Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Dec 1903, p. 4

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THE NEWMARKET gRA FRIDAY D EG- it Aw symptoms of a west torpid or condition of or and are a warning it is extremely to neglect bo important- is action of these organs They are commonly attended by loss energy lack of courage times by gloomy foreboding and I ill with kidney trouble and became id weak I could scarcely re without benefit and flaaU decided to try Hoods After the first bottle felt so much better I continued and alx bottle new woman When my could not keep anything on rills which cored Ma Trocar aia Hoods Cures kidney and j the back and builds up whole Time to Get Ready We sjggostcd in these columns a couple of weeks ago the propriety the former Ridings of North York I EDITORIAL BOTES I At he Chicago International Live Stock Exhibition last week Canadian breeders in the Leicester and Dorset classes sbeep were successful in carrying off a great many of most valuable prizes The American Breeders prize comes to Ontario North Ontario Liberals will hold a A steam chest exploded at Berlin Sugar Factory and man was seriously wounded StouflviUe has organized a Dew foe brigade- There is not a man in ten that trie newspaper man could not print something about that he does a i Caa ILL J Co TORONTO AND as a ir CO CO wj CO CO t i rt si US to K W JU CO S3 rt to CO SO h i 5 CO CO t as TO J Sff pi SO old of the On tario Assembly in the of and West Ontario to make a call for Thomas passed away on the an organization meeting at an earlv 3rd He sat in the Legislature day so that he- Liberals of North tot Peter- York as now j tbe prepared for any emergency Since in of English parentage a candidate to contest the a leading editorial the Globe He belonged to the Methodist Church from not wish the to kno B Exourgfon Rates every fted- esday and Saturday Afternoon THOMPSONS REPAIR SHOP Prospect Ave Newmarket IRONWORK REPAIRED ON NOTICE Iawi a Specialty Guaranteed A THOMPSON Machinist J rv iva Formerly Can via and WfcfruCafld Toronto Str Toronto SAVINGS DEPARTMENT nod upward of at A4nn and JIUU with halfyearly for interest at for Send SAVIN your MONK for MAI aieso 1C4 WANTED A man to represent Canadas in thetown of and surrounding conritry ttidHVe Orders for Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Tree Small 8hruba Roaco o Block true to name and tree from Sen Scale A man da salary or STONE WELLINGTON in states signs are multiplying that presage the near approach of general elections for the Federal Parliament Alike in and Opposition circles is shown which suggests real opening of the campaign The date of elections has not been announced but the officers and members of the Liberal Asso ciations throughout Hie will do no more than intelligent prudence advisee if they lose no- more time in making ready or a vigorous campaign The officers of our local organiza tions reading between lines can scarcely mistake the warning note herein sounded It may hi weeks and it may be two or three months before the proclamation is issued dissolving Parliament not there is much to be done in way re organizing the three or tour constitu encies of North York North Ontario including the wiping out of the West Ontario etc into working order before being called upon to enter upon an active campaign Whether the elec tion is announced early or not it is the duty Liberals to make ready for any emergency Nominations are in various sections oi the country parties and North York stands among the Ridings from which no uncertain sound must go forth The record of the Administration is the standing as an enlightened and pro gressive policy in interests of all Provinces and therefore deserves to enthusiastically sustained PNEUMONIA IS KILLING TUB HOSPITALS Every day we hear of someone taken with pneumonia The only preventive is to strong and keep your body healthy Take ozone which mate the rich red blood that nourishes and stimulates the entire system 1 was all run down and an apt subject for pneumonia writes A Charters of Burlington when I tried I didnt believe it was possible or to build me up so quickly In a few days my appetite improved color came into my cheeks and I felt stronger I gained eight pounds and regained my old time through using Try it assures health Price in Committed At Parry Sound last Friday the man named Stanley who shot two men for deer was committed to bis trial for manslaughter It was shown that had Stanley taken a very little time and by mov ing his head slightly be could easily have seen it- was men not devr he was shooting at- Ahile a few steps either to right or kit would have brought the men in plain view as were working on an elevation at least thm the soot where the shots were fired and the distance was exactly yards Twentylive and a team horse were working within a radius a quarter of a mile and seven or eight other men were in the line fire less tl an 200 yards It is also shown the shots were fired as soon as Stanley got a glimpse the- men POOLS USE WASHES AND SNUFFS Thinking perhaps ihey will cure tarh but no one ever heard of a genuine cure following such senseless treatment is just one prompt and thorough cure tor Ca tarrh and it Is fragrant healing which goes right to root of trouble It germs heals the inflamed membranes and cures any case no matter how oh- or long standing I experi mented for years with Catarrh reme dies but Catfarrhozone the most rational and satisfactory writes AY J MacKachern of It cured me for all time For a sure cure use only Com plete outfit trial size 25c Four Chinamen who were being smuggled Canada were In Canal at Wtrtrn Ontario hotel men met at and decided to advance rates in all hotels to a dollar and a hall to bay Take letp All Me W signature on each box the approaching general death sir and a tinc Parliament of half a mi lion dollars of P only are covered by Grand Division of the of Mr Geo Grant ALP and result of a fire- at at Us session last week appointed speakexsare announced to address J Walton Aurora J Ale- the convention 1 i of Toronto St Catharines and Rev Win Walsh Brampton representatives to the-Do- Alliance- We congratulate Mr- Walton on his to the Alliance Committee although has caused a rude shock to candidate- at last election in this Riding 91 I Mfs convicted of A London Associated Press Despatch datedOera states that tbe House coats made of fur patches Great old duSers must Qaldw 1 adipnng have jealous of female boundary were i the Food ting the of While in Toronto last week Geo Conservative stated that he had decided not to a candidate for reelection owing to his business interests which teep him in British Columbia of the Knowing ones however ac quainted with the political situation have a strong suspicion the re cent redistribution bill which wiped out the gerrymander On tario and its influence in leading Mr to the conclusion reached Towards the close last a number capitalists of Ontario ad adjoining State of New York gathered at Toronto for the of interviewing the Ontario Govern ment to secure patents for corjndum- locations in Raglan Township We are told they have applied for patent rights of W acres of land on which the propose to work a large corun dum reduction plant It is held that in addition to abrasive corundum be utilized as an The field is ever widening in the walks of the legal The death of Mr Geo Casey ex- for West Elgin is announced from pneumonia as a result of a cold caught white on a hunting trip in the Temiskaming district Casey was a Literal He entered Parlia ment in being then the youngest man in Parliament only cars old and an honor graduate of Toronto University He represented his rid ing continuously for years until he was defeated as an independ ent Liberal in a threecornered con test which resulted in the election of Robinson The late Mr Casey leaves a widow and family of several children The crew of the Government cruiser plying on Lake In Iting a zealous gush some months ago seized a fishing smack known as Kitty The owners of the latter vessel reside at and entered an action for unlawful seizure A Canadian Judge has sustained the ac tion for wrongful seizure and now the Dominion Government is called upon to pay damages to the owners of the said Kitty Had the vessel been seized in Canadian waters the seizure would have been legal but the Petrel crew made this capture in the inland waters the United States part of Lake Erie The seizure did good however as it a lot of fish poaching in Canadian waters by American fisher men The Liberals of the Centre Hiding of met at Richmond Hill last week and organized for work teach lolling division in Lie Hiding elect a representative who with he form the Executive Committee Before the meeting closed it was decided to hold a con vention on Wednesday iSth for the purpose of selecting a candidate for Dominion House- Messrs Arch Campbell John and de livered addresses During the ad dress of Mr Campbell he stated that under the old gerrymander had been experienced Fast and West York the farmers and had been swamped by ihc urban vote in the suburbs of Toronto By the new division these were separ ated and the urban districts now con stitute South York destroyed by free about three oclock this afternoon About five hundred bogs were burned The fire which originated house spread so rapidly that nothing could be saved except a span horses and a coy A subscriber to a farmers paper this question At what times and under what circumstances may a firmer shoot stray dogs on his premises The answer the pa per gives to this question is as fol lows and it would be well for own ers of dogs to bear it in mind may kill any that he finds astray be tween sunset and sunrise on his farm if sheev arc kept thereon unless such a dog be securely mizzled or ac companies by one in reasonable call or control of the person having it in charge Even in such case the dog may be killed if there is reason able apprehension on the part the farmer that such a dog if not killed is likely to wound or worry sheep or lambs then on his farm He al so kill dog which he sees pursu ing worrying or without lawful per mission to any enclosed field on his farm and found by htm to be giving tongue and terrifying any sheep or lamb 1 hereon A schemer named Smith Battle Creek Mich who advertized fine Michigan apples in Toronto weeklies at a barrel has been brought up with a short urn Smiths scheme was to all the orders he could the kicks be came too strong and then disappear with the money The size of Smiths mail aroused suspicion in the post office and an investigation led to the conclusion that be was a fakir He was arrested and is now serving a years jicpialty in the of Correc tion About half a barrel of letters have reached the post office since Smiths incarceration containing money the post office department is qow returning these letters to their authors with contents i At the Chicago International Live Stock Show last week in stallion championship Graham Bros of won the prize with their threeyearold the beautiful black which captured the 1st prize in his class at Toronto This same horse also captured the special S100 gold medal given by the Clydesdale Society of Great Britain and Ireland for the best Clydesdale of any age In the class for mares the champion ship likewise came to Canada Toronto or Lady Superior by lately bought from breeder Col of Alexis Another owned in Beaver ton also won a prize this class Ontario can hold her own in stock oE any kind in competition with out American cousins Putting this togeth er it is quite within the range of probability that Globes two Conservative funds out of which the needful was drawn to meet the necessities of needy candi dates is not far wrong says The public is gravely assured that there was but one central in the Provincial election of How comes then that we find Mr paying out money and also Mr Bristol Messrs Snider in Norfolk Boyd in North Grey and in North York all declared that they got their- money in checks from Mr Mr in Lennox swore that he got in a check from Mr Bristol Were I miXmuT good state of cultivation there two gentlemen homed to wiu to draw checks the purity fund or were there two funds one a purity fund and the other another Mr Bristol belongs to what The Mail would call the Tory machine Cannot we get from the original source some more information on these vexed questions lv I yrxTOlt3THestionCrM- neither wrlflodral y and The Kind You Always Bears the Signature A perfect Remedy rtoa Sour and Loss or Sleep a i facsimile Signature of NEW YORK COPY Of For Farm for Sale acres Soil of rich clay and loam in excellent cultivation well watered good buildings The kind of farm to make money on from the GEORGE RUSSELL Aurora Farm for Being lot M con Whitchurch and- of acres about un der cultivation and acres timber with hardwood and hemlock The farm is situated about three miles from Newmarket and is convenient to both church and school house On it there are a good frame bank barn with atone foundation and stabling fox cattle and horses agood brick- clad house with brick Kitchen and frame woodshed a good well at the house a never failing spring creek orchard coming into bearing and plenty small fruit The farm Is well fenced and the soil is a good clay loam and In a ANY LADY CAN to weekly us In her locality HER SPARE TIME easy position Is pleasant the year round Will gladly send particulars to any lady who may to make sonic and will con vince you tblstn no deception MRS DAVIDSON Drawer So Oat Mootber Medical Firm In the World baa oand Dri A K Their re for Treat mAatdUcoTered perfected by these Eminent Speelallatj his comfort to of With experience la ibi these they can guarantee to Curs or No Pay Emit Debility Varicocele Stricture Impotoncy tad Mental Hid Their are backed by ENS Hon K Davis Commissioner of Crown announces that in view of the extreme size of the dis- and the constantly extending op erations he has decided to divide tie Saul Marie of the de partment For some time it been seen that such a division would facilitate the transaction of the business In and recent death of he late agent at the Son his afforded the opportunity to make change The- new IS USUALLY i with binding pain out re lief quickly when is for it is the strongest relteer in the world I consider a most magical remedy for Neuralgia I am subject to violent attacks writes Mrs of Baltimore but never worry if is in the house The prompt re lief that brings makes it priceless to me A few applications never yet failed to Kill pain I can recommend for stiffness in the joints and rheuma tism Try yourself g will be none this Fall and wheat sown given 1st of April Easy terms can be given if desired For particulars apply to ARMSTRONG on the promises or thru Newmarket P 0 33tf a secret drain throuffhthe rtn are not ache feel Dont let be away s no Pay thats the reason you feel tired ft away For DURABLE ROOFING SICK The practice of virtue coHs many endeavors and privations but one will find its prize In serenity of his soul and in universal is better by a noble boldness to run the risk of being subject to half of evils which we anticipate than to remain in cowardly listtessness for fear of what may happen A Opportunity for young men and young women to acquire a vocation this winter that will bring PHILLIPS NEWMARKET Careys Magnesia Flexible Cement Hoofing Sypblll la aconrraof mankind may not be a crime to have It but it Is crlmotoiatlo Beware of Mercury add the caaes or no Pay It to remain la the eyetem for It father- The New Method Treatment cares these diseases safely surety- detention orcsns The stricture absorbed andean guarantee Cm as ladder tells the lala Dont 1st Doctors xperlaientd yon yon are not beyond to Cure or No Pay NO CURB NO PAY srVoo sealed Write for Blank far Coofloontlnl DRS KENNEDY KERGAN IF ANY OF YOUR FAMILY or drink i Vtttld Write SISTER aft BROYHffi Lesson district in charge aVleaat of the the other can command in office division to be known is toe store factory di rict will be in charge of Mi T Q Wijg of Both men members of store factory etc Practical trail ing in and railway tel egraphy and railway office jlocAobt- plicei young ladies in to department outside staff and command from per month change is a merited promotion nn irAw friz agency work The department the moment you are competent A has also decided to Whit- achoot Is all that division with the agency la required rlt for which it Is believed the work of district -V- Dec us into the tesson 11 THE DEDICATION OF THE TEMPLE Text I Kings 8 Ml OR A MONUMENT TO GODS MERCY Golden Text I ilacl said unto me let house of the Lord 122 Leading Thought Those who J Lesson Points Many aro advantages of united worship God Ph AH who possibly could went up to the Dedication How different- from our day Now presence in Solomons temple ficio upon any paltry to Christ Gods stay home from Gods house With what reverence Israelites regarded and moved Dwelling Place of Jehovah building which represents to ovo God sanctuary As atones of the tomplo were prepared for their places in tho dis tant quarries so wo are being pro- pared here for oir place in heaven As the cloud betokened Gods so presence with us Matt the It is fitting that wo should express our lovo for God in songs of praise The and of thanksgiving 1516 Lot us bo just as careful to nrnpnox agency required Call or for believed will facilitate full Canadian the department in that institute comer College Toronto world how people estimate be loyal to our with Jesus the worth of religion should as trio tc th tions permit temples God asks for today are the consecrated hearts and of those who Him I Cor fy to a structure as our condt- token of Gods covenant with them lit us to erect I Chron rHeb 86 ri ri a ri ir Lord is always near us but we conscioua of hie on ly when our right Vanguard i j a

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