Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Jul 1904, p. 1

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The Era gives t VV YORK the liberty to to a to argue freely according to conscience above all otbrr liberty mom No outside North York unless in advance No copies to l Newmarket Ont Friday J r TERMS per annum paid in advance LONGEST TRONG5 THE BEST MAQE THE BEST Over ft to lb T up to the house stamping the The boys trudged off each morning yellow dust from his boots Willie now to the little brown met him at the door nearly a mile away They were Daddy singed all night he said Sturdy chaps old and me and cricoV in spite of their handful rif years John Brant lay in the little for were they not helping to take room his eyes bright with fever care of mother the cows and the Molly was kneeling beside him orchard and the berry patch Something had snapped somewhere And Molly There was a certain Some of the bolts that hold the quiet dignity about her a gentle -nap- soul a prisoner in these frail bodies which the mountain people of ours had given way- and the could not understand Perhaps they angel was looking for respected her the more She had the home among the pines never- spared herself She had done terknew that signal well knew too a mans work and a womans too on that all the wisdom of musty books the little farm and it had grown upon his shelves would be of no avail and prospered People were kind during the long was Sunday a warm sweet days which followed The men and June Sunday just such an as it women of the mountain know a sym- might have been when God beheld Once Tried ALWAYS USED Agency for Newmarket AT It Was In The Beginning BRANT paused for a moment and gazed absent ly out of the openwindow then she dropped the shirt she was ironing and hurried to the door- Shielding her eyes with one bare arm she looked anx iously up the trail Down fiom among the pines a man was coming He moved very slowly A worried frown gathered between womans eyes as she watched then drawing her apron over her head whitman John she Pretty phrases the newborn world and saw it was dpcds But tho man coming up the fate and of their hearts- not of their in- trail left little the holy calm while with pain but he to I He was a queer mixture a sturdy ha Oh I it aint John Only once was the mountain product- Kith a varnish- as saia the tired of city ways for the great stamp smile he said Oh I she am iM us Satf Sy had around the husband to th gently tfc lrai into the big rock Knelt saii llpn house anU three the clearins hard at the stranger but the maybe woman sprang up and held out her said Mwn fetch the doctor never the hands Ho took them both in his HARD Furnaces Paints Oils and Glass BROUG 9 AND Better and Greater Than Has Been We installed power for running our freezers because we wanted our Ice Cream to be as good as could be made The grain is finer and the cream more uniform than could possi bly be made by hand t cream exclusively and EVERYTHING HAS TO BE OF THE BEST IceCream Bricks Pints 26c and Quarts by and by you loneliness and hed be good to you and there was a great hope and the young uns and bis eyes But Molly sealed his lips with her Well Molly he said Ive come own Oh dont dont John back she cried Theres nobody in the They talked of everything except world but you the one subject they were both think- happy smile flickered on about but it was not until the the mans face early Sunday meal had been cleared The next time he spoke he was back and the dishes stood in again in the past hack with his white rows upon thc shelves not when she fir Jife until it was nearly time to go for together He was helping to set was to take the evening stage the bread in the new mixing bowl they spoke of John comforting her when she cried The outline of the little awful ways but j in the town or was play- visib at edge Li the S clearing- Molly sat looking by me and the baby put the oftr where I can rock it if he cries He raised other hand and laid it caressingly on light brown head Now dont ye fret Molly he said Its all right Ill git to go to sleep- Half an- hour later when she peeped into his room the big chair stood In alarm she ran to the one little bedroom John was lying on the bed his face to the wall He turned and tried to entered Poor girl he said Its an the bed mound the at it and Three days later the miners came a long time I- in One of them Sometimes Dick she said at Molly tell doctor Its a short for pastor I have thought of going away was at Bed Dog that week and they too but its no use I cant leave laid John away at the edge of its our home yet and when The short October twilight was fading into night when Molly Brant closed the door of the little home j clearing in the shadow of thc pines lnc oys arc asleep and thc work all and drawing her shabby red si awl most like it to I- fail- do said so the doctor her started down tains jant Christmas cakes He docs come Dick II just leave thenars down she j about her started down the I can straight through It was a good two miles to town- two miles through the woods and be the snow there and he puts his arms around Friends gave up urging Molly Brant m close and smoothes my hair to move into civilization They sometimes when Im tired I two miles ine u prefer- hear the music again Dont thc side a stream which to stay The so soki for- pret mother like a great yellow snail between Us away me there from Dicks alked with bars The short his keen eye wandered over the was almost over the last clearing and his ready hand found warm rays of sunshine slanted plenty to do And so the months through the apple trees and kissed passed by and again the pink clover carpet into patches cones were heavy and wild plums light womans hair and chinquapins were ripe was all- shimmering in its glory One Wednesday morning Dick came the woodland came a drowsy and a little tin inkle A of spotted cows children lie was slowly into view and from some- diploma all somehow pictureii shaved too and his new where far above them an oriole gave themselves upon her memory never awkwardly on him his ii lonely cry to be forgotten in the tiny kitchen j he said holding out his Humph he said when she had werc am goodby But finished- fil wU deep in the flour and her whole little time unconsciously- he looked some dark brown stun he added as she moulded her to where gleaming white very hour knock He was a surly old man with a heart grown callous to pain of others Molly noted every detail of the cheeriest little office as she told her story and wondered how could when John was so ill The rows of shabby musty hocks 5 the shelves their burdens of hot- He tics large and small the framed never e IVa The BY A BANKER- Looking backward down the log and dim vista of the ages right on and on to that faroff third aeonor as the translators have termed it day when great march of an imal life had scarce commenced we see this earth of ours ever enveloped dense clouds of warm humid va pours altogether impenetrable to the direct rays of But though long ages were to elapse before even those earliest of land animals gi gantic reptiles and monstrous were to roam over those swamps and still longer were to run their course ani mal life was to take their place yet that distant period in the earths history though remote for man in this present fay has proved to be a period of most vital import For then broad tracks of the warm recking earth were thickly covered with vast forests of lofty trees and gigantic mosses which dur ing all these long ages succeeded each other in interminable sequence for ests springing up upon the ruins of forests beautiful glades and woods ever uprising ever in wildest luxuri ance generation after generation flourishing upon the wreck of their fallen predecessors And then comes a tremendous cataclysm an irruption of the great ocean sweeps over these ancient forests and overwhelms them in a mighty deluge hermetically seal ing them up with ponderous volumes of sand and stones so that no de cay could ever touch those bounteous stores of precious fuel which cover ed ever deeper and deeper by succeed ing strata all through the aeons have been maturing for our use who now in these latest times understand its priceless value Those desirous of a new sensation should descend a deep coal mine and see for themselves brave miners at work Stepping on to a wooden platform a few feet square the word is given by the accompany ing foreman to let go And down down ever down into the darkness visitor descends And lor an apparently interminable period the rapid descent continues until at length the bottom is reached and the visitor threads the long dark pas sages Here a number of halfnaked beg rimmed men lying prone on their sides in a narrow seam extracting the coal with small picks appearing like earthgnomes of legends here in sepulchral gloom of theBowels Most Common in Mrs George of Eaton son dMarrhdpS for all years I tried thing I hear of and had several physician without My bought me a Dottle of and began to improve at once I can do anything I could and oat arty thing without inconvenience and when I say ft bad not been for would now in my grave I do think J exaggerate la nothing of the The remedy thai will catarrh one location will euro Una all locrtfana If It be an internal remedy operating through the system oxaoV each a remedy It la en internal specific for book on and Beanty to by Q fl Business Epitaph Give him this But you will come she cried against the dark pines stood the A BROUGHTON Japs Land Big Guns FOR Parkers Dye and Canadian Express Baggage to and from handled with Dick sat watching her in silence headstone with Itsone word Ill be hanged if do tonight fia last a foolish grin lie answered spreading over his lace you dont coo She found herself out in thc air ftCW as I need again filled with a dumb rage to- ward all the world but John humor his Oh that endless walk back through was unappreciated he the Molly went over every thick hurried voice detail of her four years of married Molly he said there life The first homecoming to the sense in me and you little log house in clearing Mk since that two battalions Russians John had proudly shown the a girl over In charged the Japanese outposts at house and the little Jersey heifer the district You know Pass at Dawn on July orchard which he had planted and faayc were as red as under cover of a dense fog The honeysuckle that he had carried all checkerterries then and Russians were repulsed but they way from Red Dog for her Jrilm ever thought of Then turned and charge three times before You see Molly ho said and he liked him- and they were finally driven oil The her close as he spoke its all rf pursue them lor three mile en for you bad risen and was stand- to the westward of i ass July pm Delayed in transmission reports lean men with faces as black as night shovelling great blocks of coal into the miniature wagons which are ever travelling to- and fro and here in the lurid obscurity more swarthy workmen are hard at work in other ways But yearning to quit these shades of soniferous darkness and once more to see the light of upper day visitor gladly takes leave of these murky shades and ascends to the glorious sunlight and free freshair And though the pleasure of the transition from that gloomy black ness to the splendor of day is so great yet infinitely greater Is the joy which those experience who emerge from spiritual darkness into thc glorious light of Gospel and who realize that having accepted thc Saviour of the world as their Re deemer in virtue of his merits and of his sufferings borne for them their names arc written in heaven Amusing epitaphs are not difficult to find if one is seeking them The Cheshire Republican cites a most singular one which may be found on a monument in eastern Tennessee Sacred to the memory of John Smith for years senior partner of the Arm of Smith Jones now J J Tones and Co The names are not really Smith ami Jones but they will answer for the purpose of thc story I met Jones later says the narrator anil he gave me a frank explanation of inscription Smith a without relatives be said but he know a tremendous lot of country and if any of them happened to see his grave they might think that old house had closed up and gone out it no of business So I thought more than right to let them know that the firm was still alive And sheshe cried let there Russians left dead and wound- were but tiny rooms ant the witu on the field The Japanese lost were only of logs It Molly lie went on he dont killed and wounded floor- to if YEARS EXPERIENCE 4Hf4ffHf Mark a J- ifcrQ t tA The Era Till Ideal now thai nt any any more On July the MM that whole year lor she j all tnc mis outside missed town an I cant have his place accorllnK to report were only noJe Hut J Molly rounded last snowy loaf- one from the other a mile patient into the pan before she spoke There J the Jnmm from Klr I say as ho wag to bill on all of which hey arc hed say as he ln but hill to hill on all of stroked hair I thc am placing Mr It Is ot to took you away pain I At he would play his vlo- a said Ob Im The made a desp and the helped them both no tempt on July to recap baby tame and the wee j appear the Sun- V Alt Mm County Weekly warm hands reached up into her later a man with a heart and soothed the stopped on Mb way to little orchard was hearing now the mine the Mao Tien pass from Japanese but were repulsed with heavy loss af ter three charges According to statements from Japanese Baby boughs Baby when mother him hire well happy nro find every friend tnln no pin to or harmful drug The pie- vent diarrhoea cleanse teething Irritation and euro nil common lib childhood No children In when Own Tablet Mr it Denbigh nuye I dont know what higher can give Tablets than to ay that I would not without them the have found them all that el i Limed and them ton baud to moot any Bold by all medicine doolorti aM In the tiny barn three you news he J have where or sent by at 26 by of one John v- and has- weather It Joth doing regular work in the mine and for a Cleared put hag and bag with the warm Hummer day gage another little one had come to catch f f came and- went at the wood violet had Jived It was nearly noon next day their short lives at edge when fir Foster Med his old gray the clearing tirncatno at the barn He came had gone threat ened by by forest flrca which- swept up to the city and five huAdlngs the Are- men were to got control 8C0 yearly for The Dr William Co -V- The shops at Stratford are to bo enlarged and company are asking for a fixed assessment of Blunders of Reporters A friend semis us an extract from a newspaper in which a distinguished citizen whom the reporter meant to call venerable is spoken as vegetable judge This error is evi dently compositors Often however such mistakes begin with the reporter ami compositor who is strict rule to follow the copy exactly does not correct even obvious blunders in the manuscript Mr the New York printer in his book The Practice of Typography gives some funny mistakes of reporters A speaker made this statement In these days clergymen arc ex pected to have the wisdom and learn ing of Jeremy Taylor reporter wrote and the com positor repeated wisdom and learning of a journeyman tailor Another speaker quoted these lines come thou goddess fair and free In heaven yclept They were written as the reporter understood speaker Oh come thou goddess and free In heaven slept and froze her knee Another orator these lines from Tennysons lockslcy Hall Better fifty years in that a cycle in Cathay But quotation was written and printed Better fifty years in than a circus in Bombay One of the worst perversions of a hackneyed quotation Incorrectly giv en by a speakerIs this which to be the Joint work of the reporter tho equally reckless printer Amicus Plato amicus Socrates sea major Veritas- I may cuss Plato I may cuss So crates said Major Veritas Youths Companion the to absent friends

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