itlK NEW I Dim actions apeak louder than words CO too dot the testimony of of during third of louder than claims pot backed by a guarantee of kind That is the reason why the of Dr Pierce Favorite Prescript tie willing to offer reward for women who can- not be cured Such a remarkable offer is founded the record of cures of the diseases and weaknesses pecu liar to worsen there is an invalid woman suffering female weakness or Calling of or lea- Dr Favorite without complete success the of lhat medicine would like to Dear from such and it will be to her advantage to write them as they offer in perfect good faith a reward of for any case of the above maladies which cannot core No other medicine for womans is possessed of the unparal leled properties that war- Tint it makers in making such an offer The Sisters of the Good Shepherd at their convent Our of he Carthage Ohio a great deal of Dr Pierces medicines they ay in a letter Pierce to you of the great benefit these give our We recommend their When the he has some- thin is as good as Dr Pierces favor ite Prescription tell Theres He says so because to a better profit but his own have cot stood the test of and success that Doctor have Then too many advertised as tonic con tain quantities alcohol Pierce guarantees his Prescription does not contain a of alcohol pierce Co in on Sense Medical Ad on receipt of copy in in cloth bind- It a good thing to keep Dr Pierces Pellets in the One Pellet I a laxative two a idle around the WIDE AWAKE COR TO A Christmas tree was held in and motherly ways arc known to all whose good fortune it was to meet There were three Wright Annie and Cooper all true types of model wives and The Christmas market bore was a grand success Our burg was cram- and jammed with a busy throng for whom our merchants had made The liberal and the competition keen a success Church last Friday evening for The products shown wore of superior comprising readings recitations merit The turkeys geese and dialogues and music which was quite decks were or elephantine proportions With such substantial judges as Messrs J Kcster and who would dare dispute their decision I may insert list of prizewinners merchants did a cash trade of over Scores and scores about everybody excepting its grandparents Mr and Mrs Geo Arnold of Holt and Uncle Richard and Aunt Maggie have called in see sweet little Nellie grandpa and Arnolds angelic pet If baby survives all the care and trous love bestowed upon it it should be an exceedingly grateful child Our old friend of Queen Street who doesnt Know called and paid his homage to the little beauty There are worse chaps in the world than Already we hear some reports of its cleverness Champion What Readers Say About Sun Is easily the best farm pa per in Canada and what a pity it is that so many farmers instead of get ting the Weekly Sun content them selves with some gossipy sheet of no real value to them Instead of ample The przos were tami cream of iSTOUFVILLK Rev Dr Carman General Superin tendent of the Methodist Church will preach in the Methodist Church here on Sunday Jan 1st morning evening On Monday evening Jan 2nd a teameeting will be held in Meth odist Church and a lecture will be given by Rev Dr on the sub ject Songs and Singing Grave and Gay LEKROY The anniversary Church was of Mctho- on Sun Jay wonderful Rev Dr Cade of Toronto taking charge of the service Suitable mu sic wis by the Gilford can Glaus laugh like jolly old Santa Mar sorrow lc a stranger The oyster supper and entertainment on evening was that could be desired Speeches by Rev Cook and Pierce BuffrtqNY Cade were much ap preciated as was also the music by Bradford male Solos were given by Messrs Green Ryan The proceeds to BALDWIN BREEZES Crowded out last week a Oh let me kiss thee baby One sweet kiss before we part Our school trustees appreciate good work as shown by an of in Mr salary- hun dred per annum is a handsome figure for a youth of twenty in a rural Thirty years one of his calibre would been Grant John Marriu nil Tfce necessity of the day specialization Skill in one line wins out where scatter ability counts for nothing Young people find stenography f the quickest and surest of advancement to She test Last week we had rails from three prominent railway for private secretaries at J good salaries This was in railway work alone bad J no one to tend Young men this is worth looking into Write for free j booklets and particulars New J opens Jan 3rd J Desirable House for Sale With large gardin and alio of Alio building lot on Gotham St Newmarket Good Farm to Rent In tb of King being West half of lot In the 3rd con teres mostly cleared good buildings good fences Spring creek crosses the farm Fall ploughing to be done and fall wheat in the ground Good Orchard Apply to JAMES Desirable Residence sale The Cedars corner of Victoria and Park Avenue Newmar ket The residence Is in firstlass repair The property will be sold en bloc or BUILDING LOTS be sold on Park or Millard all good size Terms Apply on the premises MRS 0 J It is a mere formal custom in many cases to wish the compliments of the season Merry Happy- New Year etc but it lies in the power of the wealthy to it a time of rejoicing and merriment for the poor and needy God has put the means in their bands and if they fail to do so they are neglecting a Christmas duty in the olden times of open fireplaces it was not a dif ficult matter tor the infantile mind to take in the Santa fake but in modern times when stoves etc are used the usually j alertminded child must be gullible indeed to be basely deceived by such fake yarns Whats the odds so long as they get the boxes With genuine juvenile curiosity I once tried the Santa down the chimney act in the open lireplace at my old home Not having the experience of the Santa Clans my descent was some what hast and undignified and the rude shaking up and thumping 1 got by landing amongst the and ashes at the bottom knocked the sentiment out of the experiment- In those happy days the Indians roost beggars and forgot not to call upon their white brothers for bounces Our comical body good old Snake greatly amused me with her wish you Merry KissMass Her particular accent was sidesplitting and unique I leave it to your fertile imagination to road it as spoken Miss milliner bid us goodbye last week taking her departure for home Lindsay She was clever indeed In her art but not popular amongst the young people as Miss her was up here last week making arrangements Tor an active campaign We above all other things on no pretext what ever will he allow himself to personalities Leave such weapons to the if they choose to employ them Lennox fears Duncan Mar shalls cutting sarcasm If be re sorts to bis old you have your remedy send for Marshall It weds no prophetic tongue to say Well soon be getting longer Old Sol will turn his to the northward again The case of Alex Crittenden against Halloween hoodlums in as given In last issue Era was read with much interest by hie many friends here He was born and fortunate to have received a yearly sttprt of The nomination for County Coun cillors in Sutton division out four Johns viz Messrs John John Hamilton John and Billy John so All staunch tried friends of ours Im in a dickens of a plight who to vote for Who out Messrs Hamilton and Warriner A numerous deputation one such as registered at Lucas House during the hubbub of a recent North York election Prithee tell me Reports are that Thomas Graham Baldwin has purchased J Thomas Glover Jrs farm on Con It is a nice property good house and outbuildings Squire on market day gave David Lennoxs Aurora satel lite a political dressing down that David wont forget for a dogs age is well qualified for and de limits in such pleasant exercise The big storm of Monday and Tues day was on record in Hicks Alman ac cultural knowledge they simply feed them on the whey and political party gush The Sun is fighting a- splendid battle for the farmers of this coun try and deserve their unanimous sup port J Hay Sheffield The in will put up a most vigorous fight for the farmers Help the cause by subscribing now Orders taken at the Era office ox send card for special clubbing list Hogs for Profit a most valuable hog book given away free to every new subscriberrThe Weekly Sun Ade laide St West Toronto o Lifebuoy Soap disinfectant is strongly recommended by the medi cal profession as a safeguard against infectious- diseases Municipal nominations for next years Council took on last Three candidates arc in the race for tho Mayors chair viz Mayor George and Macpherson Four Controllers axe required and there are no less than eleven candidates to choose from Seventeen nominations were made for the of Educa tion to fill six vacancies The City Aldermen number seats At the nominations last Fri day night only fortyfive candi dates were trotted out to fill those IS seats of course a few have since resigned but there is a large crop who arc it out James Withers tho young English man who duped a number of people on the pretence of being an agent for a cattle boat was sent to the Cen tral for four months It is learned here that on Friday last Sir Postmaster- General announced to the Railway Commission that the proposed post office building on Front Street in this city would occupy a strip of land beginning at the southeast cor ner of Bay and Front Streets ex tending eastward a distance of feet and to the south- as far as the railway tracks An agreement on this site bad been reached between the Post Office Department and the Grand Trunk Railway Company It announced that His Excellen cy the GovernorGeneral Lord Grey School Reports No 2 Sr Bessie Joy Isaac Marjorie Ernes Sr III Emma Mitchell Raymond Huntley John Frank Jr III Audrey Ernes Con- and Lady Grey will visit this city in Clarence Good year II Huntley Carl Eva Ross Hazard the latter part of February After being taken suddenly ill in the Albany Club Edward for many years inspector for the and the man who TO A COL MX DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tah lets All druggists refund the if it fails to cure Groves signature is on aacb box For the Era Choice Farm In the Tp of Vaughao lot In Con for sale On the fat of the family of King City and Maple Vill Donald with three -a-ssist- ants slaughtered eight miivc hours week They think it worth telling of For the personal Mm who makes Anient arched fireplace and put in the and approved type of pans means an Came lot m the in and of about the of Dec a work Bull is requested The baby record for the nonce to prove property pay expenses and out lage and good cultivation Convenient to school and For particulars appl to the Executor JOHN PARKINS Newmarket PO Astray has take away J Newmarket PO John Summing fireman of was killed by explosion of a Grand Trunk engine at Quebec fijt again blooms gentle spring Another baby song Ill sing The youth and beauty of our rural are enjoying Canadas favorite winter pastime skating Ham the Kidnapjier finding bis or iginal occupation gone has turned his to maidfjapping lies undertaken an Immense contract news Is by me for tidings of my many many I friends I truly regret to learn of the serious illness of Mrs Wright whom I iiave known nearly life Her sin- christian character and kind There ii no specific for consumption Fresh air ex ercise nourishing food and Scotts Emulsion will come pretty near curing it if there is anything to on Mil lions of throughout the world are living and in good health on one lung From time immemorial the doctors prescribed liver oil for consumption Of course the patient could not take it in its old form hence it did very little good They can lake SCOTTS EMULSION and tolerate it for a long time There is no oil not excepting butter so easily digested and absorbed by the system as cod liver oil in the form of Scotts Emulsion and that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous will serid you a sample free Christmas again is here With all its wealth of cheer When dear ones come To meet at home From all directions far away and near They come with peed No difficulties heed Again to be Where love is free And true hearts blend in kindly word and deed Each will some presents bring Gifts fit for lord or king With loving thought For others nought Of silver cosily pearls or diamond Some of less value too Prized as expressions true Of love untold worth than gold Which moves the world its greatest deeds to do What joyprevailing thrillo The watting homestead fills To sec each face Bear ones embrace To hear the voices which their yearn ing stills Like merry Christmas bells Or touch of fairy spells The so undo once more Like those of yore And buzz of Comoro swells Jr Bessie Mitchell Lloyd conducted Lord on his recent ride across the western prairies died last week After two disagreements and a third lasting three rfays the Hamilton lithograph er was found guilty in the General Sessions last week of complicity in counterfeiting carried on last June in the building at Church and Adelaide streets blam ed all his trouble on the man who is believed to have acted as a private detective and left of operations just before the police made the raid A painter named John Kelly fell feet through an open staircase in new building at Welling ton Street and fractured three ribs On Thursaay afternoon last week a terrible explosion of gas occurred opposite the Toronto Railways new power house at Road Mrs Kate Hirst of Eng land has bequeathed two hundred sterling to the Hoys Home in this city Deceased is a sister of Mrs Margaret of Toronto Keaney a was brought to this city from West on on Friday evening with both legs and right arm crushed and admitted to tin- Hospital He was injured while coupling cars Another hitch has occurred in the construction of the St bridge over the railway tracks The Rail way Commission is divideI in its opinion respecting power to alter any decision made by the Privy Council prior to the creation of the Commis sion This will delay for a few days as a conference will have to be held with the Rev open letter attack ing Hon Ross appears to be creating a ruction in his church at Deer Park Even officials are said to he withdrawing from attendance Drink led the police cells dur ing Saturday Sunday and Monday a record breaker The Lord of Toronto has been pleased to constitute Rev Ar thur Hi Baldwin rector Saints Church Canon of the of England He has been rector of this church for years Robert Win ton aged years pass ed away at the Western Hospital on Christmas Day ending a long and active journalistic career Deceased was Conservative in politics and a strong advocate of the union of New foundland with the Dominion of Can ada Tlie slippery state of the pavements on Monday night and occa sioned several accidents to pedestrians Limbs were broken in two or three cases as it Old grow young again Forgotten is their pain The past revives Ami memory thrives And tears are dried that flowed like April rain How many busy hands this and other lands Who cater toys To girls and boys To be bestowed children need demands Out the form of on the bottle hug Scott Bowne OnU glad eyes Tbey take the While joy elate The create In youthful hearts and thowj account ed wise And thus is garnered fame For blessed name Each Christmas day All hearts to sway And give true joy to all for this He came Adowh the ages chime First songs first Christina time On plains The strains Were sung by angols sent from hea vens clime Proclaiming to the earth The worlds birth- Sent from on high For all to die Securing bliss eclipsing Christina mirth P Richmond Hill The Deputy Commissioner of Fish eries Mr the Provincial from fish eries this year will amount to This is a large advance over previous- years and shows that J Industry is In a healthy Condition j You can hardly find n home without Its Cherry Pectoral It docs for children breaks Cherry should use up a cold in a single bronchitis prevents pneumonia Physicians ad vise parents to keep it on hand It bo llffl J J Throat Lungs t old tho Cherry Pectoral in brooking up a cola Because It is composed of both Indian and Ceylon teas The tea bush is indigenous to Assam in Northern India and botanists are of the opinion that it is the parent species of the cultivated varieties in India Ceylon China and elsewhere In a wild state it grows to a height of fifteen to twenty feet but the cultivated shrub is only three to four feet high Assam being the natural home of the tea bush it is not surprising that this and other districts in Northern India produce the richest most pungent teas grown in the world teas that command higher prices than even the finest Ceylons but Ceylon teas are very flavory and fragrant and seem to be specially made to blend with richer more syrupy tea of India When combined the Ceylons give point and piquancy to the liquor the Indians richness and strength The distinctive characteristic of Red Rose Tea that rich fruity flavor is obtained by blending these fine Indians and Ceylons and another very important feature of Red Rose Tea viz its uniformity of flavor all the year round is secured the same way something not possible to obtain where Ceylon or Indian teas are used alone The Blue Label is recommended and unless you like very strong tea use only threequarters as much for a drawing as you use of other teas ESTABROOKS St John BRANCHES WINNIPEG Do you want to add to your income It will only require a few minutes of your time day to earn a war You can earn it with a Chatham Incubator A No Chatham Incubator will from ito to no to size of will tell you fix n KB Eighty a lovavera are always demand aye hatch- user of Chatham the supply is ilvas short fifty the average price secured If only off eight hatches in a year that give you an income of Wouldnt that amount be useful to you can buy a Chatham Incubator without one cent of cash until October The for itself many times over before that lime There lc a fnirer than this a Chatham Incubator to at once freight prcnid by Write us coday for full our rliculars The Ii not due until October lor Brooder have every improvement worth in an ineubalcr or brooder- The incubate fii are made with wilhin case of dry na- in untr They are as 1 roc any amount of I the the earring for you THE MAKSON CAMPBELL CO- of Chatham d Mills and Chatham at Montreal Man Alia- Sew THE SPECIALISTS OF AMERICA r lives to Vitality Of Wo know of men like an open book Wo been curing them for years given our lives to it and thousands upon thousands of men restored to today living to the slclll knowledge and Kennedy Kergin Wo never hold out hopes ve a wo cannot cure We have so thorough a of all tho of men of Varicocele Stricture Blood Poisons Hydrocele Debility Paralysis Bladder Urinary mid Kidney General Loaa of Vitality and have cured so many thousand- of eases that If thero a euro for YOUR disease you will find It here When we undfirtnko a case thero is no Mich as failure We nothing for consultation and our knowledge and experience at your service Wo will explain to you and Why Wo Can Curo You why diseases of the knowledge and of Master Wo do not require to experiment with your caso know from In treeing thousands of cases exactly whit to for your symptoms be discouraged If you have treated without success with Quacks Holts Trials etc You must get cured and Doctors can cure you Our New Method of treatment has stood test for yearswhy should It fall In your Should your you not us a dollar Wo refer you to any Hank In this city to our financial If you cannot call write for a Question Blank for Homo Treatment Consultation Free Booklet sent Free SHELBY DETROIT MICH EI Begin the Year by subscribing a for the Newmarket The Best Local Paper in the County