THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY1EC-161904- a Dp S G Richardson NEWMARKET DENTIST be At Albert Brooks Block ace Tuesday of each month MARKET There was the usual large attend ance at the market on Tuesday Friday evening the people had P DENTIST Comer College and Brunswick Ave Toronto will be in Mount Albert on fee 1st and 3rd Friday and id Sut ton on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of etch month Jersey Grades for Sale from months to I old have been bred also 4 Cows For further particulars to STOKES Mount Albert Timber Lot for Sale The West of East of Lot Con Scott on which is a large of hemlock ce- and For terms and apply to DAVIDSON Mount Albert Lehman Boot and Shoe Maker moved into the shop recently by J Hunter where we tarry a full lice of the best shoe and Dubbin that is made made to order Repairing a The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Capital Total HEAD OFFICE CANADA OKA Prices as follows butter eggs packed fresh 27 chickens to geese turkeys to to the pleasure of listening to to LITERARY SOCIETY The closing concert of the Literary and Musical Society for this year held on Tuesday evening and was more than usually interesting There was a good program of vocal and instrumental music recitations etc and a farce comedy entitled Troublesome Time PETTY THIEVING A number of our citizens arc plaining of the loss of wood from their premises during the night and one farmer near the village reports several thefts of oats chop etc from his bam He has a pretty good idea as to who is the thief and will certainly make him if caught to Mr Rog ers former pastor here He gave a lecture and also showed limelight views on the Life of Christ Miss Maude Lnndy spent Sunday in the city Our scholars are preparing for an At Home which is- to bo held in the Temperance Hall on Dec As Mr Kiteley has sold farm he intends to retire in the resi dence of the late Mr There are several new families mov ing into our village Our young people will be glad to j hear that the Rink lias com- reopencd his Miss Edna Sturtridge is visiting friends in Toronto Miss Clara is on the sick list Mr David Graham has been poorly for some time but is now be ginning to feel a little better Miss Tremaync is suffering from an attack of quinsy Mr P went down to To ronto on Monday morning Mr the prospec tive Liberal member for this Riding held a meeting here in Hall on Monday evening for the purpose of organization The house of Mr James Charles on Island was burnt last Thursday morning with all its con- ideal resting spot for the summer tourist Indeed it caused Charlie to burst forth in poetic melody sor ry I cant give you a sample it was rich Bear island an Indian reseri vation has a number of charming dusky Indian maidens Some of the Indians make fabulous sums trapping for furs Each one has his grounds on which no other dare trespass Charlie fully expects to go again next fall go too take our Ernie for guide What is this we hear of a fracas between the two Annies and on day too Whose temper was worst They used some rough talk Mrs from js visiting relatives Her little fiveyearold shaver talk like a Philadelphia lawyer and An unusually Fine Display of oocls useful well ornamental EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE MOUNT Si I We have received this week a lot of BEST REMEDY FOR TION The finest remedy for constipation ever used is Chamberlains Stom- the occupants Mr Mrs j most tickled the boys wild with his Charles barely escaping Mrs Cuttle went down to Toronto on Tuesday morning on account of the illness of her mother Mrs an example of Tablets says Mr Eli expected to re- Butler of Y They gently and without any effect and leave the bowels in Sold SOCIAL The If I Were Social held in the a perfectly natural condition school room of the Presbyterian I by T Lloyd Church on Monday evening was very j interesting The speeches were on I such subjects as If I were a wo man If were a minister If I were a pewopener etc and were decidedly humorous Refreshments were served and a very enjoyable spent by the large crowd present I Fire destroyed the Fleming hardware establishment at Winnipeg Loss again FOR SALE Ewe Lambs and fresh milch Mount Albert cows Would Do cover Miss Laura Horner is home from Michigan where she has been living for sonic time The WCTU met oh Tuesday af ternoon at the Methodist parsonage The chief subject of discussion was on the evil of cigarette smoking among the youth of our land What steps can he taken to do away with this habit which is so injurious to the growing lad Not only on ac count of its hurtful effects on the system but also because of its early cultivation of wasteful and extrava gant habits the practise should nipped in the bud by parents who value the future wellbeing oi their sons comic prattle For a long time past the bread ca tered to supply our daily needs was about as bad as it well could be It was of a decidedly dyspeptic brand Our nightly dreams were visions of little clovenfooted elves ami elfins from the bowels of earth Mat ters got to a desperate pass Our dealer ordered a sup ply from Phillips of Sutton Presto what a truly marvellous transforma tion Our digestion improved our visions which had previously verged on the horrors became of almost an gelical character and our happytight much improved and we feci bettor all round The staff of life bread must needs be good to properly sup port the physical body properly A little Tift One of our young la- dies took umbrage at her partner in the dance because as she says he j put too much energy in his embrace the nicest goods we have ever shown You should see them before you buy D ALBERT i all Suitings Overcoatings Or Andrew GauU Chairman i Kin ley felr Alex IjlvxU Accepted ItaU4 C DAVIDSON Apent for Dominion Try Our Own Emnlsion of Col Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy FOR Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble We keep the leading makes of Properly fit and guar antee them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT PUBLIC SCHOOL class Roy Alice Case Frank Watts Myrtle Vandewater Wesley Brooks Nettie Miller Vera Walton Herman 60S Essie Jewell Millard fiaC Frank John Floyd Ber tha John Smart Myr tleDraper Leslie Vera Hogg James You couldnt think appropriate Christmas You couldnt give anything that would be more highly predated you decide upon a Rocker let us show you now easy we can make the price Choose now Assortments are unbroken ami you miss the rush of the last day or so The three branches of the when he swung his partner His terian congregation here viz tort was ton and Egypt met in III Oliver Sibley Decide upon something now ward Morgan Melville Moore and have it laid aside until Walter Armstrong Kenneth you Harold Hayes thy Hunter Donald Shields Woodcock Rear Barrett Jr 111 Irene McLean Case 661 Howard Jennings Laura Brooks Garnet Russell Peers Clifton wish it delivered ALLAN Heifer Astray upon Lot Concession Came in the Woodcock about Hoi born Emma Heifer HONOR ROLL property pay expenses and Etta Essie Jewell Alice animal away Tp East November a twoyearold Owner is requested to prove take the Knox Church Sutton last Monday afternoon to moderate in a call to a minister to take charge and over sight thereof The Rev of presided Mr Donald McDonald was secretary Several names were before the meet ing but the Rev Mr Scott of Presbytery was the general favorite and a unanimous call was extended to him The Rev M Mc- of was chosen to attend the Presbytery to rep resent the interests of the united con gregations of this place The sale and fancy articles in connection with the Pres byterian Church will he held on the afternoon and evening of In j St James Hall Tea in connection he was obliged to do so as she was like a bag of dried apples with a string about the middle Continued on page Sufferers from sciatica should not hesitate to use Chamberlains Pain Balm The prompt relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost Sold Lloyd at In the Newest Designs just arrived FIT GUARANTEED SON Merchant Tailors and MOUNT ALBERT 0 o COLD Case Wesley Brooks Roy Frank Watts John Morgan Frank Lloyd Nettie Mill er Myrtle Vandywafer Kenneth Ross Walter strong Melville Moore Oliver Sib ley Dorothy Hunter Myrtle Rear Harold Hayes Ann and Woodcock Irene McLean Case Howard Jennings Russell Peers Vera Walton iaeensville A Newmarket will be in Mount Al bert at the Town Hall every Wednes day afternoon and evening to receive Last pupils in Piano Voice Culture Vio lin and Theory Pupils prepared for best LesHeMa examinations tf42 MOUNT ALBERT Coal Our Spring Wall Papers and Carpets I Are in for to them before Brooks Letta Teacher -v-OOO- QUICK Not a minute be lost when a lhe llr to child shows symptoms Coal We are also paying Cough Remedy ol as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the cough ap pears will prevent the attack It never fails and is pleasant and safe to For sale by T Lloyd W SHIELDS Mount Albert It will pay you buying ROSS BROS I ALBERT DRUGSTORE Pure Paris Green in bulk and put up a packages by Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot We also carry full lite of among Cure Family T LLOYD For Sale Withstood Other Treatment But Quickly Cured by Chamberlains Cough Remedy winter I caught a very se vere cold which lingered for weeks says J of Zephyr Ontario My cough was very dry and harsh The local dealer recommended Cham berlains Cough Remedy and guaran teed it so I gave it a trial One 25 cent bottle of it cured I believe Chamberlains Cough Remedy to be have ever used This is one of the most staple medicmes in use Thousands have testified to its excellence It not only cures cold quickly but effectually but coun teracts any tendency towards pneu monia It is equally valuable for children and may be given to them with implicit confidence It always cures is pleasant to take There Is no danger giving it to children for it contains no opium or other harmful drug Sold by T Lloyd Mr Harry Fogg of Winnipeg is borne on a visit for a month or two The tender of Mr Peter Flanagan has been accepted for the running of the Rink this winter Social evening in the League Monday night Rev Hart will bis lecture on Human Nature We may look for something new and or iginal Refreshments will be served and a vtty small aJrniwion fee el- The school children are busy prac tising for a concert to be held in the Town Hall on the evening of the Mrs spent last week In Toronto visiting Mrs Ceo who has been quite ill for a week or two Is very low with very little hope of re covery Mrs J of Toronto is at her grandtatters Mr George Wrights Mr J Moore lately from Scot land has moved with his family into the village I hey occupy Mr Oca Coles house I Lambs Meg a Boars shear Number of Ram All Shropshire registered few Berkshire Sows and J Mr and Mrs Harry Wight moved last week on his farm a little north We are glad It Is not farther Mr and Mrs John It Wright of Hi Louis arrived here on Wednesday on account of the Illness of Mr mother Program for Guild Whatever He would like me do Matt fi John llecrMifes Belle Bible GOOD- CHEER RANGE COOK SUNSHINE COOK QUEEN HEATER AND GOOD CHEER HOT BLAST All for burning COAL OR WOOD J ROWLAND Mount Albert To Farmers A prize Jersey Bull from Bull Boas Brampton herd will be kept lor on lot In the Con Bast Well bred St Lambert Jersey and Grade Stock for sale J Sharon PO Mrs Hciee returned from visiting tour on Saturday to prepare for jollifications Mr and Mrs Julius and their clever pets are hooked for Bald win on Says Master Willie to me otic day Mr Owl youd bet ter oil track the trains com ing everybody clear the track as Master Will sagely advises be ewer railroad casualties John Fairbarn was visiting about our burg last week I observe he takes an ever Increasing interest In the welfare of the vl- Im glad to see it Miss Emily Sherwood of Parry Sound District is visiting her many friends about her old home here Nomination County Councillors next Monday Messrs and Johnson are very popular Jos vjsdon also ha claims worthy of support if he consents to go into race as he is a proved and trust worthy man was feeling the pulse of Reeve Hamilton on Monday It the Heart of a scar ed rabbit I be In race too In our conversation re Nov On tario more particularly of Te- than ordinarily over the beauties of many Islands which dot waters each of which is an Our Display of Goods is Simply Superb and range in price from the most moderate priced gifts right up to suit the most fastidious tastes See the display in our windows and then come in and see the store full inside Whave everything now on pay- THE CHRISTMAS DIN NCR CURRANTS Good Clean Currants Fancy Cleaned Currants for Choicest Cleaned Currants lbs for 3 lbs Selected Valencia Raisins for Royal Crown Extra- Fancy Selected lb Fancy Seeded Raisins boxes for full ft l Fancy Seeded Raisins lb PEEL Corona pound package J Choice Cooking Figa Co lb Table Figs lb choice 12 very choice quart for 20c ROOER1 Color for 20c lb boo Cream Biscuits regular Ginger Snaps regular lb for Tea Cakes regular lb for lbs Finest Pearl Tapioca for 26c lbs Gold Corn Meal 2oc 25c Dottle Wells Richardson Butter Imported Pickles bottle Fresh Lemon Peel choice quality lb Fresh Orange Peel choice lb Cross Lemon and Peel lb Crosse Citron Peel lb Mixed Cut Peels in pound Cartons 20o box PRUNES DATES- FIG Fancy Santa Clara Fresh Prunes lb Fancy Santa Clara Prunes larger size 3 lbs for Fancy Santa Clara Prunes largest sit Dat3 lb Sugar lb Best Rod Salmon Yeant Cakes box Beat Soda lb Clover Honey regular lb for Com and Laundry Starch regular box for 25 Witch Toilet Soap Sage Savory Thyme Marjoram and Poultry Drecstos Cheese Finest in Canada lb for Mocha and Java lb Royal Dutch Cocoa can and Shelled o O 9 A