Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 Dec 1904, p. 2

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J wi 17 r THE NEWMARKET liA FRIDAY DEC Ontario House Dissolved Good general Servant Girl Two family Apply to Mrs Isaac Prospect Ave House and Lot for Sale About acres on St property out of corporation includ ing good house on stone foun dation Plenty hard ami soft water good barn and stable house Goo orchard of apples plums pears cherries raspberries nd strawberries Good An Weal location for a poultry ranch or market garden Within walking dis tance of factories Easy terms H Gorbaxn St Executors Sale -OF- Valuable Farm Lands In tie Township of East in the County of York Pursuant to instructions In that there will be offered for sale by public Auction by Kavan- Esquire Auctioneer at the FORSYTH HOTEL in the of Newmarket Saturday Dec the At the hour of one oclock the afternoon the following valuable farm lands consisting of The Westerly seventy five acres Lot Number Two and the West half of Lot number Three in the Se cond Concession of the said Town ship of in the County of York save and except three acres heretofore sold and con veyed from the West half of the Lot number Three This is indeed a very desirable pro perty The soil is a clay loam the property is well fenced and watered There is erected on the seventyfive acres of Lot number Two an eight- roomed frame house on stone work with good cellar beneath it There are also a pigpea driving houses and a fine stone milk house cemented inside and a large ice Rouse The barn is on stone work with ring and has firstclass stabling for thirty head of cattle and nine head of horses There is at the barn a flow- fag well and there is running thru the property an ever flowing stream of water There are erected on the If faithful to the The Ontario Legislature dis serve on afii general election ordered to place on the of January one It is now up to the various local organizations to eater upon the work of the cam paign at the earliest possible mo ment It la understood Premier Boss will open the campaign next and purposes making a tour of the Pro vince His intent visit as many constituencies as time will per mit and deliver addresses in regard to the general policy of his The record of progress made by the Ontario Government under the Prem iership of Hon Geo Ross has been marked by beneficial legislation maintenance Provincial rights and commendable economy The pol icy for the future as adopted by the recent Liberal convention in Toron to gives promise of further progress development timely and enactment of to ensure a higher regard For the future wellbeing and moral of the people To aid in the accom plishment of this work it that this old banner Hiding of North York should do its Whole du ty by seeing to it that its represent ative the new House is one on whom the Premier can rely to aid him in working out the program laid down by the Liberal convention It is satisfactory to Know thai the unity and enthusiasm of the Reform nomination meeting which selected Mr as successor to Hon J Davis gives assurance of victory on Jan 25th but to place victory beyond the Liberals of North York should see to it that the whole strength of the party is brought out on polling and to this end the energies of the Liberal Association and members of the convention should he direct ed For several contests in late years the party has had the prestige a member of the Government for its candidate and more or less outside assistance in the cam paigns In the present the work is being confined to local men and officials of local organizations Oar Society Sent a Job PERSONAL t Jit Cyrus spent over Sunday at J A Cody entertained a number of ladies Tuesday evening Mr Fred in home from Ottawa lor the Christmas holidays Miss one of our has been engaged for school next year Miss and Miss two of out Public School spent oyer Sunday in the city Mrs Dr Richardson gave a five oclock tea to a number of young la dies on Tuesday afternoon Mr got back from On een the doors the barn of Alex Crittenden of the ion of were taken the hinges and put and the nuts tak en off of a that stood inside ths barn and the wrench which was also used a doubletree pin to gether with the nuts taken away There were a number of in the field and three large bins of oats were left exposed but fortunately Mr Crittenden discovered the barn be ing open before the cattle got at the oats The axle nuts and bolt of the wagon though were gone and could not be found and Mr Crittenden was a pretty farmer man On looking about he saw the tracks of the parties who played trick SEE OUR rtl VALUES IN SHOWIKOOP TOTH LADIES OVERCOATS SUITS Btrie Braridge I i comes but once year But when it good cheer on Wednesday after I following them across a field ho West half of Lot cumber Two a two- story eightroomed stone house large bam with a projection There are also Two need be no question as to the With municipal elections intervening which will attract more or less attention and only about six The fences are good and the weeks to the Provincial conest it property well watered This with the seventyfive acres makes one of the beet farms in the and is well adapted either to mixed arming dairy Ing Intending purchasers are re quested to thoroughly inspect property any time before sale The property will be offered for subject to a reserved bid subject to the existing tenancy Term ten per cent on day of saJe and the balance over above the existing mortgage in thirty days without interest Other terms and conditions will bo made known on the day of sale or in the meantime on application to H Lloyd Barrister Newmarket or to the undersigned 1st day of Dec MARK A Vendors Solicitors Bradford Oat is important however that all who feel an interest in the success of the Reform nominee and the triumph of the Liberal party in Ontario do their whole duty Reformers in old North York should remember what the present civil and religious privi leges enjoyed cost their forefathers to obtain and act accordingly HOTEL Christmas Remittances If you are vending money home interview The Sovereign Bank J OP CANADA before doing We have for renut- tin money to land and Ireland and all of the world Br Simple Safe and Methods I Bank of Canada Wallace Bruce Manager I NEWMARKET BRANCH J 8hop to At present occupied by Mr a Butcher corner of Main Ontario Jctesidon 1st of January Apply to The North Grey election trial end ed abruptly with the dissolution of the Legislature So say the law yers with regard to North York no Parliament no teat to declare va cant In North Grey the court was proceeding with its enquiry when the news of dissolution reached the on the bench Lawyer Black- stock made a kick on behalf of the prosecution and Lawyer Watson re joiced that had that dissolution operates as an end of all proceedings This closed the chapter in North Grey and Mr was told he could get his deposit by application Hall in the If the North York case is in the same we presume the fellows who put up the if will be making similar applica tion and glad to have look at its color once more The announcement van made on Tuesday last that Mr John Richard son for had been appointed Clerk of the County of the County of York also Mr Russell for Hastings had received the appoint ment of Registrar of Deeds for the County of Hastings Mr Richard- son was in on the homestead where he has resided all life was elected to the mu nicipal council of and four years later became a mem ber of the County Council held a seat in that body till the close of S3 two years as and years as Reeve He was a County In and Warden in Mr son and exWarden Jackson were the principal men who succeeded af ter two or three conferences at Ot tawa In concluding a settlement in regard to the purchase of the York Roads the expenses Incident to the of Fenian prisoners and other matters which were considered ex tremely satfUactory to County He was first elected to the Legisla ture June We congratulate from home of four months Mr John is serious ly ill at the residence of his son Mr John Jr in Newmarket Mr tiie obliging station at the depot is spend ing a few days vacation at Buffalo Mrs Cook of and Miss Sherman of Toronto spent a few last week with Mrs J Mrs Cane County Presi dent of the has been con fined tocher bed for over a week through illness Miss P Smith was the guest of Mrs two or three days this week and was calling on old frieods Mr and Mrs Phillips of St got back on Tuesday night from a delightful visit in Kan sas and at the Worlds Fair Mr Francis returned from Manitoba on Friday of last week looking and feeling very well lie reports things in the West as boom ing The many friends of Miss Smith sister of Alderman A be pleased to know that she is again at China Hall during the holiday Mr and Mrs Robert nee Miss Emma Mae of are the guests of her mother Mrs Matthias Doane Hill Top Farm After a serious illness of several months we are pleased to say Mr Telfer is feeling much better Mr James Harrington in Town this week to settle financial trouble brought on by friends Mr Harrington and his aged father claim that they have been defrauded out of nearly a thousand dollars This- is pretty hard to bear by those who faaye always tried to he honest and upright The Bent is said that the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal more readers than any other five weekly papers in Canada combined That it goes on increasing year after year is worries for Its marvellous circulation enables the publishers to spend and more money each suc ceeding year to keep the Family Her ald aheaf of all compeilei This year we are told their premium pic ture which is given all who sub- scribe cost more money than any two former premiums The Prin cess at Work is the this years picture and is a perfect beau ty One dollar seems a small amount to purchase a picture and a years subscription to that big week ly We learn the Family Her ald is having a phenomenal increase in lh number of new readers this year observed that one of the footmarks was made by a boot bidiy turned over at the heel He suspected that a man named Roy Mann was one of the par ties and that he was the one with the turnedover boot so he went to the house where Mann was living and ask ed to see his boots Mann at first show ed him two other pairs but Crittenden persisting he at length showed up the pair with the runover heel and ack nowledged that he was one of the par ties He showed Crittenden where the axle nuts were hidden in a hollow stump but the wrench was thrown a- in the and they could not find it Mann implicated two other young men Ernest Link and John link Mr Crittenden could not where the fun came in and the three young men hardly view the matter in the same an they did on the night of October as farmer swore out a warrant and had the bunch arrested They were given at Ed on Monday of this week before Mr John J P Mr Cotter Crown Attorney prosecuting and appearing for the prisoners They were committed to stand theii trial at next County Court sessions in Youngmen and Hoys should learn that there is a limit to Halloween pranks TO A COLD IN Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggist refund the money if it fails to cure Groves signature is oil each box w ORCHARD com mo- I peo- Stock Market The priccci in Toronto this week are for Christmas beef Some of the choicest offerings in tills line have brought as high as 6C0 with good ordinary cattle bringing Wfi0 t 1426 dry cdws to and nice fat butcher ing bulls to The beat exporters sold around with mediums to export hulls to and export cows to Good are to 1325 and dairy Blockers to Calves are to Sheep to bucks to and Iambs to Good milch cows arc bringing to SCO each and There seems to be a among the pigs pie are beginning to lay in a supply of necessaries for the coming Christ mas festivities Just a little more snow and we will hear the merry sleighbells ring Christmas will be much more pleas ant If we have good sleighing Mr and Mrs Ed spent Sunday at W We understand that some people who bought timber lots at Mr sale are not satisfied with what they bought and would like to step over the line Mrs Matthews and children of visited with friends in this vicinity last week We are glad to hear that Mrs is improving after a se vere attack of eczema We are glad to see Mr Frank ter in our midst again after an ab sence of a few weeks The familiar sound of the old bow aw was heard at Mr Ashton Lloyds last week It is to bo hoped that wo will hear last of the threshing ma chine in this neighborhood the end of the year Mrs lias spent her time of late with gcr Mr A who la seriously ill His death is looked for at any time explosion of fifty pounds of dynamite a contractors shed in Toronto Niagara Falls killed one man fatally Injured a and seriously injured others The shed was demolished THE Furniture Undertaking House spent a day at P JACKSON Mr Richardson on his appointment last week Mr and Mrs French attended the funeral of their at Malvern on Saturday Mr Thomp son died after a tew days Illness of appendicitis He was years The monthly meeting of Ladies Aid was held at the homo of Mrs J Brown on WcJaeoday Mr and Mrs Cook were In To ronto last week Mm A spent a week with relatives in Toronto She has re turned home Mrs of Is spend ing a time with her Mrs Taylor Mr of Scott MUa You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash I Parlor worth for 1 Bedroom Suites worth for Couches worth for AH other At Prices A Nice Line of Fancy Rockers and A Night calls to at John Millard fr I- Here once again and with it comes the perplexing problem of Gift Giving and Gift Buying Isnt It difficult to know what to buy and where to buy Xmas Pres ents to be suitable useful and inexpensive Weeks ago we were searching the market for Holiday Novelties WE MAKE IT EASY by providing a large and varied selection of useful articles for gift giving at very low prices for Father Mother Sister Brother or some other persons son or daughter A Few estion For FatherSuit of Clothes Overcoat Hat Pair of Boots Muffler White Shirt Pair of Socks Necktie Pair of Suspenders For Mother Fur Coat New Dress Pair of Kid Gloves Silk Waist Thimble Mothers Set of Needles Table Napkins Tabic Linen For SisterGloves Silk Collar Lace Cape Collars Neck Ribbons Doilies Shirt Set of Furs For BrotherPair of Cuff Buttons Linen Handkerchiefs Fancy onehalf Hose Shirt Muffler Pair of Boots Silk Handkerchiefs onehalf dozen Collars Cap Pair of Moccasins GROCERY AT SPECIAL PRICES Monarch Seeded Raisins oz choice stock lbs for Carnation Brand Seeded Raisin Special at for Currants choice lbs for Lemon Orange and Citron Peel lb Oranges very choice 19c to Walnuts Peanuts Almonds Filberts mixed lb Mixed Candies 3 lbs for New Dates finest quality lb New Figs lb Victor Chop Japan Tea Anchor Brand Black Tea Hunter Brand Mixed Tea the Market- for BLOOM INGrTON Mrs Concord and sis ter Mis Hill were and O Mr and J Walker of Toron to spent a few with relative in our burg Mr A Hamilton for a time under the parental We understand there will be no ser vice in the Christian Church next Sunday morning on account ot the Quarterly Mooting at St Dec The worst gale In fifteen years swept this eland last night The barque Fan ny and the schooners Tidal Wave and Harold Parks were driven ashore and totally Many other vessels were damaged FOR XMAS Useful and Dainty FOR LITTLE MONEY The Cradle on Dec MM to Mr and Mrs Eves ol a son The Altar Auro ra on Dec by A Bedford MIbq Mary daughter of Mr to Mr Billing both of Aurora The Tomb LEACH- Newmarket on Dee Ruth Leachaged years Aurora on Deo 1WM Hannah wite Mr Jan Shanks East Dec Elltabelh Ann wife Abner 38 years interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Sunday afternoon S fit J ROADHOUSH MAIN NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive and Prompt Attention XMAS GROCERIES RAISINS CURRANTS PEELS EXTRACTS XMAS NUTS AND GOOD XMAS CANDIES OD EVERY KIND XMAS FRUIT ORANGES LEMONS GRAPES FISH AND OYSTERS BOGART Phone USB PHONE O This Store Mecca of Gift Hunters GIFTS Who Just drop in ONCE WITHIN ITS PORTALS YOU WILL WONDER AT ITS VARIETY It bristle with suggestions of cor rect thlngegifla to suit all purses WATCHES FOR THE DAINTY DIAMONDS PINS RINGS BROOCHES AND EBONY GOODS GOODS GILT CLOCKS ONYX CLOCKS OUT GLASS SILVER NOVELTIES A you Contemplate not during tho next few wce7 Our will you So will our prices ATKINSON CO JEWELERS

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