Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 Oct 1903, p. 8

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A I NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT i6 1903 J ttat mother notices the smooth of her child marred by a red or pimply eruption It impure blood ana the child needs at once to the of Dr Golden Medical Discov ery the beat and remedy for impurity of the blood It entirety which corrupt the blood and cause disease It cures scrofula boil a pimples eczema Bait rheum and other which are the rect result of im pure blood It enriches well as purifies the blood Dr ha not filed raff bat has wonder for two aon writes Mrs Hart rick wcro Co Both hid scrofula I hate lost two daughter io let lhaa five Team with and scrofula eldest son two Or three years hemor rhage from a year He took Dr Pierres Golden Medical and not had a hemorrhage In a year Mr younger son hid scrofulous tores on his had two lanced but not any since he to take roar Accept no substitute for Golden Med ical Discovery There is nothing just as good for diseases of the stomach blood and lungs A page book free for the asking You can get the Peoples Common Medical Adviser the best medical book ever published free by sending stamps to pay of customs ana mailing only Send onecent stamps for paper covers or 50 stamps for clothbound vol ume to Dr V Pierce Buffalo Is not tAb hit arc a DUN LOP RUB2ER HEELS teUT COB TO King Tp Fair was a great success The entries were nearly per cent larger than usual and there was a large attendance SirWrrr Postmaster General and Hon J Davis Commissioner of Crown Lands were both preset to greet their con stituents AURORA an alternation in the Queens Hotel yards on Monday evening about watering a horse a young man kicked Louis the hostler in the luce breaking the Knee cap Mr 1 was sent to the General Hospital Toronto The League or the jdisf Church holding a unique entertainment in of church on Monday evening the The program consists readings etc Mr Willi row i of Toronto Miss of King City and Mrs Burton of will take a prominent part in the program The entertainment will Will one of the- best tie League has ever held and should be pat- Mr L will occupy the chair A sacred convert under the aus pices of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church will he held in that church on Friday eening The ladies fortunate in securing the Street Methodist Church Choir to give the concert The Choir consists of for tylive voices led by Mr J and is one of the best choirs in Toronto The famous Sherlock Male Quartette will be present also Miss Alice This will fine concert jured animal had to bo shot on Mon day as itwpufd not pay to try to cure the injured hit Boyd is now asking compensation from Miss or his loss and tbe question of liability may be tested Alexander secretary and book of the insolvent Pork Packing Company of and Mr Renfrew a director Arctic region is underlaid with min erals or every sort Moreover- with railroad facilities those regions will be available for tourists aswel as lor mining and commercial eater- prises 00J A rjseessful were examined last week before Mr Osgood Hall Toronto For the young men and is in to the affairs the The examination was I Railway business for the former and conducted by Mr Osier Wade telegraphy for the latter the company who contests a by Mr Pakcphani is that by agreement of the company be was to receive a of a year for five years and that ia Position the moment company have not carried out tbeir is an assured success We give you practical training in these branches and make you compe tent in from four to six months and Arc likt jii air The LlmJic J Toronto be BRADFORD Friday morning at It J Barry dealer in place tried to end his himself He fired two one of which entered his head oclock hides of life by Grocery and Provision Call and try our New England Ham Just the Thing for Picnics and Lunches All ready for use Q only per lb Picnic Hams per Cottage suns per lb bacon to lb Cooked Corn Beef I2ic to 15c lb I keep nothing but the Best and Guarantee You Satisfaction Berries on Saturday at Lowest Prices H KNOWLBS When You Need La Mr this shoot shots just above the car and lodged in his head Two doctors were called but could not locate die ball and concluded to send him to Toron to to the Hospital Mr Barry has been ill for the last two years and the inference is that he was not in bis right mind when he did the rash act Dr Walter P Thomson extracted the billet The doctor says Harry is doing very well but will probably lose the sight of one eye Mr Coombs had the thumb of his right hand taken off at first joint while operating a gasoline engine The Managing Board of tire Proa- Church are considering the holding of their annua fowl supper or about flic- of Nov Mrs sustain ed a broken rib by a fall in the basement of Trinity Church She lias been confined to the house for some days but is improving nicely inspector Clarke summoned Messrs Dulse and Holt hotel- keepers of this village to on Saturday to answer charges preferred against them for infraction of Liquor Law receruly The former- was fined and ant the latter and costs contract He makes a further for disbursements made by him on behalf of company liqui dator on the other hand that Mr has received all the salary due him and that he is not to the 10227 as the failure of the company to complete- the con tract to his representations that Che business and Being by company from him and others were of greater value than they appear to have been Tbe liquidator further claims that Mr induced the directors to assume liabilities unauthorized by the agreement with the shareholders and thereby contributed 16 the causes which forced company into liqui dation The harvest thanksgiving services at the Methodist church en Sunday and Monday last- were well attended and the services bright and to the large congregations present tie church be ing well filled On Monday at the and supper a large crowd assembled and one of the best meetings its kind ever held in the church Hie interior of the building was very prettily and tastefully dec orated with fruits lowers c which presented a very pleasing ranee A short program was given by the choir from the string orchestra and a very fine lecture Mrs on The Peoo Jfcet The lecture itself was worth the admission The many droll and queer people depicted by the speaker one often meeting such characters as they journey through life Alter ample and appe tizing refreshments served by the ladies had been partaken a very enjoyable evening was brought to a close proceeds amounted to about Phone No and get tbe best town In NEWMARKET After a seven years practice Dr Thomas deiilel to leave greatly to the re gret people that district r Kidney and Cough a unit r TMI I 4V i Sold at Drug Store and Bros Co wholesale Reynolds got away on Saturday with his two loads of cattle and slock Mexico after waiting a week or more for cars On Tuesday evening the Rev A re hi bold was received as rector of Christ Church Miss Addie Atkinson has returned after two weeks visiting friends at Newmarket Aurora and Vaiidorf On Saturday last base ball team went to to play the return The home team felt sure that they easy defeat the visitors but they were nVjch dis appointed the corcf standing J to In favor of The anniversary services of St church will take place the special preacher- tire Rev J pastor of Church Ottawa Tho Recital given October 2nd by Miss assisted ay Miss Laura tier rude and Paul was as a treat Sel dom has a audience opportunity of anyUiing su perior in the musical line We are pleased to hear that Mr J of Iowa for merly teacher at is teacher In a High School there He also runs a fine farm and has some of the flntfit horses in the State haying sold a team of blacks recent ly for handsome sum of We regret however to note Mrs is not enjoying good health but hope she may soon he restored On Saturday last while Mr Hugh Boyd was driving to town leading a horse behind the rig and when at Mongolia a horse belonging to Miss Defter jumped over the hoard fence and got upon the road It then at tacked the led by Boyd and kicked it on the front le 1 fracture of the bone The In Wealth in the fifetic A railroad has been built in Nor way and Sweden says the New Or leans Picayune reaching up into the North Polar zone which embraces all that part of our earth north of degrees north latitude or north of a line which is only south of tire North Pole capitalists want a supply of Swedish iron all the year routed have built a railroad from mines or iron ore deposits near to on the coast of Norway For some time ore has been carried on a branch of the road to Norwegian from the mines or hills of Kirunavara and is an island town of Sweden nearly fifty miles north of the Arctic Circle It is the cen tre of vast forests and iron filled hills It is much nearer to a port on the of Botltnia whith er were it not lor the long winters its wood and iron Would naturally go but the Gulf of Bothnia a bay the Baltic is closed to navigation for four or five months of each year It is interesting to know that far northern regions art rich in min erals With gold in Alaska Iron in Norway and Sweden and coal In and Spitsbergen there Is good reason to tthat the entire Young ladies earn from to per month and young men from to per month Call on us or write for particulars Canadian Railway Instruction Inst Cor Col lege St Toronto itii It and fjesertyes Government to Set Additional Tracts of Forest Country Hon J Davis Commissioner of Crown Lands T Gibson director of the Bureau of Mines and George Yates sccrefary to the Commis sioner returned Wednesday of last week from a tour Temiskatn- country Mr Davis declared that his expectations of the country were more than realized Settlers were rapidly pouring in and the Crown kept busy allotting the land As a general rule every one who bad taken up land in the country was satisfied with the con ditions Asked if any more forest reserves would be set apart Mr Davis said Ilat the Government were at present considering the question The policy was to set apart permanent Crown Reserves on lands that not suit able for agricultural purposes where the timber could be sold and the province get the benefit of the na tural increase in value Mr Gibson was also loud in his of the country At New he was shown samples of very good specular iron ore which had been discovered south of the eight of laud He was also shown specimens of galena from tho same district and pyrites from lo cations further east Mr Gibson paid a visit to the iron range on the northeast arm of Lake on which veins of ore were seen from to feet wide Diamond drilling was about to be commenced l and the expectation was that some he gradually looks more large bodies of workable ore would be found- The big Dan location was also vis ited whore of arsenical ore carrying gold were found For the R psast treason by a banker What average is there who does not receive with considerate an invitation to dine with the Lord Mayor of London with one of the great City Companies or with any of the scientific or literary or artistic bodies Although the gastronomic aspect of the function with a few the most important fac tor in the entertainment yet with probably- the great majority is feast of reason and the flow of soul which forms tnc chief tlon To those who for the first time at tend a City dinner the oldtime nov elty if such solecism may be the proceedings imparts an especial interest Grace having been said turtle soup is brought on by an army waiters and footmen the gourmets among the anxiously scanning their ta see if they have been the proper pro portion of calipash and calipee that incomparably luscious green meat of the Then follows a long series of various courses towards ttc end of which and lifter grace has sung by a choir the in stentorian tones cries out Worshipful Master or the Lord Mayor as case may be bids you all a hearty a pauseThe Worshipful Master will take wine with you Thm follows the loving cup a large silver vase tilled with spiced wine which the Master takes in both hands and rising makes a deep bow to the guest on his right hand who also with a deep bow lid The Master takes a sip wipes the Up of the vase with his servi ette the cover is replaced and the guest gees through a similar with the diner on For Taxes County of York 30 OX COUNTY OF I By Virtue or a Iciuol TO by of u er On QT Hundred and Three and to mo dire ted to proceed with rtcCoHi a TTlth the the Arrears or on Lands set therernrc slve unices the paid I and or so much thereof as Liny thereon ALL TUB FOLLOWING LANDS ARE PATENTED arrears of taxes and lo placed hereinafter in v v of DISTRICT Ho I TO BE ON I DAY OF DECEMBER tho of oclock am In the Old Court Houso Adelaide Tn MDNICIPALITY OK Street Taxes Bossed to Peers 11 John north side No MHrkhtttu Vaughaimnd Village or iiRU DAY OF DECEMBER At the hour of In the HALL HILL MUiNICIPALITV OP Description Brooke to O to Alex Pfeaby- oSalcm to Win Jaa Harris K to K I Lot half Con part part part part 11 MUNICIPALITY OF I script Ion to Ser part to T Boyd hi commonly known as the Old Mill Property middle MUNICIPALITY OK MAUKHAM Description Lot Work Street to Bertha Millar Mo in D Crosby A half half half acre Quantity acre IT 1 a it TaotH Quantity iltlmae iic to ir 191 Pcca V Kips il Tti IK It is ltd right the cup travelling round from guest to In Op the Way A wind is a wind from whatever per- his tire the meantime a large silver salver filled with rosewater has also round Alter a luxurious desert the commence each toast being preceded fry the oastmaster calling out in a loud voice silence tot the Mas ter or otherwise first course the loyal toasts followed in due course by the oast of evening Worshipful Company of root and may it forever To the inexperienced in public speaking this part of the pro ceedings is a severe ordeal he happens to he called upon to propose or respond to a toast As the time to and more anxious and uncomfortable his conversationalpowers Hag and wane until at length rising at the call the he with more or less harassment and hesitancy livers the lucubrations he has during the few minutes pre Some men while speaking indulge in various involuntary amongst strangest which the DISTRICT No 3 Comprising nod Holland Landing ON DAY OF at hour of J In TOWN HALL ALKOltA MUNICIPALITY OF BAST G VILLIMUUHY lot Con Taxes to lfd in 1 Y at acres to S227 MUNICIPALITY OK Ave Plan Qtiautlly Tans No I7acaht 111 Harold No abt 10 MUNICIPALITY OK HOLLAND LANDING Lot Con or St Quantity Tare of hit v U Estate lot 101 1st At W pi I Kips fii A Kipi K I SIC J DISTRICT No North ami 1 he Village or gale be held 29 HI DAY OF at hour HOTEL HALL VlllaucolSliTTOS OK NOKTH Lot Walttr Kcawlek to tt alter Kesivtek Si Si Description to BColby quarter it may blow So though writer lcing to the in the Scottish High- j collect the glassw his neighbors on each side and during the whole of his speech to continue rearranging thttn with his own in geometric figures Hut the limited space allotted to these articles forbids other retcrenco to other interesting features these banquets held in the same halls and the same procedure as our fore fathers were wont to observe in tlio reigns the Tutors and the Stuarts How different the magnificence of these feasts to the simplicity of that hist Supper of which the Lord partook before making atone ment for the sins both mankind ami of His Hocks throughout the universes Hut the scourging and all that agony which Ho soon to endure was endured for us and by we may if we will inherit that glory lands of whom a tourist asked Is this a good place do you for a person with weak lungs Kane better sir better was hire encouraging reply I have boon advised to settle in a place where there is a south wind Docs it blow much here- Oh was the answer Its aye the south wind that here Hut Its blowing from the north now J l aye sir its a one the wind a the same sir on its road hack again Look through your stock of office stationery and see if you need any thing in the printing line state ments letter heads envelopes cata logues etc Let us do the printing now we do all kinds at right prices Try the Era for 3 months 25c MUSI CI PA 1 Street Qui Taxes Toil acre acre in Cox well ft LITY OK Kips 5- I S5 105 III TO Macro it York Sept IW Published Sept J K WIVES MOTHERS IK OK YOUR FAMILY for liquor 1o by secretly la O Impossible Free price Write 31 Toronto Can giving food or Failure SISTERS BROTHERS Formerly Canada Permanent and Canada Coriwratlou Toronto Street Toronto 1st VicePresident and Director ABSOLUTE SECURITY J 2nd VlcePrMldeiit in it year pee it iU lct of bi it to ill I Mr vhkk nail at it our lay awn will a yea YOUR SAVINQS SAFE For Bale or to Rent To tenant dwelling house store in the village of Sharon outbuildings hard and soft water Buildings comparatively Apply at Post or J Supt Metropolitan Lite Insurance Co Farm for Sale acres In lots and 31 Con Whitchurch Plenty and water Two thirds seeded wall under barn WM Vivian PO Paid up Capital ftOfOO00 166006a Invested WXOCOU0 EVERY FACILITY and growing must right Soft and crooked bones mean bad feeding Call the disease rickets if you want to The must eat the must have food blbqd must and on through the list- Scotts Emulsion is the right treatment for soft bones in children Little doses everyday give the stiffness and shape that healthy hones should have Bow legs become straighten joints grow stronger and firmness comes to the soft heads Wrong food caused the trouble Right food will cure it In thousands of cases Scotts Emulsion has proven to be the right food for soft bones in childhood Send for free sample SCOTT Toronto Ontario Ul all i If you are afraid of laxatives here is one that really will not draw you into the laxative habit Little medicine tablets that cure Indigestion and Constipation gently naturally permanently TINY TONIC TABLET little pellets that cure you and keep you cured A tonic that will build up the stomach and bowels purify the blood invigorate brain and nerves Why not try Fifty Ironox Tablets In attractive aluminum pocket case cents at or scut receipt of price The Ironox Remedy Co Lim ited Out xL A v v

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