Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Dec 1903, p. 5

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ONTARIO i THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIPAV I iiii CAPITAL STOCK PAID UP Total 0 General Manager- NEWMARKET BRANCH Business I General BaBiing Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED AT and Draft Kit T LEGAL J Banliter Public Main a t Lota rood Firm Notary wo- Court Ontario Gospel Good attendance at the opening meeting in the Temperance Hall last Sunday afternoon- Mr Lehman occupied the and Miss Lush was organist The program comprised a recitation by Minn Jones reading by Miss Lily Lush and Miss Vesta Thompson juvenile song by Winnie and Lush and address by Mr Cornelius Dyke Iiennox Brrtttera door of Port floe Herbert Lennox Aurora will bo at on Saturday and Court Dan for J Co Banker and Bank Aurora Tttafli at Barrister Block fidjoeffned At the fire haft on Thursday even ing last week when the Coroner called the roll all the jurors on the inquest in connection with boiler explosion answered to their names except Mr Hili The Coroner explained that chief witness Mr Harry was not able to be out in Hie even ing l and an adjournment was made for another weak If jury will proceed to his residence to take his evidence- a Last Friday evening Mr and Mrs A Coombs entertained the Senior Class of Newmarket High School at their commodious residence About 3d were present and a delightful time was spent separating the pupils returned compliment by presenting Mr Coombs through Miss with a handsome Silver- Pud ding Pish engraved as follows To Mr A Coombs from the pupils of Form III Newmarket High School Such cordial relations between the Principal and pupils must be benefi cial in its results J A for lire and Life to Loan inter eat at Current Rate At market A Ramsay Agent Low Kate on Farm and Isolated Town Property Over Tin Newmarket The evening before the close of the November Session of the Council Warden was banqueted at the Clyde Hotel Toronto by his fellow- council ore and presented wit a goldheaded cane suitably engrav ed The presentation was made by Mr of Whitchurch Another House Sold Mr Lloyd of Whitchurch has bought the residence of Mrs Kavanagh on Main St north of blacksmith shop and in tends to move here Mrs Kavanagh has secured the house on the corner of Prospect Ave and Pearson St and will move here 1st of Jan- Sympathy f J A subscription was passed around town last Saturday to assist Mr Michael Elliot who was burnt out north of the Landing Oyer were on the list Over 50 were on the list for the Messrs Tate who were burnt out on St Our people are generous towards those in need flips Simpson and ancr Good Duncan AUCTIONEER Rente Collect M Street Newmarket fiolton Practical Painter PaperHan xer and Houia Decorator ox Corner Street Lane aad A and Sanitary Engineer Ross Kauai Toronto 4 aU Manx and Estimate made for kinds of at Era prompt attention 1 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES at tfae Bra Newmarket at Co LATB8T IN Monuments and Head Ordering HOLIDAY OEMS JEWELRY This store te at Its best Ready to with the Jot that can he not difficult to Rifts or all what else real intrinsic worth a Vimowj a Watch of rich fit or In wx our phased to you he to by any article iYUeeitot Low ATKINSON CO The Rink was connected with the telephone exchange last Santa is in the stores The sleighing keeps things lively The last month is nearly hall gone Sleighing parties are popular and enjoyable Nomination of officers at the UW meeting next Monday evening Select your Christmas presents New telephone directories were dis tributed to patrons in town on Mon day There are connections with the Central Exchange in Newmarket now December has come and already subscribers are flocking in to renew their subscriptions to the Era lor ISO These have our thanks Their good example will be by many hundreds before the month has waned Cough Up and Feel In two weeks Christmas will be hare and one week later the old year will have rolled into eternity It does not seem that the good year of should be so near the end This was the year in which thousands of people resolved to pay their small debts and keep them paid and thus relieve dealers in small things such as dressmakers bakers etc from the hardship and loss waiting- Small bills owed by people who are well able to pay as well as by people who could pay if they would only make a little effort are accountable tor much ot tbe misery ot anxious waiting which robs the world a large share of its joy every man who thinks he is a man would pay his small hills the pleasures of life would be enhanced ten fold are yet three weeks of the old year in which to begin the ice of this crowning virtue There was a splendid market on Saturday The most noticeable feat ure was the run on new laid was average price paid Trie buyers started them at and when townspeople were picking them nearly all up the buyers Jumped up on their price and towns people had to pay a dozen to get them as the farmers favored the hucksters because they would buy everything they had to sell along with the eggs Following were the ruling prices Eggs to Packed eggs Butter to Dressed chickens 55 to Dressed to 0c Dressed geese to Dressed turkeys to Dressed hogs to per Beef and 61c Lamb and Pork 8 and Sausage 10c Apples to 20c basket Apples to per barrel Potatoes to Live chickens to Old hens to Ducks W to live to tildes 74c ft to to Wo lb Wood Police Count In the Court on morning Mr H Curtis had Mr Foster of Holland Landing before Mr J Woodcock for taking hay of marsh that did not belong to him Mr Foster claimed that he was entitled to the hay under the part nership agreement by which it was cut and stacked The trouble appears to ha e arisen through the loss by fire The case was adjourned till next Saturday Day All Municipal Councils meet next Tuesday to windup the business for the year Everybody having accounts against the corporation should send them to the Clerk by Monday night Township councils meet as follows King at Whitchurch at at Sharon North at at Briefless There are now men on the pay roll of the Office Specialty Co- Mr collector for East took in axes at the Royal Hotel last Saturday Mr Keith has rented brick house opposite Allans Foundry at present occupied by Mr J Mc Kay Miss Sarah Richardson was laid up over Sunday through falling on the slippery sidewalk Tbe Model School exams close next Tuesday JO 12 i it 31 Council Council met on Monday evening Members all present The following accounts were passed Lopard carting Gray work street Bell Telephone Albert Grand Trunk Co freight Express Co Jules car coal Grand Trunk freight on coal Duty on car coal A drawing coal Union Petroleum Co Cylinder Oil James Morrison Brass Mfg Co Iron Pipe Pay Sheet No Pay Sheet No Canadian General 1 Co The account of the James Morrison Brass Mfg Co for Nov was referred to the Fire and Light Committee to be paid it found correct and the ace of Norman for was referred to the to be paid found correct -v- Mr a bylaw to establish- a of Lighting Rates which was passed by seconded by Mr- Smith tbe sum be paid as to who has taken out a Carters License which will be in force for on ly fivo months of the Carried Moved by Mr Robertson seconded Roailhouse that ine insurance on the boilers of the Power House be increased to the sum of five thousand dollars in the Boiler and Inspection Co and that the Clerk be instruct ed to attend to the same parried A ByLaw was passed to provide or the holding of the Municipal- elec tions Moved by Mr Smith seconded Mr Hughes In accordance with agreement with the Society a grant of be made to the North York Agricultural Society Carried Council till Tuesday the of December at pm sty of their kingbird hasnt J particle of inn Era Clubbing Rates Era and Toronto Daily Star one year to out of town subscribers 00 Era and Farmers Advocate 2 Era and Weekly Globe and Weekly Mail Era and Daily Globe year North York only Era and Weekly Mail with premium Era and Toronto Evening News 50 Era and Montreal Star with premium Era and Farmers Sun 50 Balance of year free for all Weeklies Prizes for In order to awaken interest in the celebration of the Centenary of the Britten and Foreign Bible Society it is proposed to prizes for competition among the pupils of pub lic schools outside of Toronto for Id Best on tho So- il history work and claims The essays must not ex one thousand words and must in the hands of the Chairman of the Com mittee Rev A Chambers I I 5 Oak Street Toronto on before February 1st The name age school of each competitor must he attached to the essay The prizes will be Bibles author ized version Centenary edition well bound The names of the winners will be announced at Young Peoples Mass Meeting in To ronto March and prizes will be forwarded to winners as soon as possible thereafter The Committee claims the right to publish any of these essays as they may choose For- 1 he The Good Wovement 5 As the ratepayers are to he called upon to vote for or against the pro posed County Road System at the time of the Municipal Elections per haps it will be as well to take a view of the matter- from different stand points No doubt all will be united that good roads are very and a great benefit to any count jy but the question should be what is the best way to accomplish it with the least burden to the ratepayers The County Council proposes to have a system of County Roads and to borrow a largo sum of money to accomplish the work which of course would entail a debt on the County which added to its present liabilities largely augmented being connect as we arc with the City of Toron to will greatly increase our taxes But it is not only the first cost of building the roads they being ty roads the County would have to be at the expense of keeping which would necessarily still more augment taxes might tie considered whether a system- might not be adopt ed that would be equally satisfactory to the country and lcss burdensome to the taxpayers To begin with would suggest the different municipalities commute their Statute Labor say at per day take per cent of the money and build a leading through It in a manner and with a view to hav ing through tile Co c the per cent and add the amount have been in the habit of raising for the routta the loved for employ iw or three gangs of nun as might need with a over them all under the of the Road Committee of the Municipality such a system 1 am of the opinion we would in a very short have belter mads than that proposed by the County Cornel with tie continuance of our present Statute System and no debt hanging over us on the road account of Ohio Ciy of Toledo I Lucas County Frank J Cheney make that he senior partner of tbe firm of J Cheney Co City or Toledo tod State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum Dol lars for each arid every or that be cured by the Use Cure RANK J Sworn to before J and In presence tola day ADi Jail I A Notary Halls Catarrh Cure la taken inter nally and directly mucous surfares of tbe system Send for testimonials free J CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold by Halls Family Pill best THE KINGBIRD AND ORIOLE Heat BoiXdlnjr The difference In the nature of ft kingbird and oriole is strikingly jnmglnti tion not an atom the artistic IBs ihape dress and voice declare It- He hard headed straightforward and se overbearing anil testy but and refined Id all his tastes himself over again plain but like Us builder refined Contrast the orioles poetry arid that In- touch the light easy aegil gent of the artist In every of It Why the thing was actually woven of new mown hay as if one should bis of sandalwood with all the bout It pot my nose near and took a deep delicious breath The birds bad selected and cut the grass themselves and worked it In while green Some of it was still still soft and sweet with sapi One exposed to the sun through s leaf rift had sons golden yellow but the other deeply shad the day through was sreen and snaking more slowly the And this nest was woven not built up like the kingbirds It not upon the limb suspended from the slenderest of forks so that every little breeze would rock It And so woven so deftly slightly GROW But can be cured in one day by Putnams Corn and Wart extractor This standard remedy never burns the flesh It is entirely vegotable in and does not destroy the flesh Use only Putnams its the best Frank Johnson a colored barbeij Hamilton while drunk accused an employee named Nathaniel Moore robbing him He revolver and began a lively In the shop Moore was wounded In the neck and shoulder Howard an other employee was wounded In the hand and Johnson shot himself in the head None of the injuries are regarded as Boars on the An attempt was at theater to introduce French women on the stage but without suc cess and appearance of man in Siege of Rhodes Id was of a private character On Dec an actress name in not certainly known took ths part of at thea ters In street when a to the first woman was writ ten by Jordan Letters patent were granted by Charles Jan to Sir William and these recited that whereas womens parts had for- merry been taken by men to remedy this abuse It was now permitted and leave given that all womens parts then and for the time to come should be performed by women In under date of Jan 3 we the record To the theater where was acted Beggars Dash it being well done and here ths first time that ever I saw women corns the stage London Standard Blinking If you find yourself blinking your eyes rapidly without any cause stop the habit at once or It will grow into an Incurable habit that will make your eyesight fail early in life Natural blinking Is necessary to clear and moisten the eye The average number of natural blinks Is about twenty per minute But a nervous blinker will wink times In a minute The re sult of this will be an excessive de velopment of the eyelid muscles It also involves a counter Irritation which acts on the optic nerve and ren ders the sight dally more weak and Ir ritable Once contract this habit and you will find you cannot bear a strong light or read small types and the eyes will get worse and worse The symp toms may indicate a need of spectacles How It Is not known how long mos quitoes can live but their average life Is much longer than Is ordinarily sup posed of them live winter hibernating or asleep In dark places In barns or house cellars In sparsely settled localities where they cannot find such places for shelter they live through the winter hollow trees Id caves and under upturn ed trees and even though the turo may fall far below freezing they not winter killed but on ap proach of warm weather become active again Mosquitoes are frequently seen flying about In the woods before snow has Wholly left tho ground lam Underwood In Popular Sci ence Monthly Turned An Irishman was called on to give In a shooting affray Did you the shot tired asked mag istrate No replied the witness I heard It Magistrate sharply That Is not sat isfactory down As the Irishman turned bis back commenced to laugh but was rebuked by magistrate who added that It was contempt of court Pat Did you see me laugh Magistrate No I heard you Pat Thats not satisfactory And ths court laughed of A young Hungarian gypsy who had betrayed parly to tho authorities after a robbery begged the magistrates at Magyar Bgre for protection as his to kill him the room found empty en the- following day Ids body was discovered In a field The eyes had been burned out tongue and man hanged by the feet on two body had been eleven In two I I near I must congratulate yon What sxtrscftsry nice looking girt he ill Mrs- Brown Yes and ae connected too In fact told that- ancestors Were volitions of I Imitation jewelry a dia mond finger la worth a pasts in Record I tf Best esign signs 1 r j- shelf hardware complete in all lines GIVE US A CHANGE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED Newmarket TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE i A FOR THE BALANCE OF- t AT THE- fl DO YOU KNOW The Encyclopedia of Canada IN SIX VOLUMES HAVE YOU HEARD That It Wrlttort by Great That It tolls oil that la known about Canada That you may obtain a sot for a small sum Would You Like a Book for Nothing Cut out and today Wo will yon a Hook containing Maps damplo an or the Wrlirrs and lot or CANADA Tor offer will your heart for Joy Fill out attached coupon and mail to us today YOU 8LKBI The Publishing Co Canada Send to address without cost to me your book on Can ada and your little payment or a set the Encyclopedia Address Thousands say that is the best published at any price Yt it is only cents a copy 100 a year In Every Number of There Are APtieles on ho national impoftant Six good atonic humorous or ilf rid and nay will be more interestinig important arid eHtertaining than ever Every year better ha a the last or it would not be McGrures- IN now for for and Wovombor and of The Comply Lcjttegton New York li r r I

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