Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 Oct 1903, p. 5

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T ONTARIO BAN CAPITAL STOCK PAID OP ToUJ Asset tfiiD COCKBCJKN OH AS BRANCH General Banking TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits BITS DRAFTS ISSUED AT ILL American Manager 1 Simpson IS Halo St fluadiie and Goods AUCTIONEER Bolton Painter and Decorator Corner Street Lane and V EVES WJ SMITH EVES St srniTH DOUGLAS CO Stocks and percent Original secured and u Block Newmarket Ellis Architect and Sanitary Engineer Room Manning Chambers Toronto plan and Estimates made or all kinds of buildings at Era Office will receive prompt attention Jackson LICENSES At the Bra Newmarket at private residence If aired NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Before Ordering Allan Andrew Hunter Builder Contractor Given On Short Notice Boiler Setting Granolithic Porchea and Float Door Steps Before- going elsewhere consult ANDREW HUNTER St P Box Newmarket THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT i- TV A vVw ft Pall Fairs Bolton Oct Bradford Oct 2021 industrial There are only inmates at this County Institution now but no tho number win increase as the cold approaches The accounts for last month passed by the Com missioners amounted to In spector has been very poorly hut we are pleased to learn that he around again worthy Speaking the removal Mr Aurora to Newmar ket as successor of Mr A at the depot the Banner says Mr McCraw who has been agent here for the past three years is one of the best the best agent the Company has ever had Here and merchants shippers and the travelling public are loath to see him go Mr Archer a ministerial student in Toronto conducted the services here last Sunday and was well J The pastor will preach a Thanks giving sermon next Sunday morning and in the evening an evangelistic sermon Pupils For Mandolin Guitar and Banjo Firstclass Instruments given free to pupils beginning the first the term which open in Newmarket in a lew days For particulars correspond with Mr Ozburn Marlboro Aye Toronto THOMPSONS REPAIR SHOP Ate Newmarket KINDS IRON WORK REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE Specialty Guaranteed A THOMPSON P Farm for Sale Bread and Cakes fresh at Flanagans grocery Farmers should make a note the date of tne extensive sale of belonging to the late Arthur of Whitchurch Thursday next week Be sure and hear Mr- Marter on Temperance Reform in the Town Hall next Tuesday evening- Regular meeting of Town Coun cil next Monday evening Try Flanagans for choice groceries vegetables and fruits Everybody Wants It The public nowadays are quick to appreciate a good thing- Two weeks ago we announced that The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal were giving as premiums this season two beautiful pictures and a large colored map of the Do minion with an enlarged map of this province it was the latter which caught tlm public fancy The want it was evidently felt in most homes and we are informed the de mand from this section has been a surprise to the publishers The Family Herald and Weekly Star the two beautiful pictures and maps all for one dollar is sufficient to create a any time It is the biggest dollars worth before public Extension The- following welcome information regarding the extension of the elec tric railway from Newmarket to Lake appeared in last Saturdays The Metropolitan Railway having also passed under the control of those who control the Toronto road the work of extending the Metropoli tan to Lake has been considered and decided upon This extension will start from New market and run to Jacksons point a distance of miles Owing to actual and anticipated difficulties in running this line along tho highways it has been considered wiser to expro priate a right of way and this is now about to be done An effort is being made to settle with each sep arate properly owner along the route This will take some time hut there will be special effort to conclude this matter so that work may begin as early as possible Meeting On Tuesday evening Oct 20th a Public Altering will be held In the Town Hall Newmarket commencing at when addresses will be delivered by Rev J Abraham Marter of Toronto and others temperance cause in the Prov ince of Ontario has reached a serious crisis a very large vote and an immense majority electors have declared desire for legislation to protect their homes against the drink evil that is working soon desolation and misery throughout the land It Is practically certain that anew liquor law will be enacted at the next- session of Legislature and the reasonable and righteous demand of the temperance people is that this new law shall abolish the barroom and treating system and Impose upon the liquor traffic such further restrictions as will most effectually curVtall its operations and remedy its evils To attain this end the temperance forces are being organised throughout Province the plan of Voters League which will be ex plained at above meeting It Is to be hoped there will be a Clubbing Hates Era and Weekly Globe Era and Weekly Mail Era and Daily Globe year North York only Era and Toronto Evening Star Era and Toronto Evening News 2 Bra and Montreal Star with premium Era and Farmers Advocate Era and Farmers Sun Balance year free for all Weeklies The Or and Trunk Single FirstClass Fare from stations in Canada and west also from Bridge Niagara Falls to the of Ontario which include the Lakes District of Bays Lake pissing to Sev ern to North Bay Lindsay to on line Canada Atlantic to Party Sound Ticets good going Oct to Nov All tickets valid return ing on or before Dec- 12th A handsome illustrated pamphlet en titled Haunts of Fish and name will be ent on application to J A McDonald District Passenger Toronto For Tickets and all Information apply to tgents Band Concent As we publish a day earlier this week we are in time to remind readers of the grand Military Band Concert in the Town Hall on the evening of Thanksgiving Day by the Band of the Body Guard Toronto Besides the lions by the full band there will be cornet and trom bone solos besides humorous songs by Torontos popular comic Mr J McRcath An excellent program is promised Letter I Tnq case of Alfred again called at the General last week and adjourned It now stands for trial on Nov The citys assessment for just completed shows an increase of over This increase however is not a taxable increase I For the EraTj Cattle fop the Mr Dominion Live Stock Commissioner says that at present the trade in between the older provinces the Territories is r a unsatis factory condition and many those who have been shipping tattle to the NorthWest tuts season have The income exemptions made last len very much disappointed in the in the assessment law will prices realized probably reduce that increase to a Under date of Sept Mr little over in round Peterson secretary of the Tatritbcial Live Stock Associations The cost of feeding prisoners in writes Within the past week from County jail at London is t3 els hundred to six hundred per day Governor is now reached Calgary alone and the to be heard from who caters for the demand here is absolutely nil These Kings hoarding house for York over people must either take their stock the Don elsewhere or lost heavily Because Dr couM not have There are several reasons for this his own way with regard to Trinity condition of affairs Finished cattle- he has stepped down selling at and out of the Rural Deanery A prices It is stated on good Western paper says it looks as if the authority that the entire output of Dean wouldnt work in the harness Ingest ranches in South ern was sold at head for three year old and four year old cattle Naturally there fore that paid per head for yearlings two years ago and have sold them this season as three year olds for prices in the neighborhood of are not anxious to this fall at anything like the prices prevailing for the last two or three years Again winter feed is scarcer than usual on the ranches this fall and as a consequence many of the cattle men that usually purchase a number of stockers at season of the year have scarcely hay enough to carry their breeding stock through the winter of Ag Ottawa MR J Since large hills were issued two more artists been secured for this Miss Maud and Miss Jennie who will ear in Scottish arid Skirt and Plan scat at Store Form Produce Splendid market last Saturday a large quantity of butter was offered Chat demand was more than satisfied and the price dropped to shortly alter oclock The ruling prices were as follows Butter t to Eggs IS to Dressed chickens to pair Dressed ducks CO to Dressed Turkey lie Lamb to lb Pork by the lb Pears to basket Apples lV20c basket Potatoes bag Crab apples basket Celery to Cabbage per head Cauliflowers to Onions peck Cucumbers basket Live Chickens to Old liens to Live Ducks to pair Pigeons pr will be received by for the purchase K Hunter on Yonge fit about a mile from Newmarket fa a desirable farm SO acres and the grove about ten acreo St Brick House and other iu For tte J ROBBRTPON Newmarket Rabbits 20c pair large attendance to hear these to 55 par ternperariocworkcrs lb A conference the 8 to 10c forte fll North York is to be held lo Temperance Hall Newmarket to UK- on the afternoon of the name cowwrenclng at oclock Every church every organ ization every temperance society is earnestly urged to send as many as possible and every friend of the temperance caute Is cordially invited to attend For the ake of the ard homes that are to ruin if to go unchecked this ur gent appeal made Lord only when it pleases himself Prof Robertson of North Berwick Scotland is the professor of tics and practical training in Knox College The city bylaws are being revised by a special committee of Council The work is necessary to meet lation of recent years At the close of the celebration of the Holy at St Lukes Church one day last week the Bishop Toronto unveiled the brass tablet erected in memory of the late diocesan president- of the Womans Aurilliary Mrs Williamson His Lordship made a short address dwelling on the societys great debt to the late Mrs Williamson A rumor having been put in circu lation to the effect that Mayor was figuring to be a candidate for one of the Divisions of this city to the Commons he has given the report an emphatic denial Tho great army venison hunters is being mobilized Now look out for reports of didnt know was loaded or mistook his companion for a deer casualties Bond of Christian Guardian has improved in Ileal th and will probably continue to occupy the chair during term for which he was chosen Dr warden of the Prison was elected President of the Wardens Association at National Congress last week at Louisville Ky May inspector of Public Li braries has just returned- from Webb- wood and the district around the He reports that it gold mine of large prospective value now developed near Webbwood No can the future ties of Algoma and Mew Ontario dis tricts By a proclamation of the Secretary on the north side of Summerhill Ave is made a part of the and from a point feet north of the lumber bridge to a yeir the lighthouse Frederick Kennedy eldest son of exMayor Warring Kennedyl iTTcd at his fathers on Saturday morning Miss Martha alter a days confinement in jail told her story the assault committed upon her by and the jury hearing tlc ease brought in a verdict of guilty was sentenced by Judge Winchester and must serve a term in the Central Prison and re ceive ten lashes with the tails one month from today His Honor dwelt upon the prisoners ut ter lack of in attempting lo ruin a voung pirl fresh from Ireland was innocently seeking pure air in Bark While the garrison parade was pass lug along Yonge St on Sunday Leo a was seen to fall in a fainting fit Restoratives applied but he did not rally Death was to heart disease Hon Geo Foster is to sail for barber simp of the Walker House was broken Into last week and a amount of barbers utensils carried off Delivery of on the Island was discontinued on Saturday Milk producers supplying city deal- em decided on Saturday to increase the price to local dealers to per can during the winter months Harvest Home services were held last Sunday In Berkley Street Meth odist Church Wheat exhibit of the shown at the exhibition formed part of the decorations An employee of the Smith engaged In coupling cars at the foot of Brock street was crushed between two of them on Monday and died shortly after the Hospital Krnjc has Issued a writ to rcsltain the city council from carry ing out Us policy In dealing the cattle market The writ for an injunction restraining city from trading and trafficking In and fodder at the market Mosstb Kelly and Mayer lumber iyKia R IiogqI In the window of business of- of the Toronto Star there is dis played a curious relic of the olden time the flint lock of long ago when French arid British fought for the fur trade of what was then the Far West and the while man strug gled with the redskin for the suprem acy The lintlock for nothing is left but the lock was presented to Mr George of Madi son president of the Point Syndicate by Bill a Chippewa Indian who found it the other day on the beach at South Bay Lake while plowing Near by was found se creted in a stump of what was at one time a stately elm a package of bullets about in number In the troublous times the past Point was a trading and sup ply post with the Indians a point where and war parties as sembled to paddle across the lake to Roachs Point for inroads through what are Sutton and now Whether the rifle belonged to a Brit ish soldier to a follower of the Li lies of the Bourbons lo a warlike guide of the Fathers who fearlessly followed the to their place of retreat from their war like enemies the Iroquois it was a soldier of who laid down his life with his gun on the warlike mission to- the Great Lakes none can tell Tlie manufacturers excursion train struck a handcar near Rat Portage The occupants of the jig ger jumped but their car was hurl ed William Woodhouse was killed and two others seriously hurt CASTOR J A For and Children- Kind You Always Bought rs first prescribed Ayers Cherry Pectoral over years ago They use it today more than ever They harry rely upon it for coughs bronchitis consumption They will tell you how it heals Inflamed lungs tor TfetalirUd Cherry My tot ftocsl4top94 run Brno Old for T Insured next morning Town Carting Having bought it carting outfit of Mr I should be pleased to aerve the public on short notice Term reasonable Orders phoned to K2J Promptly at tended to SMITH forwarded a beautiful specimen of the Canadian to Hie Zoo It was caught after a fierce struggle near the Canadian by HI Mr Kelly A of black iU Ian wolves also lcen added t ip from Of Pronto Montreal and robVcl of itnrtt top J sailors SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINENS GIVE US A CHANCE TO YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS HIRE m Newmarket Pharmacy door to Post Office c We have now a complete line of Pure Drugs Druggists Sundries comprising choice Stationery Toilet Prepara tions Soaps and Sponges Brushes Atomizers Hot Water Bottles c A Full of Patent Medicines at lowest reduced prices We pay special attention to our Prescription Department A Call Solicited The NORMAN ROGERS CO I Limited W J PATTERSON B AGENTS FOR THE GREAT WESTERN COMPANY OF CANADA Phono No SUSfJ In the Lines we handle DRY GOODS CLOTHING i GENTS FURNISHINGS BOOTS SHOES Stock Always Up to Date ICECREAM NEXT TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE

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