Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Dec 1904, p. 7

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j J I Tpfmmmw i THE FRIDAY DEC 104 CHINA A An Important meeting of Will take place on Monday even ing and it Is hoped that the members will tarn out In large numbers The officers for Bert year- will be nomin ated and some of tie proposed will be discussed Rubbers pairs Rubbers on cent less tbao Hat prices Hunt er Bros Beautiful The Christmas Handkerchief dis play at A this season la certainly wellworth seeing The prices range from to each Go and have a look Death of Pioneer Mr William Perry o King town ship died Wednesday morning after illness from bronchitis lasting six weeks He was years old and leaves widow and eight children KESWICK V luting Calendars ot the Cream Separator Co whose agent ho is I A Local Option Meeting will be intended to say for tie McLaughlin held in the Christian on Sun Carriage Works who have day evening and In the Methodist appointed him for their justly Church on Monday to bo ad- turnouts The carriages and dressed by Rev Dr Abraham Field calendars are dandies Secretary of the Dominion Alliance Bachelor John for one is a de- It is hoped there will be a largo lighted reader of Breezes not attendance at both meetings a subscriber for Era This is no financial benefit to Era though flattering to the Owl Better hand us a John and have the best Vivian Public School intend hold- y ain finy an Entertainment and a Christ- It takes a woman to tool PROMPT DELIVERY VIVIAN HALL Groceries sir boys and two girls The latter two boys reside at home The to Thursday eveuing sale at others are Rev I Perry cember Miss Caroline St Thomas Church St Catharines soloist of expected to S A Perry merchant take part Program to commence for your CAKE PLUM PUDDING and PIES We have all our Fruits Spices Peels c You all know our first principle Is QUALITY Next to cell as CHEAP possible PEELS Orange and Lemon Peels ft fts for also Citron Peel Cooking Raisins nice new Fruit or I fts for Finest Selected Cooking Raisins tin for Blue fruit for table Extra fine in quality a layer of lbs for regular price 35c Choice Tabic Raisins tM ft Seeded Raisins very fine full at CURRANTS Very choice new fruit cleaned 31 for market Cerretepy The Secretary eta tee that not withstanding the published notice quite a number of persona indebted for lots and also for car of lot dur ing the past year in the Cemetery have not responded thereto As it is important to hare all outstanding claims settled before the annual meet ing report is prepared for next year it is hoped these claims will be met at once Payment can be made to Mr Secretary or to Mr J A Treasurer Abb Wilson the of fice for the eighth County Council Division of the County of York has issued a proclamation requiring the electors of East New market and Holland Landing to meet at the Town Hall Newmarket on Monday December the between one and two oclock in the afternoon for the purpose of nominating candi dates for the office County Coun cillor If more than two candidates are nominated the voting will be at the same time and places as the Municipal elections Monday 2nd of January 260 Will buy a lance tooth saw complete with handles and files at Hardware rid Perry and Harry Perry divinity students at College Hooper vs The case of The Crown vs A Goodwin of East was tried on Wednesday before Judge Morgan and Goodwin was acquitted The defendant and his father swore that Harper commenced the attack and struck Goodwin twice be fore the latter resented The Judge thought Harper had been resisted with more force than necessary but according to evidence was the at tacking party The Talagoos met on Monday night and found a balance in the treasury The following officers were elected Hon Yawman Brown SccTrcas John McCaffrey Committee Geo Driver dis Doyle Walter and John Kenne- Manager The boys will have a team this year and give all comers a live ly time i at 8 sharp All are cordially invit ed oO KETTLEBx a pretty woman the men Mrs Apparent ly an fooled wealthy Americans out of millions by a slick tongue I like to see those rich old and moneybags get taken occasionally It sort of evens up matters you know Get you ready for a monster prize market at our burg the Monday A very liberal purse is donated for prizes already in band of treasurer An enormous This store Is continually active Acquiring more patronage every week assures us that our idea in conducting one exclusive Grocery- In this town was mistake Quality Groceries We are supreme efforts to procure for out customer the very first quality groceries Every article fresh acd land selected from the best bouses We will be pleased to show you our new We have some very superior values in and Raisins New cleaned Fruits new Figs Dates Prunes Mr West has moved from Tory Corners to Mr J R Lloyds house in the 5th Con Mr J Davis and wife wero vis- turn out confidently expected by TIGS Choice ft new fruit and DATES New Golden the finest we have had for years ft the best quality of Dates packed ft HUTS New Walnuts Almonds and Fil berts 2 fts for EXCELSIOR COFFEE The Standard of highgrade Col- fee It never fails to please the particular epicure at ft Fresh ground always COCOA Very fine in bulk at ft also la the following wellknown makes Van Houtens Webbs Cowans and Bakers MINCE MEAT We have one quality at ft It Is as fine as the best and saves the bother CHINA DEPARTMENT This year we have the finest selec tion we ever had Our JAPANESE LINES arc simply handsome and in a large and varied assortment of and useful pieces The officers the Horticultural Society meet Owing to the very dry fall nearly all the cisterns in Town are dry and the scarcity of water Is causing the farmers much extra labor Sunday Schools are talking about Christmas entertainments The ExpressHerald moved into its new on Friday and has a new gasoline engine The Davis Tannery Steam was up at the new Davis Tannery for the first time on Monday morning and the new engine worked satisfactory The main shafting is completed and workmen arc engaged connecting three carloads of ma chinery that has already arrived Wherever possible ballbearings are being used in all tho It is expected that the heating appara tus will be connected for use next week Weather permitting the car penters will commence today to place the roof on the last new build ing We might say that the Tan nery buildings are double the size that the Company proposed when in the city on Thursday of last week Mrs Stewart of who has boon assisting in caring for her mother who lies seriously ill at Proctors returned to on Saturday Mr and Mrs V Stokes of tonto is spending a week with his mother A most complete and uptodate cistern has just been completed at the parsonage Mr Murray of the line has just completed a commodious pig pen On Thursday evening of last week a Conservative meeting was held in the Temperance Hall was attended and on Friday even ing the supporters of Mr turned out strong and organized for the campaign Mr Jas Burling has just complet ed his stone stabling Messrs Waiter- Rog ers and Walter Hambleton are at tending the Grand Division in Toron to this week Methodist Sabbath School children are practising for their entertainment the date of which has not yet been settled Quite a novel one even ing last week a building moved af ter dark so as not to impose upon the valuable time of the neighbors in daylight John Jeremiah The Owl Word has been received from Kansas City announcing the birth of a son and heir to our esteemed friend Geo Kay Ph D and wife If Geo wasnt a particularly level headed chap hed almost go dis tracted joy cO Chase PURE COFFEES Fresh Roasted Ground fts long clear Bacon lb bottles Catsup 20c bottle for Large box Sulphur Matches tins New Peas 25c Now Corn tin Rich red Salmon 2 tins Good Sound Onions 35c peck Spanish Onions 3 ftB for lCc Carolina Rice in sacks Good Butter ft variety Fancy Blscuita ft Genuine Satisfaction in every Pound of TEA that leaves THIS STORE TO A COLD IN ORE DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggUt refund the talking the matter bonus with the if it to cute See the handpainted china at Town Council a year ago and will Groves signature is on each box Rogers Drug Store suitable for have capacity for the employment of Christmas gifts assisting at the metal work of the room Mr Osborne fell off the vcafiold and was laid up for a couple of days Mr has had to giv business on account of his health and has sold out to Mr Ford of East nearly 200 men The firm erpeots to be in a position to commence era t ion on the 2nd of January Child Desertion o BALDWIN BREEZES A citizen of Mount Albert district came to mill here last week and while waiting for his load became in- Hearing the End at I Dec 6 The Port Arthur besiegers report as follows Saturday December our naval guns bombarded the enemys ships The battleship was six times A vessel of the battleship type was hit eight times and on other ships ten shells took eflect On Monday following the same plan the was hit seven times the Poltava battleship elev en times and the eleven times At about three in the after noon one of our shells struck a mag azine south of Mountain caus ing a heavy explosion The which followed was not ex- for two hours The same day our heavy army guns were di rected at enemys snip Hie Peres battleship was suuck twice and two more shells were lodged in other ships A vessel the Poltava type was observed to be on fire for one hour sending up a great volume of smoke The at tacking operations against the Mountain forts eastward arc car ried on day and night Two thirty- six millimetre were cap tured Sunday in a halfmoon fort de fending a counterscrap on Mountain At Our Provision Counter Davit Cooked Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon Rolls Pork Sausage Pork Pies Head Cheese Cattle and Poultry Spice They keep your stock in perfect Hens have got to lay if you use Myers Poultry Spice Fresh Haddie Labrador Herring HARDY We would you to see our Stock The Styles are uptodate quality No and the price cheaper for years Now is your chance if you want to make a handsome and Gift Our Tables at meet with your approvalall and pieces Bread and Butter Plates about 40 and styles from to per dozen Salad Bowls Jars Fruit Sets Oclock Tea Sets EonBon C- and our Rich Cut Glass It the attraction for the ladies comprising Salad Bowls Vases Celery Trays Spoon Colore Bottle Ac to from 5c for a to for a Vitt Farm Produce Good market last Saturday Prices were as follows Butter 17 to KggB to 23c lb Dressed Chickens to per ft Dressed chickens to pair Dressed Ducks to 1 pair Ducks per lb Dressed Geese to lb Dressed turkeys to tic lb Beef and Pork and Lamb to lb Apples basket to barrel Potatoes CO to hag Live chickens to pair Old Hens to Live turkeys to It Pigeons pair Rabbits 20c pair Young pigs per pair Hides to Sheepskins to Calfskins to lb Tallow lb Stove Wood 15 to per cord On Wednesday evening of last week tensely absorbed in shooting the passenger train going North etc etc found ried a young woman with an infant still loitering at corner When the train reached Holland be loaded up in Landing she laid the child on the than one ami prepared to i Samples Choice GrQin FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SEED To the Editor of the Era Dear Sir By instruction the Hon Minister of Agriculture another seat she vacated and the car homeward In some way he distribution will be made this season The rain sped away but it had managed to bad his team over a samples of the most productive not gone far till the conductor was fi embankment about fifteen feet S of grain to Canadian farmers apprised of the situation lie the canal horses wagon and distribution is of the very ped the tram returned to Holland His lusty yells ready as- an has been secured mainly Landing depot and placed infant stance and his outfit rescued from excellent crops recently had in charge of the gentleman who acts its perilous position A few minor branch Experimental Farm at as baggagemaster with instructions bruises and- a good soaking to find the heartless girl who injury sustained to have Local Option URE TO LOOK In our window before buying your Christmas Presents Then com in and examine goods and get prices We have a line assortment of articles especially suita ble and it is up trouble to show them WATSON WatchMaker and Graduate Optician 125 scried the child girl under the of dark ness got such a start that was no small job to obtain the first trace of her whereabouts after driving greater part of night he was located and the again placed under her protection nice Flower large Toilet Dinner Methodist Next Sunday the pastor will preach Missionary tcrmons in The it here will be by Rev Cavers of tiiat place The regular meeting of the Womans Foreign Mission Society will beheld at the home of Mrs Henry Case Ave on Wednesday at three oclock At a meeting of the Official Hoard on Tuesday evening the of the Choir Committee to engage Mrs J E as Lealer and Organist for the ensuing year was adopted Mr A has been leader for about years it is that ihargc would repairs to tU School Room are progressing The new coal is installed and the metal ceil ing Is completed The painters will finish next week There will be Big Value for Your Money If there is a good dollars worth of fered to the Canadian people it is that of the Family Her ald and Weekly Star of Montreal with its exquisitely pretty premium picture The Princess at Work The public have been tempted by dol lar dailies and trashy weeklies at giveaway prices hut when it comes down to value for your money the Family Herald and Weekly Star has no competitor The publishers re port an enormous increase In new business and are earnestly beseeching their old readers to renew now and save them from the great rush at Christmas Its bad to use religion as a clock or as a circus tent If a man really loves a woman he doesnt have to conceal her age Once in a while a man has so much money that be feels he can really af ford to be honest A woman is nervous until she gels to the matrimonial altarthen its the mans turn It no harm for a man to think a woman is older than says pro vided he think out loud A rich man wears old clothes be cause he can afford to and a poor man wears fine clothes because he cant ere he honors our burg with another call Wedding bells arc ringing in three different points from our burg Egypt- Ave and belles arc going to make some of our bachelor friends amazing hap py John Miller is making extensions and solid improvements cement floor to his butcher simp as though he intended becoming a permanent citizen Hut wait ere long hell get a new notion out for thunderstorms and in the course of a fortnight I expect them Dont forget the boys have heaps of dry wood Dont freeze See thtmi about It me see this Is Leap Year- Urn Has any of our pro posed Aye thats question It certainly looks Any way there are many ways in which a maiden of tact can materially as sist a bashful pop the tion Vet we all know that the Egypt bachelor need ho aid as he has gumption enough to propose to a marnle statue of Diana of If Squire Lennox were gen tleman that proved himself to be he might have a forlorn hope for being member elect but as it stands he stands not ghost of a show If the Liberals stand back to back it is Impossible for him to win way In which he hounded and abused Indiaivllotd in pImbo beat in that the The distribution spring available for distribution will consist of samples oats spring wheat barley Indian corn and potatoes The quantity of oats to be sent this year will be i of wheat or barley 5 lbs sufficient in each case to sow onetwentieth an acre The samples of Indian corn and potatoes will weigh i as heretofore A quantity of each of the following varieties has lien se cured for this distribution Oats Banner lm- Fife Sixrowed Mcnsury Odes sa Mansfield Claude and Kidney Invincible Stand- well Canadian Thorpe Potatoes Carman No White Prize Canadian Uncle Mam American Wonder Andes and Late Puritan Every farmer may apply but only one sample Can he sent to each ap plicant hence if an individual receives a sample of oats he cannot also receive one of wheat barley or potatoes and applicants for more than one sample for one household cannot be entertained These plea will be sent free of charge thru the mail Applications should to the Director of Experimental Farms Ottawa and may lie sent in any time before the 1st of March after which until March or April and that pota toes cannot be mailed from here until danger from frost In transit is over SAUNDERS Director Experimental Farms- December 1st Toronto tetter Chancellor Boyd decided on Monday that the City must pay pari the cost of protecting level railway cross ings in corporation Mr John President of Ni agara Navigation Co passed away on Tuesday the Immediate cause of death was erysipelas Deceased was years of age At special convocation of Trinity University on Tuesday honorary degree of doctor of divinity was con ferred upon Right Reverend Freder ick Herbert Prof Clark the officiating Mr Berkeley Smith for years Bursar of Toronto University died suddenly at bis on Tues day morning lie had commenc ed to examine his morning mail when ho lurched forward in his chair and expired in ten minutes Our of training sten ographers represents of ten years striving for These have teh years of advancement This progrcssivcness has a monetary value to our students Our graduates arc recognized as very best They are sought for by employers who de sire exceptionally skillful sten ographers They command highest prices It you qualify with there no uncertainty about em ployment it Is waiting Write for full particulars anil enter Ian 3rd 0 Mr Davis is not- to be forgot- win le dosed so that all Good Farm to Rent In the of Rita Curry aged five years King being West the 3rd ten One was the perfect gentleman the otherGuess What baby is well off for grandparents It lias three two a for may to in tor sowing shot pro tab is lying in a critical condition as a icrcs cleared good buildings result of a bullet wound in the head fences Spring creek crosses Rita and her uncle a lad were Kail ploughing to be done playing and lhe Good in a drawer Apply to in an upper room writing should mention sort or variety they prefer with a second sort an an alternative en lies who have come to Town recent- I iecomo met to I I with the approval of the Ladle Aid 4o Will the date will announced later I 1 lOor Strictly in all depart- Magnificent free admitted at any time Principal 1 A Ri two grandmas and a grand- j available of these va- all living good Mrs JXrt Those rocked In the same cradle as Indian com or her grandpa rocked in ft is rather an ancleit affair out from old tome fifty years ago by Mr and Mrs Geo Arnold It has been in service through three generations and Is worth dozen doen of the present day affairs By ait inadvericnf of memory week news made it that Mr Morton was prove fatal A burst in power house Street Railway Co on day and whole service was stop ped for two hours in middle of the day I Apply JAMBS Sea forth BALK AT THIS A flow of the property of the Co at filrtk To Cure a Cold in One Pay Laxative Tablets Cures Crip In Two on every box

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