Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 Dec 1904, p. 7

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A I HALL Ms Groceries lot your- pas CAKE A t PUDDING MINCE PIES We til our Spices all know our first principle Is QUALITY Next to sell as CHEAP pebble PEELS Orange and Lemon Peels 16c ft fee for also Citron Peel RAISINS Cooking nice new Fruit ft or ft for Finest Selected Cooking Raisins for Blue fruit for table Extra fine la quality layer of fts for regular price Choice Table Raisin 35c and ft Raisins fine full ounces at CURRANTS Very choice new fruit cleaned As for A Great Success The St Pauls Church cleared with their Bazaar fa tea Sovereign Ban last which is very gratifying A Very Useful Gift For father or brother is on of our leather Suit Cases and at Friends S S The winners of the prises for the best essays on the Quarters Lessons are Miss Lizzie Walsh Miss Emma Mabel Armitagc Roy Pearson Hill All the essays snowed good compre hension of the historical facts and the larger pupils clearly indicated the moral and spiritual lessons It was a very practical and satisfactory test St Pauls Sunday next being Christmas Day there will be two celebrations of the Holy Communion at am and At oclock service and also at 7 pm there will be spe cial music consisting of anthems the chanting of the Psalms and Christ mas hymns All communicants of this parish are invited to receive the Holy Communion at one of the morn ing service and all who may care to come will be very welcome at any of the services The church will be suitably decorated for the occasion liodies Winter dockets Selling at cost price today at Hunter Bros a v ft new fruit 15c and Methodist Church The services last Sunday were mis sionary in character and were fairly well Rev James Allan Superintendent of the New Missions gave admirable addresses morning and evening on the extent natural resources population and probable increase moral reli gious inclinations and opportunities of the settlers and the responsibili ty of the people in OH Ontario to provide for the spiritual needs of people Mr Allan is a fluent speak er and is a strong advocate for i Capital Rest Assets 00 Give the Boy Something Practical as A CHRISTMAS GIFT Present him with a Bank Book and then help him to build up a Savings Account You cannot teach him habits of thrift and economy too early for as the twig is bent the tree inclines Newmarket Branch Opened 0 ROSS Manager 1885 Highest Rate of Interest on Dally Balance Paid on Savings Deposits To save is to secure and to secure means a life of independence Talk it over with your boy today Hell be willing youll be glad a few years hence As a Holiday Greeting we announce that on and after January let next on all Savings Bank Accounts will be Compounded Quarterly ON THE DATES OF March 31 June 30 30 Pec 31 OF A YEAR Correction The milch cows sold by in Newmarket brought from to not as stated last week It was a typemachine error A telegram from Man on Saturday announced the death of Miss Myrtle Millard eldest daughter of Mr David Millard and granddaughter of Messrs Jam ison and J S Millard j Miss Millard has been in poor health or nearly two years and the family moved out to Manitoba about three months ago In the hope change of climate might be beneficial However the end came quite l She appeared to be proving until the day before her death and was conscious to the last Her father left with the remains on Monday morning for Newmarket and arrived here on Wednesday- evening at train being over four hours late The funeral service was held at the residence of her uncle Jackson yesterday morning conducted by Rev her former pastor and intimate friend of the family The church choir took charge of the musical part the service and Mr Angus Williams her S acted as usher The pallbearers were Messrs Walter Eves Blizzard A Henderson Wal ter Traviss and Hop per The body was interred in the family plot in Newmarket- Cemetery beside the of her mother died nearly years ago Deceased was an active worker in the Endeavor and Sunday School of the Christian Church as well as a member of the choir and was belov ed by all her acquaintances She was a lovely girl an excellent house keeper and a mother to the other members of the family who will miss her smiling presence A handsome wreath from the Choir and of the Christian Church adorned her casket also a magnifi cent floral star from her aunt Mrs of Montreal who was pre vented from attending the funeral on account of injuries received in a run away accident Mr to Newmarket account of the death of his niece K i DELIVERY r -OC- I We wish our many friends and Customers a Happy Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous new Year and take this opportunity of thanking them all for their very generous pat- HARDY I POO TO LOOK I DATES Golden tfae finest we hare hid for years ft the beat quality ot Dates ft HUTS New Walnuts Almonds and Fil berts tor EXCELSIOR COFFEE The Standard highgrade It never fail to most particular epicure at Fresh always Very fine in bulk at Wo ft also la Cans the weUtaiown Van and Briers MEAT We have one quality at ft It is as fine aa the beat and saves the hotter of CHINA DEPARTMENT This year we have the finest selec tion we ever had Our JAPANESE LIKES are simply handsome and in a aad varied assortment and useful pieces A P a We would like you to see our Stock The Styles are uptodate guilty No and the price cheaper for years is your chance want to and Our Tables at Will meet with your approval all useful pieces Bread Butter about patVtns and from to WW iu Bowls 13- fruit Sets Oclock Tea Sets BoaBo c our Rich Cut Glass It the attraction for the ladles BonBoo Vases Celery Trays Spoon Cologne to- torn lot a nice Flower W5O0 for a beautiful Ve Toilet Sets Dinner Also Stock Patterns bur Just vrwt to begin aad to time y0 SMITH Leading Reliable Grocer Only Noil Mr Richard Rogers on the Town Line near St lost a valuable milch cow last week A horse shoe work in New Ontario lodged in her throat and it was lection and subscriptions amounted impossible to remove it so the ani- roa was killed Next Sunday will he day in the church It is expected that the will all be completed tomorrow and the classes will re sume at am Christmas sermon at It by the pastor and special Christmas music by the choir Sun day School at and special music at the evening service The renovation of the has taken a much longer time than anti cipated but everything has been done in a thorough manner and appears to have given general satisfaction The carpenter work and scaffolding Was undertaken by Mr Isaac Rose included enlarging of Crowded Out A big batch of Baldwin Breezes re ceived too late for this issue Organization At Luke Doyles Hotel on Tuesday Dec 27 at pm for No All Literals arc in vited on but could not remain for the also Miss Millard of Toronto In our window before buying your Christmas Presents Then conic in and examine goods and get prices We have a tine assortment of articles especially suita ble and it is no trouble to show them Short Hours The post office will be open from till oclock on Monday The mails have been very heavy all the week and the crowl at the post office every evening is a fright Milk Vendor Mr Collins who has peddled milk in Town for other people for about ten years has gone into busi ness for himself As ho is well known very obliging and attentive orders His prospects for success are the very beat Union Bus Boyds Livery is now running a union bus to the hotels all trains Passengers will be taken to all parts of the Town and persons era For Hockey Supplies Skates Sticks Gloves Pucks Shin Pails Whistles etc Hardware r Sale Register SATURDAY Dec Sale on Mark et Square Newmarket at am of household furniture cook and other stoves also a good driving Morseowner has no further use for him Terms cash Duncan Auct MOUNT PLEASANT The young of Mount Pleas ant and district were en fete on the evening of hist at the home of Mr Walter the occasion be- T WATSON and Graduate Optician The council met on Monday even ing Mayor Cane in the chair Present Lloyd Soiuerville The minutes of last meeting were rend and confirmed The following accounts were order to be paid It A Yule Lloyd Smith A Wesley J McKay J or to Public Library S5000 all for the year On motion of Mr fcomerville and pulling a lever far allowed a piece over of wood to too fall siring the use of the bus for any the entrance train will have their wishes panted doors to the auditorium more than a by phoning the Forsyth House until foot each and placing double swing the phone which is ordered Tor thei a doors on each side of the church is placed in the office I flcsh rl to thc covered with crimson liaise instead of the onepanel door The color is in harmony with the antirooms which have a green and the done in rich crimson Mr by the Trolley Last Monday afternoon Mr I Stephens of Kin son of ton Hewitt had the entire charge of Majfr Badly Hurt A man named Richard was hurt at the United Factories a farewell gathering and to Miss Jennie orating a circular saw that runs very by without its Jennie but it is too true Miss Mahoncy is leaving us Not only as organist and choir loader of our church will Miss Ma- honeys presence he missed but as President of the Christian Endeavor Wesley Teacher and Score- was tary of Ladies Aid The work The Clerk was Instructed to was invaluable Jy the proper authoritlotf or Always willing to lend a helping Metropolitan that their CiK are at too hit n noedon and any enterprise in connection The schooner R Learning of Windsor was lost with a crew of seven a j Toronto Dec White Wheat per bush Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush Goose Wheat Oats per bush Peas per bush Barley Butter roll per lb per Potatoes per bag Dressed Hogs per cwt a 35 a a a a a a a a The muscles were very badly torn appointed Police Magistrate for the town without tint Instructed to send a of to Clerk of the Peace to Hon J Davis The request of land of for electric light the decorating aid has performed the work with both and skill The walls of the auditorium done in plain light green to the tops of the win dows then figured to the ceiling with a handsome inch border be tween the two There are nix pan els three on either side of the ceil ing done in figured work and the centre Celling painted a plain light green tint The choir chancel is figured throughout and in a little darker color than main walls Tho cornice is tinted to harmonize with colors in the pipe organ and the whole has a very pleasing and restful effect The new electric fixtures placed in the church by the Ladles AW arc exceedingly haxidsome and the whole auditorium is as day The centre electrolier has thirty lights in two tiers the chancel electrolier has four lights a large il luminated globe There are two double brackets on the outside pil lars of the pipeorgan and similar brackets over the entrance doors alt the fixtures being of corresponding design There Is also a lamp for organist and Mr Kitchen installed the electric fixture that were manufactured to order by Messrs Keith To ronto donated a fine reading lamp for the preachers desk Altogether walking across the Metropolitan track near Lansing did not notice that the car was approaching and was knocked over just as the ear stopped- His injuries so se vere that he was removed to the Hos pital and died on Wednesday remains were brought to Newmarket yesterday morning for Interment Funeral today Quite a The Town early ha1 a call last Saturday evening A fire started in the basement of Starrs hookstore which gained con siderable headway before being dis coverer arid filled the store with smoke- The fire was start ed by hot ashes from the furnace some rubbish left near the furnace door and communicated to some boxes and a wooden The blaze was four feet high when Mr Starr rushed down stairs There being two watertaps handy and with the of the clerks and others In the store at the time the fire was extinguished with dozen pails of water and the wound required stitches to close it ild the piece struck him a higher he would have been killed instantly We are pleased to report that the wound is healing nicely flnt Garland Parlor Cook Stove square at only the on Death of Mm Trovlaa Alter an Illness of two months there are lamps In lowed by a stroke of Mrs tV and the is Traviss passci away last j JFriday at the advanced age of In the Room a new coal years A Hint uiin three A parent jrom county Hookey Our team play in Dee when the hockey boys will he entertained by the hock ey club of that town and they are all looking forward to a pleasant trip Arrangements are being mule to have play here on Dec As this team Was last year in the senior A it will be a treat for the local hockey ports to see the boys perform This is the schedule of junior aud intermediate groups which Newmarket is interested JUNIOR Jan Parkdale at Newmarket Jan Wavcrleyfi at Jan Newmarket at Parkdale Jan at Parkdale Jan 27 at Referees W ioronto Doyle Newmarket Birmingham Brown Irving Toronto Marlboro at Newmarket George at an fl St Georges at Jan Newmarket at he a now coat Jan at St has been erected by Mr Ik- was a daugliter late at St Georges fins which has given excellent Tanner emigrated her ifNewmarket at Marlboro past three Weeks A parents Kent County England Newmarket furnace has also been repaired a little girl at Marlboro wood has also been repaired a little girl ard a metallic ceiling put She married late on by Mr The walls are Traviss who resided on a color and the lot Street and has teen a widow for lifter the cornice over years the last of both All electric wiring resided In Newmarket She fia concealed The leaves one son Mr Silas of Jan at Marlboro Jan 21 Markham at Newmarket Jan Marlboro af St Georges Jan Marlboro at Referees A I lynch Tnronlo hai with the church her presence ltd felt wherever she was ami now the time has come wlnn must feel how helpless we arc by her ab sence The presentation which came as a complete surprise took form of a purse and was made by Miss May j Hamilton in the presence of about young people the being road by Miss Wight Miss replied in a Jew ap propriate words Miss Jennie Out your departure from our midst we desire on Ixhalf of Mount Pleasant Sab bath School and to con vey to you our deep sense of regret losing one who has been so conspicu ous for eat and energy in furthering the interests of school a Id To say that we will miss you alter your departure is The Sunday School and choir will sus tain a great loss but you 50 from us rich In the esteem ami rcsjiect and goodwill which all irrespective of creed or party feel towards you If a worthy character means suc cess then we know that the highest and best success will yours in your future career Please accept the accompanying purse not as a measure hut as a small token indicative of our esteem arid wishes Signed on behalf of the Sunday School and Congregation Miss Wight Miss May Hamilton Dee The wife and child of Dr Benja min an American missionary were poisoned by natives In Central India Three British steamers were seiz ed by the Japanese lor carrying to Port Arthur the town not more On motion provides for ituiri no hour of the council adjourned 1 00 Hay per ton Ducks per Chickens per lb Chickens per pair Turkeys per lb Geese per lb Beef fore Beef hind 0 a a a a a a 00 0 0 9 School Reporta Marguerite Pegs Gertie Smith Hoy Arnold Sr 111 Micks Russell Pegg Jr 111 Johnny Tommy Cole Jr Willie Austin Patten- den Morton Part Ross Jr Part Glen Micks Albert Cecil Poster Baric Morton A Aylward Teacher A practical knowledge of Gregg Shorthand HookKeeping Commercial Law Calculation Correspondence Penmanship Sjiclling etc will up the some of the REMUNERATIVE POSITIONS we have to offer A way to A A A imparting Our facilities for this knowledge arc most complete WINTlvIt JAN tRi I having larger ties paid for The church slied and yard v ill re ceive to an old pastor and personal friend the remains being Interred in the family plot at Newmarket Ceme tery Unless person returns Thermometer at once taken from front door he will as he Is known S No Sr Barbara Young Sadie Burrows Walter Telia Smith Stanley Jr IV Mable Lloyd Vera Smith Willie Young Ralph Amy Pollock III Ross Smith r Willie Young Lulu Cowle- Lome Burrows Johnnie Smith Burrows Jr II Smith Mildred Angus Kills Pollock Ross Rose Rose Annio Smith I Eva Present every day of For full particulars regard- our careful and malic course write NOW to BRITISH AMERICAN Toronto Principal I House and Lot for Sale About 5 acres on St property out of corporation log good house on stone imiuth Plenty hard and soft water Ross Angus good barn and stable 32lt poultry Willie U- house Good orchard of apples Eon plums pears cherries St John Teacher and strawberries Good coil An Ideal location for a poultry rancher market garden Within walking dis- A little daughter Mr rank of of Easy terms Man was burned to death by her Igniting by a spark from the stove Z lure a Laxative Quinine Tablets Seven boxes told In Signature la Days J on every box

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