Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 Dec 1904, p. 1

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I -r- gtg Err WBjr toote in and is to Jounty ifltfjsi i NOETH INTELLIGENCE AND tHra pa liberty to to utter to to conscience above all other liberty No paper sent outside of North York paid in No The Day of Young Men By A Martin SAW your advertisement or or the situation Mr Whiting and counsellor at Jaw looked at the speaker and beheld did man His hair was white trouble and bad furrowed a face that at one period must have been firm and handsome The old frock spotless but- shone in Ills linen was AGENCY FOE Rational A and TO FOR- Christmas Hymn Books Bibles Poems Fountain Pens Purses finishes and Hand Bags A 0 WEBBS CHOCOLATES AMD Many Other Select Christmas Presents WANTED liable agent lor eprroundlog Utricle trees small frulta fatetU tree Hew Varieties of weekly Oft Choicest stock deliytrtd Rood snd Certificate iOur term are the beat to party CO Hew Horses and Rigs the old to Voottea aad Rig am now prepared twd of public with p- at A BOYD For Bale Tore la Good For apply at office erf Da- Co was places like without a ataui but bore unmistakable evidence of wear I can write a hand and should very like to get the continual Hie man I it would hardly you the The wages ate small and I looking fur a young man Oh well sir I loiit expect very large wages Of course am not a young man but I am s of I am arid I am as spry as ever he spare figure straightened perceptibly Im said Mr Whiting turning again to his but I have made partial agreements fill the plaoe A shadow of great disappointment overspread applicants counte nance That is too bad be said Imi I wish you would take my address and if the other party should fail you I know I could satisfy Very well ihn law yer spoke to his managing clerk who been bundle of papers you may take the gen tlemans address The old roan followed clerk to the outer room and jaw entered on the memorandum James Bolton Street As be watched the young roan rub bing his fingers over the blotter be said You will be sure to let me know if the other party does not come wont you There was a note of pleading in the tone that made Bates look at the speaker more closely The figure- had its erect the hopeful look which had illuminated his coun tenance when he had first entered was gone and in its place was- an expression of despair Are you sure you would want the position the young man asked It pays only fifteen dollars a week Oh yes yes indeed I would be very glad to take it I would willing to Work for almost anything It is pretty for a man of of lay aye to get work young men nowadays I think this would be just the place for me Very well responded Hates strangely touched by the apparent distress of the old man Evening found Mr McGregor weary and returning to the little fiat which he and Mrs McGregor call ed home All day long he had been walking the streets riding in eleva tors or stairs seeking for an opportunity for work a chance to live He had been given a number of bills by merchants and profession al men but they were mostly old accounts that bad been thresh ed for years and there was more ex ercise than profit in undertaking to collect them Money was too precious to he used for car fare so he had walked mile after mile This day had been but a repetition many others Disap pointments had been accumulating and he way stagger In under the load Moreover he had that morning with drawn from the bank the last ten dollars of of The Lord only knows he mutlerr as be gray head what will become us unless I get some thing to do this week I bear to tell Hid lips were moving his bowed bead shaking and his hands closing and opening nervously when be was aroused by a cheery Good evening Mr McGregor I bis eye he beheld Mr Whitings managing walk ing by side I Ah good evening good evening tie I You hi ar I Jed inc did not to you I was busy ah just thinking Poor chap thought John Bate I suppose just thinking has been the only business ho has had for some days John remembered the time when he a young man full of vigor walked the streets day after day He remembered the dis appointments the and awful eagerness of his quest for work a taw bis money diminishing What If he had been an old man whom no one wanted He gasped at thought as the horror of those came hack to htm He did not said in question He sank know Mr McGregors circumstances but the symptoms were hard to mis take I thought I you but I wasnt quite sure until I caught up with you Are you homeward bound he asked Yes I guess it is about time I was starting It is quite a little jaunt from here You are not going to walk ex claimed the young man j Oh I dont mind it I am great walker usually but I am a lit tle jaded tonight John made no comment although he felt certain that he knew why the old man walked He wished he could think of some way of offering him car fare without hurting his feelings but no plan occurred to him he said nothing further until he bade him good night at the next corner What my father was in that j shape he muttered when he was alone and he stepped Faster his brow knit and his face troubled Places of business were closing toilers were hurrying in crowds along the streets men with dinner pails jostled Mr McGregor messenger boys and men hurried by j unheeding Street car gongs clang- wheels rattled drivers shouted and the world seemed a At a corner a large department store was pouring its floods clerks into the street McGregor was forced to pause until this crowd had scattered He looked at the people hurrying hither and thither The world seemed so full of work l but there was- none for him The way had never seemed so long but at last he reached his home and ascended the stairs A little wo man met him at the door with a smile Nothing nothing lie response to the uttered which he saw in her eyes wearily into a chair have miles and miles j but it is the same old story It is young men Youth and energy arc I everything Experience and nothing There is a lot good work left in me yet They to think that a man that is over fifty is good for nothing but the poor house He in worn out and has no business to be alive O James dont exclaimed Mrs McGregor who had never her husband speak in thij way before for despite all his disappointments and trials lie had always kept a cheerful face before her She came behind him and throwing her arms about his neck nestled her cheek against his gray head Mr McGregor started as if caught talking to himself He reached up and taking hold of her hands patted and stroked them fondly saying There now dear you must not mind what I am saying I am a little tired and disappointed That in all am sure to find something tomorrow shall be all right as as get some of that good cof fee is supper ready He strove to banish the gnawing care and appear cheerful in his wife presence it was a difficult tasty but he succeeded fairly well They chatted continually through the meal in the belief that they were deceiving one another Hope rose next morning with the sun Who could tell what the new day might have in store Mrs McGregor Watched her busband as be strode down the street Who would have thought slie sighed that McGregor would have been seeking service with other men All the good days had gone Young men were in command of affairs now men who did not re member the lime when the name of James McGregor was good for al most any sum he might at any bank in the city The day passed as other days had done Disappointment disappoint ment hitter and deep met the old man at every turn He could hardly summon courage to go home The next week the rent would be due There was nothing with which to pay There was no use trying to deceive his poor wife any longer He must tell her the truth some the fur niture must be sold bad not kept very much but what they had must go dragged He felt as If he were an executioner on the way to kill the one he loved I am a failure a failure ho kept repeating was not until after lunch that day John Hates found an opportuni ty to speak to Mr Whiting in re gard to a matter that had been trou bling him all the morning He had thought so much of the old man that In his dream the night before had seen his own father for whom he was now able to provide wandering disconsolately about in search of em ployment Mr Whiting he said have you decided on any one to fill Mr Hart- mens place No responded the lawyer None of those who applied suit me thought you said thai you had partly arranged for one Mr Whiting smiled I am afraid that was not exactly the truth I said something like that I believe to that old man who was in but I did it I did not like to tell him right out that he was too But why wouldnt he he all right the young man inquired He would be more likely to stay at it than a younger man Young men always looking ahead for something better and arent likely to bo so careful That is so responded Mr Whit ing twirling his glasses on the end of their cord but on the other hand old nun ere bard to teach They do not take things up as quickly and are op in ion ate and set in their ways Then too he would likely be laid with rheumatism or something just when we needed him most and we shouldnt like to be so strict with a man of his years He looks strong John protested and I think you would doing him a kindness if you gave him the place Perhaps so there are ten thou sand and other old men in the city who are in need of just such When you have practiced as long I have you will have learned that a law busi ness cant be run on table ba sis Keep your charity out of your business if you would have your busi ness provide anything for charity That is a good maxim J sup pose young man responded with unusual persistency but if you can serve your man a good turn at the same lime should think it was a good tiling to do want to make you a Imposi tion You have agreed that I may attend to any business of my own that may get Now J want to make this my business If you will let him have the place will do his work and mine too if he should miss a day or so at any time You might simply tell him it was for yob could see how he gets along and il he does not suit you could let him go when his month was up He need not know that he is on trial I think Mr Whiting lie it pretty hard pinched and he looks as if he could do the work all right Mr Whiting thought a moment- It was contrary to his business maxims but he was secretly pleased with his clerks championship of the Id mans cause Very well he said you can try him if you wish to shoulder the responsibility McGregor dragged wearily up the stairs Mrs McGregor met Mm at the door with radiant face He could not respond this time The smile rcfuced to come She took him by the arm saying You are very tired dear Ye She opened the door and said soft ly There is someone waiting for you inside The information interested him It would be the landlord perhaps or the janitor The visitor was sitting with his back to the light but rose and com ing forward stretched out Ms hand Good evening Mr McGregor Mr Whiting wished me to come and see if you could begin work for him next Monday For a moment the old man was like one roused from a deep sleep The horror which had possessed him fell from him like a dream The racked nerves relaxed Tears start ed to his eyes and blinded him He sank Into a chair seemingly oblivi ous to the presence of stranger John felt that it Was a on which no outsider should intrude and started for the door Ills step rous ed the old man who springing up with unexpected vigor put out his hand and said Dont go I Dont go f I begin to tell you how thankful I am to you Sit down please if you are not In a hurry I suppose though with a disappointed expression that you want to get home to your din ner I forgot It wan so late If you could put up with our plain little table we should be glad have you take tea with us Mrs McGregor cordially John did stay and he afterwards declared that he never enjoyed a meal more The old people seemed endow ed with the fire of youth lor hope and youth are near neighbors On bin way home that evening John said to John Bates you dont deserve much credit tor It but that is about the best thing you ever Newmarket Friday Dec 6 J TERMS per SI Ml paid in did He realized as never before the truth of the maxim that the chief perquisite of a place is it opportuni ties tor doing good Youths Greatest Destrnction on- Record 5 The Japs Masters of tbe Situation The destruction of the Russian war ships in harbor of Port Arthur is complete Five battleships and two good cruisers have within the past week been pounded into scrap iron by the Japanese guns and now ihe torpedo destroyers and similar craft are in process of destruction We scarcely appreciate the fact that the greatest destruction naval material in all history has taken place at Port Arthur harbor during the past few days The Greeks never destroyed worth of shipping and even the Ar mada fell short of the work that lias crowned the Japanese onslaught Forty million dollars is a lot of mon ey- The buildings on the burntover section of Toronto were worth hut two millioos Less than forty mil lion dollars worth of have been erected in Toronto since the collapse of the boom in The work of thousands of men for years was smashed to pieces by the Japan ese gunners There is rejoicing in There is gloom in St Pe tersburg With Japan in of Metre Hill it would Ik madness for Bal tic fleet to enter the harbor The second result of the destruction of the ships will he the setting free of Togo to go out and meet the Baltic fleet ami give battle on the high seas The Japanese Admiral is at his best in a bluewater action He was able on August tenth to com pletely demoralize the Russians and inflict great loss at the minimum of damage to his own lie will try that sort of fighting on the Bal tic Heel The Rev Irl Hicks Almanac The Rev R Hicks Almanac for is now ready being the fin est edition ever issued This splen did and costly book of pages is a complete study of astronomy and storm and weather for It is well known to need comment See it and you will so decide The price postpaid to any address is per copy The Rev Hicks scientific religious and fami ly journal Word and Works now abreast with the best magazines a year Both Word and Works and the Almanac per year No better investment possible for any person or family Try it and see Send to WORD AND WORKS PUB CO Locust St St Louis Mo A mixOp At recently a case was tried which is of more than local interest At school snorts a boy struck a lit tle girl on the face an unprovoked and attack The principal of the school interfered and hit- hoy a couple of claps and sent him home Presently the boys father appeared on the scene ami threatened lick the principal there and then The boys mother laid Information apjalnst the principal charging with having brutally beating her son The prin cipal laid a counter charge against father for abusive language and The mother withdrew her Charge paying costs but the charge against tho father went to trial and tho latter was fined the fine and costs amounting to ooo ITS WHAT IT LEADS TO That makes Catarrh iuch a dread ful disease If you have Catarrh taint dropping In the throat you hawk and spit and have a stuffed up feeling in your nostrils you should use fragrant healing at once and get cured Thousands have been saved from Consumption and completely cured by so there is no reason why you shouldnt stamp out your Catarrh also Ca- will really cure you and prevent the disease from returning Its very pleasant lust balsamic med icated vapor no nauseous drugs Ab solute cure guaranteed to users of It cant fall try it Complete outfit sample size Mrs is in the Tombs New York unable to MIL Of Si Treasury Recomm Dr Llewellyn Jordan Medical Exami ner of Treasury Department of Columbia ana who served three years at Point the following to say of Per una Allow me io express my to you for the benefit derived from wonderful remedy One month has brought fofth a vast chan3 and I now consider myself a well after months of suffering Fellow sufferers Peruna will cure you Catarrh is a disease only by systemic treatment A remedy that cores catarrh must aim the depressed nerve centers which to the mucous Then catarrh disappear Then catarrh Is permanently enred A free book written by Dr on subject of catarrh to Its differed phases and stages will be sent any address by The Perana Columbus Ohio Samuel Johnson would never speak good of anything Scotch What do you think of th pudding asked an old Scotch lady seeing that he was eating it replied Johnson with hie mouth full its very good for pigs Then let me gP y some it said the lady helping him again bountifully The Christian Work relates a new story of Frances his torian showing that he has a keen sense of justice A friend met him walking one day along the street leading two street boys He had a firm grip on their coat collars What in the world are you doing asked his friend I found that Johnnie here had eaten all of the apple instead dividing it with his little brother I am going to another for the younger boy and make Johnnie him while he eats it Here is an American ministerial story which we are informed is abso lutely true A family enter taining on Saturday a minis ter who was to preach in their ehurch on Sunday little girl of the house about five years old when re tiring for the night kissed her la ther and her mother and other mem bers of thc family and finished up with kissing the minister Thc fol lowing morning her mother told her that It was not expected of a little girl that she should the minis ter Hut the little defended her action by saying But ma ministers have so few pleasures I dont know but I guess that little girl grew up to be a ministers wife At any rate I hope so Methodist Times Faint heart never won fair lady without a lot of strenuous assistance on her part Persons arc never they too old to learn are too young to but sometimes realize it If young people only knew the worth of their youth and understood how it might be enhanced and glori fied by the seeking of knowledge and giving of service they would no longer delay to appropriate their in heritance A little boy hearing someone re mark that nothing was quicker than thought said he knew better than that whistling was quicker than thought I asked to explain be said in school the other day I whistled before I thought and I got a licking for it A SATISFACTORY PILE REMEDY- Will cure the conditions causing piles Try Dr Hamiltons Pills Mandrake and Butternut Their fie- use prevents piles No case ever known where the we of Dr Hamiltons Pills failed Price Two Port boys Norman and Harry were drowned while skating the lake

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