Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 Sep 1904, p. 3

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I mi THE NEWMARKET ERA 23 Keeks toeal items 1 ON Of Souvenir of Worlds rfce most artistic publication in connection with tie Worlds Fair at St Louis is Issued by the Grand Trunk Railway System and uojsaxds of copies have been sent w to interested parties who have for them is- a supply remaining and all those intend paying a visit City should write at once for copy yaps cit and the Worlds Fair Grounds together with a comprehensive des cription of the Universal Exposition interesting as to routes and side trips is contained in tie brochure sent free on application J McDonald District Passen ger Agent Toronto Ohi Crossing Monday afternoon a freight riis ran into a buggy about two miles north of and the occupants nar rowly escaped with their lives Mr and Mrs Doner of an aged couple probably over years had ban on their annual visit friends in Township eat driving home when were by the train and thrown w the buggy Mr Doner is hurt and badly bruised but it thought will recover Mrs Doner escaped with a sprained wrist and a shaking up The horse receiv ed a gash in the shoulder but is not hurt The top buggy Wis smashed a is the same crossing at which lo and two women were killed four years ago Wonted Smart young man for grocery at A as- Mr Richardson has rented his residence to the foreman of the new tannery and will shove his new to completion as soon as possi- Tee granolithic walk on Main St completed on Monday except the in to the buildings which was left till after the Fair The judges and other officials in ejection with the election trial guests at the New Royal during stay in Town They were pearly pleased with their accommo dations Here were eight newspaper report ers at the election trial the Com and private stenographers There were head of young cattle on the market last Saturday of them were sold at prices from to each J On account of Thanksgiving Day not being held until Nov this will be the only chance to secure re duced rates before that date Re turn tickets are on sale going Sept 22 and single fare for round trip from Newmarket to Port Huron Detroit Cleveland Saginaw Bay City Grand Rapids Chicago Cincinnati Indianapolis arid at to St PauloV Minneapolis via Chicago or North Bay or via and Northern Navigation- Co Get your tickets a offices Brief lata King Council at next Saturday Big crowd in Town last Saturday and a good business day for the mer chants -if- Salvation Army entertained Srilendid Show and Big Crowds Between the County Pair and the Election Trial Newmarket has a busy week The weather was wet and disagreeable on the opening day and rather cool on Wednesday but thero was a splendid show all the same The crowd began to arrive about noon on Wednesday and contin ued till Thursday night Horses cattle and in fact all kds of live stock both in quantity and quality FLORAL HALL Globe 2nd John Wg crowd down Town last Saturday I night J Hall was a surprise and delight The Council meets at- Oak Ridges on Wednesday The windows are in part of the new Specialty building and they have started moving in the machinery y if Toronto by who President Fine arts occupied the north wing The of Miss Frances Elea nor Drill daughter of Mr of Customs and Mr Walter of tie Crown Lands art men was solemnized on Tuesday afternoon the at the Methodist Only the Immediate families of tbe bride ana groom were present Thc bride a pretty gown of organdie and was assisted by Miss Bessie Sutherland of Bradford while the groom was supported by his brother Mr Roy of New market The young couple left on arrangement was a complete trans formation and the magnificent horti cultural display surrounding the ar tistic fountain centre of the building presented a scene of life and beauty Every part of the main building was Sellers Uriah Long Red Mrs Young 2pd John Greenwood- Purple top Swede Turnips Stephen Sellers 2nd Mrs A A Skinner Turnips Stephen Sellers 2nd Mrs Uriah Young Mammoth Pumpkins Mrs A A Skinner 2nd John Yellow- Pumpkins Mrs Uriah Young 2nd A Starr Mammoth Squash John 2nd Jesse GRAIN SEEDS ET White Winter Wheat Thos W Stephens 2nd Mrs Uriah Young Red Winter Wheat bushel Mrs Uriah Young 2nd Stephen Sellers Red Spring Wheat bus named- Stephen Sellers 2nd Steph ens completely occupied with attractive W exhibits the Office Specialty Co 2nd Stephen Sellers J the piano man J A Allan Co and Keith all had choice displays of goods There ware also exhibits by Toronto firms Seven pianos and two organs with professional players of the main floor and the dis play was exceedingly interesting The newest work exhibited was China Painting and Relief Carving and the specimens were exceptionally hand some The Cut Flowers Bouquets and ar- Barley I bus Stephen Sellers 2nd Stephens Black Barley bus Stephen Sell ers 2nd Thos Stephens Black Oats 1 bus named Mrs Uriah Youn 2nd Stephens White Oats bus named Stephen Sellers 2nd Thos Stephens Large White Peas bus named Stephen Sellers 2nd Mrs Uriah We the Largest DRE88 We are supreme in this department Variety of any houjo in the trade CLOTH regular for BOX CLOTH regular for FLECKED TWEED SUITINGS regular for THE NEW GREY FLAKED CLOTH for Suits and Skirts regular READY TO WEAR SKIRTS Skirts in great Variety for from 150 to Perfect and Beautifully Made SKIRTS MADE TO ORDER skirts to order from any of our cloths in three time Fit guaranteed SHAKER FLANNELS In spite of the high price of Raw Cotton Our Prices are low as ever starting at per yard as Grocery pedals Cider Vinegar gallon l Proof Vinegar regular 60c for gallon English Breakfast lb tins Force package Infanta Delight Soap for Fruit Biscuits lb Ginger Snaps for lb Tin Perfect Baking Powder Cold Cooked Meat to Suit Roll Bacon and Pea Ideal Bacon always on hand THE BEST RESULTS BAKING POWDER Small White Peas bus named- Mrs Uriah Young 2nd Thos Stephens Blue Peas bus Stephen Sellers 2nd Stephens jtistic designs shown on the tables be- n gallery shows the splendid Buckwheat e5ect Horticultural Society is en Other cities the bride going away in exercising in this community Yellow Corn earsGilbert navy blue suit and blue chenille The display of butter canned fruit Mrs A A S Sk On their return they will reside at occupied the mi that Stephens 2nd Stephen Sellers Place the ladies of North York are not lacking in the culinary line that Biq Come abreast the times in securing the tempting fruits of The season is fast approaching when our favored country and retaining the hunter will be getting ready fori their delicious flavors for future use has- annual outing to woods in The display of grains and fruits is search of big game and the present hardly as large as usual though what time is opportune for mating the shown is of excellent quality cessary arrangements for a successful in apples Three artistic hunt From reports received by the displays of grains and grasses in the Grand Trunk System deer straw are worthy of special mention are plentiful in several districts of This feature is worthy of greater the Highlands of Ontario and courgement arid capable of much de- Moose abound in the re gion In one day recently eight in dividual Moose were seen by a velopment as manifest at the Chi cago Worlds Fair The Domestic Manufacturers and party at different points in this Ladies Fancy Work were exhibited in region The for deer- the gallery The work was not only and- moose in The Highlands is large in quantity but of superior Still move Houses Two more houses are going up on Streetone just north df Mr residence for Mr Ed J of King Tp and one far from Huron Street for Mr The latter has sold Louie on Huron St to Mr of Whitchurch Township who intends removing to Town The fcrtttdaions arc ready for both these and Mr is also erecting a stable ir George Thompson is tawing two houses on St little piece west of the bridge foundation for one of them is and masons are at work on other A good deal of lumber is the ground and houses will l through once makes nearl new houses t ibis year The Davis liig Co asked for CO so that ac- is still going to be very this winter from November 1st until November and from October No vember in the Temagami try Hunting parties are assured of the legal number of game if they go into the proper localities Re able information regarding equip ment experienced guides and all for a successful trip can be shown were about as usual quality and the new arrangement of the tables was a decided improve ment The of Roots and Vegeta bles was made In a tent adjoining the Main Building on the east and con- Crock of the Carriage Building with Fred It Both the quantity and quality Large Sweet Corn ears Thos Stephens 2nd Mrs A A Skinner White Beans peck large Stephen Sellers 2nd Lewis White Beans peck small Sellers 2nd Lee Beans A O V peck Mrs 2nd Stephen Sellers Red Clover Seed bus Stephen Sellers 2nd Stephens Clover Seed J bus Stephen Sellers 2nd Thos W Stephens Timothy Seed J bus Stephens 2nd Thos Stephens Fall Rye bus Stephen Sellers 2nd Thos Stephens Artificially arranged display of Grains etc WrhWillin 2nd Geo Judge T J Spaulding DAIRY PRODUCTS Beat Crook or Firkin or Butter lbs let Mrs- Urn von Beat lb Butter- la lib rolls- had on application to J McDon ald District Passenger- Agent To ronto Presentation Friday evening all the hands at the United Factories gl the residence of Mr John and gave him a genuine Mr has worked Factory for about 25 years J left on Monday morning for Owen wxd where he has accepted a The family will not leave till The following read by Mr Moflatt John fJtttr Friend your fellow employees learning wit are about to sever con- tfoj he United allov you to go without ex- wtwn In which are arc to Ve your mm we ace pleased are going to fill a position in Owen B your career with in- Jt have no doubt that your we aek to this chair hi J corn fori It Jwled to afford you Will old friend in on behalf the all Department of Unit- the a Morris Chair wa4e a very MUnriA and a coda Was enjoyed ft Sale Register SATURDAY Sept Joshua will have an exUnsive sale of stock Implements house hold effects etc on Lot in the Concession of Whitchurch Terms months credit on sums over or5 per cent discount for Cash Sale at one oclock sharp Nelson Smith Auctioneer FRIDAY Sept Robt of the Centre Road Mile north of Mount Albert will dispose of his horses cattle implements etc- at one oclock sharp Par ties wanting stock are requested toj early No reserve A Smith SATURDAY Oct 1st Mr will have a of stock Implements furniture Lot in the Con of North No reserve months credit on sums over for hogs and hay or per cent diu count for cash at 1 iCJitfJc sharp MONDAY Sept Wells will have an important vale of horses and Implements a short dis- tAnce north of the Queens Hotel Aurora credit on sums over except for wood wood lots hay and all sums under Sale at one oclock Smith Beet lb roll or Butter 1st Wiu Willis Crock of Butter lbs In rolls Crock Butter not loss Dairy Butter lbs In lib- Int 2nd Mrs Fred 3rd A Graham In lb than was very striking except th size of the Mammoth Squashes which were extraordinary Too Carriage Building was well filled and a decided improvement Is in the style and equipment vehicles compared with a years ago Mr J W was one of the largest exhibitors The Poultry Building was well fill- or print without separator lfet with a very choke lot of birds Leo 2nd Stephen Stock Cattle arc in Great Britain this week and there has been a decided weakening in prices in Toronto The general run of prices for good ones was to with mediums to export cows and export bulls 130 to Best butchering cattle Bold at 4 to MM medium to poor to 32 dry cows to and butchering bulls feeders fcoM at to lighter ones to to and Jersey and grades to Calves are to aheop to lambs Milker are to each Hog are a trifle lower again this week for and fats and lights cry Best display ever shown in this line The entertainment in front of the Grand Stand with the of the bicyclists and acrobats was of a very poor order and the ald Cavalry Action from the specta tors point of view was a fake The Football Tournament was a great success Five teams entered Newmarket High School had to play three times and they were tired out when they tackled Snowball team which won the medal The Skating Rink was crowded for the Concert but the wan only fair and the management The receipts at the gate on the second day were short of what they were the corresponding lay last year There were more people In Town but the election trial drew quite a crowd The Reg Band of Aurora was present on Wednesday and yesterday the Band the Body- Guard Toronto was also on grounds and gave a Concert in the Skating Rink Following Is a partial list of the PRISM WINNERS 9 ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Judge J Carman Potatoes bus In basket Thos Stephens 2nd Stephen Sellers Butter lbs moat artistic for use Mies Butter lb Mr F Butter In lb prints mem- who was awarded prise on Butter before 1st Pen rose Butter In Crock Factory Home made Judge Millard- HlSTOUy AND CURIOSITIES Post Collection Post In AIMim fHt 2nd Miss BiitburfrJoH Mrs McDonald Martin fctuffod Birds and anlm- lIwU Collection dried and fipC 1st W fVKHJLKH AND Furniture J Sot Room Jot J Bui to 1st J Organ Morris CO Empire State Stephens 2nd Stephen Sellers flpeclalty White Potatoes Stephen oovooxWJ W Sellers 2nd Stephens 2nd Rose of the North Potatoes Thos Road a k Stephens 2nd Stephen I A WlddTold Burpee tlrci ens Sellers J w Potatoes A V I End A Stephens Moueley i Democrat A Long Orange Carrots Stephen Sell- Held 2nd Mrs Tomllnson WWdlfk111 2nd P ere Short Red Carrots John I Green wood 2nd Stephen Sellers White Belgian Stephen Sellers 2nd Mrs Uriah Young Improved Short- White Carrots Stephen Sellers 2nd John Greenwood Sugar Recta Stephen Sellers 2nd John of Judges Nix and J J i To clear out the balance of stock WAR and Sporting Goods AMD MED AH in the Basement flew Flour per barrel 4 a White Wheat per bush a Red Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bush a Ooose Wheat a Buckwheat J a Barley per bush- Oats per bush Rye per bush Wool per lb Hay per ton- Bran per ton Shorts per ton Butter roll per lb a a a 0 16 a a a a a Eggs per IB a Potatoes per bag 0 a Chickens per lb a Turkeys a 0 0 pa te 44 WA E8TABLI8HED JUST RECEIVED WANTED Watches Chains Broac faes StickPins CALL AND SEE THEM A Local Salesman for Newmarket and surrounding territory to sent CANADAS GREATEST NUR SERIES varieties and specialties in Hardy Fruits Shrubs Ornamentals and A permanent situation and territory reserved for tho right man Pay weekly Handsome out fit free Write for particulars and send cents for our pocket micro scope just the thing to use in ex amining trees and plants for Insects STONE A WELLINGTON Nurseries over acres Toronto Ontario Blacksmith Wanted DO NOT FORGET OUR SPECIALTY Watches Clocks and Jewelry Promptly and Properly Re paired aHBuntfiiriidiUi GET SOME OF OUR NEW GRAMOPHONE RECORDS T O WATSON WatohfVlaker and Graduate Optician Good wages to a general black smith who wants to learn structural work OFFICE SPECIALTY CO I Beef fore Toronto White Wheat per bush 1 a 1 11 Red Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bU6h a Goose Wheat I a per bush a Peas per bush a 0 Barley 0 a Eggs 0 a Potatoes per bag 0 a Dressed Hogs per a Hay per ton a Wool per lb 10 a Chickens per lb a Chickens per pair a Turkeys a a Beet hind 00 a 0 0 0 HO ia 0 Choice Farm In Tp of Vaughan lot in Con for sale On between King City and Maple Vil lage Good buildings and good state of cultivation Convenient to school and church For particulars apply to S JOHN PARKINS PO Farm to Kent Near Newmarket In flrstclaM con dition Apply to J A CODY Newmarket JJ

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