flew 4 Boat ftidmg the in firstclass Apply to J A CODY M Tirana I desire to express- my thanks to the neighbors and who were so attentive ami during the death wife JESSE sincere friends helpful of my Newmarket Farm for Sale East bait of two in the Fifth pood buildings farm in every respect f For terms and conditions apply to T H LLOYD Solicitor Newmarket Good Farm to Rent In the of King being West half of lot in the 3rd con acres mostly cleared good buildings good fences Spring creek crosses the farm Fall ploughing to be done and fall wheat in the ground Good Orchard Apply to 24rf purpose of the- Legislature foe obtaining spirituous persons otherwise unable so where medical authority should decern it absolutely necessary has been bo abused by the medical profession as to cause the Provincial License Depart ment very much trouble Apart from this surreptitious method of evading the law an evil- is being con tinued which the Legislature sought to remove Of late medical men ap- pear to have been markedly wreck- less ifi some parts of the Province in issuing orders to liquor dealers authorizing them to sell liquor to persons who hot otherwise and l Lot number twentyi v Concession of North the evil Saunders the past week seat the follow ing letter to Dr A P registrar of the Medical Council The Provincial License Depart merit has recently received a num ber of complaints from various parts of the province that medi cal practitioners En the districts in question are in the habit giving prescriptions or orders to and shop licensees to supply liquor to the holders of orders sometimes for indefinite periods and often in absurdly large quantities and it was thought probable that the Medical Council might see fit if attention were called to the matter to make an effort to minimize this evil The Department would prefer not to give any names for publica tion lest it should be prejudicial to the practitioners without be ing beneficial to the public may however say that within the last few days three com plaints have been received of this character In one instance orders had been given within ten days in a small place mostly to persons whose maladies appear to have reached an acute stage on two successive Sundays In an other locality orders were giv en for chiefly by the court and what is worse many of these orders were to bearer In Woodstock recently a curious order was presented to a hotel- keeper signed by a medical practitioner authorizing him to supply the bearer whose name was mentioned with three or four glasses a day in order that he might wean off The process so far as I understand it is not generally accomplished in this way This particular or der was not subject to any limi tation in point of lime and the hoielkeeper appears to have thought that it would hold good for several months It should be stated in this connection that a notice had been previously served upon the under sec tion of the Liquor License Act him Co supply the person in question with any liquor whatever If you think it would be of any benefit to bring this matter before the Council will you kindly do y Oar Society Mr is visiting in Toronto Jackson of was home 5as has returned from a trip to Detroit and- London Mrs Gardiner of- Toronto was home few days last week Mr Cane was in this week on a business- trip Tenders Tenders will be received by the un dersigned up to Tuesday evening Ju ly for the work necessary in converting the Primary School into a TwoRoom Building- Plans and specifications may be seen at Mr The lowest or any lender not ne cessarily accepted DAVID LLOYD Sec P Board CATTLE LOST Strayed from the Premises of the undersigned about the last Head of Young Cattle each having a notch out of the left ear One a light roan and the rest two and the others year lings Information leading to their re covery will be suitably rewarded ELIJAH HALL Pine Orchard Decoration Day -OH- Friday July At Newmarket Cemetery PM The different Orders of the Town and all interested are invited to at tend The Mayor and the Resident Clergy have been invited to deliver short and appropriate addresses JACKSON President Secretary WEBB Chairman Grounds Corn Mrs visit ing Sunday- Mrs A Chantler is visiting friends in town and Mr and Mrs Walter Collins were voting in the city on Monday Mr spent Mr Frank Osborne of Toronto Junction was homo over Sunday to as in torn on Day I H Peter McCflr week to spend a month at Almonte I i 9 ion Day holidays at Allandale and s Mrs H Miller has gone to Michigan to visit her son for three weeks spent over Sunday with Ms uncle Mr Andrew V Mr Sinclair was in town a couple of days this week Miss Lulu Miss Clara renewing acquaintances have gone to to spend their and the Misses Hodge holidays left last week to spent the summer P- J Toronto at their camp Lake was visiting friends in town on Do- family- of Mr Rogers minion Day Friends expect to move Cane so RAILWAY SYSTEM WORLDS PAIR ST LOUIS APL Twice as large as any former exposi tion The Dairy Tests a special feature It was to this letter that the me dicos of the Council applied the epi thet of impertinence and thereby betrayed a disposition of character unworthy of the profession The facts stated Mr Saunders are too flagrant to defended and the med ical Council would have shown dis cretion at least to have expressed regret thai a wise provision of the law had possibly been misunderstood and thai the profession would be warned to guard against the abuse of the powers given We shall mistake tin- temper of the Legislature if the erring doctors dont get a roasting when the Council next comes knock ing at the door for special i9 spending part of her vacation in Newmarket l Mrs Richard attended the funeral of her granddaughter at on Sunday Mr John Norwood was a guest at Weehawken last Sun day and Monday Mr and Mrs J of To ronto were the guests of Postmaster over Sunday Mr and Mrs Geo Davison of spent the holiday at his moth ers Mrs R J Davison Miss Ma Davis of itoronto was the guest of Miss Elsie Thomson for a couple of days last week Mr J Cane arid family left yesterday to spend the holidays in their houseboat at Penetang reception was given at last Saturday evening in honor of Mr Bert Cane and his bride Joseph Bell and lady friend from Toronto wore the guests of Mr John Stallard on Dominion Day Mrs Sterling of Queen St spent Dominion Day holidays in the city with her Bister Miss Alice Knight Miss Raymond and brother of Atherly were visiting during the hol idays with her aunt Mrs Kir- Miss Davison was in Richmond Hill on Wednesday attending the wedding of her friend Miss Annie Glass- Mrs Smith of Toronto returned home on Monday after a pleasant vis it with her sister Mrs Mr and Mrs Henry and away from town in a days The Misses Shane of Toronto were visiting at Mrs Freemans dur ing the Dominion holidays Mr and Mrs J J Watson nee Miss Mary Phillips of New York city- are visiting parents on St Emory Brown of Montreal was up for a week with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs W Phillips St Miss Willson and Miss Gertie Glover are spending a fort night in Whitby with their aunt Mrs J Luke Mr Gardner jr and wife of St Catharines spent over Sun day with his parents Mr and Mrs Gardner Master Garnet ami his lit tle sister Irene are spending a couple of weeks with their sister Mrs Stark in Toronto Mrs P Lloyd and baby Mrs J Ham also Mrs R Trenton all of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs Mrs McCulloch and her sister Mrs of Los Angeles California were the guests of Mrs Robt on Tuesday Mr Watson and a number friends- enjoyed a trip down the Holland River to Orchard Beach in his gasoline launch on July 1st Mrs J Annitage left on Wed nesday for a weeks visit with her parents at Man join ing her husband at Friends Colony Saskatchewan Dr Anderson and bride returned yesterday to The Avdnmore Mrs Anderson will receive her friends on A man who Ryes his is wiser than he was yesterday We live by not standing still business man knows that he can succeed only continuing to succeed by using past efforts to spur him on to future ones arc headers I Competition is a every business but it is we do riot trruble ourselves unduly about all our efforts are focused in the endeavor to reliable ihelnwesi possible cash prices system under which our business is conducted thepl icing of all an equal footing and treating them alike originated with Grocery Department An effort to supply first class uptodate groceries on the Small Profit rid Quick Returns System has been appreciated by hundreds of new customers Are you acquainted with our system of grocery selling We claim to sHjlyob yur grocery wants cheaper than any store in this section of the country for csh or trad We want your grocery trade assuring you always of the lowest prices and courteous treatment Specials for This Week Clarks Cooked Corned lb- regular Large tins Clarks Corned Beef regnlar for 20c Clarks Jellied Hooks 2 lb tins regular for Mixed Sweet Pickles re for 29c Warrior Brand Salmon Golden Salmon 12jc ran Cider Vinegar Best Baking Powder Hunters Banner Currants 6o Good Cooking Raisins lb for 25c Soda Biscuits lb Ginger Snaps 7c Fruit Biscuits Spiced Pickles Cross Catsup tin Force 2 for 25c Quaker Brand Peas for Brand Corn 10c Brand uaker Brand Beans 3 for Raw Sugar 25 lbs for Icing Sugar lb regular Cross Boned Chicken regular for Tea Victor Chop Japan regular for 23c Soap lb bar regular 10c Shell Brand Castile Soap 12jc lb 15c Toilet for 10c I2jplb Prunes lb Pure Lard lb regular 12jc BOOTS AND SHOES i Pairs Ladies Oxfords bought at a figure regular and sizs and only per pair 36 Pairs Womens and Box Calf Lace Boots sizes to 7 regular and reduced to per pair 98c I Pairs odd lots of Boots and sold regularly at and per pair Saturday your choice fr per pain W4 of THRU TO THE WORLDS FAIR At trains leave lor St Louis daily carrying through Pullman Sleeper Your local Agent will make FOR HOUND TRIP ViiUi an opportunity of voting In Chicago arid Intermediate Canadian bUtions application to J McDonald Toronto enclos ing four cent in atarnpa illustrated booklet will Spend Your In the Or ONTARIO trains make di rect for all ports on Pi Wins I July of the Toronto Rowing Toronto today won for the Diamond Sculls de feating V Kelly the holder the by four Mr Waller Sutherland and family are for three on St with Mr John a prominent farmer Shoal was run over and killed Witn the arrival the militia at the fctrikc Iea4cr have given that no more attempts be made to prevent men- going to work in the works Six girls employed at Richard Hall A Bona of fell about sixty feet owing tj the elevator Mr Peter spent Satur day and Sunday in attending the funeral of his niece Mrs Sydney Banks Mr Fred J Hughes one the proprietors the Windsor Standard spent Dominion Day holidays at home Mr of was in town last Saturday and spent over Sunday with Mr Isaac Brown Mr Reg- has returned from Philadelphia where he went to visit his cousin who was injured in a railway accident Mr of spent Dominion Day In Newmarket Mrs Maddock visited Mrs A Coombs on Sunday Mr and Mrs Stark of Toronto spent the holidays from Friday to Monday with her parents Mr and Mrs Kirby Mr Montgomery jr To ronto spent Dominion Day holidays in Newmarket and was accompanied by his little nephew Master Herbert Montgomery The engagement is announced Miss Irene Christina daughter of the late Murphy of Newmarket to Mr Thomas Battle barrister of Niagara Kails Rev J and family left on Tuesday for Lake Seugog to spend the summer vacation Rev Wesley a former pastor here will occupy the Mcthtfdfst pulpit next Sunday morning and evening Last Sunday there were twenty took dinner at a family gathering at Mr Pat Guthries on Street among them being Mr Howard and bride also Mr and Mrs Mc Quillan and Mrs James of To ronto I Miss Viola of Newmarket who has teaching school In the vicinity of tjucensvillc gave such good satisfaction that she has been reappointed to the same school tor another year Immediately on the Close of the holidays Mr and Mrs Scott have The Cradle In Town on July 3rd 1004 to Mr and Mrs Peter vett a son Georgian Bay and of Bays Tourist tickets on sale dally SLOUGH In on Saturday July 2nd to Mr and Mrs Harry Slough a daughter t In Newmarket July d 1001 to Mr and Mrs James a son East on June to Mr and Mrs Wellington nee Miss a son and heir STKVKNSON At Bradford Out on June to Dr and wife a son At Bathgate North Dakota on Sunday June 2th to Mr and Mrs Fox former ly of Mount Albert a daughter- mother and babe arc doing well t S Mrs afternoon and- evening pre- I with Mr and Mrs Fred DipilB At the home Mr and Mrs Snider Humbert St Toronto on June Miss Emma Armstrong of Toronto was to Mr Geo Weir of Toronto The happy couple received many beautiful presents Mr and Mrs Weir are spending their honeymoon in Newmarket guests Mr and Mrs Albert Thompson Newmarket Bracebndge Miss Eliza Bain from Niagara Falls spent the holiday at home Mr and Mrs and Mr Andrew McCaffrey of Toronto spent the 1st with Mr David Mc Caffrey bus load young people drove to Bradford Bridge on the morning of Dominion Day and taking a steam launch enjoyed a cruise around Lake calling at different points of interest On their return up the river in the evening a couple of hours were spent at the home of Mr and Mrs Garrett at Bradford All report a delightful trip LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash I HOME EXCURSION to To points In Canadian Good going July returning Throe suffered broken limbs but none were fatally hurt One man was killed and four fa- tally Injured and fourteen freight fifty years which event cars were In a Chicago and a celebrated from July 1st to Parlor Suites worth returned from a visit friends at Pickering and Whitby after participating In the County of On tario Old Hoys ReUnion and Jubi lee Trie County has been Couches for All other kinds Furniture At Reduced Prices A Nice Lino of Fancy Rockers gan sang at a concert given In Windsor July The wife of don two weeks ago by Lord Sims of Leamington was feed- Stephen and the critics pronounced ousiy and possibly fatally burned yea- her performance to be first rate until Sept For tickets while attempting to the and promising excellent success in tbe literature and Ml Inform- kitchen fire with can line which the young lady who Is apply to exploded scattering the burning oil a niece of the lata Alton over Mrs Sims arms and jCarthy has to adopt A Ua- to John MM IT OA The Alter At the residence the brides moth er on July Mr Kenneth N to Miss May daughter of the late James Kava- all of Newmarket At on June 2Jtfi by A Pearson Mr II Stone to Miss Rogers both of Aurora the of June by Mill A at the home of Mr Joseph father the bride at Mr Austin Horner ol Montreal son of Mr J Horner ol June- to Miss May only daughter Mr Joseph formerly ol Kottleby The Tomb FLINT At on June Forsyth wife Mr Flint Srln her year BANKS In- on Thursday June Margaret lelovcd wife of Mr Sydney Hanks in her year Deceased was a daugh ter Mr John former ly of this town granddaugh ter of Mrs Kirton ESTABLISHED THE ENAMELED BEOCHE BELT PINS BLOUSE SETS JUST ARRIVED- Bring your Watches Clocks that are out of order We Guarantee Satisfaction in all Repairing WAT WatohfJIaker and Graduate Optician o When ordering a Suit srs the or you air can of get of Clothes go where MAIN ST NO All Orders will These Qualities are assured if you choose from my Stock of SCOTCH TWEEDS and WORSTEDS OPPOSITE THE MAIN STREET NEWMARKET