Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 2 Dec 1904, p. 5

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yvvjjgsfaST artlKvftr BRANCH General DRAFTS ISSUED AT HA LEGAL J Public Street to on goo aecurUj Rates the impkxj ii Local Them Out The Question of Christinas shopping not be left until tie eleventh hour Our merchants are already their goods in shape for the holiday trade and you will find our advertising columns worth watching I rtftifvrf bis right ear and lace were bad- tho bull should always be purebred If lacerated It le poor economy to nave fifty or VJV ft dollar l tb has presented to the city a pair of The Union Stock Yards Co will geese the their nual Fat Stock Show at Zoo Mrs is old friend It their yards on Dec of Aid and at his can be obtained hi these days leases On Friday last Mr Justice sue made the gift to the city no Tor the use of inn Inferior too granted an application for bail Park Commissioner Chambers has animal- I on behalf of Geo Bird who is imported a swan from Hamburg An abundant supply fend awaiting trial on a charge of many for the lagoon at Centre Is- throwing cam into the Don The cross that now crowns the margin of Bail was fixed at Bird has beautiful spire of St Marys church must have something that can be been in custody for- two weeks blessed on Saturday by grown in larger quantities and at A lengthy tale of cruelty on the General McCann assisted by Rev part of husband was told on Fathers Kelly and convenient train service the Grand day week to Mr Justice Joseph Connolly architect and connections to the Winter in the nonjury by Mrs and a few others were present At of California and Florida Winch of North noon the cross was safely placed in where the climate is delightful bury who is suing her husband for position It will be one of the thief and the fact a Secure lick- alimony They were married iu objects of interest in the West End be fed at any time r To the South top Winter 4Tantage rte fast and i THE 0 i very small corn fills the bill It is doubt best and cheapest winter at our diepoBaU chief of are Us great payabili ty the of labor It that it the year or alto he at J Bo BnUVw Reformer J A Am for a Life at At Office 17 fl Fire on a4 Town Property Bank lOT ets and full information at ticket of- and their troubles commenced On Sunday December a new bell with equal satisfaction While corn fiC6 about three months after and have weighing lbs will be blessed by hold first place a cheap winter been kept up now and again until Ms Grace the Archbishop in St it has no monopoly of the field Prof Kent Dead finally decided to separate and Marys church at oclock in The farmer who crows a for maintenance Tbe death occurred recently Nun- Considerable inconvenience has been da Y- of Prof Kent widely experienced lately by milk being throughout tb country schools f doorsteps in the early of Ontario for his instructive and en- mornings Special attention of the lectures on electricity police has been directed to this mat- Prof Kent lectured here at different dealers will times and so long ago as forty years a few men on their routes as prophesied that the day would come in disguise in order to-dis- electricity be used to COTcr guilty drive machinery just as they were A fireman got badly hurt and a then using steam for that purpose jhorse killed in a collision between J Rose Aw Hose Wagon and a street car when answering a call to an alarm of fire at St Lakes School- First touch of coM weather on Sun- House where bazaar decorations day One degree below zero on firc day morning I Simon employed at the the Friends Church TR round house lb New Toronto will meet at the home of Miss Nellie admitted Sunday night to the Phillips on Wednesday December General Hospital suffering from a While trying to raise a fine flag in the left side of the abdomen pole in front of Dr Wesleys in a row The case is a on Monday the men let it fall strange one and legal about feet were broken oil ensue is doing fa ced George who died on Saturday evening at his Mrs Moffatts house on St has been greatly improved by a new coat of paint residence street cast The lost chatelaine bag advertised of the firm of the Era of September has wholesale fruit and found Will the owner please call for commission merchants and was one It- ftps Simpson fluninti and Frank AUCTIONEER Street and iznb Street if j John R Broker Agent cvjtVz aai Auditor or for City Property 1 lAtcs The Catharines The devotee of the strenuous life either business or society can find rest and recuperation bathing in the healing waters of ths St Cath arines Well A modest outlay will you to rejuvenate without tra velling abroad in search of health A temperate climate pleasant skilled attendants and homolike environments will be by visiting the St Cathar ines a happy combination sani tarium and family hotel conducted of Torontos oldest fruit merchants Rev P under the aus pices of the Canadian Temperance League author of the famous hymn Throw Out the Life Line an address and sang before a large audience in Hall last Sab bath J At the County Council annual din ner last Friday night a goldhead ed ebony cane was presented to Warden The occasion was a jolly one The Evangelistic Band of University is considered an im portant factor in the life of the in stitution the afternoon and will be swung into Us place in the lofty tower on the following day The Hon and Mrs and Miss Mel Jones arrived from Europe a few days ago Mrs Davis of Vancouver is their guest at present I J Council met at Jones Hall on Nov 28rd Members all present Bake Gravel for and for sewer pipes Samuel Hood claimed for one sheep killed and one injured The treasurer was instructed to pay the gravel bill and two thirds claim of damage to sheep The Clerk and treasurer was em- to correct errors In tax by errors in assessment A bylaw was passed Instruct or the dork to hold nom ination at Jones Hall and appointing the following deputy returning off tears White Rose p at John Percy Forester l it Lemon vine at Lemon I Walkers Everett P Fred J Pino Orchard Mays shop May Vivian P J Brooks house Percy R Council adjourned to meet at Junes Hall Ballantrae on Dec of grain and has conseq uently an abundant supply of straw will find that by growing a quanti ty of roots to feed with It he can cattle at a very reasonable cose Field roots have a feeding virtue apart from the digestible which they contain in they exercise beneficial of feet upon the digestion and general health Cattle that receive liberal rations of feed suoh ah root and ensilage wilt have appearance of grass tie there will be little trouble with indigestion or them their feet is faften gqjvh relth cattle that fed exclusively on dry fodder and grata The grain ration depends so larg ftly on that hdre It Is always however to commence a com paratively light ration and finish vjth the more concentrated grains Water and salt shonld always be within easy and cattle should be kept free from use of some of the proprietary even ordinary black oil which is perhaps as cheap and effective as anything else -J-OOOi- of Othef Days on the most approve to endeavor to lines Physicians and rooms roo promenade next for ion as a women library music room are among Long stance telephone and the trustees have in each room Apply J ladies to District Passenger Agcn l to the Trwk Toronto for n K A small boiler placed in the base ment of the new premises just com- For Feeding of Cattle full particulars at street east by Miss Barrett exploded on Saturday evening completely shattering tho two At a very enthusiastic meeting on plate glass windows No person was Monday evening in the Sovereign injured Bank building the Newmarket Hock- The rule which dispenses with mix- ay Club was reorganized for the com- cd choir was adopted in almost all season with the following list the Roman Catholic churches last i Sunday and in all but one or two of Kin at A Hills aad Sanitary Engineer Room Manning Chambers Toronto on all and estimate made kind of at Kr MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Iwued reatdence it yoa Hon Clark Doyle VicerPres Cane Gamble Executive Corn J Patterson Win and Brown Messrs l and J were appointed auditors colors will blue and white Two teams Will be entered in A irtennediate and junior and ev erything points to a successful A pleasant feature of the was the presence of Mr John- Kelly an old Newmarket hockey player and supporter Jack was a warm reception the boys and eplicd in a neat speech ao to WJ Newmarket Al Waiting for s We have are hungry But all aarlwu for work florae toiylr IttUe But they you to 1 set are to you tit i or the choir lofts only male singers ap peared John Mutch was arrested on Satur day by County Constable Brown for shooting insectivorous birds in the Don Valley He was lined and costs West Toronto Mr John barrister who recently re signed the position of vicepresident of the West Toronto Conservative Association so that he might more free to advocate the movement for the abolition of the barrooms has accepted an Invitation a nurn- of electors to enter the field as an independent leinjXfranee candidate His platform Is Government sale of in scaled packages to be con sumed at the residences of pur chasers making county judges returning officers at elections In fiet Desired printing and at An evidence of J ex ton- felt in regard the Agricultural and e to Arfe Act which alltcts all the agrijwomen on the municipal rolls and cultural and horticultural Ontario was furnished week at tihtii Mr horticultural convention in To- ford have to to laurels ronto relation of the act to Jw or Mr horticultural aocleties was discussed M and a committee appolati to on the Hon- John Minister North Owl Unitary apln her Apiculture to a Act be revised It was poinM out that many in re Province for Winch allowing no societies Were ter WM per month wit be to societies to be apply for an should her its grant would havtobc Mr taken from a patt given to ag- Charles I fell from Sural The WWW at Avenue last part the A in was fractured in two place sufficiently strong to prevent the the evoultion of domestic illum ination the story of the race is told again and again It is repeated in the opening of every new country and is the result of the effort to util ize that which lies close to hand No more interesting development is traced however according to an ar ticle in Harpers than that of the early American pioneers First as among all primitive peo pics came the torch for which pur- pose the pineknot was utilized the saving and hoarding of every fattening cattle carried an fat from the wild animals on under wide different 1 to make the that it la impossible t to lay down ban nnd candle ami then drawing ruh8 and that right natures stores the berries and all others wrong There are the which yielded however three conditions etmenMat for Oner candles In the Snuth to In the atall feeding of j the camlleberry more rattle good cattle an again the of cheap winter feed L m a waxberry but in New England and Fifteen or sixteen years ago Island it is called the required for the export trade It is rightfully Mydca it wrra the heavy and five year belongs to tho bayberry family old to when Kalm the Scandinavian At that time turalist came to this country in the not fliinl ly was In demand Today we rind that compact lUdl two And three year old with these candles and weighing from pounds up will describes very fully the process of command the highest prices Of boiling the berries and refining the it weight can he combined wax The pure flame the fragrance with so much the bettor Is of first Importance From the butchers point of view interest the historian steer of best the Virginia says that these randies which carries the greats ever greasy to the touch ndr of Its weight in thoso parte of thn with lying in tho of horticultural societies In Other count let where there are a number of ajpicultural the grants to horticultural are that they arc enabled to do effective work The deputa tion asked the of Agricul ture to take steps to place horticul tural societies on a footing of their own The of Agriculture agreed with the claims and a committee the tural societies will meet may be made in trio act It is probable a Provincial HorlUul- tjra will be formed Soor Head Clear If not it is probably the fault of your Liver and you need a corrective You will be prised to see quickly brain wilt clear and how much better you can taking Pills v In ccnta carcase which gives the highest priced cuts the Chicago and New York markets most In the world the rib and loin cuts command over four times price paid for remainder the and It Is apparent that the prime beef must in these parts They must be thickly and evenly covered yet mellow flesh of uniform and free alike from hard roofs and patchy animals will no ling er hi tolerated much less thai are bony and bare of flush on back and In addition to the general form with godd backs ribs and loins there In the eminent authority a certain character mid that constitute an factor In determining Of beef cattle One Of Mint In j of this Is to be found in theslcluand coat A good feeding animal should haw a niellos touch and a soft bat think and heavy coat harsh unyielding Mu an Indication of a Circulation and low digestive A clear prominent yet placid features fine horn arid clear floe bone all go to indicate good feeding and capacity to lake on finish of highest and to top price rough animals are almost Invariab ly slow feeders and hard to flulh proixerly these juaitjeu and above all It is to have vigor and constitution find evidence of these In n wldu a comment farlukeV broad chest well sprung heart girth and general rob ust appearance the proper beef type in II will difficult to- recognize fiuitfethje To find Is it mure difficult matter Owing largely to the gVoatvxpatislon of the dairy business during the past fifteen or twenty year he corning more and more difficult to procure good Blockers for feeding To got animals far almost compelled hie own in he does much Cannot be attach ed to tho of the sire- It should never be forgotten that he is half herd Good grade cows are right to be bred from bat Neither does the snuff or these ever offend the smell like that of the tallow candle but Instead of be ing disagreeable if an accident puts a caudle out it yields a pleasant fra grance to all that arc in the room insomuch that nice people often put them out on purpose to have the of the expiring snuff fa the South still recognizing po etic justice hemp or the soft white halls of cotton were for making of wicks upon which to form the candles which were laboriously modeled by hand but in the North the airy silk of the milkweed pods was woven into a wick If Your Liver is Wrong You are Wrong all Oyer A torpid Inactive liver hind In frith constipation Such a chronic condition requires a tic to it estab lish jguod and perfect body drainage and Butternut Pills containing the two needed element to liver IIvUt and muscular action go accu rately luo and bow- elf them completely your bo weld failed to move for a week fcoVt would quick traled It it the tame in decree when loweU do not move at leaHtntf aida You know toon become and tired your baa you feel me in ami pick wear full Jhtafltiy ratisge Dont let arlouieoadUioiii develop will out of your ayattnt We will and that wlfl convince you doubt of their cuatlv L James Montreal Pineapple and Butternut cure Constipation ad Headache la All dealer 2d A Cure at v- AND HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LIKES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ft CO NEWMARKET J TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR m r to visit us often from now until Christmas It Jlfil AND We have the tat est Patterns r and make them to your faction both for Style and Fit A TRIAL SOLICITED Ill NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET i ii pI j Buy Coal for At per ton i l Twine I and GOO feet to the BEST HARD COAL Nut ALWAYS ON HAND J Huron St Storehouse Farm for Sale aore parts lota and 9 the con of North There are a good Brick House good Barns and Out Buildings good Or chard mall fruit trees of all kinds Lot of good For further par ticulars J MORTON j 1i T I I I Residence for Sale On Tyler St Aurora by Mr Miller Good location Tertrn easy For particulars apply to A Newmarket A Notice in hereby that I been Financial Agent for Sir in the recent elec tion held In the Electoral Riding North York In pursuance of Sec the Dominion Elections Act All election accounts contracted for or on behalf of Sir William must be sent on or before the day of December I0O1 to A TAYLOR Aurora

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