iv i 1 a i y rf- peeks GOING OS A TOWS Thanksgiving Market- The special market on Tuesday was attended prices of fowl re out of sight Geese sold from to b pair Turkeys to lb Chickens from to per No change in butter and eggs At the regular meeting on Monday applications for presented Recorder was instructed to send resolutions condolence to Mrs En- dress Too and the death of his brother Rev John Gardner Monday evening trie program is is follows Christian Endeavor Committee Lessons from Paul How to make Our Lives Count Like His Cor l Subject Mr Pearson Lesson Mr Jackson Leader Miss fl Splendid Granolithic the west side of Main was completed on Saturday and has the appearance of being an excellent Job It is re- dark of visitors generally i the old town has woke up at last We next year thai sidewill receive similar treatment It should be done from Water St to the depot A BOM A STRETCH OF PARK8 AND AVENUES laar From lapntaai Ad- T ralla an Visit bo completed and restored from monument On summit to the- shores of the river below with the liver gorge from Falls to and re stored and magnificent views vistas opened up In whole of the Nfagura River from to Ontario will restored and converted into one con tinued aeries of avenues and parks for the and enjoyment of i and Japan Next Friday Fixed for the Coin- Hostilities Oct 11 A despatch to the Morning Post from dated tober says that the Russian fleet j has cleared from Port Arthur with a total Strength including auxiliaries of overworked and tired humanity where can coino for a of ninety ships- It reported in j time from the turmoil and toil of that Japanese are landing other day of to this troops at and Outdoor ffi There are strong indications favors between Russia and Japan as war would ex tend her sphere of influence in China A number of field guns were em barked at Port Friday Their destination unknown Cholera and the bubonic plague out among the Russians at New it stated that the Japanese have decided to declare hostilities on silver fleece Opposite the Island still rapids that rich verdure pi Goat rises amid the tossing make the little green R Bad poll Out at Mr Vernons farm in Whit church Mr Richard got a bad tall on Monday evening of last week He was in tfce mow getting tome nay when a sheaf that lie step ped upon slipped and he fell on the barn floor No bones wore broken out he was hurt internally and has been coder tlie doctors care ever since He is just able to walk around a lit tle Brought to The remains the Asa were brought to Newmarket for inten- on Monday afternoon Mr I Moore a minister Friends accompanied mourners here and took charge of service- Deceased had been ailing for or three years with disease had in Hospital for about two months for relief by special treatment Mr Rogers formerly resided in New market and carried on a successful business here years CY ers fieuu The attractive display of fancy pastry in the window ot Hills Bak ery is the admiration of the passing crowd and the new baker is getting lots of praise Mr Christie of late Toronto is man that is making peoples mouths water His pics layer cakes theft bread oat meal per kins tarts breakfast rolls are simply Give them a trial It is how the trade in pastry bis increased at Hills Bakery Pri vate parties sUppliutf on short notice On tao occasion the the visit of the Park Association to Niagara Falls with the majesty of the American Park e Langmuir of eat Canadian Park Commission delivered an important by r in which he in part Canadian Tine luncheon Mr guests welcome in name of commission and said they had done a fcrvat deal of good Ho welcomed the commission- era and regretted that they did not them He bad been down for a paper before the associa tion so ha would take this oppor- of reviewing the history of the park on he Canadian of the river mora especially as its fi nancial basis differed from that of any other park in association The State of York had pur chased the lands for their reserva tion and also made an annual ap propriation for improvements ami general maintenance thus relieving the commissioners of all financial anxiety Now Yorks action stimul ated public opinion on this side but the Dominion refusing to act it not until that three com- were appointed by the Province of whom be regretted he was the only survivor to select and appraise lands for a Provincial park The area was consequently limited to the strip lying along the river from the Clifton House one mile south Nature had however defined a wider area for park purposes and on the commissioners recommenda tion strip was widened to bluff and lengthened to two and one- half miles debentures lor being issued to pay the cost The whole expenditure to be met by the commission then reached per annum To meet this admission fee was at first proposed but fortu nately abandoned The alternative chosen was to grant franchises and against the objections raised ho con fidently that no violence would ha done to the most advanced taste First an electric railway was permitted at a rental Of 10000 per annum This was a vital necessity to enable the public to view tho scenic grandeur Anoth er franchise for a similar amount was granted for supplying meals and taking photographs The third class was franchises for the generation and transmission electrical power which now brought in and which would be increased to about a quarter of a million when the vari ous plants were completed Fidelia writes In The Globe On a recent trip to Niagara Fails I was broken shocked to perceive the extent of the devastation which has In an Incred ibly short time utterly and literally defaced the Canadian bank of the t Horseshoe Fall At firs sight as te expiration Of their ultimatum one wanders through the beautiful I The Post also prints a de- Victoria Park everything dated Sunday October unchanged The silvery sheet j saying that the situation is of the American fall still throws its unchanged and that everything is down the brown rocks quiet at Port Arthur The corres pondent adds that hostilities are bo- i Cloths in Navy and Brown only at cents per yard Plaid fast colors cents per yard Shaker Flannel inches wide cents per yard Heavy Crash Towelling cents per yard Blue Check Shirtings cents per yard MENS UNDERWEAR We keep anything in Underwear that any man want can Largest Variety in the trade of Up- to Date Dress Trimmings Drop Ornn- and Medallions Ladles Skirts Every Skirt a perfect fit Our Now Fitting Room is very convenient Ladies Blouses For Fall and Winter In Silk and Sateen Grocery Specials Choice Pink Salmon 8c Linseed Meal per lb Flaxseed per lb 0d Brown Windsor It cake Washing Soda per lb 1c YOU NEVER FAIL WITH BAKING POWDER Jlt to be imminent It is asserts look like emeralds tho have fixed next and for a quarter a mile Friday for the commencement of park we can still enjoy the majestic sweep of tho great But tho moment the Itestaurant is passed the scene is changed and the true lover of Niagara Falls in speechless astonishment and indignation at utterly defaced and mutilated shore The point where the electric cars used to set down their- passengers to enjoy of the most unique points of view just on the verge of the falls is now an almost impassable mass of rocky debris the whole bank being cut away like open ing of a drain for about a quarter of a mile along the edge Where for merly the traveler enjoyed a delight ful walk or drive amid the fresh verdure of spruce and cedar till he reached the lovely little sylvan islands between which darted the leaping miniaturo rapids that kept their foliage ever moist and green ho now mournfully surveys the deso late waste that might belong to the purlieus of ah abom ination of desolation of excavation In Toronto this week exporters are selling from to Export bulls from to Good to choice butchering cattle sold from to Ordinary butchering cattle from to 5375 Dry cows to Light feeders to to S3 Calves from to per lb Milk cows to Spring lambs 350 to Select hogs fats and lights and debris of great iron pipes and cylinders of dams and sluices which Flour per barrel he has every reason to fear will soon Newmarket Oct Spring Wheat per bush visibly diminish the translucent Red Wheat per hush depth of exquisite green which for Goose Wheat per bush countless ages has delighted the eyes Buckwheat of the seeing world The trees have been ruthlessly cut away to make P room for a gigantic excavation as big as a Colosseum which It is to supposed la to become a- and when at last one the little Sister islands it Is to find that they are islands no longer that their leaping rapids have Oats per bush Peas per bush Rye per bush Wool per lb Hay per ton 5 0 0 45 0 a a a a a a a a a a 0 23 0 015 Bran per ton off and that the per ton Apart from the question of that draped them bends roll per lb the commissioners could thereby j drooping over dry channels brown per be charged with desecrating the sac- nd unsightly The devastation can Potatoes per bag red grounds committed to their care hardly bo more complete Chickens per pair he admitted and the Govern- is impossible not to ask by Ducks of Ontario could not reasonab- right has this spoliation of our Geese per lb ly ignore the imperious demand public sentiment throughout the and winter evenings country that the waters of Nia gara River should be in part utilized to develop- power for purposes The sites for j these power plants were distinctly outside the territory which was orig inally intended to be expropriated for park Had however that property not been expropriated it would long ere this have been con- verted into a manufacturing district overlooking tho with all defacement and other objections in- j cldent to such surroundings In- j tend of that there would be plans approved In every detail by for the greatest electrical development In the world especially designed to do least possible vio lence to environment of great cataract And now in conclusion said Mr will you permit mo to venture to take an outlook Into the future the near future I hope and picture In your minds eye tho completion of all the plans and pro jects of Park Commissioners on Ihe river It Is some of you groat national wonder been lb Wo are told often that this is a utilitarian age and none can doubt it and that merely natural beauty must be sacrificed to the temporal needs of man But there is a higher law and a point at which the pursuit of mere a a a a a a a a a a 15 0 0 0 0 0 Toronto Toronto Oct utility White Wheat per bush0 a The long fall are upon us There is plenty of work lor every one these days Pastures arc in good condition for ibis fall thfl The time tor pancakes has arrived known to some of you a Most the corn is now cut by least that river bank from Lako machinery a great saving of time Erie to Ontario is vested in and labor The crop hereabouts commission This reserve now In promises to yield fairly well not tho process of being made the full the unfavorable of feet at all points will w be completed the bank of river Mr has reived fewe from sloping under tho canvas that he has put up a and well- becomes desecration profanity in Wheat bush fact Man does not Jive by earthly wheat per bush bread alone and a national posses- p bush like Falls Is of Influences that tend to c the faculty and raise soul of mail to communion with Eggs per that Infinite and Eternal Soul Butter roll per lb whose dwelling is the light of set- Potatoes per hag ting suns In a priceless gift j Hay per ton Cod and should have been I know nothing tier of the Influences that have brought I I a about this destruction which every lore a publicspirited Canadian must res hind No plea of necessity can bo Chickens per lb 30 0 22 10 a a a a a a a a a 3 33 50 a 10 a can way our bora in all Hi I no amount of power make up for the loss utilitarian have dono gained and by neigh- In this apartment his fathers lot Death of Rev barge Large until about a year pastor of the Methodist Church tint died suddenly t residence of Ida son Dr Urge avenue Cleve land Ohio on Monday Hi Mr Large was years kept rood ornamented with shade trees along the entire bank of the river forming an avenue to Queen Victoria Park Within park the Works of construction in connection with power plants completed with only two power in river bank along upper roads and the entire grounds above Falls restored and to with the finished He was born in portion of the pork overlooking Wand where he received bis wMly buildings a school of 1 which Wo now torn but fifteen years of age am1 ft flno ev Mr yiirposfs home for Ontario and at the age j and tho whole of grounds jn years admitted to roads and walks In park Meiholist Church serving in a imp to highest standard of ftMiaUr of smaller Canadian taste Then from until a j tlw Falls to the when his health broke lower of the river with direction have not their share of the falls themselves- On tario should been tho faithful guardian of a national trust How will she answer for the way charged it Chickens per lb a I 00 17 8 0 Good Farm for Sale Just outside the town New market Fine bank barn flowing to future generations houses and outbuildings In which she hoe die- Everything in flrstclass order now occupied by Watson the milkman Apply to Bradford magnificent from base of the cataract until Its majestic banks and rushing merge the quiet of toe lower river we come to the Niagara Imme diately north of the whirlpool in its unrivalled and primitive physician at of Jrrfin resorts In gorge as as a vory paradise for late The Heights Pork I with grand panoramic will forced to his chosen calling After K Largo went to where he and his wife with their eldest tie wldfw ur- Jri by ft children a alia Hell tiling for a Boston house W Hamilton On recent Saturday morning the son of A at of Toron toformerly of this city boarded a Hamilton steamer bound for this port Later found that It was Important that he should communicate with his son Immedi ately making an appointment with him on his in The wireless telegraph was appealed to and the job was undertaken with the result that the young man on board the boat promptly received Ids fath ers mess ago correct In par There have been some who have had some doubt about wire less business here and as- matter Of fact public Hosts could have been worked without any less business whatever It thought that perhaps the projectors might ho simply making that might hold the lake signal stations for sale to the Marconi or some other company But this by Mr ail doubt of bona fides of the local wireless telegraph system It Is the real thing ami I ton Spec- A Gere a A queer case of feline affection was witnessed at Charles last week says The A little squirrel nmthor had been killed strayed Into a box where- an old cat had her brood of kittens- Instead of as Is usually case being instantly killed by the old cat the strange- little visitor affectionately adopteV into kitten family and was fed end pro- by cat for a week until it away and was lost Sovereign Authorized Capital Head Office 325000 Toronto BRANCHES Montreal Clinton wire- Was Harrow Markham Albert Mount Albert Penh Toronto Catharines Waterloo Zu OK 00H Sayings Bank Department allowed from Cheques may Interest paid a year You aro not to deposit or With draw on firat or day orthomoDtb either at any time Call and get or Write and we will you W Wallace J Stark LE ICES from We respectfully invite you to inspect them not want them just at present but you will later You may For TailorMade Suits on LITY Is the Strongest Foundation upon which any successful business can be built you that our Prune are beat only you what our lowers tell us In words Of course wo think It you would if you tried By of Kur S Bentleys Powells Pulmonary Balsam Camphor Iron old Cheapest Kennedy Medical to In allround Cough Medicine per OR gfc ark for botllo ptr Complete Stock of Robber Goods At Close Prices MORTIMERS DRUG STORE Phono GREENWOOD Phono Horses and Cows AND The Chief Charm of any womans Hat in if wo may bo to coin a word Your hat may not look well on you nor your baton your Bister Just there wbcrO wo claim ability in pleasing women as to liats you onco what hat you beat and Hot the consensus opinion of your masculine and feminine is noted lor Fit Stylo and Durability in Shoes Wo aro Agents for the Manufacturer in Canada and United States such makers aa tho SLATER SHOES SHOES MoPHKKSON SHOES QUKKN QUALITY J KINGS and other wellknown maker A lliena Fine Shoes for Ladies Fine Shoes for Girls Shoes for Cor Timothy Sis OLD BUGGIES l m For Sale on Saturday One Brown old sound and all right on three legs but other baa a lamp on it got this from Hex He lamp la a Jack It is a bog He a dandy all the same- One White old blind In and ourapeotacfe men sav be can not oat of otbor at they Do to fii him a good to work Billy worked him for years Other coming In for One yra old milking toor old NEWMARKET WANTED A man to Canadas Greatest Nurseries in the town and surrounding country and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trooo flmall Vlnoo o Stock true to name and ltt from Scale A permanent positioa for the right roan on either salary or commission STONE WELLINGTON over 9CO Seven aoW fa past months This J I- r -r- T1