Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Dec 1903, p. 8

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I Rrti Kfcl0Y The man on stage who does tb I trick of escaping from firmly tied rope to the bonds with a smile Ho he can get out of the ropes Out are being knotted- Put same the woods and let Indian captors bind him to a tree for torture and he would to tie last against the bonds When the stomach is diseased tier are bonds being woven every hour about the organs dependent on the stomach- heart lungs liver kidney etc folly of mankind is to passively to the fastening of these bonds with no effort to escape until the pain they cans arouses fear Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition It cures diseases of- heart liver lungs kid neys and organs when these eases as Is often the case hare their in the stomach For loo time I stile to set about writes Andrew J of Thorn Co Box Was bothered with kidney iraMe and whole system was oat of order had no appetite A friend of mine me to try Dr Kerns Medical did so and the first bottle restored my appetite I took six bottle of Golden Medical and some of lheFlcot Pellet and feel tike a Dr cleanse the clogged system from Farming For Profit Ever Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business jirinciples Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and uptodate far mers By reading The Weekly Suv the Farmers Business Paper you will get the very latest and most accurate in formation regarding your The Suns market reports are worth many times the sub scription price to you Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service The Suv lias ren dered him in a public way It was due to the action of The in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards drainage across ways and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended We will send The Weekly Sun from now to 1st January in combination with The Era for Subscribe How Samples for tKc Asking When You Need OR- FLOUR around Hie AND COS- TO i IS The Sunday School anniversary to be held on Monday Dec The December meeting of will be held Friday De crees and election of officers form two leading matters of interest Sunderland Christmas Fair Friday Doc Rev Hewitt is in Toronto being treated by a specialist A supper was held at the Queens hotel Friday evening Dec Uh hot the base bad team Our enterprising Mr J Dennis is running his mill night and day in order to- supply his cus tomers One of the head deputies of the Order was here recently giving initiations to several new after jwliicli they a lunch at hotel The large congregation in the me morial Christian Church last morning was with Childrens service which was made very impressive many in congre gation being moved tears as the blessing God came down upon the people The children deserve great praise for manner in which they performed their work they beautifully and their recitations were rich and full of good things The re marks of the pastor were listened to with deep interest On Wednesday morning there pass ed away to his long rest the oldest but one now living earliest settlers in the person of Mr J in the year of his age For many years deceased has teen a familiar figure on our streets and one that will be great ly missed in many ways in the vil- The deceased came to some years ago and has been a continuous resilient ever since The held theilirst ser vice on Sunday evening last in their new church here in the basement where their service will be held in the until the church is ready lor Special services are being continued in Methodist Church has been done and the meetings well attended Phone No and get the best town in UNION STREET A Christmas Tree and under tfce auspices the Christian Church place here on Tuesday Dec AURORA A grand concert will be held in the Mechanics Hall on Thursday evening under the auspices of the Regiment Band A Volunteer Band of Students from University Toronto commenced a series of religious meetings here last Friday evening in the Baptist Church After a very long and painful illness Mrs at the resi dence Mr Dan Nelson on Sun day in her year has been a resident this place for many years ink in the Wesley Church Ceme tery at HURON STREET School Report No Mabel Giles Frank Siiiith intermedial e I Marguerite Micks Jr Arnold Roy lit Gertie Smith Ada Milne iIKdna Micks Cole Johnny Russell Ill Tablet Austin Willie Kenneth Morton TabletRuse Grey Glen Micks I Tablet Neil Morton Present every day A la Milne Ed na Austin A Teacher Jr Frances Grant Hilda Huntley Verne liartr Emery Lawrence Donald Grant Present every day Blanche Reed Bertha- Stonehouse Vera Huntley Harold North Wesley Cook Jessie Russell lowing Jr Isaac Marrittj Pur- dy Bessie Cole tr III Joy Prosier Norman Cook MarjorieEmM Percy Cole Jr III Mary fciiwiia John Gillettes Supplemental to cheap la rifles saves dollars in am munition THE HARDWARE SPECIALTY CO Toronto BALDWIN Too for last week The bridge Jones Bros on Satur day completed the spile driving Owing to unfavorable weather it was a tedious and dangerous undertaking They have yet to place the timbers for the structure rest on- Some portions filling will have to re main incomplete till spring Millers hew butcher shop is up ad joining the market Mrs and Miss Delia spent a lew days last week visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Arnold at Holt We congratulate Mr and Mrs Jos Millard on their long experience of wedlocks joys It is scarcely prob able that any who congratulated them on their first wedding day have lived to repeat their congratulations on their As far hack as my reaches Uncle has been a prominent figure abuu I town Monday the market was unusually and prices realized were good Poultry was plentiful at profitable rates It brings a deal o trade to our burg The Gramophone is still a drawing card at Johnsons Wouldnt it bo a coup for some enterprising chap to get the prima dona to put unsurpassable voice on record for the Gramophone Our milliner has serious intentions to enjoy the treat of hearing Patti when she concerts in Toronto It will he tbe event of a lifetime A new buyer on the market picks up most of the fowl John Miller is the man Our little lake is wrapped in win ters icy mantle now hut skating is not popular as yet The lack of excitement of curling and hockey apparently responsible for this apathy Wood Is the all absorbing question with many at present The daily papers record the decease of two of my old schoolmates Isaac Silver arid Henry This is sad news but sooner or later tis tiro fate of all This world is all right beautiful beyond comparison Holt Public School Class Beatrice Bennett Traviss Alma Class III Laura Class III Jr Case Jennie John Watson Rut- ledge John Her Class Percy Frank Frank Andrews Class Jr Bertha Traviss Guy Hut ledge Gertie Thompson Arthur- Lepard Gertie Traviss Millie Thompson Jennie 11 Jr Artie Case Willie Ian- son Willie Varlcy Cronin Flossie Maries I Howard derrick Clarence Case John Thompson Gertie Hop kins Mary Mitchell Bertha Thompson Mitchell Marios Blanche Jennie Jones Present every day Willie lanson Gertie Hopkins Teacher No NG Class Morrison Alice Arkscy Class cent Willie Blanche Reed Annie Violet Mary Wilkinson Minnie Lizzie Grants Harold Wilk inson Leslie Rose Rye Mary Barker Jr III Vera Bertha Percy Rose conductor the people thats in it that are costs at Acton last not OK Some of you rnjjst week for allowing hie train to stand overtime on a The timelimit la five Dr Kidney and Cough Wo Q Wf trkk ieiIHb Kart fcrt- ivtr il I a a Cm Sold at Drug Store and Bros Co- wholesale admit are as mean as old Clovenloot But not all Providence there are tnose that arc willing to live and let live Do unto others as theyd wish to be done by Toronto Feed pale girls on Scotti Emulsion We do not need to give all the reasons why Scotts Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and of good health to those who suffer from sick blood The fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil rich in nutrition full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does what it does Scotts Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best fullest in strength least in taste Young women in their teens are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of thp blood which shows itself in paleness nervous ness by regular treatment with Scotts Emulsion It is a true blood food and is to the cure of the blood sickness from which so many young women suffer We will be to a to any lit a a on wrapper troy you Chomlote Toronto Ontario treat Demand tot fibriitpy the Era The Dominion of culture has Bntish dealers to purchase Canadian Poultry- One the dealers Blackburn of Manchester at present in Canada negotiating for the shipment poultry For four years the Department of Agriculture has exported tire chickens fatted at the illustration stations- to Mr Blackburn The dealings have been jferfecUy satisfactory and the prices obtained for the chickens have teen profitable Jlr Blackburn said that he would like to handle cases chickens per week- The Department has also received a letter from Mr Win Roth well Manchester Mr- says There seems to be a verv good for all kinds poul try this Christmas If can give or any consignments sent me you can rest assured of the utmost value being obtained Cash and sales sent immediately goods arc dis posed of The probable prices are as follows targe cock turkeys plucked to is lbsfid to per- lb Plucked turkeys to lbs to per lb Plucked turkeys to 7 to 3d per lb Plucked chickens per lb Plucked ducks per trust that I may have consign ment Canada Mr Hare Chief of the Dominion Poultry Division stated that these approximate prices should oiler sub stantial inducements to Canadian ex porting firms to ship poultry to Great Britain The poultry should be- forwarded in a steamship equipped cold storage The railway- and steamship companies will inform shippers when suitable steamships will leave St John or Halifax riven on small consignments of poultry the freight charges will not be over one cent per lb The chickens fatted at the illustra tion stations have been sold In To ronto Montreal St John Halifax Sydney and and also dealers in other smaller cities The price obtained for the fatted in Toronto was lie per lb in real lb and in the cities in the Maritime Provinces with flie exception Charlottetown tic per The fatted sold to merchants gave perfect satisfaction and it Would be to the interest of farmers to fatten their chickens be fore they are marketed The De partment cop Id have sold many times as many fatted chickens if an extra number could have been bought from the farmers In the Vicinity of the fattening stations Almost any farmer in Canada can produce fatted chickens equal to the Government chickens at little extra expense for labor and fees Yours very truly A of Ottawa About the flnehop fc I Conveyed to Holland Landing by Mr Joseph For An Aerfial BY A In a recent article of this series attention was to the disturbance caused by suiispots in the magnetism of the earth Since that article was written a most notable outburst tuts phenomenon has oc curred which created a disturbance in the current more or the whole rendering telegraphy or- even impossi- rise to magnincciit displays of that grandest tures glories the Aurora Probably the most sublime display ever taken place in mod or times was indescribably gorgeous pageant sostartled its sumptuous beauty In the IS57 which the Writer then a boy had the good fortune to with ess As the twilight began to deepen and the brighter the stars one by shone forth to time fully recurring faintly lamina ted the northern sky which is the shades of night gradual ly deeind became more and more brilliant and persistent But when length the last glimmer twi light bad Jaded away it appeared as if the very heavens were on fire in a of glory The en tire vaulted space was now arched over by a stupendous pillared arc glowing in all colors the rain bow here a cluster pendent coir of varying length glittering in brilliant amethyst intervening shafts of vivid ruby or emerald enhancing their overwhelming and lustrous Here a columns of reviolet and gold some deepening from the zenith far the Inner periphery of the arc terminating halfway down And here a fascine of bloodred shafts Anting from recollection hexagonal or octagonal all also varying size and length And now a strange shudder appears to agitate the entire arch which con tinues to quiver and shimmer from end to end now throbbing with a convulsive pulsating tremor now or a few momuils the coruscating waning in intensity again to en kindle the celestial conflagration in ever more and more stint lustre until at length the whole northern heavens are palpitating a Hashing nimbus of effulgent glory and splen dour a very sea of vibrating fires And so these dazzling torchlights ot heaven continued to illumine the night transfixing the beholders with a sense of the majestic sublimity and the stately solemnity and pomp of this glittering pageant of the skies and thrilling him through and through with its fascinating richness and beauty And as he contemplates the won drous spectacle his thoughts must revert to that Throne in the highest heaven of heavens encircled with a rainbow far more brilliant and far more dazzling than which he has witnessed And He that thereon is ever holding forth ids scarred hand in loving- invitation to whomsoever will tobe cleansed from their sins and to become inheritors of the glory ik Pointed of bad men like bad mucil age stick to nothing Men who ask to he given a chance arc generally the kind who thrown away what they had In contemplating what he has done for others the average man is apt to overlook what others have done for him The trouble with people who take each other for better or worse is that they arc so seldom prepared for the worst The host time to read a note or a mortgage is before you sign it Some time ago a well on Mr John farm in Adjala was found to be so salty that the water was almost briny The indications show beyond any doubt that there is a deposit of salt under tbe farm the extent of which of course it is im possible to estimate It- is said Mr will drill and discover the value of deposit More light on the more or less mys terious life of the monster anchor at Holland Lauding Is given by the re collections of Mr John McKay of Ontario street Mr McKay Is in his year lived from to in and- Bradford Hi states on Sty of the nun himself that was Mr Joseph a former real- dent who conveyed anchor from Toronto to Holland Landing was in the winter of The anchor had been made in Scotland and was shipped lo Mont- real and thence to Toronto by ler It was destined for ga Bay for a British gunboat then built when a turn of the war rendered its being taken there Mr em- J ployed three pairs oxen in his heavy task Evidently the anchor was never lost as some persons- think for Mr McKay saw it first in when on his way to vte at the election at SamueI for participation in the rebellion was elected It was in clear view In an open space and was moved to its present site in or 1873 iaai iIjjUM hard colds bronchitjs and coughs of all kinds yoii cannot take any thing better than ec Cherry Pectoral Ask your own doctor Is not so He It H It soothes and heals for I St for fc r t ftP9hQi purify sallow blotched skins Pimples blotches a sallow or discolored skin generally indicate impure blood Do riot trifle with powders Take a proper tonic laxative that will remove the gaose IronOx Tin Tonic Tablets by cleansing and invigorating the digestive organs and stimulating the removal of poisonous waste make pure rich When the blood is healthy and abundant the skin becomes clear and fresh unsightly blemishes disappear natural color returns Why not try Fifty Tablets In attractive aluminum pocket case cents at postpaid on receipt of The Ironor Remedy Oat I l 0LDE5ST LARGEST MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED AND ONLY NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND HOME PAPER IN CANADA After Jannary 1st PRICE NUMBERS subscribers get this free Send In at once Dont a Plngle ABentawantcd liberal terms given Sample copy free THE WILLIAM WELD CO LIMITED LONDON ONTARIO TREASURERS For Taxes in the County of York ox- therefore give notice that unices the paid I shall on and In the here or bo much thereof may thereon Bald arrears hereinafter of and costs ha proceed to sell the siid arrears of ALL TUB FOLLOWING LANDS PATENTED DISTRICT No I SALE TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY DAY OK at the hour of oclock amlu Adelaide St Toronto Description toThos Feci MUNICIPALITY OK Lot Street Quantity Taxes John St north side 35 No Comprising and Village of to he held WEDNESDAY DAY OF DECEMBER At the hour of inthcVUULIC HALL Palmers Bloc It Arnold VlllAgcof HILL MUNICIPALITY OP Lot 31 to I Brooke half Ales Prcaby- Church Owner W part to Salem part Kekart K part IS to Win Jan Harris part part MUNICIPALITY OK Lot Assessed to part Quantity lew acres hard 8 cage to Boyd in MOT known the Old Mill Property middle half aero acres half aero half aero cro VAUG11AN Quantity as i AW ft Mm J CoughsColds will hasten rooovsry by tak ing of at is I a acres MUNICIPALITY OK VILLAOK Description Block Quantity Assessed to Bertha Millar K to A Crosby 10 A Rouge A if 1 1 I Pees Sips a tool No East Btouffvillo and Lauding ON WEDNESDAY DAY OF 1903 at the hour the TOWN If ALL MUNICIPALITY Lot Con Quantity Taxes WYSt acres toOBBhcppard I It acres It W2 MUNICIPALITY OK Description Ave Plan Quantity Jig 111 Harold I OF HOLLAND Lot Quantity tt8Yongo Macro lot 1st Bradford acr Fern Km TOtji No Comprising North and Villago of Button to he TUESDAY DAY OF at the hour of in HOTEL BALL VlllajiootSUTTOS- MUNICIPALITY 0 Taxes 10 CowellN5 Macro to alter to Henry Taylor Ktawlek to J Edgar Reserve acres MUNICIPALITY Assessed to Colby MM Lot Co of York Sept Published Sept Block Quantity aero Taxes y Bap aero aero J ltt ft

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