Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Dec 1903, p. 6

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Public Mount Albert Ontario number Urine jersey Grades for Sale 10 Heifera from months to sears old have been bred also Fresh Cows For further particulars ipply to STOKES Mount Albert w DENTAL Brooks Block Mount Albert t Prices Count Dont They Hero every Tuesday THE MARKET There was the usual good turnout at the market on Tuesday Prices as follows butter to eggs 22 chickens to ducks to geese to turkeys to CORNERS BALDWIN BREEZES Buggies Repairing and P mo llonnt Albert Livery Stable in connection Dp Clark DENTIST Main Si r GOAL Stone and- nut coal for sale a ton price paid for all kinds of SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT i MOUNT ALBERT O ENTERTAINMENT The pupils of No Li East purpose holding their entertainment on Wednesday evening Dec A good program will be provided Proceeds lor the starting of a school library Mr and Mrs Santa have promised to be present and all those desiring to aid them may govern themselves accord ingly MISSIONARY TEA regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Missionary Auxiliary in con nection with the Methodist Church was held at the of Mrs D on Thursday evening last The usual program was pro ceeded with alter which the ladies were entertained to- tea by Mrs A very pleasant and pro fitable time was spent- Sore and swollen shooting pains torturing muscles no rest no our teacher proposes to hold an entertainment the School- House on Friday evening Dec 18th A good program will be provided and gifts distributed Proceeds in aid founding School Library Ev erybody is invited Music will be furnished by the best orchestra in the district Miss Rhine of was visiting her sister last Mr John Greenwood has been mak ing some improvements to his house I On Sunday next 13th but Re Simpson will preach at at id am sufoject Home Protection Hope at subject li to them Holland Landing the Mr Johnson has kindly promised to to give us an uptodate Gramophone Concert in the hall at some date lowing New Years proceeds to be devoted to charity Aird our popular guard ian the Peace has been a sufferer a severe attack of sciatica for some weeds Jones Bros now have their work on the bridge completed A gang workmen will next erect the iron work probably this week All who have to traverse the temporary road Which is as rough as a road will be pleased to sec traffic re sumed fay the regular route Great complaints are- heard of a Hear toe weeding bells The belle the burg is to be offered as a sacri fice on Hymens yrl There will be a prize market on Dec at cash prizes will be given tor ill Wads- of and ijiittcr His sleep that means rheumatism is a stubborn disease to fight- Chamberlains Pain Balm has quered it thousands of times application gives relief Try Lloyd sells it It nut con- Ore At- FALL STOCK Is now complete We offer Special Values IN MENS CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS LADIES GOODS AND A Full Line of Unshrinkable Under wear for Men BOOTS A RUBBERS FOR WET WEATHER ROSS BROS BETTER ACCOMMODATION For the convenience of drovers in this vicinity the Grand Trunk will run a special engine to Mount Albert on Wednesday afternoons whenever there are three cars of live stock to ship This will be a great conven ience as formerly the cattle had to be kept in the yard over night and loaded on the following morning The first train was run on Wednesday afternoon FURNITURE LITERARY SOCIETY Much interest is being taken in the newly- formed Literary Society and it is being the means of developing much latent talent which has hitherto Iain dormant The meeting last Thursday was thrown open to the public and the hall was comfortably filled The principal item on the programme was a debate on the sub jectResolved that Canada has a brighter future than the United States Mr and Mrs upheld the affirmative and Mr Shields and Miss Leek supported the negative The subject was well argued on both sides alter which the Judges rendered their de cision in favor of affirmative i You can save money by your Furniture at the store A LARGER STOCK THAN EVER OP Bedroom and Iarlor Suites Extension And Parlor and Fancy We are also for Pillow Shaw Holders and the celebrated Carpet Stretcher and Picture- a Specialty Goods delivered free of charge ordered in quantity ALLAN Try Our Owe Emulsion of Coo Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy FOR Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble keep the leading make of Truces Properly fit and guar antee them Forests Drag Store MOUNT ALBERT r The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY J2U5lf TTIOO Total WHICH CAN ATM MOKTUK4I BRANCH or Andrew J Deputy uariBainurJ Alex at AJljrt Chief for To Farmers will halt A be fcet for fiervice on of lot In the 3rd of Tlait OwiHim- Tern- w4 Mr Robert Hewlett has rented the skating rink and Is putting it in re pair lor the season It will heopen ed shortly the weather continues cold Band practice has been discontinued aft holiday season is over There are a lew Christmas Globes on hand at this branch Get one to send to your friends It makes a nice Christmas gilt Guy has been promoted to the position teller in the deign Bank here and Stewart Terry has been taken on as junior clerk Cutters arc beginning to take the place of buggies on the roads but the snow reported much scantier here than in Newmarket and other places in the vicinity CLUB A meeting to organize a hockey club was held in the barber shop on Tuesday evening and attend ed ia to be hoped the effort will be as there was a good team here last winter The following were elected Hon J Ross Hon Vice C Wilson Pies M Stiver Vice J Hunter v Herb Com Urquhart ptan Geo Richardson The club would like to form a league with Sutton- and Address to the Secretary PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Stephen Winch were calling on in town on Wednesday last Mr and Frank West are stay ing at home of her aunt Mia Grace Watson Mrs Forrest attended Madame concert In Toronto Thursday Mr and Mrs John Leek Head- lord arc visiting friends in town Miss Terry has been vlHitlng At the home of her Mrs Mr nod Mrs Ira Graham and chil dren of were guests at the Mr Kvetett on Mr Metxalf and fcMtcr King and Howe Mr Dun can Campbell tailoring establish- paid their former associate Mr Kverctt a on Hurray Willing subject A Great Gulf Fixed There will le no service in- the Methodist- Church at Sharon on The Swiss ringers in the Pres byterian Church Thursday Dec Admission and East Conservative As sociation elected the following at their meeting here one night last week Peregrine 1st Vice Boyd ind Vice John Steeper Geo Ross Chairmen No J Pindlcr No Wright No Harper No Trios lis No SUTTON Mr John Yates of Settle ment paid Sutton a visit last week Miss Nellie Harrison of Brock Tp is visiting with aunt here Mrs Dr Noble Br Mr Frank Cuttle of is siiflering from a severe attack at La Grippe Glad to say he is improv ing Mrs Mann attended the icral of Ins cousin Miss Baton at Newmarket Remember the anniversary services at the Presbyterian Church next Sun day and entertainment on Monday evening following Sorry to say that Mr lies in a very critical condition little hope being entertained of his recov ery- Messrs Oliver and Fred Silver arc cutting on Island The Rev II Robinson is a guest at Mr The daily press with few excep tions arc loud in their declarations against bribery and political corrup tion hut they they do not appear to apprehend that they are about as deep in mud as the politicians are in the mire What is the cause of so much corruption Is it not very hugely caused by indulgence in rum whiskey beer and tobacco That is a combination that will sear and deaden the conscience to every high and lofty aspiration and scarcity of water in welts Many I THE BEST REMEDY FOR are wishing soaking old Prom the Atchison Kan Daily Globe This is- the season when the woman who knows the best remedies for croup in demand in every neighborhood One the most terrible the world is to be awakened in he middle the night by a whoop from one of the children The croup rem edies are almost as sure- to be in case of croup as a revolver is be lost to case of burglars There used to be an oldfashioned for croup known as hive syrup some modern mothers say that Chamberlains- Cough Remedy is bet ter and does not cost so much It the patient to throw off the phlegm quicker and gives relief in a shorter time Give this remedy as soon as the cough appears it will prevent the attack never fails and is pleasant and safe to take For sale by Lloyd daily press assumes the position of partnership in the unrighteous busi ness by allowing in their columns al luring and attractive ads to cap tivate the young The press might as welt cease to cry corruption un til it cleans Us own doorsteps and yard for not then will it be in a position to do effective work in banishing corruption AN ATTACK OF PNEUMONIA WARDED OFF Sotnfc time ago my daughter caught cold She complain ed ot pains in- her chest and had a bad cough gave her Chamber lains Cough Remedy according to directions and in two days Was well and able to go to school I have used thia remedy in my family for the pant seven and have hover known It to fail says James Merchant Annato Bay Jamaica India Islands The pains in the chest indicated an ap proaching attack pneumonia which in this instance was warded of by Chamberlains Uuigh any tend ency a toward pneumonia For sale by T Lloyd land let your motto be what we have we hold Stick to your Anchor it is the symbol of When your anchor is gone your hope goes likewise One of our girls was privately mar ried last week Our merchants are fixing up in an ticipation of a big trade Mr Johnson goes to Hog Town this week to complete his assortment of novelties and also to pur chase additional records for the which he is the au thorized agent Revival services in the Christian Church at present The Camels are on the bagpipes and reproduced by the Cranio is grand music It sets every nerve tingling and ev ery drop blood in violent action We read And merrily danced the Quakers wife No doubt to the music of the bagpipes for theyre the grandest music of all Again the rumor is in circulation that Johnson of North Dakota formerly of Bajlvvin sold out his property there and is about to return to the home of his lirst love friends will welcome him with pleasure Miss Ruby is on a visit with her sister Mrs Julius Pet tiolia J Kester Zephyr was our midst on Saturday evening He is a popular favorite as well as elsewhere especially amongst the hunting fraternity and always is ready loaded to spin a good yarn Miss A and Miss of our burg took in the Patti Concert at the Hub last week They enjoyed the treat their lives for Hie divine is the most bril liant artist of the lyric world We frequently of the discovery- of Tho of Lite by some scientist The true EUxcr of Life is found in an abundance of pure air pure water pure food and pure mor als Two religious sects in particular the Friends and the Free Methodists insist upon absolute honorable con duct amongst members If any man has wronged his neighbor he is admonished to make the Wrong aright else ho is excommunicated Some other religious bodies are not so strict in their discipline allowing even immoral characters enrolled on their membership Whilst other girls are gadding about Miss Alice Arnold has bean staying at home employing her lei sure time in fancy work for the adornment of her homo They arc of beautiful designs and workman ship many have advised her to exhi bit at the fairs but the Free do not favor attending fairs Shun every appearance of evil is their maxim Howard of Toronto visited friends here last Week Ladies Aid Christian Church at Chan Proceeds was not well circulated hence not so well attended is essentially a settlement of old maids or speaking in more pol ished phraes of maiden ladies Why ft so Is not my Intention to dis cuss The ladles no doubt will their reasons By actual there are thirteen beyond thirty and many more on the borderland of sternoud And many them are most magnificent women A fortune the reason we let others do the talking while we do 4 pounds Finest Currants v pounds Select Raisins T pound Lemon or Orange Peel S pound Manitoba Rolled Oats oars Comfort Soap Black Tea splendid value And beat of all wo will allow you for your Butter and fie Dried Apples PARK V SUTTON WEST AND isines 25 g Ersa AND A LARGE PALL STOCK JUST ARRIVED Fit and Workmanship guaranteed We your order HAIQH SON Merchant Tailors and I FRANKLIN Remember Wednesday ev ening- Topic What Heroes of leach- us by Quite a number from here attended lodge Wednesday evening After the business the members numbering about gathered where an Oyster Supper was served and games and music were in dulged in Altogether very evening was spent Miss Ada Crone is a couple of weeks with friends and rel atives in Toronto Mis and son Allen spent last week in Toronto doctoring with a Prof for the benefit of her sons hearing We are sorry to hear that Seymour Harper is laid up with a neck and a big boil The school children practice at Miss Lillian this week for he school concert on Dee We arc glad to see the preacher hack with us He is a great help with the Christian meetings We think the Scribe made a mis take when he said Sol linger bought George OatMeal mills Charles was looking for com pany that was visiting there that time We are pleased to sec Miss Cook out again after her illness mm robin Our Stock Now Complete Nice Nobby Goods Prices H D Right Sale WEDNESDAY Dec Crittenden lot con North will hold an exten sive auction- sale of farm stock and implements at one oclock on the usual terirre r Ottawa Dec From State of North Dakota alone persona em igrated this country in the month of October bringing with them 109 November the de partmental records show that persons arrived- with carloads of effects The property brought In from Dakota in these two months represents beside which most of- new settlors have money with which to operations Fifty people are expected from California which will prove the nucleus of a large set tlement in our West I for the right and oh say theres enough old here to give each one at least one apiece jolly next year is leap year It in a common but none theejn true observance that the heart man is deceitful and desper ately wicked yet this as well as other portions of the earth have girls so trusting in their nature that you might as well preach to the man in the moon aa to them But alas when too late experience loaches them and too follows a pilgrim age to Chicago that Mecca of un fortunate girls Do not trust him gentle lady Our burghers have re cently seen the value or such advice John Miller opened his butcher on Monday Kverythtng in the on sale Our town a hive of industry on Monday It Sutton Fair Day was here All Winds reduce were good in hand Hen and Ross Tomil- are doing the Geo Washington an the property recently acquired A great Improvement is FORTY POUNDS IN THIRTY DAYS Pot several months our brother had been troubled indi gestion He tried several remedies but got no relief from them Vie purchased some Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets and he commenced taking them Inside of thirty days he had- gained pounds in flesh He is now fully recovered We have a good trade on the Tablets Bros Merchants Long Branch Mo For sale by Lloyd LEMON VILLI The Ladles Aid met at the home of Mrs J Brown There was a good attend Rev Washington Is holding re vival services at A grand concert will bo given in the School House on the evening of the of Dec proceeds will be applied toward getting a Library for the public school The leaders and promoters of the local option movement are getting to work In earnest securing the names of ratepayers who arc in of the question to the con sideration of the township Council then to the thepebple Mr Phillips is spending a few days with his lomly here There is very nice sleighing at pres ent and people are making very good use of it A good number from here and vi cinity took In the hot roast- supper at on Monday evening last Big time reported The tax Mr Walker was in town last week on his annual trip through tho Whitchurch Mr Walker Is of age- would to know there is another man in Ontario tie same age who does the amount of does every as collec tor Happy Thought Range Model Wood Cooking Stove Garland Wood Cooking Stove and all kinds of Stoves for Wood Coal MOUNT ALBERT At Dessau Germany a woman was torn to pieces by lions while giving a circus performance TO CALL on retail for house bavln well lo cal territory salary At paid weekly and expense money advanced previous ex- Em lost Travelers ALBERT DRUG STORE envelope Building STRAYED Into the premises ol tho undersigned lot 15 Con Scott about Nov 3 spring calves Owner is re quested to prove property pay ex penses and take them away EVANS BALM OF COUGH SYRUP FOR COLDS AC WANTED In wo can teach any the work of a TRAVELLING DISTRICT MANAGER Wo need twenty L a month and COMPANY Drantford Stock for Sale At prices Shearling Shropshire Rams AT Ram Lambs large English Barred A Hawkins Royal Blue strain White All J pure bred Lot East COWIESON OUR IMPROVED CONDITION FOR HORSES CATTLE Ac We also carry a lull line Medicines among Remedies and Cure Prescriptions and Family Ipta receive personal attention day or night T LLOYD Druggist Try an Ad In the Krajltpaya Did You Ever you to K llko can I a week Bend mo your address and will surprise you with a proportion ww Ontario Queen Heater FOR WOOD Good Cheer am MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON FOR COAL OR WOOD Heater ALSO Good Cheer Range COOK For or Wood ROWLAND Mount Albert It pays to In fr

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