one They blundered regard to the rivers and streams blunder ed in regard to our territorial rights then they said Oh you way have admitted Ka bad been as full Muiltl not own the been no one would make timber or the minerals On that biro a messenger in caretaker in a warehouse a bank or even Ontarios Good Fortune in Having a Government With so Progressive a Record Dealt With the Liquor Traffic we bad to deal with the liquor traffic very important traffic vexa tious and in many ways difficult of proposed that the granting of licenses should be transfer al Sir said and I quota his words Xbe boundary award in favor of Ontario is a barren victory because though Ontario may the jurisdic tion the Dominion has the land not a stick of timber not a lump of lead iron silver or gold belong Ontario He read out of the pos sesion of those worth of minerals of gold and silver and cop per and nickel which I detailed to you plus red from the municipalities to a com- moments ago This is the party that mission appointed Government wants power today These men are the of licenses natural heirs the legatees of the tyranny of their leaders at Ottawa of their be in the hands Ontario of We believed that right For parly that would hare despoiled their of half of our heritage and left today the instance in a few years they persisted view Ultimately they abandoned it although Mr Whitney talks now of non- political commissioners Where he will get them J cannot say They are at sea as to what they can do on this question Toe resolution of their own conference means nothing It is as impalpable as the finest dust on the to be but a small thing on the map of the Dominion of Canada Are Home Rulers There was no remonstrance from the Conservative party when the Dominion took control of Provincial railways the A act the Dominion may say that any railway is for the general advantage of Canada ONTARIOS GRAND OLD MAN Mi Whitneys speech means a of licences hut he does not Fay how many It may be one or three or two or policy has reduced and then it from our control We against that in and again a year ago We are home era ive Liberals Applause We are this natural protector a we will yet right and of Provincial find out are in power by three hundred Our the hotel licence thousand to three thousand Privy if whether the and far as know the imn fl lion of the licence department has been Dominion control railway which we on the whole reasonably good It i have and railways we have built As the law lands now I do not know but what Hi Dominion might control I the Northern Ontario Flail way thai been built the money of the people of Ontario and if we judge of the spirit of the Conser vatives of today by heir spirit when we were fighting the Dominion Government in would not be the least surpris ed if they would let that road pass from our control as they were revly to let the roads pass from our control a most difficult department to and if we have to admit nig it not surprise any of you We believed in provincial con trol of license in a bill in troduced the of by Mr IAlton McCarthy to transfer to the dominion Government the control of all the license of the Province of Ontario and the bill John cam inlw Ontario during the twenty year is their record that and at York- said he was going to teach tlat little tyrant Mow at he was not going to have control of Provincial Mr vent on to fay that the matter a one of consti tutional right the little tyrant won his before the Privy Council Applause ha1 never heard a single ay that fcir John on Provincial rights Tney blundered Again one of those Conservative up today and say that the will party way right when they fought the of the territory by Ontario or the control fll the Umber and minerals Not one More their impedimenta the bag gage which has encumbered them cast more of he blunders which they have endeavored to have forgotten Raid at Ottawa not that Mould he glad to forget the things that are behind and pre us for wind In my nude a and he did anxiety to jee something done do not voted againat Ms party because of met that which fs effort made- the while before us lay great ion Government to from Ontario for do not of her privilege to the of Provincial rights they melon patches you plundered low many and you epent even ings with You have grown out of these When you were a child you spoke as a child and thought as a child when you be- you put away childish could easily the of their opponents the and Streams Perhaps you will aay continued that I am severe but things It is time the people of this J am not more severe than the records country should direct to Horn Geo speaking at New market oith York on Friday April pointed out the it- titude of the opponents of On tario Government it Might Have Been if the had had its own way during the last thirty years where would be Premier proclaimed be I No distribution of the The Conservative party posed the distribution of the surplus The policy of the Liberals however prevailed and as a result 37o43 was distributed among the niunicipa li lies of for the erection of bridges the improvement of roads and educational purposes 2 There would be no vote by ballot Conservatives resisted the adoption of the ballot for years St is universally consid ered the proper way of voting f3There would be no of elec tion petitions by Judges Mr field objected to the trial of election petitions by Judges al though he afterwards acquiesced and brought in a bill to that effect There would be no of Practical Science The School of Practical Science has grown to be one of the most important educational in- of the Province It- has a of professors and lecturers and this year is attended by students about young men have passed through its balls Against the A C There would be no efficient Ag ricultural College The Opposition ob jected to the removal of the Agricul tural College from Very unsuit able site at Mirnico to and at various timea voted against ap propriations proposed by Govern ment to enlarge the buildings and to add to the staff The college has been criticized in hostile spirit nearly every session of the Legisla ture for twenty years There would be no separa tion of the trade from muni cipal control The Crooks act whicli removed the liquor trade from muni cipal control was passed in The Opposition resisted this measure most for years It is now ad mitted to be one of the best systems of license laws enjoyed by any Prov ince There would be no Minister of Education Dr recommend the of a Minister of retirement from of the criticism of change in the department has in the interests of education and nobody thinks now of reverting to a Chief Superintendent There would be no Normal School at Ottawa or London How could the country get on without the Normal School at Ottawa About teachers have received their training in that one school alone The additional at was ab solutely necesaary it our schools were to be with a sufficient num ber of trained teachers Against Farmers Sons Voting There be no fanners sons franchise The extension oi the franchise to farmers admitted to the electorate an and in telligent class of the community and as step towards a wider exten sion of the franchise should have been gladly received by the Opposi tion There would be no roads in many new districts The Opposition voted to reduce the grants for roads in from to would have prevented the building roads In some of the newer If would be no reform atory for females The Mercer for females was ea- to from vice women who could not In any other way Its record is the best evidence of the wisdom of the Govern ment in establishing lt- There would be no extension or survey of Crown lands During several sessions the Opposition voted cut down the grants for the survey of land though It shown that the only way to promote the set tlement of the country was by the territory trie disposal of the Crown There would he- no new buildings I Education on his office In the Opposition i ministration of been found to be Parliament warrant me statement make I have a vote on the Journals of the House or a speech before tie House Applause fou rernem- the light over the rivers and stream bill It is moot to the Province that she should have A property in her own rivers and of public institution and the rescue streams Jre are thousands of them up of new Ontario had great problems solution now that is the In which I said I would fife to forget that would rather not waste useful time on reminis cences that are unprofitable Would Have oad Continuing The Premier said the Con servatives had blundered the matter buildings were quite Unfit for the pun lie frorvke were greatly to public The old parliament Some of the department to live in rented rooms the inconvenience of the The Government felt that the Province si- Ontario An attempt was us of that right way something and more direct the v hole made to In ao at other forte of iJr of Government built the iemltfcftmlng lull way tho Conservatives It and proposed delay If they had had their said the Instead of our to Hie Trunk i d J way being loifM as a matter of self- for no other reason pro vide suitable for the service of the Province The new Par liament buildings are the cheapest and beat buildings erected In Canada for the amount of monsy expended I There would be no right of pub lic property In river and stream Opposition voted twice that the Dom inion Government was right in dis allowing the rivers and streams act When the Council had Provincial rights the Opposition vot ed paying del ijf ii9t be in of If ad have been robbed of miles or fully onehalf of its present area important mineral and timber lands pine spruce and hardwood of various kinds as well as arable land Cheers New Ontario at Alb 10 There would be not right of property in the timber and minerals in the disputed territory Sir John raid The boundary award in favor of Ontario is a barren victory because though Ontario may have the jurisdiction the Dominion has the lands and not a stick of timber a lump of lead iron silver or gold shall belong to Ontario 57 There wduld be no Provincial control of liquor licenses The Dom inion Government by the McCarthy act took over the control of the liquor licenses The Opposition of Ontario supported the Dominion Government at the polls with the same enthusiasm as if Ontario had suffered no injustice at if hands 18 There would be no remon strance against the action of the Dom inion Government in taking control of Provincial railways The Provincial Government held that railways sub sidized by the Province should not be withdrawn from Provincial control The Opposition refused to remonstrate against this action by voting against the Government resolution 19 There would be no increased representation for in In the redistribution bid of it was proposed to give increased representa tion to as well as to other parts of the Province The Opposition voted to reject the whole bill would be no improve ments in the separate schools act Various amendments were made to the separate schools act in order to promote the efficiency of the separ ate schools and the better education of pupils in attendance thereat improvements the Opposition would have repealed were it not for the re sistance of the Government whose only desire was to Tender the Sep or- schools as the public schools Minister of Agriculture There would be separate Department of Agriculture with a Minuter at head of such depart ment Agriculture the greatest in- dustry of the Province required lor Us further development the full time of a Minister with a separate de partment against this the whole Op position voted 22 There would be no expendi ture on immigration A reaontbfo addition to our population by the im migration of farm laborers in very desirable and for this reason than for any other an agency is kept at Liverpool To this the Opposition objected and voted for the abolition of this igency would be no French the public of Herman taught in of the Province held that nun might be aught French in the or sep- and schools of the where the language of the rendered thin desirable holding however to the view that bo taught jn every school This privilege the Opposition would have withdrawn had it the power 21 There would be no drainage referee order to reduce litigation and facilitate the working of the drainage laws the Government recom mended the appointment of a drainage referee This appointment has been found invaluable In all parts of On tario where large drainage schemed have been entered upon 25 There would be no asylum Jfrockvilm The Asylums of Province became crowded and many lunatics were eon fined in he jail for whom there was no room in the asylums To afford the desired re lief the Government proposed Hie erection a new asylum proposal the Op position voted This asylum has now inmate 20 There would be no satisfact ory income from the net In he voted o red i of duties would cut down the income from nearly onehalf there would be no of Neglected In or- to prevent neglected or indigent children from growing up in vice Mir Government organized ft department of the service for the purpose of with mid In foster for them Already children have been re- cued from a of pauperism are being edueted for Protection of the Forests There would he no Superin tendent of Forestry The Govern ment considered it important to ap point a Superintendent of Forestry for the purpose of the reforestation of abandoned timber lands and also directing the location of various re Although our have yielded an overage of a million Jars a year aince confederation ton did not consider their In this way 2f There would he no Normal The Normal College was tahltihed for the training of Of high schools following the example of Germany In this rupee Evident ly they did not favor higher educa tion In particular here would bo no County Council reform County Councils were considered unduly large bill for the reduction of their by the was municipalities through faulty methods of bookkeeping by which dishonest accounts and conceded their evil intentions Over was lost in this way The appointment of a Municipal Auditor was intended to prevent The Opposition refused to protect municipalities to this extent by vot ing against such an There would be no revenue from taxes oh corporations In lBuD the Government introduced a bill im posing a small tax on corporations such as insurance companies railway and electric companies etc By this tax about a quarter of a million dol lars arc collected annually Whit ney he the Govern ment with being the friend of cor- prorations voted against this bill There would be no Western Dairy School In order to encourage dairying and secure the beet quality of cheese butter for the British mar- the Minister of Agriculture a dairy school at and another at Kingston To meet wants of the west it was proposed to establish a third school at Opposition voted against this There would be no pioneer dairy farm In order to test the agri cultural character of the lands of west ern Ontario on the P Railway half way between Port Arthur nnd Rat Portage the Minister of Agriculture proposed to establish a pioneer dairy farm This also was voted against by the Opposition 30 There would be no Commission er of Public Work- In the voted to the Depart ment of Public Works including the office of Commissioner by voting against the salaries and expenses re quired for maintaining that depart- It wan foresight into the at that might arise In the courts of Europe So In administration of and Reformers Here we have neither foresight nor shall any other kind of sight as to matters of public utility Mr Ross rapidly sketched some of Conservative mistakes in policy They schools If his the speakers pastor Rev Dr were to open a cop the public accounts in on Sun- United States In the day proceed to preach a sermon thought ho would have to be excused go home and read Miltons Paradise Ixiaf or Paradise Regained Tap very childishness of these pro posals said Mr shows ex tremities to which they are driven They have no larger scheme to appeal opposed the Railway a do for to be equal in capacity to of my predecessor who gave you much of that legislation We have done a little good in lost five years But I have given you the record of the Liberal party it Is our ambition to keep that high level during the term of our Ad ministration Applause Stood by Their Policy I have given you the record of the Conservative party during 32 years I have briefly reviewed their eight cam paigns every one of which was a fail ure The policy on which they went to the country changed eight different times Our policy has had continuity of strength constitutional vigor which has endured from 1871 down to the present time We have abandoned nothing because wo found it useless we have not repealed any legislation of our own because it has not been effec tive Every policy we have set up along the great long tedious and shall I say strenuous journey stands today erect as when planted by the hands of the leaders of the great Liberal party and should Providence spare us and permit us to retain power I hope we shall still be able to guide the Liberals of this country by monuments equally useful equally attractive equal lyvaluable in the development of this great Province Prolonged applause and for opening of the- northern country Our representation in the House of Commons had been reduced by by reason of a less increase of popu lation than Quebec If we could not in crease as they did we would have to secure immigration The Government bad settled men on the farms of Ontario during the present year Opposition bad opposed the vote for ft Superintendent of Forestry though our forest wealth represented 200000000 refused the appointment of a referee though the farmers had spent many on drainage in Ontario the Government giving there of opposed good roads commissioner though transportation on highways was of the utmost importance in the rural districts opposed appointment of ft municipal auditor though nearly bad been lostby municipal defal cations in thirty years opposed J proposal to tax corporations desiring to cut the tax in half thus deprive Province of which to help the unfortunate A Microscope Required That is the kind of Opposition wo have to with deal Before I am through you find it with a microscope And shrivels I go along mans I up no foresight no Mr- Against Investments the against to 1000 There would Hi be no land grant Kail way In Opposition voted land grant to the tiie most I attempt way characterizing it as phenomenal steal the public robbery the most public crime that was ever by men in authority In the Dominion Ross will hardly It shrivels No states- insight no sight of any kind Laughter Mr referred to the opposition the succession duties act had met It was a proposal on the lines of the death duties in England and reached wealth not reached in any other way In twelve years it had yielded about the Province Had the Op position succeeded the Province would have lost If you put lose many millions risk Cheers The Conservatives to abolish the Public the department hud built asylum- and largest all the buildings which hud only cost rtl The grant to the Whitney denomic it Tf l Railway St Our cry is progressive Ontario I shall lie no sleeping fit our posts will he no tower when Provincial rights tain There bo failing to grapple with whatever lem arisen whether it be development of out industries or the promotion moral reform- This Government can I not fail in view of the intelligence of I the people of this country The cry of corruption as Mr a ay when presented recoils upon the heads of our We them lo assail as a Government cith er in our political integrity or the tit- of our administration we bo- Hove if the electors are informed wo hope they shall be informed that jwhen the ballots are counted on heinous public crime try next not one ballot ill bo in power you V1I take the had Works which nearly proposed Depart- under all our in 11 are fully developed There would be no substantial development of the pulp industry Mr Whitney and his in the voted several of the pulp although they involve the investment of of capital give employment to over hands and arc calculated to promote the set tlement of the country 3f There ivould be no railway railway subsidies pro posed for several ytarrf were entirely for the development of New Ontario or for colonization purpose By means of these frubidiH the Canadian Northern from Tort William to Win- has been built In all of n way have len constructed the newer Against nearly of these Mr Whitney and the major- of inn voted No Soo Industries year the were op- posed when they tried to save the from tlif of the United States Steel They wore saved the railway was ex tended and the great re- nude mar a Me Thnt was nil done by the majority of three that daunt lei- three who were as to keep the bridge those who lived in the bravo days of old Vet Mr Whit ney would ar leave have dumped two million dollars loaned into the Toronto Hay JAnr thousand men lire now employed at the wages were earned of 00000 a year the company earning a year while roils were made for Jerniskaming mid for the paid the in- on the the duy it vnn and they paid the he the lay it was year the Government were opposed they tried to save the industries from the grasp of the United States Steel Trust when one of greatest Conservatives would do if they had control of these ballotboxes do not pretend to say We know what they i did in Dominion elections they have stockholders helda mortgage on all it i3 not wise to them industries Cheers They were saved the railway was extended and the pulp wood resources made mar ketable That Dauntless Three 0 That was nil done by the three that dimities who able to keep the bridge those wio lived in tiiebiiive of old Cheer Vet Mr Whitney would as leave liavo the two milion dollars loaned Into the Toronto thousand men were wages now employed give opportunity believe in capa city of our administrators in the in tegrity of our pi hods and wo con dene that intelligent people will recognize that this Government is nob here lor its own pleasure nor here reap Any personal advantages from hold ing office but that wo are here in a pa triotic sense do jfOod to the people justice to Catholic and 1rote-i- to respect every conitici- opinions and corn fort mscs feeling that there is soma were earned of a t and company was earning WW0W a year while rails were made there for the and i for the by the month of uu at be thy everything would bo plain sailing They guarantee Ho Good Roads Reform There would be no Commissioner lie improvement of our es means of Irani of per cent of our peo ple was considered of the utmost Im portance to the rural the the appoint ment of on o i i J J 4 if if I i vol rnaopif Mi ttext -woufvb- on Tliey loo I it will ftftifl Premier early in they of oar obligation lake ft Upon I no not know wbetber will ami not care Ill Eh no no for we a whole We pre all jioxaiblc We done jod thing for tb country fin4 for Canada paid interest on the it was ami they the interest on the tiny il due 250000 Moreover conn lie thi fear ill the ends countrys and truth fallal Cromwell a blessed martyr then if thou ftliall not fail bctauo we have already the justice of our and the in tor mat rial to through the winter things and to in the jjoin such is rinij Take Up the Obligations They saying too a ml I will true that early in they may and take plans will and hope it relievo us our obligation it upon themselves do not know whether do not care The obligation no on Of tile people Premier spokew for twenty minuter clever and sketch hy Mr House that Ian a liberals Have to For can if all theo were efirniuattd from the for the of the bow littln would be left and how weak efforts of the Government would be to maintain the stand ard of the Province We en tering election with confidence We have nothing withdraw In fthape of that been found or ineffective Wo have no Apology to offer for any hare that we have to people no new policy to during the campaign for we toke good to let people thor oughly our Intentions Wo want you to know our Intention when you have thought over we have done and what we are to do now It will be worth villi to consider whether on which wu have entered remain In our hand to bo completed or whether you swap horses arc the whether you Ahouhl hand over yrent patrimony which by your Hence perhaps or through your will been In our for to and jive It to who have frhowu In almost Important re affecting our prosperity that lliy do not the of nor the importance of ad And wldto you iyruiTfiiM for in the tber Ml no encumbrance and there is yer for we have a mortgage whole We are secure all possible losj We dona thing for the country for They will complete their railway or they have already aince the loan made to ironed in ad lit ion to 100 odd nil to h ironedp and arc running their tram over additional amount of track A Voice The James hay Halfway The Premier The JEaii way another outlet for contra I Can ada and the city of to ihnj northwest You cannot a pro- to he Opposition the of which they can fir a ftp be it ftmall farm fodder at on asylum or at as the J Jay Hallway laughter and applause of opening up a new country and bringing into communication with the northwest lurffe portions of Ontario The Premier here at little length lo the which be expected accrue Ontario from construction and pro jected construction of line within the borders of the Province the P the l It mid It referring in latter connection to Mr Whitneys attempt to have the greatly Mr said The object of thin brief not that our opponent may feel I am satirical cynical Vindictive but that we may nee between not what wo to that certnlu although our policy wellde fined but between the of foreiht and the Itadera one alife and the altitude of the op Ride of thorp lldrjM loud hour A Bert Do I Own the highly number the Premier speech The Sister Legislature The to the Ontario ami Quel was in a by A Hunter With the names Hon John of and Hon J Proviil Treasurer of The Minister from Quebec proved to be one of most era of the evening Ho reniatked the of Pre- extended to Quebec where he wit reirded a man of greal ability ait honesty He was Bony that he could not give them a pan of their majority where out of they had It easy to carry on a where they had a as in Ontario but in Quebec they bad a debt of W000O The task of flimncing their was not but they hud bad Hon John had doubt that whatever party Wan they would be loyal to the Crown to the interests of Canada but ho real the tc ted lo accrue to tl taUwU Province- No man En honor than Premier Could they but him at work In at home so to ftpeak their for the pluck of this Scotchman would be indeed by men for from day to day men who are belter than them concluded the of culture Remarks J If odder proposed Mr aire Ontario Dr Mod erator of the General Assembly anil Urn Premier pastor replied His reiW they have a Put your one that good thing and I will leave the Held to Mr Whitney They will not them now have forsaken their past policy and now they looking into platform to nee if can the abuse J I 11 llMftl III craw on to ft limlicr iii- J stlixcIcO on which we have built Is our policy country nut to Applause The Finances Were Safe hi tin were rtiid he referred In sculhlu terms to I letter Pre- were I mil man why did they not before the leiy jis and nave him expelled liP3icd Mr Whitney Mr oil an of llunncei luce of Ontario had tin same powers Mr I an mid wanted jJio auditor with r could not foe If the Premier wero toward own brother As A it was his right to the belief that the IjfleresU of the would be best I hands of the Of To responsibility lea The of th brought an event ti id Ajiiditr i A Whim