Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 Sep 1904, p. 5

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1 ERA I S ONTARIO BAMK BRANCH general Bwilrig Be DfCftFTS ISSUED at J V i J fte ninesMain Newmarket IB Of A ABOUT The Next Holiday Thanksgiving Day has been fixed tor Thursday the of November Last year it was observed in the mouth of October but the earlier date did not prove satisfactory W The barn formerly used in connec tion with the old North American Hotel is being removed to another position on the same lot fronting the market on St It will be placed upon cement foundation and fitted up with stables underneath for a livery to be run by Messrs Norman Wesley and emitter door South of O- Methodist The services next Sunday are spe cially in tbe interests of the Sunday In morning the pastor will preach to parents and workers In tbe afternoon special Rally Day service at and in the evening Rev lis will draw lessons from a character sketch young man who made a bad bargain in life Young people specially invited Block INSURANCE for A 4 Cess fee to at Current fl Ramsay Fife m and a Fas Fraud time ago a firm in London- England calling themselves Lloyd Duncan gent out an advertisement to the local papers in Canada offering to supply men with suitable partners from thousands of good intelligent girls in England Any Canadian with a fancy for one of these damsels was asked to remit fiveollars The London Truth started out to investi gate the matter with the result the address given by the firm was vacant and that the whole affair was a fraud Football After a very exciting struggle last Saturday afternoon came off victorious Sco to Sunday Next Sunday Rally Day and a program has been prepar ed as will be seen from the follow ing ORDER OF SERVICE Hymn Come Ye That Love the Lord Lords Prayer repeated by all in concert Hymn tis the herds Voice Psalm repeated in concert Prayer 6 Singing by four ladies Picture by P pear- 8 Duet by Lush and Miss Gray The Canadian Mission Mr J Male Quartette Address Mr A Coombs Solo Mrs Dr Richardson Honor Roll for 3rd Quarter by Secretary Solo Miss Edna Collection for the Sunday School Aid and Extension Fund Closing Words by Pastor Hymn Them in Benediction Service begins at in the audi torium The public are invited es pecially the parents of the children by Regular meeting last Monday- Members alt present except Mr Following bills passed Peter work at power- bouse Andrew Hunter repairs A Thompson repairs to United Factories fire t Packard Electric Co for in- Express on above Express on goods for So- Morrison pipe for 21 Bros 2 cars coal slack Freight on Mark Packard car coal freight on coal Pittsburg Ohio Mining Co coal less advance freight J 25 It reported at Ottawa that the Militia Department will shortly issue an order granting increased pay to the militia The rank and file will receive to per day ac cording to length of service Officers get their pay raised also as follows Colonel from 86 to per diem major from to captain to W lieutenant from L58 to iC fc i feci fltn Fall Flp East York at Oct South at Cookstown Oct Oct Bolton Sept Oct Oct Bradford Oct Oct JO 20 Sutton Sept 28- Scott Tp at Oct 7 Bolton i and Mm prompt School Primary which has been undergoing entire change during tJie holidays was reopened on Mon day morning Miss Young being in charge of the kindergarten class and Miss Ironside the seniors Between and were present but a good many of the little tots were not sent parents not being sure that school would open There will feS about fifty in each room when the scholars all get to school The in terior of the school house is very neat We clip the following from the To ronto News MrF Arthur Oliver one of the most talented and successful of our younger musicians left for Montana on Thursday last in order to assume the direction of the musical work at the Montana State College This important appointment came to Mr Oliver unsolicited in face of much competition for the position among American musicians Mr Oliver graduated in music several years ago from the University of Webster Ohio and has since been taking up post graduate work under Mr A Vogt of this city He won the gold the Conservatory of Music in organ playing two years ago and was one of the most brilliant of the institution in piano and playing for some time As a church organist and choirmaster had pronounced success in Toronto and was for several seasons avalued member of the Choir We take much pride in the Tact that Oliver is a Newmarket boy and as the promotion is a case of merit we have no doubt as to his success Smith drawing slack Pay Sheet No Pay Sheet R B No Communication of Mrs- Galla gher and others asking for an elec tric light on the south end of Pros pect Ave Communication from the Public Li brary Board asking for was re ferred to the Finance Committee Applications of Richardson and Ed J Blackburn for water services were granted Communication from Bell Telephone Co re phone in Clerks Office was referred to the Fire and Light Co Mr off Sutton appeared be fore the Council with reference to the establishment of a factory for the manufacture of a patent article now being introduced into Canada The prospects are that one hundred hands will he required The matter was referred to a Spe cial composed of Messrs Smith Roadhouse Robertson and Richardson the same Committee to into the matter of Mr Hadden establishing a factory and foundry for windmills The Fire and Light Committee commended the payment of the counts of- Electric Co ferred to them With regard to the accounts laying pipes for water to the resi dence of Hon- J Davis amount ing to as this property has since incorporated in the Town of Newmarket the Committee recom mended that Mr Davis be paid two thirds of the amount Report adopted and Council ad journed An interview with an official the Crown Department brings out these interesting and important facts The Lands Department recently despatched ranger to Inspect the district north and west of CbapJcau on the He reports that he discovered a stretch of good agricultural land over acres in extent The dis trict in question surrounds and is situated east of the iron try The ranger reports Jhere are from eight to ten townships of as good land as he has ever seen in the vince of Ontario rc- for A special despatch so the Globe from Ottawa states that the eon tract for the Pacific Ocean service Mexico has been awarded to Mr Reid of Glasgow He will receive a sub- sidy of to which the Cana dian and Mexican Governments con tribute in equal proportions The steamships will run monthly between Vancouver BC and the- Mexican ports of San Bias Puerto Angel Crux and San The service is for five years It is to inaugurate an Atlantic service to Mexico also The Government here are willing to vote for the purpose but the authorities at Mex ico have pot yet signified their will ingness to cooperate GIVE US A CHANCE EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J v NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE J u A Carriage- licenses at renc 1 NEWMARKET ttARBLfi WORKS IK Monuments and Head Stones Convention At a meeting of the Executive of the North York Sabbath School As sociation held at Bradford last Sat afternoon it was decided to hold the next annual convention at Bradford on the 10th and of No vember Ai splendid program was outlined and secretary is now in correspondence with the several par ties and the prospects are that there will be a most helpful and inspiring Convention As the parties ulars are ascertained the programs will be issued and copies sent to ev ery Sunday School in the Riding The Treasurer was instructed to forward J65 to the Provincial Asso ciation as part payment of the grant for this year Several township as sociations and town schools have not yet forwarded their annual con tribution and the secretary is in structed to urge immediate payment so that grant promised the Pro vincial Association can be paid Obituary The funeral of the ate John inghan took place last Friday after noon from the residence of his daugh ter Mrs Thos Huron St Newmarket and was largely attend ed Elder conducted the service and preached an excellent ser mon The Elder has preached over funeral sermons and out of that large number only three persons have been years of age Whitney Travlss and John Ever- The text was from the verse of Psalm and Elder assisted in the service The deceased was greatly beloved by relatives and friends and the floral tributes were profuse All the children were present the funeral except Rev J ham Dover New Hampshire vfjo greatly regretted his Inability to at tend owing to circumstances which he had no control The re mains were taken to for interment Deceased was lorn in Yorkshire on the of May He came to America when a young man returned to and hen came out to Canada settling In Sharon where he He Would Not InsuPe His Wjfe i oV A certain Dutchman owner of a small house had effected an insurance on it of although it has been built for much less The house was burned down and the Dutchman then claimed the full amount for which it had been insur ed but the officers of the company refused to pay more than its actual value about He expressed his dissatisfaction in powerful broken interlarding his remarks with some choice Teutonic language It you wish it said the agent of the insurance company we will build you a bouse larger and better than the one burned down as we are positive it can be done for even less than To this proposition the Dutchman objected and at last was compelled to take the Some weeks after he received money he was called upon by same agent who wanted him to take a policy of life insurance for himself or his wife II you insure your wife for and should die you willhave the sum to solace your heart The for the west Dower exclaimed of the instated to have the between Lots and Con repaired I ft Is Gbriiplete COUHC1I at Vir ginia on all present A communication from Cleric of re on re ceived and read also County Clerk re Count taxes and from the of the School re special rates The wae Instructed to not ify Henry Corner to remove hie fence from off the town line opposite the Con W Lake paid seven dollars for extra work performed In road No r V YOU FIND IT A oiiUi WW- See Us TORONTO HOUSE my vifc dies and if gees to to get my 10000 do gets all money No not quite You say to me She yaBnot worth she vas worth W0- you dont like the 36 ve vill you bigger and better vfe TitBits a A resolution a the County jso that the Iteeves of Townships ant Villages low rt An own has been Instructed to col gjA ships in- the vicinity of Swift Current in the district of for a i Residence for Sale There was an ordinary market last Saturday Following were the prices Butter to Dressed chickens 75 to pair Dressed chickens to lie lb to 10c lb by Crab apples basket Apples barrel Apples to basket Honey lb Potatoes 00 to bag Green corn 10c doz or tor Tomatoes 00 TO- Newmarket Celery head Cabbages to bead a Onion 30c peck ill Piling 3c If 1 1 I Us I I Young to pair Live Chickens W to Old hens to ft to Live turkey to ft Pigeons pair Hides to 7JC to 9 to ft TWOS I i fir Sale lut also w I son daughter of the late Wilson He then took up the homestead farm in North which he cleared In his spare time being a shoemaker by trade Seventeen years ago Mr left the farm and moved to where he remained for years and then sold his house to the Chris tian Church for a parsonage and went back to the old farm- residing with his son Thomas where he re mained till the of July last when the aged couple came to to reside with their daughter Deceased had been ailing for about two months but had only been con fined to his bed for two weeks final illness being stomach trouble Ho was a staunch Conservative and only missed voting twice His wi dow will be next birthday and spent years of happy married life together The children living are Tho3W In North Rev J in New Hampshire Mrs in Ohio Mis v Mrs Mary A North Carrie Toronto step daughter TWere a Idfen There are yery few people spared to live so many years and all through bis life he was known for his punctu ality and strict attention to financial obligations I The Clerk was from who bare Renvoi out the pit tot and also to forbid tboremot of any more without the consent of the Council folio win were or dered Thos Wood fence 38O forms Fred llaxeUon of J erection guards lake A lor 9l00 for township On Tyler St Aurora occupied by Mr Miller Goof location Terms easy For particulars apply to A Newmarket I- To Rent Mennonlte colony tn lor school vas pas- bed also one tevyinjc Irate asked for by rate asked for by adjourned to meet at Dee j Sept IS Bert Mabcy old second son of Mr was in his fathers about oclock It is supposed he was climbing up windlass rope when he Most bis hold and fell the hook at the lower end of the rope catching him under the chin and dislocating neck I to ALL FAIL To relieve constipated Just try Dr of Mandrake and prompt and never gripping pains For headacho and Owing to unsatlsractory progress the Canadian Northern Railway lias cancelled a contract for raillaying west of awarded to a St Louis man The West Durham Fall Fair at on Wednesday Sept 28 promises to more than hold repu tation as the grcatCBt live stock ex hibition in Central Ontario Con siderable stock will be shown that has won at Toronto and other big shows judges will award the prizes There is more catarrh in sec tion of country than all other dis eases put together and until the few years was supposed to be uncur- ablc For a great many doo- pronounced ft a local and prescribed local remedies and constantly to cure local treatment pronounced It imourabte Science lias proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease therefor constitutional treatment Halls Cur manufactured by p Cheney Co Toledo Ohio Is the only cortittional cure on the market It Uken Internally la doses from drops to a It acts directly on the bit aurfaces of 8ytW offer one hundred dollars for or case falls to cure testimonials AxWrea J ttBHfflf Toledo Ohio Strictly flrstclass in all depart ments Magnificent catalogue free Students admitted at any time J ELLIOTT Principal Corner Alexander acres of flrstclass land i Township Splendid ioca tion For particulars apply to A S WILLIAMS Solicitor Newmarket J Timber Lot for Sale- West half No Con old survey of King miles from Newmarket For particulars enquire of J P Moping Delicious la the at Ibo use only Dr Sold by druggists Price Pills are the best Including kinds from FANCY BREADS Whipped Cream Putts raado from extra materials 1 Klondike Vdnna and Loaf ami Spice ami Tea Biscuits Finest Ifair ud at jail I uA Hot A BAKERY No SEE Agent for Magnesia Flexible Cement Roofing HORSES mm No 8WS3 I I J I

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