1 -L- THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY SEPT i I Si Fresh Milch Cots lor Salt Fair milkers Apply to Cole Hi Here is fact for the doctors of Two Girls Wanted At Newmarket Laundry Coal Stove for Sale A good Parlor Cook Stove for sale Ap at this office A Quantity of Brlok J- IT For sale and they must be sold soon as I need the money to pay the taxes A Newmarket Toe family of late John Mann ing desire to return their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for their assistance and sympathy during his illness and death and in connection with the funeral J PROCTOR Here is a fact for the electors of North York tocoosfde and talk among themselves in Dominion elections The Postal Department under Sir William careful management shows a surplus of for year end ing June this surplus remains after paying the cost of ser vice iri the Yukon and districts as well as throughout the rest of Canada not to mention decreased revenue caused by reduced postal rates In the last year of MISS WILSON of Will conduct classes in The Theory of Music in Town every Saturday for teachers examination students choir members and all who arc interested in the general study of music For terms and particulars- address Baldwin St Toronto ull Astray Strayed from premises of the undersigned on or about Sept 22nd a young Durham Bull with rope around horns and strap on fore leg Any information leading to his where abouts kindly received lw Newmarket of although the Yukon Athabasca and Great Slave Lake service were not then a charge upon the revenue of the Dominion Wc may also add that since Sir Wil liam took charge of his Department there has been an increase of postoffices whilst the mileage over which mails are carried hasbeen in creased miles and post masters paid an increase of North York will do itself the iionor of showing its appreciation or a live man at the head of the Postoffice De partment whenever the offers tenth Protest Voided on a Technicality The North York election trial was brought to a close on Thursday of last week by the Court voiding the return of Hon J Davis on a point of law which has arisen for the stated that the Hon Clifford ton Minister of the Interior ordered the seizure of- steamer Lake for 26000 being a fine Mr Leslie is back from each of twentysix Syr- Manitoba immigrants who escaped last Mrs entertained their deportation had been on Tuesday evening ordered 1 Mrs was visiting in last week Mrs Aubrey Davis is visiting her the election court in North parents at Strathroy on Tuesday last the day that North Renfrew was va- and Mrs A have Mr member gone to on a visit acts 0 Conductor Webster on the uation as trials took place Conservative ride there was a den- is enjoying a weeks ho Mr and Mrs Phillips were unscaiw Metro- thus leaving the political as it stood before these two At Home on Tuesday evening with friends The Editor and Mrs Jackson ex pect to spend over Sunday with rela tives in Mr Alex Millard of Toronto It is announced that Mr Bor den Opposition leader in the Com mons has appointed Messrs and A Wright as Con servative organizers for Ontario for the Dominion elections These same attended the Fair eectjon Mr J Phillips and Mr Henry of attended the Fair on Ottawa despatch states that Tuesday as Judges Mr Harry who was in charge Miss Jessie left for Win- j of a syndicate of cheese factories in last Saturday where she in tends to teach music Mr and Mrs Fred Saxton re turned from the Lake on Monday They had a lengthy stay the Listowel district has accepted a position with the Government of the Orange River Colony as Chief of the Dairy Department This is the sixth Canadian who has been selected for within the Amy Flock I was visiting her cousins the y Case Park Ave over Sunday Miss of King City has been singing in Kingston and the lo cal papers give her great praise Mr Geo left for the States on Wednesday after for some time at Mayor Canes Mr and Mrs of Toronto also Mr J Mont- were here for j- i Mr A Gordon of first time in Canadian legal 1 dure a point too involving no Mr Campbell called on Saturday a culpability on of the Hon Mr H and family are Commissioner of Crown Lands The back from Orchard beach Lawyer NOTICE It hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters List Act by His Honor Judge of the County Court the County of York at Vandorf at am on Monday Oct to hear and determine the several com plaints of errors and omissions in election law provides as follows If on The trial of an election pe tition any candidate is proved to have personally engaged at the election to which the petition re lates as canvasser or agent in relation to the election any per son knowing that such person within years previous to such engagement had been found guil ty of any corrupt practice by a competent legal tribunal or by the report of the judges upon any election petition the election of Robertson and family came back last week Miss of the was in Town on Monday She will visit North York friends for a couple of months Mrs Cane President of York will attend the chair And now Mr A Con servative occupied the seat in the Legislature for North Renfrew bargained to walk plank by re signing rather than risk the revela tions of an election trial When the protest was entered he was terribly incensed and his party press had much to say about the petitioners be ing anything but independent and in telligent electors yet when the day of trial arrived the boaster wilted and now the Government still re tains its majority and runs the Pro vincial business with efficiency King Council The above Council met at Suttons Hotel on Saturday Sept Members all present Reeve Legge meeting of the Executive city this morning Mrs P Lloyd and baby the Misses Lloyd also Miss Gladys Ker ry spent a few days with Mrs 0Hallacn Mr Barry manager of the To- 1 such candidate shall be void In the course of the trial on Thurs- ronto Sun and wife were visiting the mSui a na or 901 to voters in North Grey at the general election of was appointed as scrutineer at the Sutton polling- persons having business at tbe Court are required to attend at the said and place J LUNDY Clerk of Whitchurch Without the personal know- Dated Sept Voters List notice TOWN OK County of York hereby given I transmitted or to per sons roentloacd In sections and Ontario Voters List Act copies required by said sections to be to transmitted or delivered of the made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the last revised roll of municipality to be entitled to vote in the munici pality for members of the Legislative Assembly and at municipal elections arid that the said list was first post ed up in office at dock am on the day of and remains for Iupccilon Electors are called upon to examine the list and if any omissions or any other errors are found to take Immediate proceedings to have the corrected according to law J Clerk of said Municipality Dated this day of Sept 1001 Slabs Delivered on Wednesday J Campbell made a short visit at the Manse last before leaving for the West where he in tends to settle Advance Mrs ledge of Mr Davis This was held Hunter and children of Newmarket to be a violation the above clause and Mrs Taylor of Winnipeg are the statute and on this ground friends in town alone the election was voided t Miss leaves today for The Chancellor in giving judgment Detroit to take home Mr Alex that there was no moral hellers two girls who have on Mr Davis part and been here since August V Mr Norman J Rogers wife and he might quite easily have made the import were visiting same mistake of he- John Rogers bribery and a merely act He also detlaredthat the i present instance it was most lan her table as Mr Davis majority was V to visit her sister Mrs Teller for a couple of weeks Rev and Mrs Mr Arthur at the Manse on way lo ll city where Mr McArihur is attend ing Knox College Alumni meetings Mrs Win Hell arrived in Town on Friday after an absence of four years spent in British Columbia and California She is visiting lends Mrs Peter Oilman went to the in Toronto last week to undergo an operation and we are pleased to hear is improv ing Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs Arthur also Mrs Webster and Mr Will Webster spent Sunday with friends In Mr Isaac of attended the Friends HalfYearly Davis to be of such a pemmai St last Sunday knowledge as to warrant voidW the t Mr Noxon ft Maria of ajority was The reader will observe the tone of apology in which the judgment was rendered Mr Davis did not per- or engage Robinson in any way or form Previous to the election Mr Davis signed a num ber of blanks for the appointment of scrutineers by local committees and these were distributed from the Com mittee Rooms in Newmarket Up in Sutton the local workers for Mr Davis it appears filled in Robinsons name on one of these blanks and this was held to be personal knowledge on Mr Davis part and for this the Riding has lo be put to the trouble and expense of another election The question now is in case of an appeal will the Court of Appeal consider that the appointment of Robinson to act as scrutineer unbeknown to Mr Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed The Council in Committee of the whole on Bills Alex in the chair when the following were ordered to be paid Joseph Billings Months Sal ary 3 Simeon Lemon Road Work 26 Case Cutting Thistles 3 H Cutting This ties and repairs to Bridge- Norman Wesley Cutting This tles and repairs to Bridge 00 John A Watson Sewer Pipes John A Watson repairs to bridge 5 GO White Gravel 3 White Road Work Kelly Hauling Gravel Kelly Building Bridges Kelly repairs to cul verts J J fcMwards repairs to bridge Watson Cutting This tles Clayton Davis atones of Road Mclvil Stevens Road Work A Leonard repair to cul verts Angus McDonald Cutting ThisXlcs Wm Road Work repairs to culverts Harry repairs to hills James Kitchen spikes for J Deacon repairs to bridge and Road Work Jos Kitchen bolts for bridge Milton Graham Drawing grai fi 40 Phillips the 00 28 ALL KINDS ROUGH AMD DRESSED LUMBER Sheeting 12 per M SHINGLES LATH Ladders Half election the more especially as It did not contribute in any particular degree towards final result ol the contest One thing is certain whether the decision is appealed and sustained or this old banner Riding is prepared if the necessity arises to again place Hon Mr Davis- at the head the poll by a greater major ity than at the late byeelection The fact that the election is voided on a mere technicality in- volvlng no moral wrong will arouse a widespread feeling of sympathy in the Hon Commissioners favor This is the last day for appeal If no appeal is made Mr Jonathan and wife Toronto also Mrs Allle Vernon and family of Oxbridge were visiting their father Mr John last week The latter does not Improve very much Miss Pringlc is visiting her par ents In and on Sunday even ing sang in the Methodist Church a solo Dry Those Tears and was complimented Inv Jo ticks two married daughters were home for the Fair Mrs Kll- of Toronto was only here on Thursday but Mrs Kilgour of cage expects to remain here for a COAL Etc St SOFT GOAL SELECTED LUMP no appeal is made we couple of months suppose that will end tin protest Mr Isaac Postmaster arid a new election will follow In at Dawson City gave the Era a call the course of a few weeks The last week while in Town attending seating of Mr Davis does not prevent the He looks as if the Yukon from continuing to act aa Com- country agrees with him Ho is of Lands here on two months leave of In connection the four names vIMtlng friends In this section reported for bribery by the Judges Jennie Widdiflcld of Imron- may explain that unless the par to was visiting relatives In Town and against and con- vicinity last week Mrs a magistrate not one of entertained a number of disfranchised from taking Thurnday evening in her elections as is Mrs Playter on The St on Sept 27 to Mr and Mrs a son Mount Albert on Saturday Sept to Mr and Mrs II a son LEADING Undertaking Gash I ties are vie ted by them Is part In the general t a ymtj- evening on Friday You can buy your Cheap For Parlor Suites worth for Bedroom Suites worth for Velour Couches worth for All other Furniture At Reduced Prices A Nice Line of Fancy A HUM to at John Millard 1 recital Mot a series of Fairy Tales pleasant in their and lacking the genuine Eeality but the of Gold hard facts clearly concisely stated and Here we are ready to back every one of them by that I Most substantial of all arguments- Goods and Prices f- At A nice new range of Dress Tweeds in brown blue and grey in wide worth yd for 50c At of our Hiss beats all Cash mere hose for sizes 8i in plain and ribbed at pair At 5 new century corsets niade of fine sateen steel tilled sizes to sold regularly at 75c Saturday pair At 5 doz collar forms in black and white in sizes from on sale Sat urday 5c At only mens brown and fedora hats regular to Saturday At 5000 yds Valencienes Laces and la sertions bought at a big bargain worth to yd for 5c At A nice range of ladies new fall collars each At 176 only and Misses waterproof coats worth to Saturday At 198 only ladies electric seal tails on sle Saturday each I Special prices In Rubbers Childs plain size to 9 price our price 26c a pair Misses sandals sizes 11 to list price 53c our price 39o pair Womans Enjrraved croquet price 65c oar price 50c pair Mens cottonlined plain rubbers medium list price 83c our price 50c a pair As all of the above lines Were bought job we these prices for any ite time as our quantities are limited These are the cheapest rubbers that will be offered this season buy early youll need them soon Grocery Specials Nonsuch mirror pipe varnish 26c bottle j Good cooking raisins lb Soda biscuits lb Mired biscuits 10c lb bottle Catsup worth for Jo a bottle- Hunters lb bar soap 10c bar Shaker salt the kind that never gets hard lOo a box Davis pure pork sausage fresh daily lc lb Davis Hams Rolls and Bacon r Newmarket Barrie and Bracebridge 4tt lowing be paid re erecting along highway Charles Shrop shire rode rods rods Phillips the fol lowing sheep claims be paid being twothirds value same Gill- ham Wm Lynn W067J J Armtage That the appli cation of the Police ot lor an advance for local im provements be granted and that the Treasurer is instructed to advance same to Trustees said village and charge sum so advanced against said village with interest at the rate per cent until such time as the money is repaid In taxes the cur rent year Ann it ago Phillips That the usual 2000 he made to the King Agricultural Society Armitage That the bond too Collectors Joel Kdwarda and J Wells be accepted they being con sidered very satisfactory by this Council ByLaw No re Salaries Members and Officers of the Munici pal Council King received Its sev eral readings and passed On motion of W Coun cil adjourned to meet at Phillips Ho tel King City on Saturday Oct Phone USB THE PHONE 0 Extra Cider Vinegar White Wine Vinegar i- PICKLING ONIONS RED AND PEPPERS ONIONS AND CAULIFLOWER I GRAPES M ACHES TOMATOES MELONS SWEET POTATO I Mr J Scott killed while operating a stumping machine near Mindcn The Toronto Monday Sept by Rev Mr Comfort St Metho dist Church Mr Bird of Toronto to Miss Rachel Peterson Mount Albert the residence of the brides parents Holt on Thursday Sept by J Morgan Bertha daughter of Mr Alex Hedge to George Preston ClaTksop of Au rora J I Orders Cartful and Prompt DO YOU REALIZE That many of our clients have from 30 to per cent on investments purchased thru us within the past three months It Is a fact Not one of our clients has a dollar If you have Invest at once in Aurora Consolidated Aurora Extension Union Consolidated Oil Union Consolidated Vlznaga Gold Tho above are all Douglas cey Co securities and are ful ly protected loss Dont wait for prices advancing rapidly Write us today 1HVESTHBHT CO Hamilton Phone House and Lot for Sale Rooms on corner a Second StrccU Large and loU fruit MRS JOHN tt84 Farm for 8ale acres parts loU the con of North WJ There acres under a good Brick House good and Out Buildings o ttSrrTortt I STRAYED From lot in the