Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 Sep 1904, p. 8

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i the fiafc felt TOKAWAJOS fKtJ TOP to tit womanhood la assail fibs learns to know id backache and sadly borne by new experience of life or cured by the Doctor Prescription estab lishes regularity It tone up the general and cares headache nervousness other of womanly weakness or disease The anxious mother of the family often- times carries the whole harden of so far as the home medication of ailment of the girl or boy are concerned The cost of the doctors visits is often much great At inch time the mother I invited 10 write to Dr Pierce of Buffalo for medical advice which is free Correspond ence held strictly Backed op by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cores record each a no other remedy for the disease and weaknesses peculiar lo women ere attained the proprietor and maker of Dr Pierce Favorite Prescription bow feel fully warranted in offering to- pay in legal money of the United States for any case of Female Weakness Pro- AURORA- a Mr William Linton of this places who left here for England to pur chase horses cat He sheep and pigs the Shorthorn Breeders returned home last week A very sad and fatal accident oc curred on Thursday evening last to Goodwill Bison the son of David It seems that a the above evening a traction engine drawing a water tank and a cleaner was coming into when every work of deceased with two or three other boys for surface indications got onto the tongue of the cleaner aji must largely get a ride when he either lost on- in making his estimates ContWed Page J Not with the quality of this toad- but permanency of- the at cry point strikes him very forcibly he slope of the no room for slides while it- are made and in it manner that precludes torn boulders rocks tumbling to on the track These rock cuts aw numerous and the formation something like our granite the task of a- road through in by no means easy Here is the cost of the road in excess- of the estimate- earth excavation has turned out less than tlie rock cutting that the price of the latter much higher than the former tbtar cost increases But this is Grand Trunk Pacific rums south pi railway will tap it about fld mites from New but it the runs Lake probably take a stretch of to reach it as north of the lake thcrejisaridge that will have- to go considerably nor to avoid- If the first is- chosen the road go through about miles of clay but latter is selected miles this good agricultural will and old On tario brought that closer to James Bay which is about miles from From New north the construction the railway- will be easier thantjr portion What Does it All Mean ask is a feir and reasonable trial of their mean of care Your weCTfp- ha helped me greatly in time JJ- my work to con6ncd Is and a In a write Mr EX winter I my work irrote and roe aboat your three bottle of pawn Preoption and will aay I had the easiest and finement fever had Had three children -he- fore and would from twentyfour to Jhi- ai boon before birth hot time only two boar Hare a fine baby girl andbe the cost healthy one of all I am using as a tonic balance or was pushed falling in front of one of the wheels of the cleaner which went over the little fellows crushing him very poor little sufferer lingered in great agony for about an hour His parents were heartbroken when his poor little crushed body was tak en to bis late home It is simply surprising that there are not more ac cidents to young children who are in the habit of hanging on the Ac This should be a terrible warning to who are in the habit of so doing lest a similar fate over take them THE Sovereign Authorized Capital 2006000 Rest Head Office Toronto- BRANCHES Mount Albert Clinton Crtrflton Barrow Mark barn Marmora Montreal End Br Zurich Mount Montreal Newmarket Market Ben Perth Cdtbarinei Stirling Sutton faianbrfdge Que Toronto Waterloo OP OOR Savings Bank Department from date of deposit may be Issued Intercut is paid twice a year You are not deposit or With draw money on the or lat day of the month You may do either at any time Call and gut one of our little Booklets or Write and wo will send one W Wallace Bruce Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH contractors on the James Bay Railway have established a camp at the Lloyd sideroad near this place comprising about 10 teams together with all the paraphernalia of a mod ern camp There are tents in all Mr Watts tbe foremar in charge I states that just three weeks ago the outfit haying completed a contract on the branch of the Can adian Northern some miles west of Winnipeg was started for the east preparatory to beginning work on the James Bay road Vandorf is feet above Lake Ontario and at the point where the railway passes nearest to the village a cutting of 25 said to be the heaviest on the line is encountered At this point for a short distance the road runs almost west turning again ab ruptly to the north on passing thru the cut A feature in connection with the heavy work on the farm of Powell is the fact at the point where the excavation is- the heaviest is likely the dividing line between Mr Powells dwelling and out build ings In the agreement between Po well and the railway it is stipulated that in addition to a claim for dam ages an overhead bridge shall be take them often prove unreliable Another striking illustration of the perma nent manner which this road is being constructed is found in the substantial concrete pipes and arches that are being put There are no makeshift culverts on the ancient sluiceway model but handsome arches and pipes pi that will last almost for ever furnish the waterways under the track mak ing not only a lasting structure but giving the road a and finish- ed appearance y so many lakes the question of water supply for the locomotives would bethought very simple So it is in a way but the winter weath er is a bit severe in that new coun try and the thermometer has more downs than and the problem to solve is to keep a frost proof supply of water on hand This difficulty is being overcome by the erection of The magnitude of the makes it a one to answer So far it has meant the expenditure of about The contract ors have in addition to other things used up 50 carloads of- flour tons of hay bushels of oats to say nothing of tons of butter beef beans potatoes etc They have used lbs of dynamite and lbs of black powder in blasting All these ex penditures meant cash for the peo ple Then as enumerated elsewhere the material purchased by commis sioners gave work to Canadian workmen industrial centres Graduates of our own colleges are found employed on the engineering staff a work largely heretofore per formed by graduates from European and American schools AH that is good but is a mere trifle compared with what is likely to accrue to the province- Here we have a road starting from the older settled portions of the province and piercing right into the heart of a new country with natural are workmen who have been doing I the company elsewhere porno got in Toronto So far there- are no Italians working onthe job- After leavingstie farm of Mr proceeding southerly the line passes through the farms of Thomas Murray Bell Levi Shell Reu ben Joseph Armour reach ing the and passing from Whitchurch to Township At the point at which James Bay crosses the between the nearest approach to the village which Isv here more than a mile dia- taut From the Mills satisfactory arrangements have it is said been entered into be tween the company and the owners relative to tho right way and the purchase price On the fine George Smith the company are pay ing 9120 ner acre with no extra claim for damages Seth Smith a broth er immediately north has agreed up on a basis at per across Jits farm of rods frontage north of Smith the company L 25000 New Words A m are added in the last edition Web- Biers International Dictionary The Gazetteer of the and the Bio graphical Dictionary have been com pletely revised The International kept always abreast of the times It takes constant work expensive work and worry but it is the only way to keep the dictionary the Standard Authority of the Englishspeaking world Other dictionaries follow Webster leads is the favorite with Judges Scholars Educators Printers etc In this and foreign countries A postal card will bring you inter- eating specimen pages etc c C COMPANY SPRmoFiEto Mam or WEBSTERS INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY HOLT AAA w The home Mr and Sirs Alex was the scene of a vcr pretty wedding on Thursday Sept mi when Miss Bertha was united in marriage to Mr j Preston of King in the presence of over fifty guests The ceremony was performed by Rev J Morgan of Mount Albert The bride was given away by her brother Mr Marvin while Miss j sister of the groom played the wedding march j Miss Rutledge sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid Mr as best man while little Jennie Daisy Watts Cla ra and acted as flower girls The bride wore a becoming gown of I cream satin with lace trimmings and veil carrying cream The bridesmaid wore cream with lace trimmings The girls wore white carrying bou quets The brides gown was grey cloth with beaver hat After congratulations and a sumptuous the happy couple left amid showers of rice for Toronto and The presents were numerous and costly R Real Stony six water tanks The tubs are wealth it is owned by the people together an outside struc ture and arc perfectly frost proof Everything to a Standard Up to date no stations proper have been erected are out for them all These will all be con structed from a uniform design and whether large or small they will con form to one standard both in propor tions and color If the colors here mentioned are not called by their proper names the commissionersand engineers- may attribute it to thelol- of the writer but here is how the shades hit him The sta- tions darkish drab with lighter trimmings shingles on body of building to be dipped in Jabots creosote shingle stain moss green Freight sheds are to be dark green while the water tanks will be paint ed a reddish brown relieved by light er trimmings Tcmagami will be a most important point on this railway lying as it does at the gateway to all the love liness of the lakes of that name and it will be surprising if ere lung it does not assume the proportions of a great distributing centre with all the corresponding advantages But the steel is some there now and is being rushed on to New at the head of Lake already a centre of attraction and a thriving town Very rich arid silver deposits have been found glong the right of way near and at a place called Cobalt and prospectors say the fringe has just been touched A number of specimens of this ore can in the Recorder window Before reach ing New the railway strikes the celebrated clay belt of which there are acres in New Ontario with wonderful possi bilities The Second Contract The first contract terminates here 112 miles from North Bay but a second has been let to connect with the Grand Trunk Pacific but just where cannot be definitely stated till the latter is finally located If and is built not for profit so much as to serve the public who own it both in rates and convenience of ser vice It is the peoples line connect ing the industrial centres of old On tario with the virgin country ol the new It brings the producer and the consumer together from each way The value of the provincial property in timber land and material is al ready sufficiently enhanced to pay for the road A way is opening up for a paying tourist traffic if it is pro perly looked after And last but not at all of minor importance the throbbing pulse of industrial Ontar io will be put in touch with Canada from ocean to ocean by connection with the transcontinental line the Grand Trunk Pacific What does it mean Who dare to pretend to tell Will It pay Of course it will pay If it only paid running expenses in its traffic it would be a grand in vestment for the province But it will do more Rushed on to meet the It mil at once be the great carrier for Mr construction supplies which a paying traf fic the moment it is constructed The line to New will be handed over to the Government this year It Is a great project begotten of a wonderful prescience of the needs of the people and is being pushed to a completion with credit alike to the Government they commissioners the engineer and the contractor cross the farm of Thomas Forrester acres in extent with rods frontage on concession 3 and rods on concession Crossing thru the rear of Mr Forresters where less damage is thought to ensue the company have concluded agreements with him for the purchase of the land at the rate of acre In the cases enumerated no extra claim for- land damage is stipulated At Richmond Hill in accordance with the request of the municipality the railway company have diverted their line some or rods further west thereby obviating necessity of crossing a ravine in order to reach the station While this is the case the change will render necessary largely increased labor on the part of the company It is said that one of conditions upon which the com pany have conceded the deflection the line is the purchase of the right of way thru the town by the munici pality This would necessitate the acquirement of some nine acres a For the Era Inefeasihg Demand for Cool Cured Cheese Otorge postmaster t at Coalfield himself while out hunting and died while being taken into the village A number of lives were lost much property damaged and several fcblp wrecked in the storm which ftwept United States Atlantic coast p CASTOR I A For Infant and Children Kind Yob Bought the filnatujr of A young woman at a country house party one Christmas had been thrill ed with delicious horrors by tales of ghosts and hobgoblins told by certain of her fellowguests about a generous fire just before they separated for tbe night The next morning she appear ed atthe ready for departure and when pressed to her reason for going finally confessed that she was afraid to sleep under the oof another night She said that about midnight she was awakened by a step and to her horror saw a spectre all In white at the foot of her bod and it raised Its clawlike hands and actually drew the coverlid off the bed There was no hallucination about it for the coverlid was gone While the interest was at its height a belated appeared and remarked genially How cold it an la at night Knowing that the room next to mine was unoccupied I took the liberty of helping to an extra covering from there Country Life America if r r Men of Oah Timbers of oak keep the old homestead standing through the years It pays to use the right stuff Men of oak are men in rugged health men whose bodies are made of the sound est materials Childhood is the time to lay the foundation for a sturdy con stitution that will last for years Scotts Emulsion is the right stuff it Scotts Emulsion stimulates the growing powers of children helps them build a foundation for a sturdy tut ion 8nd for a Toronto Ontario Oo andtlOOi Men and Teams on James Bay Railway First Sod IXirned and Good Progress Being Made Construction work on the James Bay Hallway is now an accomplished fact Three miles from Bond Lake on the farm of John lot concession of Whitchurch the company pitched their tents On Monday the camp had been at Vandorf five miles south and east of Aurora owing to the ore of surveyors to complete the work- in hand to present site was rendered and on Thursday the first sod of may a link in a great transcontinental line was turned The occasion was utterly devoid of ceremony and differed no respect from tho ordinary routine of a con struction camp Mr lot Gen Smith and Smith lot Arthur Allen lot and Thomas Forrester lots and grading is now in full progress A trip over any portion of the proposed route demonstrates most conclusively that the promoters are prepared to sacri fice in order to secure easy gra dients line is a tortuous but every depression along line of travel baa been utilized in order to pave the way to the descent into the valley of Don On farm of George Smith the road skirts a deep ravine passing diagonally across the arm enumerated An Immense cut ting and elevating machine drawn by three powerful teams and operated by tho together with three as sistants deihonstrates tho perfection to which modern machinery has tainetL From tho to the finished roadbed Is but a short step men and forty teams are engaged work teams are owned by the company The men are paid a day and pay the company throe dollars a week tor board- tho men employed Judging from tho greater demand for cool cured cheese which this Benson the Old Country merch ants are beginning to realize fully the advantage there Is in handling cheese which hud been ox- posed during the process of curing to a temperature higher sixty degrees Cheese factories that are able to offer strictly cool cured cheese are deriving w much benefit that It must be only a of time a short time in fact until all equipped with prop er cool curing rooms The experience gained at cool curing rooms has that while first re quisite is to control the tempera ture It is necessary to pro vide for some circulation of the air to carry off the moist which capes from the and which comes from the Increased humidity due to the reduction of tcwtparfetuTOj If the relative Ib too high the choose will soft and develop a to badly The system adopted at Gov ernment curing rooms has worked admirably and It ctTn bo out difficulty and at a moderate cost In connection with any cheese ifljutoaya lfcro number of factory curing rooms u ready been remodeled on tatu The necessary alterations and additions Involve thu putting In of cement extra Insulation and of an Ice chamber Mr J A Chief of the Dairy Division Ottawa who has this work In hand points out that of the existing curing rooms are largo enough to allow of an loo being in one end and still leave ent room for This apptyoyi particularly to fac tories In Western Ontario Where Improvements are proposed for next eason work jthoaldoe this my in to nave the Joe chamber llxitc the winter Mr has prepared plana his sys tem of cooling for ali- cheese factory and and ho invites who buildings or erecting new ones to communicate if they desire to have the benefit of his experience In these question of cool cheese Is one In which ithe rons of cheese factories should take keenest Interest because they will more through its adoption than any other section of trade iThey should be willing to bear a at least of the expense ting the factory The present charges for manufaotorlng Is based on It too low to seoare a good service of the factories with cool cured cheese have during seawin been getting of a cent above the highest price paid ror the ordinary cured article- and there Is not toe slightest doubt but trie difference greater as cured cheese become better known In addition to the Increased price there is a saving in shrinkage or about one and one half pen cent The Seed Division of the Depart ment of Agriculture Ottawa just issued an lUustrated bulletin on the Weed Seeds commonly Timothy and Bed Cloven it well known that large quantities or seeds of many noxious are- each year unwittingly with and clover seeds many seeds to the commercial seeds with which they are found makes their to an untrained eye oven 11 they be present to the extent of several hundred per pound It Is therefore of great importance to be able to Identity at the seeds of those weeds which are sen- Injurious In agriculture The text andmustratioDB of this I No New Series are pub iiahed with a view to assist to identify more dangerous weed seeds common to grass and Ctoyer seeds The illustrations of weeds are froiu drawings by J lecturer in Botany slty of Toronto and the descript ions are by Clark the Division Ottawa to whom ap plications for copies of the be As tho edition is limited it will be sent only to who apply for It There never been cracker made in Canada dm won friends Mooney- Perfection a A They have cracker hungry made double the size of our factory the first year and made every body think of I PERFECTION CREAM I SODAS when they think of delicious crackers u 1 A Slabs Delivered PER CORD ALL KINDS ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER Sheeting 12 per British Columbia tit lift nn and Pino SHINGLES LATH Ladders Half Price COAL Egg Stove Pea SOFT COAL SELECTED LUMP HOAG PEARSON 60000000 a month Japan Spending and Rus sia London Sept The following estimate of the financial position of the belligerents though necessarily based on guesswork as regards de tails is generally accepted as correct in its broad figures Japan is believed to he spending sterling monthly in her military operations As the nation al debt is small her other expendi ture is far below her receipts and her trade is increasing even while the war goes on Her position is ex cellent though she had to pay high for her first loan Her recent suc cesses will probably enable her to borrow more cheaply in future Russias war expenditure is esti mated at 9000000 monthly Her finances are far from sound at present in spite of the vastness of her latent wcaltfi She has hitherto been liv ing on the French loan raised in May but an ukase has just authorized the issue of new rente bonds for It is believed that she hopes to ne gotiate a large loan shortly In many A AND Alex Morrison raftsman fell a log at Owen Sound awl was drown ed Kin E3EP For men or women to Visit our Agencies to new ones procuring addresses to on roods Experience not but honesty and industry BrodloyQarrotaon Co Lid ONTARIO Heifer Astray Strayed from pasture on lot the of Whitchurch tie month of June 19M a Heifer about months old Wee leading to its recovery fill be suitably rewarded JOHN WALKER Vando Two Good Houses For sale also Household For particulars enquire of ham next door to the son Hotel From lot in the a twoyearold red Any information will warded FLETCHER Sunday School Lesson RKVIEW Sept Lesson Topic Gods patience and mercy Golden Lord is merciful andgraclous Pa 103 Central Truth His mercy forever point Is very clear throughout the lessons of this quarter and that Is The Importance of Right Choice Wrong choosing trouble Choosing God and Right always means Teachings Lesson I Do not lot us lot pride rltl us of our crown The only true way to succeed In life Is to servo God III God strengthen to overcome the evil within us if we trust Him t IV Real repentance changes the conduct V Sin always from had to worse it at start VL Sin always brings soulfamine but there unsatisfied hearthunger for those who trust We need not bo afraid of anything If we go where sends God always answers the prayers of his faithful ones All our gloom is turned to gladness when we realize Gods love The same still small voice to us that spoke to Klljah XL The power Elijahs life was Gods Spirit Lot us seek to it our Wo will safe from and sor row If we seek and serve God From Christian Vanittjird AM I

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