rm J it I J r J THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY of Mr and Mrs Thos Traviss desire to think friends and neighbors who bo kindly rendered assistance during illness and death Mrs lather the late John 5 of We the members the Cunning ham family desire to return our sin cere thanks to all those who so kind ly gave aid and sympathy dur ing the illness and death of our moth er and also In connection with the funeral Umbrella Lost Left on Metropolitan car on 3rd of a a a 4 I z -jr- HraMr Davis Because of the Action v of an Man Elias Pegg of East Gwillimbnry Found Guilty of Corrupt Acts Oaf Society The result of the protest in tbef To Mr The Committee North York has been toj Room wto use of the unseat Hon J Davis through the action at Sutton of one Robinson who was previously report ed by the Judges in North Grey elec tion trial for corrupt practices and who acted as scrutineer for Mr Da- Sept Has a gold handle and bar of in subdivision pearl inserted In handle Liberal re- ward lis return to the Era Office will be greatly appreciated One Good House For sale or to rent also two good stoves and some articles which have to be sold before October 1st Apply to MRS INGHAM Next door to Jackson Hotel L Building for Sale Tenders will be received by the un dersigned for the cash purchase of the frame of the old Catholic Church Sutton line The frame is posts feet between tenons bents Plates full length pine and in good condition Tenders closed Oct 3rd CHARLES John A Estate Broker Financial Investments Auditor Assignee Insurance Farias or lor Property Morn ax siiS ft Room Mtnnturf KinirI est Weaving Loom for Sale Uptodate in make and good as new Complete FOCAL Pine Orchard House and Lot for Sale Rooms on corner of Charles and Second Streets Good Large Garden and lots of fruit MRS JOHN HUNTER Newmarket Farm For Comprising acres being lot 3 Con North Good Orchard ail young trees also plenty of email fruit Good large log house bam and stables tor horses and cattle acres seeded down Terms easy Apply on premises to JOHN BROOKS WANT A good Parcel Boy also a Grocery assistant Apply at once to A Newmarket To Rent The fine residence carriage house stables good orchard garden and three acres land belonging to the estate of the late Frances Starr Apply to STARR hi STARR A STARR Executors A smalt price Is not saved when buying a watch The real economy of wear and correct time keeping is the true teat of value We have built up a rep utation for reliable goods and intend to keep it by telling only the dependable kind Our all the NEWEST STYLES in Watches and Jewelry L Co JEWELERS Mala St Newmarket It is greatly to be regretted that the electors of North York are to be put to the trouble of a new elec tion because of the interference of an outsider but it is gratifying to the friends o the late honorable mem ber for North York that both judges so frankly stated that nothing in the case showed any moral culpabili ty but he has to all the same- still he has to suffer all the same Another thing is it leaves the Ontario Government without a majority TIJE EVIDENCE The trial to unseat the Hon J Davis member elect for North York on the 21st of Feb 1303 by a major ity of opened at the Town Hall Newmarket on Tuesday morning at oclock The hat was nearly fill ed when Squire Henderson of Toron to opened the court Chief Justice Boyd and His Judge Tetzel on the bench Messrs and Woods of Toronto appeared for the petitioner Mr T Lennox Messrs of Toronto of London and Lloyd New market appeared for the respondent Hon J Davis Sir Hon J Davis and Mr T Lennox were also present Hon J Davis was first called Replying to questions he stated that he resigned because of an understand ing A statement was read at the meeting of the Central Executive and the leaflet entitled North York Protest containing Judge Morgans Statement Any steps to perfect the organization were by his friends He assumed responsibility for Duncan organizer in the Riding were entrusted to Mar- Marshall as No moneys He did not know whether did any election work or not Did not see at Rogers house only on one occasion and nothing was done because some opposition men were present He was not working with and had nothing to do with him except going to Rogers house Court adjourned at When Court resumed at I the Hall was filled with Interested spec tators and several times during the afternoon Court Crier had to call order Sir Wm took an active part in the last election but never heard of J Thompson W of Newmarket stat ed that he was Secretary of the Re form Association There is no spe cific membership Can give no list He knew George and Walter Cain Mr ville is a member of the Central Ex ecutive He had not seen during the last election Walter Cain was in charge of the Committee Rooms Stephen Winch is an active Liberal but could not tell about Par ish Sleeper He has been Secretary about four Could not say that is an active Lib eral To Mr Five Townships and four Municipalities in the Riding He did not have any oversight in the last election There was no system of knowing about the campaign There was a Committee for Ward in Newmarket Cain charge J Cane of Newmarket took an active part in last election He saw during the campaign about the purchase of a piece of land Have no recollection of what said about the election meeting when Mr Davis statement and also at meeting Was not with night before the election twice during the election Ixith times in connection with the land Did not have any particular conver sation with about the election Walter Cain of Toronto Clerk in the Crown Lands was attend ing Toronto University prior to the each was in was Was at made his nomination the Saw Pegg election Government shall for expenses by him and he did received on of March Had not know how he was paid Mr Smith and Mr Vance were also Lib eral organizers but he did not know who appointed them There was an office in Toronto from where he ob tained campaign literature He paid in subscriptions to the Liber al party but to none of the organiz ers He did not know what was done with the subscriptions and there was no fund in North York As far as he knew there was no money from any fund brought Into North York for this election- Reference was made to questions at examination regarding Mr Davis discission with Absalom Sharon re appointment to connecting last election with the pre vious one The question was voided by the Judge and Mr Davis slated that there was no conversation dur ing the last election referring to the previous conversation Esq of Auroratat- that he had been president the North York Reform Association for four or five years He did not con sider the organization very perfect and each locality acts largely on its own responsibility He knew Jacoo Anderson of Aurora and he was pro bably a who would be active in election for the Liberals The same may be fcaid of Thos Cain and J Walton Dr Norman of Toronto took part in the former elec tion but could not say whether he had anything to do with the last election lie had no communication with of Newmarket The Central Committee makes ar rangements for holding the Conven tion that elects the party candidate Cane ESQ Mayor of New market testified that he had been VicePresident of the- Liberal Asso ciation for about five years He knows as a Liber al He presumed that he attended some of the committee meetings at Doyles hotel In that he was resent at either the Control Committee meeting or the mass meeting He knew Geo as a Liberal and that he probably attended committee meetings Col Lloyd took an active part In the campaign He Geo but did not canvass with him He was not paid caretaker of rooms but for rent wood etc He aaw Thos going in and out He attended meetings at John Rogers house la King with and also went with Geo to the sarnexplace arrange for bringing out the vote He did attend meetings with either vlller Helve on any occasion He tola Pegg did not see him during the election He knew as a prominent Liberal plied previous to election to Mr Da vis for the position Was born in Newmarket Do not know of any of members Occasionally saw J Cane at Committee Room at time of election also viUe and Geo Did not see Ellas at Committee Room He Cain occupied the same position in the general election Did not see Stephen Winch Parish Steeper Shields or J Thompson at the Committee Room To Mr Sent out written no tices for meetings Did not notify to attend John A Hopkins of Bast votes at the same place as Eli He supported Mr at last election Was at Halls resi dence at last Committee meeting the night before the election or were present was there Sev eral were speaking It not exactly a committee meeting Some were present on both sides No arrangement was made that he knows of for bringing out the vote To Mr generally voted on the Liberal side Pegg was not on any committee There were three or four speakers of East votes at Holt He had not been seen by anyone in connection with the election He takes very little interest in elections Did not at tend any committee meeting during the election Was not at the Liter al committee rooms at Newmarket or Mount Albert Saw Mr Davis once Mount Albert but had no conycr- sation about election Vrn Roil ing is a soninlaw Was in his cm- ploy till a week ago Did not en deavor to induce Rolling to vote for Davis Was u Newmarket when Mr Davis made his statement and at the nomination Wan Mark the night before the election Never atked Rolling to vote for Da vis Went with Roiling to vote Did not tell Rolling that if he picked up anything that he dropped that would not constitute giving him any thing Did not drop any money In the buggy when going to the poll Did not give Rolling any money on the way to the poll Never gave any money to Influence his vote He worked for and frequently gave him money when he wanted it Never gave any money whatever apart from wagesi Knew My Hodge Not sure whether he asked him to at tend meeting Saw him the be fore the election but never asked him to vole for Davis Did not drop any money In the stable Intentionally Heard he said that J- paid him SO to vote for Davis He went in see and asked him ahoufc it He told him he had lost and Continued on page SEE OUR FALL fl THE BEST VALUES IN showing of M 1 1 fiia If- town in pall overcoats suits Brocsbridge LADIES JACKETS Mrs Mcpherson of Longford is visiting in Town Mr I Ross was visiting In last week J and Mrs Ed Richardson were visiting in Bradford on Sunday Messrs Walter and Leslie Jack son of Toronto were homo over Sun day Miss Sprague of North bury milliner at Roches is back to Town Mr and Mrs Phil J pry of were visiting friends in Town during i the Fair Miss Pearson Prospect Ave en tertained a number of people last Friday evening Mrs- of Bramp ton is the guest of Mr and Mrs Roadhouse this week Mrs A Jones of Toronto who was visiting Mrs Wallace Bruce re turned home last week Mr John Fisher wife and daugh ter of Markham Township were visit ing Mr J during the Fair Reeve Baker of Whitchurch also Mrs Baker and Miss Baker were guests at on Wednesday night Mrs Peter of Michigan daughter of the late Joseph is over this week visiting friends Mr and Mrs Geo Trivett and Mr Roy attended the wed ding of Mr F Trivett in Toronto on Tuesday Mrs and daugh ter Mrs also Mrs all of Toronto isiiing here during the Fair Mrs Roe of Toronto sister of Mrs A J is visiting here during the Fair also Mrs Ritter and son of Toronto Mr Duncan was able to be on the Fair grounds on Wednes day the first time he was out of the house for twelve weeks Mrs Alex Souter and her sister Mrs of Toronto members of the family were calling on old friends on Wednesday Mr and Mrs John also son and daughter of Toronto former ly of Newmarket are visiting friends here and in the vicinity during tbe Fair MrsDoxsee who recently return ed from Pennsylvania has received the appointment of Assistant Kinder garten teacher in one of the Toronto schools Mrs Roc has her summer cottage at Roachs Point and will make her home during the winter with her daughter Mrs Owing to the illness of Mrs Leech Mrs Martin Bolton of Toron to arrived here last Friday and is spending a few days with her father- inlaw Squire Bolton Mrs of Oakland was the of Mr and Mrs over Sunday Mrs is a daughter of the late Millard of Yonge St Mr W of Pine Or chard got back last week after being away two months and a half engag ed in special service as constable for the Trunk Railway Most of the time Was spent at and vicinity Miss Georgia Osborne of Canning- ton niece Mr W A Robinson ed itor and proprietor of Ontario Gleaner js l he guest of her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Richard Osborne also accompanied by her aunt Miss K Robinson of that place Our fall stock of Mantles and Ski is now almost complete As this department has- always occupied a prominent position in our store sales have been increasing rapidly We have purchased a- larger stock than usual The garments selected for this seasons trade are the pro ducts of two of the largest Canadian manufactories all of them strictly uptodate Every garment made for this seasons trade and exclusively confined to this store A Few Noteworthy Lines are Ladies Black Fringe Coats semitight fitting Italian linings made the very latest style all sizes for Black Cheviot Coats all sizes made with new style sleeve cape trimmed with Gun Metal Buttons lined throughout with farmers tin linings for Ladies Black Covert Coats nicely trimmed perfect fitting good lin ings A very stylish coat Along with the above specials we are showing many pretty coats Novel- t for tbe season in Black Blue and Brown Bea Cloths and Whipcords so fashionable this year LADIES READYTOWEAR SKIRTS We have in an endless variety of and colorings for women and girls prices ranging from to If you want a skirt see our stock before buying Clearing Sale of Ladies Rain Coats All our cut Rain Coats that were and for All our long Rain Coats that were to for Move quick they wont last long at this price Cold Cooked Meats on Ice- Ham Beef Veal and Hocks SugarCured Haras Rolls and Bacon the best under the British flag pure pork Sausage fresh ly New Crieese good quality lb TRY US FOR GOOD VICTOR CHOP is the best Japan Tea in trade SOLD ONLY BY HUNTER BROS Cents per pound HEADQUARTERS i FOR PACKAGE TEAS SALADA LUDELLA BLUE RIBBON RED BLACK GREEN OR MIXED i The Altar At the home of brides parents Delhi on Wednesday Sept 1001 by the Rev James Cornwall of the Victoria Avenue Baptist Church Hamilton assisted by the Rev J Moore of Delhi Mr Charles Deck DA pas tor of the Baptist Auro ra was united in marriage to Lcno Cole only daughter of Mr and Mrs John Cole of Delhi TRIVETTDRIFFILL At Malt- land place Toronto the residence of the brides parents on Tuesday Sept by the Rev Geo Brown President of the Toronto Conference France Eleanor youngest daughter of James of Customs to Mr Trivett of Crown Lands Department son of Mr Qeorge Trivett Newmarket MORDENPATTERSON At tho residence of the brides mother on Sept by Rev Mr Wilfrid Morden to Gertrude daughter of Mrs Jemima patter- son both of CAMERON TERRYAt Denver Col by the Rev James of the North Church Mr J Cameron formerly of Toronto to Miss Edna oldest daughter of Terry Keswick Mr and Mrs J of To ronto were the guests of Mr and Mrs Ross for several days Thoy also spent last Sunday with them at their cottage at Orchard Beach Mrs Lush and family have decid ed to move to the city next week They will be greatly missed in the Church and Sunday School also the Christian S and temper ance work On Thursday last Mr Geo York- Toronto met with a painful ac cident by having his thumb taken oft below the first joint He Is a son- inlaw of Mrs Thos Hunter of this town Mr and Mrs Wilson and Miss of were here for the Fair The two latter spent a week with Mr Miss Rhinehart was judge in Ladies Work at Fair Phone 46 USE THE PHONE The Cradle WEST In Mount Albert on Monday Sept 10th to Mr and Mrs West a daughter WILLSON In Mount Albert on Tuesday Sept to Mr and Mrs Robert a son Extra Cider Vinegar White Wine Vinegar ONIONS AND GREEN PEPPERS ONIONS AND CAULIFLOWER TifK LEADING Undertaking House PLUM PEACHES TOMATOES ELONS GRAPES SWEET POTATOES You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash I Velour Parlor Suite worth for Bedroom Suites worth for Veour worth 606 for All other Furniture At Reduced A Nice line of Rockers t A calls attended to John Millard Dr and wife of Toron to were visiting with Mr J Y on Sunday Tomb LAMBERT In Thornbury on Sept 16th Christina beloved wife ol Lambert years Street East at residence his daughter Mrs John Proctor 1 on Sept John ManuHng in his year Funeral on Saturday afternoon at oclock from Yongo St to New market Cemetery MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET IK All Oxden The Misses Millard wrlght Man on the midnight tula last Friday night A number young were at the station to see t off and bid them Liveries Are waiting lor you Dont them waiting too long Wo have horses and they are all hungry they are all anxious for Son of them may kick a little But are alow enough to give you time w shift if you see they are kick whew you are sitting Eliot o rubbertired bu Farm for 8ale acre parts lota and the con of North There aw acres under a good Brick House good Barns and Out Buildings good I w- chard small fruit trees of alt Lot of good watr For further I