Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 Oct 1903, p. 7

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A NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT CHINA I A I I Local ecus HALL 3 and Shoes ffc what we know to be the But Filling and Best Wearing Shoes Made in Canada LADIES MISSES MENS BOYS AND CHILDRENS Deep Col Lloyd has received the Deer Licenses and is now ready to issue then In bis absence they will be found in the Clerks office Season from Nor 1st to Improvement Mr the old English has finished the grading sodding etc on the premises on Eagle St recently purchased by Mr Mann and has the appear ance of the place wonderfully m Changed Hands Mr Will Trivett sold his house St last Tuesday to Mrs Art Wilson of Whitchurch who will occupy it at once Houses dont re main vacant in Newmarket many days Special Meeting A special meeting of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church will take place on Thanksgiving evening at the close of the prayer service in connection with the proposed Thanks giving festival The annual convention the York County takes place in the Methodist Church Newmarket on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week Delegates are expected from all parts of the County The address on Tues day evening is to be given by Rev of The public are invited It is poor economy to buy a pair rf just because they cost a life less than a A Good Solid AllLeather Shoe idea of doing business is not tow cheap a Boot we can sell but at a reasonable profit Berlin Rubbers ire No in quality They fltJ and well We have them also firstclasB makes GROCERIES NEW FRUITS AND PEELS JUST HAND CHOICE NEW FIGS Just arrived China Department We import direct from the manufac turer our Miser Sets Toilet Sets Lamps Etc GET OUR PRICES- The Leading Reliable firoeep Bread and Cakes fresh at Flanagans grocery The Aurora was very beau tiful on Monday and Tuesday even ings The season for fern and leaf gather ing is at hand Mr J putting up a neat lattice fence at his resi dence Park Ave Public School Board Regular meeting feast Tuesday even ing Scott Brim- son Manning and Pretty The Principals report shows 338 on the roll with an average attend ance during September of nearly Nonresident fees Following bills passed repairs Water rates Insurance renewals Board adjourned York Society A board meeting of the above So ciety was held on Saturday last with President J Cane in the chair Several protest were dealt with but the two which caused difficulty was the Farmers Trot and the prize on cattle herd- both of which were referred to com mittees to unravel the tangle The prize list as amended was patted and the treasurer was ordered to pay the premiums In a general way the treasurer will be at his office every day from am to to pay prizes but will make It a point be home every Thursday and up to tho ffrst of December All the accounts against Society as fax as known were passed and or dered to be paid The treasurer re ported that the proceeds of the Fair and concert amounted to about a slight advance on last year the Old man Says We see so much misery and pover ty as we look around us a large part of might so easily have been avoided that we may be pardoned for referring to some matters which concern ail whether on farm or off it There the common error made by parents in teaching their children the value of money and the honor and respectability associated with good oldfashioned hard work there is the folly of the wrong man who seeks to cut a ten foot swath on a twofoot income who churning that ihe world owes him a living will do almost anything rather than work for it there is imprudent and hasty marrying the almost univer sal gambling habit the ut ter indifference to a surety com ing old age by failing to save any thing for that period the foolishness of on other mens paper or in trying to boost up a son in a busi ness which he does not understand and for which he is unfitted itch ing for public office and evident pur pose of so many to lire on tho plane Let us eat drink mid bo merry for tomorrow we die With the opportunities within reach the young men of this country it real ly a disgrace for him to be poor when he becomes old Fruit r Fair List of Prize Winners GRAIN AND SEEDS Winter Wheat J Leonard 2nd Sid Leonard Celery Stephens 2nd Win Dean Citrons J Evans 2nd Stephens Hops P J Watson 2nd a Brown FRUITS The Fruit Season will soon be a thing of the past r Basket Fruits of all kinds are get- ting scarce Grapes are getting much higher in ice also Tomatoes Dont put off any the frosts have made their appea ance you know what that means eon 2nd Geo Taylor Winter Wheat white Chas 2nd Stephens Farming For Profit Farmer should keep best three words constantly conduct his farm On business principles Guess work aid haphazard methods arc no longer used by and uptodate far mers By reading The Weekly the Parmers Business P you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi ness fHt Sums market reports worth many times the sub scription price to you Farmer in Canada realize the full value of the service The Sun has rfer him in a public way It was due in giving voice to the pinions of the farmers that e law relating to cattle guards drainage across and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been tended We will send The Weekly January combination with Collection Apples J Watson 2nd Ferguson Greenings J Davis 2nd Goose Wheat Stephens 2nd P w i Any other kind Spring Wheat Geo Taylor 2nd J H Stone 2nd G Six Rowed Barley 1st and 2nd Ta Taylor 2nd I Sweets J Davis 2nd Stephens White Oats 2nd Stephen Large White Peas Stephens Clint i Ben Davis ApplesW Stone Russets W H Stone 2nd Sid Fever 2nd P J i Watson Geo Taylor 2nd Red Stone Rynard 2nd Alexandria- Leonard 2nd Clint Fever fj Roller 2nd T LawresceW Leonard 2nd Walker White Beans Rynard 2nd SnowsClint Davis 2nd Bid Leonard j8tone Colored Beans- 2nd 2nd On Wednesday afternoon Oct at oclock the Women Mission ary Meeting at which trie annual be taken will be held in the church Mrs Gregory President the will he present to give an Ml la dies are cordially invited The pastor has commenced a scries studies on lite Bool of at his Sabbath from 330 to Do not ail to hear Rev J A Clark of next Sab bath Mr Clark Ik well remembered by his anniversary sermons of two years ago in tills He Is one of the best preachers among the younger men of the Presbyterian Church and as he Jim ted a call to Calgary one of strongest churches in the West he will not be heard in the East again for some time It is expected be will be greeted by large in The Era for Subscribe Samples for the Asking Sole Register THURSDAY Oct 2Important un reserved sale of stock implements and furniture belonging to the estate the late Arthur Wilson on the premises con church Sale at 12 oclock sharp For further particulars see pos ters and small bills TUESDAY Oct 27thMr Pollock will have a of stock implements etc on lot con North credit except for hogs hay and roots or per cent oft for cash Sale at one Kavaoagfc Glover of vaw to death between at J Yellow Corn Chas 2nd Geo Taylor White Corn JUonard 2nd Brown ROOTS AND VEGETABLES W Stephen 2nd J V Collect Potatoes W 2nd Empire 2nd Chan Elephant Potatoes Duke P J of 2nd Early Vermont Potatoes Any kind Potatoes 2nd John Evans Swedish Turnips W 2nd Pluukett P J Watson Field Carrots long Stephens Field Carrots short 2nd W Stone Table Carrot W T Stephens 2nd V Globe 2nd Long 2nd Stephens Blood Tolor 2nd Rynard Sugar Beets Rynard 2nd Pumpkins Step hens i f Common Pumpkins Step hens 2nd J V Child Mammoth Step hen 2nd Sid Leonard Red Lemon 2nd J Evan White Onions J Onions Sid Leonard 2nd Watson Cabbage Dean 2nd Chan Red Stephens 2nd A 2nd 2nd Chas Duke Fall Pears Miss Winter Leonard Grapes Stephens 2nd Sid Leonard Comb Honey Sid Leonard 2nd Taylor Extracted Money Taylor Sid Leonard Maple Syrup- Taylor 2nd J A McDonald BREAD AND DAIRY Homemade Bread P JT Sponge McDonald 2nd Mrs J Collection Cakes J A Mrs J Slid into Rivef Many Buildings Wrecked and Cattle Killed A Ottawa Oct Three hundred acres of rock and earth slid into River at twelve above Buckingham Quebec at oclock yesterday morning The noise sounded very much like an earthquake and the residents were for a while panicstricken The house of Mr Clements which had been located on a hill Was moved in to a hollow All the barns and out buildings were wrecked and the cat tle killed The live stock of Mr Maurice were also kilted and the outbuildings destroyed A yawn ing chasm was created in front of Mr door One hundred acres of from Mr Duncan Mc Millans farm sjid into the river The outbuildings of Mr Alex who lives half a mile from the river were ruined and his house dam aged The slide extends from the moun tain on the west side of the river to the mountain on the east side a distance of threeojiarters of a mile The slide burst upon the gates of the Government at Little Rapids and injured the nam The water rose to a depth of feet and render ed impassable the highway on the east side of the river from the scene this morn ing state that a new course has been for the River through the track of the For seme hours the water power was cut of from the Buckingham Works but at latest reports the cur rent was going freely and the works were running as usual Scenery In Oil Miss Mrs Mitchell Any OH Miss 2nd Mis Painting on Glass or Chlnu 2nd Mrs Kersey Painting on Plush or Velvet Tolton fidd Mrs Painting on or Silk Miss 2nd Mrs Mitchell Painted Panel Miss 2nd Mrs Painted Plucquo 2nd Fisher Water Colors 1st and 2nd Hon Pencil 2nd Geo Leonard Crayon Drawing Parell 2nd Miss Painting on Bolting Silk Miss Tol 2nd Mrs Miss M Ferguson aged years of was struck and by a train at KonR was seized with white speaking in the Sen ate and was unable to finish his speech T Collegiate Board of Stratford has decided to an Iron working department at the manual training at a cost of between JBflO and 000 ATKINSON Op tie tan NEWMARKET Gillettes Supplemental Chambers to shoot cheap Pistol Cart ridges in rifles saves dollars in am munition TUB HARDWARE SPECIALTY CO tondo Toronto Town Carting ST THE BEST MACHINE It talks I Slugs Comic Sacred and Sentimental Songs Plays like a full Band or Orchestra You can understand every words speaks It is the greatest entertainer ever made It uses the Flat Disc Records which last for years The la in Canada A five years written gua rantee with each machine Write for Catalogues free PRICES TO Sold on Easy Monthly Payments if desired MANUFACTURED BY BERLINER 231S23I9 Catherine Montreal Ginirat for Canada A WATSON Jeweller Agent Newmarket SHORTHAND BOOK KEEPING PENMAN8HIP c Taught at TORONTO By Experienced Toochore Auetion Sole of j Timber Berths PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to authority of Orders in Council the Rett and White Pino Timber in the following townships berths areas namely In the DISTRICT of the Townships of Mutton with the thatoicii Over GOO help each The only school in Toronto Famous thy Merrick part of HAND or himtl stewatt part of part Osborne part and Phelps part of In the DISTRICT of ALGOMA- Berths 195 and the Town ships of Kitchener and Roberts and Block near Onapiog Lake In the RAINY RIVER DISTRICT Chartered AccoanUat Berths OH and and all ticularx fit J All for carting will ha promptly attended to Moving a specialty Good bus kept for hire TIIOS HUNTER JR Rear of Public School Newmarket P Farm for Sale Being lot con Whitchurch and consisting of acres about un der cultivation and acres timber ed with hardwood andhomlock The farm is situated about three mites from Newmarket and is convenient to both church and school house On it there are a good frame bank barn with atone foundation and stabling cattle and horses a good brick- clad house with solid brick Kitchen and frame woodshed a good well at the house a never failing spring creek a young orchard coming into bearing and plenty of small fruit farm is well fenced and the soil a good clay loam and in a good state of cultivation Plowing will be done this Fall and wheat sown Possession given 1st of April Easy terms can be given if desired For particulars apply to ARMSTRONG on the premises or thru Newmarket 3Stf and the following berths with the right to cut and remove the spruce cedar and poplar OS OSS 03 040 Berths SI S3 S3 and will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Parlia ment Buddings In the City of Toron to on Wednesday the NINTH DAY of DECEMBER at the hour of ONE oclock in the afternoon Sheets containing terms and condi tion of Sale and information as to Areas and Lota and Concessions com prised in each Berth will he furnish application either personal or by letter to the Department of Crown Lands Toronto or the Crown Timber Agencies at Ottawa Marie Port Arthur Rat Portage and Fort Frances J DAVIS Commissioner Crown Lands Department of Crown Lands Toronto July No unauthorised publication of this advertisement will be paid or

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