A J jtfpii ft LOVE DIES Up nil fa the course f rarried lore When tie of lb t time and it then Hit arid wife to magnetic condition of affairs often tie of the hut how often it it ot due to the wifes nervousness and due to some trouble with the or- peculiarly feminine the wife under circuniitances feels languid and mi the super perhaps from Mid by over a third of a century remarkable and uniform cures a record as no other remedy for diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained the proprietors of Dr Prescription now feel fully war ranted in offering to pay in of the Called States for any case tmale Weakness or Palling Womb which they can- toot cure All ask is a fair and rea sonable trial of their mecs of cure A sickness may be fared by keeping on hand a copy of Dr Piercei thousandpage illustrated book The Com mon Medical Adviser Sent free for thirtyone onecent stamps cost of customs and mailing only or bound for fifty stamps Address Worlds Medical Association Main Street Buffalo Constipation and a bilious attack Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets ire ft sure and speedy cure for both- Tiny granules One little Pellet fa a gentle laxative two a mild Sic They never pipe Nothing else just as good around the RXUJJitt COR- TO UNION I GREAT BRIGHT SCHOOL We Just completed the and decorations our entire premises and we have bow the brightest school in the Its equipment in every depart J moat complete its teaching staff is composed of expert who make it their busi ness to after the individual needs of the student With bright comfortable rooms unexcelled facilities for work A Toron to is in a position to give the BEST IN BUSINESS AND HAND EDUCATION No other Canadian College can produce such conclusive evidence the British American that IU course of meets the popular demand INVESTIGATE DECIDE New Catalogue free BROOKS fe Principal NOTICE Is hereby given that a bylaw was passed by the Municipal Council of the Town Newmarket on the of October providing foe the issue of debentures to the amount for the purpose of paying for past improvements and extensions id to still further extend and im prove the waterworks and plants and service of the Town of Newmarket an1 that said was registered in the Registry Office for Riding the County of York on the day AD Any motion to quash fa aside the or any part must be made wiJAln three months after the first of notice bo made thereafter this day of Nov J HUGHES Clerk There will be an entertainment in tbe School House on Section No East on Monday December The program will consist of gramophone selections dialogues recitations drills and cat and instrumental music Mr occupy the chair Ac- will be provided for horses quarterly meeting services in con nection with the Christian Church at last Sunday Sar gent of Toronto occupied the pulpit and Mrs are meet ing with grand success in their spe cial meetings in this place Elder of Newmarket very supplied the pulpit of the Chris tian Church and preached anniversary sermons The Hot Fowl Roast on Monday night was a decided success Every body says they enjoyed program above very much and there is no question about the supper A so cial was held on Wednesday might which was well attended Total pro ceeds about In the death of Mr Jacob Shier which occurred on Doc the township of lost one of her oldest and most respected Mr Shier was one of the old Pala tine stock who left Germany in about the year and migrated to Ire land during the reign of Queen Ann Mr parents came to Canada and settled in the County of La Prairie Que in which place Mr Shier was horn on Nov and in the spring of came with his parents to Ontario and settled on the old Shier Homestead on the Con of Brock At the age of 24 Mr Shier married Phoebe third daughter of the late Col Vrooman to wh ch were born two sons Henry of Manilla and Adam of and two daugh ters Mrs Michael now de ceased and Mrs Philip af ter which Mrs Shier departed this life leaving the subject of this me moir to raise his little family alone In the year however Mr Shier married Catherine se cond daughter of the late Philip who is left to mourn her loss and to them were born four sons Philip Julius and Jacob who are still living on or neighboring the homestead and Albert who is a merchant in Chicago III and two daughters Mrs John Gregg of and Mrs Shier of Scott Of Mr life very much could be said in his private life in reli gion and in politics his actions were marked by an even temper a sound mind and good judgment which com manded the respect and admiration of his entire acquaintance He was one of the most successful farmers of his time as shown by the prosper ity he left his family He was a patient and obliging neighbor kind and provident father and a loving and husband The funeral which was held on Dec was very largely attended di vine service being held it the house by Revs Campbell of Sunderland and Stephenson of The words the preacher Went a burn ing eulogy of the life of Mr Shier The pallbearers were his stal wart softs Collect la hurried street par men with ten In which to et got the rattled No thrust his carroty face over the counter and yelled for an egg Youre too slow ton fee swift Be a New Yorker Dont me paid the other or III go back to Philadelphia When all had been served and had I i My First Temperance I remember well when I was a boy about nine or ten years old were living on a farm about two and half stamped out to the the from the city of in- a part man remarked to a silent Did you notice the red fellow that jollied me Hes a scholar a bright Chap Studied at Oxford England I tiink then be might do better than cry Tares please and pull a bell rope think so said the other And same applies to me Look at this lie produced book of- a became southern college and pointed- to his new part of the state of Indiana My father returned from the city one evening where he had been pur chasing supplies for the family and after the stippcr was overhand we were gathered around hearth of the big fireplace such as- were com mon in the woods in those early days my father gave us a talk that to me my first temperance Although I have bad a name on the roll of graduates You hundred of them since none of them will hardly believe it bat Im a stand memory more clearly te ste in law of this university I dont first given to lite the business Im in Force of me ago His lesson was based upon circumstances you know New York Press an inci dent He began by saying My heart was made sad today by seeing Thomas under the influence liquor I also learned that re cently he is frequently the worse of meaning that he drank until he was more or less Thomas owned the big dry goods store where my father traded and the big warehouse on the anal whore we sold the wheat and corn that raised on the farm I re- of Old Do yon know the surest Indies tlofa of old a physician the other day The surest indications in man he continued are eye a dry palm and shrinking of the calf of the leg All indications are due to action of the nerves consequent upon advancing year In the matter of the eye the fifth section Is interfered with and It Is this that causes a flow of water The dryness of the palms Is member also that this merchant caused by an interference with the bought our hogs after they were functions of the body also due to the slaughtered He was one the cap- action of the nerves and the shrinkage of the town My of the leg follows from similar causes said If he becomes- a hard drinker In old age too you notice some men will be almost sure to fail in busi- more corpulent than In the ear- and lose Ms property and portion of their lives With drinking possibly die a drunkard men the change Is often produced by I couldnt understand how one who the quantity of saccharin which they had so much money as to own- a store consume with their drinks and with and a big warehouse or an elevator who do not drink it follows from could lose it all because he drank other physiological changes wo- little liquor each day men the dimness of the eye does not Father will the whiskey he drinks coma so soon as it does in men so much money that it will take m all he has to pay for it bnd possiw my father replied Through half dosed band the man with the eyeglasses and the high studying a picture at he will neglect his business A man whose brain is addled with Art forehead was the art store I wonder what the title of this a name written rather at Jw bargains or sgn the the Hero It got money represents yonpercive a lot of cat- tieTexas cattle I should Judge from rch their appearance At their head Is a him drunk splendid specimen of the breed drinking men the victor In many a hard fought bet and gamble and on his native plains Observe these drinkers to grand sweep of his horns as he lo them foolish so holds his bead erect and marches along all their money In the pride of his great strength Set the merely secondary and subordinate there are those position allotted to what may be called from one who is so the human element in composition that he does not know what ho the Insignificant figure of the man In about the background presumably a hireling A nearly as I can recall it The cattle pay no attention to him my fathers thought and the are Following the Hero the ma- bis fears for his friend He leader In front of him whoso sdJiiitt proud result from what is called heavy But Mr Interposed one drinking- and I think he told us of of the young women here Is the name cases that he had known ruined of the picture In the catalogue fortunes and wrecked lives Following the Herd recall now after all these years Er It Jr us look at thU the serious expression of my fathers charming bit of still life a little far- face as he talked about his friend the merchant He would hardly have been more serious if ho had an nounced My friend is smitten with a fatal disease and is sure to die soon Hut lather cant somebody get Thomas to stop drinking whiskey before he loses alHtfs money ami dies a drunkard ther along Chicago Tribune All Run Down AI my son of the subject there is the sad part When a man once Desirable For The Cedars corner of Victoria and Park Avenue Newmar ket The residence Is in The property will be sold en bloc or LOTS will be sold on Park or Millard Aveaall good Terms reason able Apply on J Choice Farm In the of Vaughao lot Con tor eale On the between King and Maple Vjl- buildings and good of cultivation Convenient to and church For particulars apply to the Executor JOHN PO School Report For the month of November No BAST Barbara Young Sadie Burrows Smith Waller Jr Vera Smith Lloyd Amy Pollock Ralph Vedde Martha Burrows Willie Young Burrows Johnnie Smith Lulu Jr Angus Nellie Smith Kills Pol lock Annie Smith Nellie Hose Pt I Mcintosh ST JOHN Teacher Jane where is the oil told yo4 on the ta ble I the when I it up General Miles once stopped at a cabin when he and his men were pursuing the Indians The general bunked with the toes who did not enjoy guests Trying to be friendly the general said with a laugh Well Pat anyhow you would live a long time In Ireland before youd get a chance to sleep with a general And Im thinking was the quick retort that youd Jive a long time In Ireland before youd make you a general Isnt out of their line for wholesale dry foods houses go into the book at all Most books nowadays can be classed dry goods Raid the optimist every be Sunday Yea groaned the pessimist and Ill bet therell be morning and even ing service right along too is a common expres sion we hear on every or whiskey get hold of Side Unless there IS j he seldom if ever quits It He some organic trouble the con- he is such a thorough wreck that ho can doubtless be remedied reform stood there looking my Your doctor IS the best adviser fathers serious face I remember how I Wanted somctlilriK done about it Do not dose yourself with all now filty kinds of advertised remedies man ud woman ought to be doing something to stop get his opinion More than likely from cursing such as Thomas a concentrated fat food Not many months after that con- A a versation about Thomas to enrich your blood and tone lather was killed by an and soon after that I went away to an other part of the State to attend school and to make my own way In the world l A few years later I returned to vis it old country home and went afcain into the town to enquire about Thomaa I that he had lost all hie pro- Is just such a food in its best form jSJSZ It will build up the weakened liwl tokened and died BoubMefis tho disease was wasted body when all by tho weakened condition of i Mb system by reason of the whiskey foods fail to nourish If he drank r up the system Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil other von rim or tfmariaferl would sign you are run or emaciated It a trial It cannot no lost and ruined you It is essentially the best through a in possible nourishment for delicate children and pale anaemic girts We will send you a sample free For the Ladies To girl attaining womanhood woman and those of Dili picture In form of a Is ihi of of Emu I lion you buy scon Toronto And years during the recurring times of and discomfort when tore assistance a special boon Sea special fa- tiructlons In ccqU jcrccIy pure Pennine all dealers lor comjbinl ore you to by and free from money to J you will with of women that the Sunlight way isthe way to waihclcthcs reward y ill paid to any who can prove that Sunlight Soap any of a itinera any it lit fat rub Sunlight clothes and let them in tepid water then rinse out in I equally ird or toft watery BROTHERS DESIGNS and Head Ston desirable House for Sal Alto lot rr SALS comfortable Dwelling on Newmarket occupied by toe under J- A BASTEDO To Rent The fine good orchard and land the estate the Stan Apply to N STARR A STARR The Hope of Young People From the Christian Vanguard How true this is in regard to ev ery phase of national fife The middle aged become aged and the aged pass away and the youth now growing up must nil their places There are some blessings prom- in Gods word to old people and others to those in middle life but young peo ple are the preferred class in Gods providence lor every blessing prom ised in the bible may successively be theirs When a child is converted it is a double work of grace name ly the salvation of a life and the salvation of a lifetime with its un told opportunities and influences In youth the heart is like wax in its and like bronze in its In youth the mind is acquisitive and more an xious to inquire into the why and the wherefore of events than at any cast among them that they may be enabled to work and give intel- where they feel the need is greatest It is quite probable when tins world is evangelized it will be thru the agency of young people seek ing and teaching the young while the rest of the church whose commenced as young people will supply with equal devotion the ac cessories for the maintenance every one giving his tithe in kind sympathy prayer thought time and money as each is possi ble We are now living in the dispen sation of the Holy Spirit when it was promised your young men shall see visions and the spirit of teaching shall be given to your sons and daughters Surely the light that never was on sea or land is the illumination of the or ganized activities of the young peo ple Each of the four great movements tho Sunday School the Young Mens and Young Womens TO Si ft erf t O IS a as P 5r9 other time How important then tian Associations Young the church should look well pies Societies and the Foo ter its young people and sec thatjples Missionary Movement has its they are well educated along the distinctive field and line of the great problems of church work the greatest of which is the mission work When Frederick the Great heard of the defeat of ins army on a certain occasion he ex claimed We must educate Burke said Education is the cheap de commission but they naturally overlap and sup plement each other All are the legitimate children of the church which begat and nurtures them She rejoices in their development Their success is her honor and they are honored in being able to aid p to -PM- p go- TO a a fence of nations The nation re- with growing efficiency in preparing cognizes the advantages of educa tion when they havo marie it com pulsory to educate the children If education is so necessary in order to fit the youth of our land to do their duty as citizens how much more important is it that the church see to it that they are pro perly instructed as to the duties of the church work it is more than probable that the youth of our land will with the aid of press tho public platform educa tion received in our efficient schools receive ample knowledge as to the stand they should take in politics and all the moral reforms of the clay especially as these are made the subject of common by the fireside How much it is to bo deplored that while these things are discussed so freely in our homes religion and the work of the church is so seldom alluded to If the loaders in our church work are to bo truly great their training must bo commence when young that they may discover their fitness for certain work develop their tal ents gather detailed and compre hensive knowledge acquire- skill and adapt themselves to tho work of the church as a whole It is more than a coincidence that dur ing tho growing time of youth when men and women are most re sponsive to the call of God they are also most available as agents her for the coming of Him who is Lord of all MKS A WINCH He Had to Take Time at bast lie was Chilly old business he used to say And early and late he worked Each day in the was his busy day Ho hated a man who shrinked Dollar to dollar and clime to dime But for anything else he had nev er the time He hardly could spare enough time to sleep Nor time for his meals by half He boasted he had never had time to weep We knew he had no to laugh Golf he maintained was a cardinal crime very worst method of mur dering time He wouldnt take timo for a lychat He wouldnt take time to read Excepting of course in his ledger that A time camo at last when he rushed no more To his office with breathless haste a iZ TO 4 8 I a 2 5ci 2 a TO a 9 a P s He took time at last though ho li must have felt sore most teachable and then if ever tho j the to wast0t habits of and- riomc best established It is not men fl reasonable to believe that tho great lo A work of evangelizing the world Will j g Sfl Chicago News fl I I bo accomplished by young when they boon- properly educated for it and tho church like Hawnah must bring her youth to and dedicate them to Tho power that prepared tho highways of life seems to or bo along of sanctuary To educate them primrose paths shall rarely Xi point to promised land Cap tain Tho centering of our thought and effort on self is always a fatal error along the lino of missions it is necessary to keep tho subject much before them teach them worlds great need of Gospel and that now is their golden opportunity in any life find brings a curse- with They must bo taught also tho it gives many warnings vantages of systematic and proper- against it Over and over he giving This is being-large- the lesson that ho who saves accomplished by means of the own life loses it and that only mite boxes Then it is necessary J ho who hates his and loses it to scatter mission literature broad- really keeps it and saves it I