t 0 THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY Ignorance A Few young Cattle Wanted Heifers Ap ply to Smith York Mills- BOARDERS bo accommodated At Mrs J Davison Niagara St Md Wanted Highest wages to Mrs J Davis King Apply Good General Scrfaut Wanted Apply to Mrs H Lloyd Park Ave WANTED Lady compaaion middle aged to live with and for elderly lady Enquire at Steer Came upon Lot 3rd Concession North QwiUimhury about September first a steer coming two years old Owner must prove pay expenses and take it away WILLIAM Stray Heifer Came upon the premises the un dersigned about the first of June 1903 a yearling Heifer Owner is requested to prove property pay charges and away STARR Lot 31 of Whitchurch Newmarket PO IF YOU WANT TO SEE and together cat at Livery are from Hearty but alow The that thero a man walking and over taking them on the road robes may oeama1 and but ihat aint our fa Wo didnt them Prices are Id accordance with rood time you pay more Photos Dont leave them till December Come at once J Smith Photographer GRAND TRUNKSWKff CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR Holiday Rates Between al InCaa id Port Arthur Merle garni Wlndaor and to Detroit Huron Mich Buffalo Black Hock Bridge and RATE AMD LIMIT Fare for the Round Trip Good olo Dec Wth audtb return ing until alio rood going DrcSlat andJao valid return until Jan Single tie Hound Trip Good going Doc arid on and Jan valid returning For further information and tickets apply to Newmarket H Sovereign Canada Authorized Capital Head Office- Toronto BRA Belmont Que Harrow Markka Marmora Albert Montr Hi Button PO Toronto Br OF Sayings Bank Department allowed from date of be paid twice year You are not to or With on the or day the month You ma do either at any time Call and one of our Utile Booklet write and we will one Wallace Bruce Manager NEWMARKET C v ALBERT HouseKeeper Wanted Apply to Box This railway is by tie of and Ifce contractor entered an with the government to build road- tor a certain amount Hon is tKe man who will set tle with- contractor and if be has a lavor this man does any person pose the contractor will not make him pay it Express In writing or the such foolishness as the above John Smith merely emphasizes bis True the Northern Ontario Railway is a government hut It is constructed by a Commission and not by the It is being built apart alto gether from political considerations Mr parts does not late to settle the contractor The Railway Corp tan oners accepted the lowest tender and Commission will set tle with the builder When the road la finally completed and taken over by the Government will be a pubjio work and willbe administered by railway department not the depart ment of Crown A riAmes the chairman of in a letter to a Toronto evening paper recently speaking the appointment the Commission was the Premiers wish was to have the commission a strictly business board which would construct the road irres- politics and only with the view of getting the best out of the enterprise for the Province As Mr Davis has no business deal- f with the contractor in any shape or form how can the contrac tor him pay for it J The people of North York have had several opportunities to take Johns measure in recent years by merely not in his factious criticism and other lack of any desire to be to Mr Davis Time and again he plunges ahead into an argument with Don Quixotic vigor and about tie same kind of judgment and time usually shows foolishness of it all His reference to HonE J Davis of Kingston was another bad break in view of the fact that Mr Davis at that very time was buying a home in Newmarket The whole countryside is laughing quietly but John it blissfully ignorant of fact And of where ig norance is Miss folly to bo wise John Smith cannot expect to be regarded white he continues to play the boy features were many forestry problem as applied to culture the utility oldfashioned farm manures the of seed were cussot by organizations in connection with the fair story theVoth ex day to the effect that a Provincial Cabinet reconstruction was on Hon J Davis was about to and- that Hon was to be elevated to the Department of of Crown The whole story a midnight dream and as an old Con servative Minister of Mr Pope used to say when reports of a doubtful replied to by Tares nothing to it Some ten before the Telegram rumor was put in circulation Premier Ross stated publicly that no Cabinet changes were In contemplation this ends the chapter The Methodist Magazine closes its twentyninth year with a strong num ber A wellillustrated article de scribes the great project ot draining the Zee The number has quite a Christmas flavour with num erous pictures poems and stories and a wellillustrated article on Ca nada at the Worlds Fair On Friday last a petition was filed against the return of Mr recently elected Conservative P for The charges in the particulars to be filed later include treating and conveying voters and corrupt and illegal practices What was sauce for the Soo is bow saute for bye- elections being protested In its report the King Township Conservative organization meeting this week the Mail gives the intimation that Mr Archie is the coming possible candidate to contest North York at the approaching Dominion elections Somebody must have been codding the Toronto Opposition organ or codding the possible candidate The Crown timber sale at Toronto this week was a recordbreaker A total of miles ot the in were sold the Govern ment realizing therefor tbe sum of Some of the limits sold as high as a mile Mr Peter was the auc tioneer and the sale plane in the Assembly room ol tbe Parliament buildings A- press despatch to the London Free Press from To ronto dated Tuesday last states ft is said Mr Maclean MP will not get the Conservative for South York without a struggle Already several have been mentioned as candidates to go before the convention Mayor Fisher and no less than two are among tbe coming aspir ants winter Fair at this week which opened on Tuesday a success The exhibitors of stock arid poultry are much In excess of years the attendnco quite up to the average The edu- v POINTS PLEASANTLY Mrs Dr Clarke receives this afternoon Mr Stirling was yesterday Congratulations Miss Case of Mount Albert visited over Sunday in town Miss- Flo Verity is home after spending a week at King City Mr Jackson attended Fat Stock Show at this week Miss Kirby daughter of Mr Chas is very sick with pneu monia Miss Ada entertained a number of her schoolmates one even ing last week Mr Wm is back from GravenhuTst having completed the term Mrs Arthur has gone to King City to care for her is very ill Mrs Frank Webb and son of Do arrived here yesterday for the Christmas holidays Dr and Mrs Richardson were in the city last Friday night to hear sing at Hall Mr and bride- of KetUeby were visiting his sister Mrs Gould at Miss Mary Allen is back from She was called away to the burial of her sister Mr Howard Cane represented Newmarket Hockey Club at the gath ering in Toronto last Friday night Mr Percy is away for a holiday and Mr Duncan Munroe is filling his old place again at tbe Express office Mrs Workman of Hamil ton daughter of Mr Meads is home on a visit for couple weeks Mrs and Mrs Robinson of were visiting witb Mrs Webster part of last week- Mr son of Vic toria Harbor gave the Bra a call last Friday Mr Qui bell formerly resided at Holt Misses and Gibson of also Mies of Aurora spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Case Park Ave Miss Jennie Allan got home last week from Manitoba after a delight ful visit over three months with relatives and friends- Mr and Mrs A and at tended a wedding reception in To ronto Friday evening Miss Clara daughter of County Councillor who has been sick at home with typhoid fever for over two weeks is doing nicely Robinson editor of the Canada Presbyterian pub lished at Ottawa was in town on Tuesday and gave the a- fratern al call Mr Ewers and his soninlaw Mr Smith arrived bere on Friday from the and will spend the winter with their families on Church Street Mr Geo Wiley of writes under date of Nov as follows We are having One weather but hardly enough snow for sleighing It is neither wheeling or and we have to go a trip for aioad of wood In this country Mr Chan tier desires us to correct the statement In Era of Dec A he is Sunt Of tbe Na tional Military Home in Kansas There are nine of these homes in the States and they are counted among the greatest National Institutions He says It requires a bah with the ability arid nerve to draw a salary of per annum to govern an In stitution like this and I only wear a No hat However I am Iad that I am a of beautiful Home My childhoods home was a very unhappy one as art my friends Newmarket know but thank God I have now got a good happy home in my declining years Fire at destroyed Baptist Church and an adjoining res idence An explosion of acetylene gas at tbo Cornwall frightened the guests but did little damage CORNERS There is quite good sleighing for so little snow v A- few inches more snow would is drawing near with all Its glorious anticipations Many are straining their thin king boxes tat great day of pi cheer We have much- to be thankful for who were so highly and were many as to hear Rev Johnson on Tuesday night at Si Hall Will be most anxious to hear the Rev gentleman again He held his audience in ser ious thought punctured here and there with most sparkling humor for nearly two hours It many of his trite truisms axe left written on the tables oh the heart we may not- look in vain for fruit in happier homes and beautifully mannered children The Keswick the evening with many choice selections At tbe close of the lecture Rev David Da vidson gave a beautiful farewell ad dress Rev David Davidson and wife start for mission work In India on Mr Myron Silver sided in usual pleasing manner The annual entertainment of Bethel Sunday School will be bold at she Tuesday Dec A good program is being prepared no pains are being spared to make this one of the roost- enjoyable occasions of the yule tide Beirtel ladies never fail to put up a good program The municipal kettle seoois simmer ing a little We can hear it above te din of North Renfrew the Feder al predictions the Alaskan award the purifying reptile fund disclosures or the of our would be Pro great Election Campaign is affecting us greater than any pro ceeding campaign over the seas Free trade or protection affects us but little if it ended there When our coffers are throws us thinking and acting As the US has a common protecting wall around the border of their confeder ation so should possess a com mon wall around our Empire Yes Joseph has accepted our Wilfrids preferential hint and is beginning to build his United Empire upon it Diphtheria for the nonce has out of view If our civic fathers would set to work and drain that cesspool on Con much if notali of cease What are a few hundred dollars to the loss in closed schools fees sorrow and death from its annual ravages Some try to impute cause to and Pleasant schools but forget to remember that along the borders each the disease has run rampart for years around this stagnant water and forms a breeding ground for each of schools and for the township Besides dead animals are left often times unburied to pollute the air The writer has seen a dead horse not many from school left all fall and the gentleman if may call him so plowing arouid the carcass The Council has a work to do along this line If Weekly Store News Useful In than two weeks Christmas will be here It is hard to realize that the time fo Holiday Shopping is so short- This year we have made ample provision for the Holiday Trad the very Latest Novelties procurable We a large trade and for some week past have been making preparations for it Although it is always more difficult to J others than for oneself we shall endeavor to make it easy to make selections here He are a Few gestlans lor Bills Ladies Parasols In a variety of handles in pure Silk and Gloria Silk Tops at and 1T6S 6o- value at do only Mens Mocha Gloves all sizes well worth pair for Mens Latest Style Ties We have over 1000 Ties to choose from at They are made in all the new shapes of Bows Knots and Puffs your choice for each to Our range of Mens far sur passes anything we have ever shown We have them in Cashmere Squares the new Clarendon Padded Muffler Whys Knitted Muffler prices to Mens Colored Shirts A large assortment of new Colored Shirts for the trade all sizes guaranteed or a new shirt very J special at each Ladies and Handkerchiefs To attempt to describe the many beautiful lines of Handkerchiefs we have selected for tbe trade would be Folly on our part We have every thing from the low priced printed Hand kerchiefs to beautiful lace and embroid ered Silk and Handkerchiefs Prices from to each Ladled 125 Sid Sieves doz only Ladies Tan and Black Kid Gloves sizes to regularly sold at per pair price pair Indies and Childrens Imitation Gauntlets In Grey all sizes New Blouse Lengths per yd only new Blouse Lengths 3 yds in each and no two the same very special at per yard GROCERY SPECIALS in New Fruits 80000 cotton operators in States had their wages cut down 10 per cent this week Stanley Archer 7yearold boy of Belleville was accidentally killed by his brother who was shooting sparrows on Saturday At Italy a peasant woman Lucia decapitated her sixteen- yearold daughter of whom she On the vote the of Weston the Council has decided not to Submit a local option bylaw at approaching municipal elec tions and now the temperance ieo- are going to local option the Reeve and two Councillors who vot ed to prevent the electors expressing a lawful opinion Berlin Dec A shocking ac cident tooV place this tortnoon at Ontario Sugar Company factory Fred of Saginaw Michigan chief engineer for the company was torn to pieces by being caught in a belt which broke while he was put ting it into wheel from which It had slipped Nearly every bone in body was crushed and both lcf were torn from body Death was instantaneous He was a married man and came here some two months ao from Saginaw Select Valencia Raisins lbs for 25c Finest Cleaned Currants lb Cleaned Currants 6c lb Limited quantity of old Cleaned Currants lb Limited Quantity of old Raisins at lb or lbs for Crosse BlaokwelPs New Peels Lemon Orange and Citron New Shelled Almonds and Walnuts A large bottle of John Bull Pickles 10c A large bottle of Olives regular foi A small bottle of Olives regular 13c for 10c If you desire our boy to call for your leave us your name we assure you Royal Baking Powder regular 2Bc for 18c Shell Brand Castile Soap 10c lb Old Cooking Figs in good condition at lbs for 25c Danes Rolled Baoon at lb Mild Cured Hams 10 to 12 lbs each at lb Breakfast Bacon 17c lb Sausage fresh daily 10c lb Quaker Brand Peas Corn Tomatoes or Beans superior to any other brand made Coffee our special blend lb Orders during the Winter months kindly of our very best services THE LEADING t Undertaking House You can buy your Parnitare Cheap For Cash Til January Parlor Suites worth for Bedroom Suited worth Velpur Couches worth for AH other kind of Furniture Price A of Fancy i Undertaking nd A Night calls attended to at Residence John Millard Phone 17 and I- HUNTER BROS Newmarket eter store at Otta wa was burned and loss sustained to the extent Two children Joseph went through on Wie Ottawa River near Ottawa on Saturday David jumped into thirty feet of frigid water swam under the ice and brought them out salelf The horse thief captured at for a crime is noV In jail awaiting enquiry into history- She her name is Mrs Mary OConnor Montreal She is about 15 years age and has a mania or brandy She tried to beat the railways until she was put on at every station then she hired livery horses selling the one driven securing another meanwhile securing brandy at every possible and under pretext of Illness Altar the King Edward Hotel by the Rev H Matthews on Dec Will Bird Montreal to Misa Eva Stephenson third daughter Stephenson for merly of Aurora The Tomb Nov Infant Mr J J Hoke At Aurora Walter years ana mot The remains were interred at St Johns Cemetery Newmarket on Wednesday afternoon tbe funeral be lag largely attended SMITH In Dec David Smithaged p Funeral on Friday at pm Christmas Toys For little folks interesting linos Tin and Iron Wooden and Rubber Surprise Boxes Dogs Horses etc Banks Horses Tops and lots else CHRISTMAS DOLLS All sizes Bisque or China Heads with and without hair cloth or leather bodies little and big ones pretty ones too from up to CHRISTMAS GAMES- More than one hundred assorted much more than we can here suitable tor young or old Any price from So upwards CHRISTMAS BOOKS Any quantity good Titles or leather bound Burnt Bound for gift Poems Birthday Childs Story Books Annuals Calendars Globe London News CHRISTMAS GROCERIES -V- MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Careful ant Prompt CHRISTMAS NUTS CANDIES CHRISTMAS FRUIT Fine Chocolates and POTATO BAGS EACH Central Telephone Office a I