Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 29 Jul 1904, p. 7

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MY CHINA HALL WE HAVE A FEW Interesting Snaps FOR YOU WHITE For Nest of Bowls Colored Edge I Each 81 For 30c Grocery Packages Force Horseshoe Salmon Flat the Finest Packed 15 Cents Each Lard Finest Quality 20 lb Pail 200 The Leading A SMITH ONEIDA Community Quality Community Quality Silverware has the act and of the best Stirling Silver It made in Tripleplus lj a plat heavier than triple It la guaranteed for at a moderate pride years silver spoons lth Corporation Beat of New market for price list Atkinson Co Jeweler fc St Barker last Sunday were excel lent and were listened to by good congregations- The pastor Ifl ex pected here next Sunday The Sunday School will picnlc it Bond Lake on Friday Aug Hughes is offering summer at greatly reduced prices Improvements Mr Frank Duncan has made a won derful change in the appearance his property on Simcoe St He has removed the house which was almost close to the sidewalk back put new cement walls under it with cellar the full size added a new kitchen and now since the painting is completed it has the appearance or an entirely new house Well done Frank Mr has the lawn in front of his new house graded which looks much better EDITORIAL i We heartily endorse toe article in another column of this issue of the Era written by iff Smith and commend it to the careful peru sal of the Hon Commissioner at Crown Lands The many friends of Premier Ross will be pleased to hear that be has benefited so much by hie stay at Virginia Springs that he anticipates being able to return home in a Jew days- I m fl Vision r lias a baseless fabric and disap pears The base and fabric- cheap Enameled Ware are so cheap that such ware wears out and disappears with the ashheap Ware lasts for years The best ma terials are used in these goods Im ported specially for A Bines A despatch from Ottawa to the Montreal Witness states that despite reports to the contrary it is said Earl Grey brotherinlaw of Lord will succeed his Excellency as Master of Hall This is said to be the belief in the minds of members of the household The House of Commons discussed the tariff and lis relation to the to bacco trade The Opposition argued that the Canadian product should be further protected Most people who use the weed will join us in that Canadian tobacco seems strong enough to get along without further protection Mr and Mrs left Seattle on Tuesday to visit friends School their annual excursion to Bond Lake last Friday afternoon The many friends of Mr Her bert Lennox will regret to learn that The- new arrivals at the Zoo are a pair of Buffalo from Banff B The congregations of the Central Methodist and Westminster is quite ill Hefcas not been well churches worshipped together since his return from camp at last Sabbath are agara and on Sunday was taken much almost opposite each other on wore and has been confined to his Street This is a practical Step to- fe bed since- Several farmers in this have built bank barns wards church union The question of a union station for all railways entering the city Farm Good summer market last Satur day Fruit and vegetables in abund ance Poultry scarce Following prices were paid Butter to Eggs to Raspberries to Red currants quart Black Currants White Currants quart Potatoes new to 50c Potatoes old bag Green Peas peck Cabbage to head Cauliflowers to Beans quart Celery to Cucumbers to per Lire chickens to Old hens to Spring ducks to Live turkeys to a Pigeons pair Young pigs to pair Hides to Calfskins to ft to Tallow to The Masons are renovating their Lodge rooms this week It was something like living to hear the Band parading the streets on Tuesday before going to the The employees of the United Fac tories are making arrangements lor their annual which is to eclipse everything in the past Work has commenced at the altera tions to the Primary School building China Hall sports a new delivery van The are putting in some fine new crossings on Huron St A Government officer has been in town three or four days this week testing electric meters Mr Vs Canes beautiful grounds are greatly improved by the removal of the front fence and establishing a neat cedar hedge The interior of Knowlcs grocery has been wonderfully improved by new paper and paint The Woodmen of the World have or ganized a lodge in Newmarket with nearly charter Mr Ben Howard has a raising next Saturday and Mr Dennis is getting ready for one shortly Crowded house at the Salvation Army icecream social on Wednesday evening Both of Mr new houses are occupied now A fine new monument was erected on the Evans plot in Newmarket Cemetery on Wednesday Both Sides had It is announced that the Canadian Northern Express Company the Ca nadian Northern Telegraph Company and the Canadian Northern Transfer Company previously organised tinder Dominion charters have len licensed do business in Ontario arid head offices will be in Toronto in the Canadian Northern tail way Cosh- of which company the first three named concerns arc simp ly departments the is Mr Christopher been decided upon by the Railway Commission Automobile races twice postponed ate now fixed for the 6th of August Mr Byron Walker has given to On Monday afternoon- one of the largest bank barns in this sec tion was raised on this farm Mr Win Brown of Whitchurch left on Tuesday for the NorthWest the University of Torontos valuable where he will spend the next two collection of fossils together with a library relating thereto Mr Alfred Graham has gone to The east wing the old Court the to visit his two House on was Mrs Root Davis Mrs by fire about oclock last Sat- Proctor The addition to the moulding and blacksmith shops at the Agri cultural Works is completed and workmen are busily engaged clearing the ground for the erection of the evening to the extent of the cause being attributed spon taneous combustion Deep regret has been caused in min isterial and church circles by the death of Rev John Gillespie the and boiler house at the rear j teemed rector of the Church of the of the works We understand the I Messiah Avenue Road which i Stephens a to assist in have engaged Mr thoroughly practical the management of pur grocery business and can now give you better attention and speedier service Valparaiso Chili must be rather an uncomfortable city to in Mr Geo who recently returned to Toronto from that part of the world says Valparaiso is a beau tiful city of people but he carried his revolver everywhere he went sketching and even then his friends kept warning him that he was overventuresome going alone be yond the city limits Human life is held of little account there he says arid murders for as small a reward as cents are not infrequent- In intend building a brick smoke stack feet high Another old resident of sec tion country in the person of Mr Andrew passed away on Sun day last at the advanced age of years after an illness of several weeks For fortyeight years Mr has resided in this vicinity His first wife by whom be bad sis sons and five daughters died sever al years ago About twentyfive years ago he married the widow of the late Arthur Lloyd along with the son survives him Deceas ed was a member of the Orange Lodge Last Saturday afternoon the zedearly Saturday morning following a long illness returns from divi sion registrars throughout the Prov ince gave deaths from all causes in the month of June from a reporting population of which makes the mortality rate per The reception accorded Lou champion oarsman on his return from England last Monday was a magnificent demonstration The car riage in which he was seated was drawn by four horses and there was almost one continued round of cheer ing the time the boat landed till the champion was driven from the The procession of Lacrosse Club and their t porter had an experience which they the Council of the do not care to have repeated The Corporation and members of athletic team accompanied by about ioiiyll five supporters left for Weston Street to Queens Park he- play a league game with the two unbroken lines of people team that place The last he welcome was participated in ter started in fast and furious and Weston scored making it Short Mi agent in Liverpool after while was run- v i J land is in this city where he will He is here various it j agricultural to inquire into The Globe speaking of the return turned to defend himself I4e nelp of the Indian delegates from the crowd rushed on the fleM and pro- Township Council is seeking an injunction to restrain the and Aurora Railway operating a steam engine on i down the field he was five weeks he experienced eleven earth- j i remain a short time He quake shocks- tt for the purpose of visith him agricultural districts to in Territories says Mr and Mrs R Messrs A Morgan Stuart and business Webster who ran to assistance was brutally Del- A Cherry formerly of Madras by the spectators sfroe within the township district India are at the Queens another Aurora player also received They have been looking over British a severe cut on if I he head fiays Columbia Manitoba and the North- At a meeting the Aurora Lacrosse West Territories with a view to fix- Club Monday evening it on a location lor taking up farms decided that victor Mission is claiming They desire to engage in mixed action and expelled Weston and did not care for the west from the Association would Eighteen thousand bathers in- one They desire to engage in mixed farm- drop out Banner with a view The Market Grocery is an grocery under the management of practical grocers whd nave an knowledge of groceries know ledge acquired by years service in the best grocery houses in the world SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK 650 lbs Long Clear Bacon choice 10c lb Vanilla Biscuits 10c lb 6 bars Pure Castile or Oatmeal Soap 25c 3 bars Master Mechanics Tar Soap 25c bars Laundry Soap Special 10c Daddys combination Shoe Polish 19c box Pure Cider Vinegar Extra Strong 30c gallon Chloride oi Lime and 10c packages fa cooked meats correctly carved always PERFECT CONDITION Phone 35 POULTRY SPICE IN HARD CATTLE SPICE An upturned lantern burned the drive barn and stable owned by J Philip of on Friday night Advices received here at Ottawa from the Yukon Territory show that the whole district is in a TENDERS addressed the undersigned and endorsed for Heating- Apparatus Public att7ted wit Toronto Junction will be rut up to date is far larger than PWay of last year August inclusively for the construction of a heating apparatus in the Public Building at Toronto Junction to purchasc BETHEL CORNERS and A are week at the free bathing stations that opportunities lor that FOR THE WINTER PAIR and useful pastime appreciated The nrrnnKementH Of the three hundred for fruit flower who have arrived in within honey show which will held In the last two or three days seeking Toronto the week In Nov- work on farms through the Ontario Indicate that likely to Immigration Bureau at the Union nn In Its Station over have already been is visiting with her uncle Mr Draper Mr Roy spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr Winch Mr and Sirs Thos spent Sunday at Mr drapers Mr Vied Morton returned to the city after spending two weeks va cation here Harvesting has commenced reports show a very good crop Mies of spending a few weeks with Mr and ember Mrs A Winch prove important Miss Arley of Burks Palls te J whiter fair held yearly omTu ta No error to to rank feature of the howr of contest of the shipyards Ml off the held In The Haddington on Saturday him some drawn up n liberal nnd will Early Saturday morning a daring pay the elm attempt was to the office wtiy on nil of to of the Toronto Ferry Company on wharf Mr Willi iris in an adjoining office bearing lic crash of glass arose investigate The burglars hearing Mr ap proaching made off There were throe of them On Saturday the Had dington a new steel barge was ccHsfully launched from the shipyard As the Haddington from her supports Into the water she was by Mth John wife of the President of the company The Haddington is In tended for grain and package freight between- Fort William and Montreal Site Is feet in length font beam with a depth of IS feel She is fitted with Scotch tubular boilers and triple expansion engines The cost of the vessel is Farm to Rent te of being lot in the 3rd rnoitly cleared good crteV Fall ploughing to he done the ground- Good Apply to JAMES Farm to Rent In Apply to A CODY Parts July The St Peters burg correspondent to the Echo Pari learns that Gen telegraphed today that headquarters had occupied the Russians having re treated to The Russians lost men in defending the posi tion The Matin publishes a despatch from dated yesterday Raying that at oclock on Sunday evening the cannonade redoubled in intensity The fiercest part of action aeemed to tate place between the south and east of the mountain overlooking which town was riddled with shells The firing ceased at nightfall after raging for hours ft is reported that the Russian communication were cut that they are surrounded The Japanese la to A car of parent bass was placed in Lake near Jack- sous on Saturday last Of Provincial Fisheries Department Nothing like Slaving a member who looks after the interests of his constituents Mr Montgomery family are occupying Mr sum mer residence this week f For years with some of her cos tumes at least the summer girl has worn a still linen collar exactly like a mans but this reason a collar of this sort no favor in her eyes And she cares nothing for his neck ties either Is fond finely plaited lawn made with dainty lace- trimmed and embroidered tabs and she la also showing much interest in the lawn dicky Campers find a difficulty In secur ing all the new fruit they require Cherries are almost a failure and berries are not plentiful by any j means Vegetables too are not nearly so plentiful as In some previ ous years Mr J Wright arid wile of Nor wich Is visiting with relatives at Zephyr VUIaMr Wright being a brother of Mrs Jackson Mr Charles Sherman caught a lunge about three feet long between Point and the Roachs wharf the beginning ol this week Another fancydress dance Is on the tapis this time It will take place at the Point bo tumor Mr Howard Cane was up with his autocar accompanied by Messrs gar and Chick cane ho will offered for the exhibit of fruit by any society It is expected many of the In the province will ml llnlr from full to to this fruit cold storag this way It hoped to re presentative of fruit from nil or the In fruit will will tin the variety of fruit It In heat for or ntlng tilt wiy cure the var ieties of fruit for their purpose On the last any of a auction of fruit will place The money offered for the flowers Is over perl more ever before been offered In Toronto About will bo In are In floral Special Commissioner Gor don at North Bay John of Patterson Clerk of Works Edward eight years old Public Building Toronto Junction has been burned to death and his la- and mother three brothers and an uncle severely burned in a fire that J destroyed the grocery and living wl apartments of at Chicago- Sl their actual tures Kingston July Word t reached on Friday evening must be accompanied that Woolen Mills were total- Wted cheque on a destroyed by fire during the after- noon No insurance was carried on Honorable the Minister Pub- either building Loss about forts equal to ten per cent five or six thousand dollars p lender ma r which will be forfeited it the of London climbed tendering decline to enter a pole by means the contract when called upon spikes and when some distance up he to t complete the work contracted for It a J I tender be not accepted the cheque completed a circuit and the current By Order Secretary and acting Deputy Minister of Public Works Ottawa July inserting this advertise ment without authority from the De partment will not be paid for it Fire destroyed the largest elec tric cable wire factory In St the burning stock some supplies for the Baltic Thomas Martin charged with car rying a loaded revolver and burglars- tools was sentenced to one year In mil toe of which Mr at on Ol the Toronto Society Is chairman telephone is also liberal one Inviting citizens GRAND TRUNK to subscribe to municipal The fee for business use Is and lor private residences 916 The supports of the t furniture factory at Stratford cot- lhehowwtll wUhoul warning and the of the Ontario Fruit Grower building was wrecked Workmen soctalloa the Ontario Boo Keep- Jumped from the windows for commer cial AinonK the that will at the time of Send the Bra to Swifts refinery In resulting In a Joss of The fire started from an overheated while a meeting of from the various horticul tural or the province will also bo held Ontario govern ment made a of to the exhibition which ha been by a grant of the ctty of Toronto tho shcw roey be had by writing to the Bee- held him there till bis brother his foot one of the spikes- North July George a Buffalo lawyer is in a serious condition and Mrs A I of lies at the point oh death as the result an automobile accident While running at high speed on a country road automobile struck a dog The heavy machine was over in the ditch crushing and Mrs beneath it Two other occupants of the car escaped unhurt A sad awl fatal shooting affair occurred at Winchester Springs last week In which Hiram of that place lost life Young Webb and a little companion Freder ic Liberty ten years old Ottawa were playing in tho carriage house at the home of the deceased when the latter up an old gun which Had been lying in a cutler and which had been used In shooting crows In some unaccountable manner the gun Spending a few days at the great went oft the charge striking Webb in Fair St Louis worth a the breast and killing him almost in- years education lie lived long enough ever to recognize his mother who rushed to the carnage house on hear ing the report WORLDS ST LOUIS APL Finest Bands in the world engaged Including Grenadiers of London Imperial Band of Berlin and Garde Paris DO NOT MIS House Lot for Sale I S NEWMARKET With stopover privileges at Chicago Detroit and Intermediate Canadian Stations While returning from Kingston Ont to Clayton the steam yacht Castanet took Are The passengers on hoard were transferred without Injury to another steamer Cordasco the labor agent admit ted to Judge Winchester that from Italians imported by Mm he had received as well as pro letary Boot a supplies and salary from Through Sleepers Twice Dally On St near the School Illustrated book- House Over an acre ground application to J D McDonald Frame house in good condition District Passenger Agent Toronto well Apply to John Kelly on enclosing four cents In stamps Proctor farm To the Resorts Lakes Oeorgian Ray Lake of Bays Kawartha Lakes Ste Marie Mackinaw Montreal Quebec Halifax White Mountain Tourist Tickets on sale comprising trip through Highlands of Ontario Upper Lakes ami to Eastern Resorts Liveries Are waiting for you Dont keep them waiting too long Wo have 17 horses and they all hungry But they are all anxious for work Some of them mi kick a little But they are slow enough to give you time to shift if you see are to For tickets illustrated literature you are sitting apply to steel or rubbertired buggies Agent

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