Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Oct 1903, p. 6

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I NEWMARKET ERAiV WQAY vie Jersey trades for Heifers from months to years old have been bred also Fresh Cows For further particulars apply to STOKES Mount Albert MANAGER Dp DENTAL Brooks Block Mount Albert Monday Tuesday and Wed Jay of of each week Buggies Repairing ftn Prices moderate J COOK Mount Albert Peter Hamilton ImplexBtat DENTIST Mount Albert We are Clearing a Few Lines of Goods will pay you to see them Look at Our 5 Dinner Sets ROSS BRO You can save money by buying your Furniture at the A STOCK THAN OF Bedroom and Parlor Tables LouDeaCoachep and Fancy Chair We are amenta for Pillow Sham Holders and the celebrated Carpet Stretcher and Picture Framing Specialty delivered free of charge when ordered in quantity ALLAN THEAKER T ALBERT Pure Paris Green Bought in bulk and put up in packages by ourselves Poison Lly and Tanglefoot We also carry a Cult line Patent among them Remedies and Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions and Family Re- receive personal attention day or light LLOYD Druggist J THE MARKET r Tin re way tle usual large turnout at the on Tuesday follow butler to Ida eft to chickens to ducks i turkeys to Next is and we are reminded that we have much to bo thankful for There ha been a bountiful harvest ami every prospect of a root crop also plenty of in this locality Individually those of us who are get ting square a day and are enjoying our freedom outside of his jail have reason to express our sincere thanks RAN A NAIL THRU HIS HAND While opening a box Mount of Three Mile Bay ran a ten- penny nail thru the fleshy part of his hand I thought at once of all the pain and soreness this would cause me he says and immediately ap plied Chamberlains Pain Balm and occasionally afterwards my sur prise it removed all pain and sore ness and the injured parts were soon healed For sale by T Lloyd Council SOCIETY Miss Violet Walton and Miss Floss ie have been busily engaged collecting money lor the Bible Socie ty and are meeting excellent success Either young lady would do well alone but combined they are simply irresistible and the amount collected has been far in excess of previous years Some young men in the tailors shop tried to escape by hiding under the work bench when they saw the collectors coming hut the plan only worked once They were detected on the second visit and had to contribute their mite to help buy bibles for the heathen We understand some the heathen in our own town have been promised a bible LOOKING FOR TROUBLE On Thursday curios ity of our citizens mous ed the of elderly band along of our pi a she The womans j wore a of and the mans one of res ignation enquiry they were found to Mr Dan widow er of and Mis- Mary widew o The ob ject of their quest was a license a minister Thn man thnt lis marriage licenses was out of town and a deay ensued until his re turn Finally all the preliminaries arraiiiftd the blushing couple the Rev J Morgan die ceremony taking place at the home of Mr Win Johnson at a out m Mr and Mrs Lemon viN- the latter an lady of as man and rid win aid The charivari was promptiy organized but the newly wedded pair bug- which wits waiting for them on a street at the tear of the and full force J The band turned out in for pi active on Monday evening Jim was the practice for some time Mr John of the conces sion died very on Monday evening He been ill for some time with enlargement of the Black hunting has become a popular sport lately Some of our hunters have been verv successful forget Pair next Tuesday and and the con cert on night quietly the PERSONAL Mr Washington of Lemon- villa occupied the pulpit of the Meth odist Chinch on Sunday at both fore- ami evening services Rev J Morgan preached Sunderland last Sunday Miss Maggie Krilw of is visiting at the home of Mr Ur- J Mr and Mi returned on from a visit with frienda in Detroit and other J A Miller is enjoying a vis it with fiiendi in Uxbridge LOST Btwi en Jackson House Newmar ket and Mount a purse con taining S2 in cash and a note for at Era Ottico or this branch OWES HIS LIFE TO A NEIGHBORS KINDNESS Mr D P well Known Mercer and Sumner Counties most likely owes his life to the kindness a neighbor lie was almost helplessly afflicted with diar rhoea was attended by two physi cians who gave him little if any re lief when a neighbor learning bis serious condition brought him a bot tle of Chamberlains Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy wliiert cured him in less than twentytour hours For sale by Lloyd When you want a physic that is and gentle easy to cer tain to act always use Chamberlains Stomach and Liver For sale by Lloyd Sharon Oct 2 Meeting East Coun cil all members present On mo tion of Messrs arid Woodcock the Reeve was appointed to act as clerk in the absence of Clerk Hughes Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed A resolution approving the roads designated by by-law- of the County Council was submitted by the Reeve and adopted On motion of Messrs Smith Reeve was instructed to issue his order for payment as follows Geo King re culvert lots con Woodcock lumber Sharon Albert yiu 59 7 1 10 A REMARKABLE RECORD Chamberlains Cough Remedy has a remarkable record It has been in use for over thirty years during which time many million bottles have been sold and used It has long been the standard and main reliance in the treatment of croup in thousands of homes yet during all this time no case has ever been reported to the manufacturers in which it failed to a cure When given as soon as the child become hoarse or even a soon as the croupy cough appears it will prevent the attack It is pleas ant to take many children like It contains no opium or other harm ful substance and may be given as confidently to a baby to an adult sale by Lloyd Ready Mixed All Shades Beaver Brand Every Can Guarantee Whitewash Brushes Scrubbing Brushes cl calling for House- me J D ROWLAND Mount Albert PUBLIC SCHOOL Walton 7W Wesley Clara Walton Reginald Willhee Merle Jen nings Alice Case Mary Mor gan Alta French Gertie Moore Austin Mi Herb Sibley 260 Jr Jewell Wesley Brooks Frank Watts Myrtle Vandywater Bertha Rows Millard Stepp er Roy HI 20 Vera Walton Sherman Rarrett John Fiord Frank John- Mot- Kan Nettie Miller- Leslie 393 Jr HI Part Hayes W0 Dor thy Summer- Donald Shield Bert 4 Barrett Sibley Jr Part If Walter Armstrong Laura Brooks 5i Melville Ross 13 Clif ton Woodcock Morgan a readier SUTTON Mr Howard of Toronto form erly of was here last week seeing many lends and acquaint ances The remains of Miss Bessie who died in the General Hospi tal Toronto were brought to Sutton last Saturday a placed in the homo of her aunt Mrs Lewis The funeral took place on Monday to the cemetery at Virginia The new Roman Catholic Church at Virginia wan opened and dedicated on the It in a fine structure and presents a striking appearance outside It is also most elaborately and delicately finished inside- There- are Memorial windows all finished in highest of art It be rare to find in a country place a so artistically finished and furnished as this one is Harvest Home was hold in church last week The Key A French of Uxbrido conducted the service Miss Eva Bonn el I of has been the guest of Mrs for a few days Quite a number of our citizens at tended the Sunderland Fair last week a number attended the Beaver- ton Fair this week Mrs James who has been visiting with her brother Mr John Cameron Lako Shore returned homo last to Miss Lily Cameron daughter of Mr John Cameron visiting friends the city Fred Cameron and family of Jno Steeper- snow Albert John Wesley operating grader John Warren rep washouts lots con lots con Archie Goodwin rep washouts grading lots to 5 con tttt J grading con 6 3 Allen Howard rep to culvert and washout con A bridge irons Albert Smith rep washouts con 3 Frank con John rep bridge con John Phoenix cutting under brush spikes Queens- MM gravel con i8f0 plank Cole cedar ret team ing tile 9 Geo Micks rep culvert con 25 GOO -6- BALDWIN fa There have been a number of changes some would call them im provements in the interior of our hotel The bar has been a back sitting room and the room formerly TJccupiod by the bar has been overhauled and refitted as a sam ple room for commercial men Some changes dining room has made it more restful like Mural decora tions and painting has completed the whole I tell you Mrs Geo is more than delighted with tier nominal luck at the fair Her good humored is radiant with plea sure Shes more enthusiastic than she used to was especially as she made such a success in buttermak ing Shes a top liner now She exhibited a pair of citrons September Our local historian reports a similar occurrence on the same date six years ago It was with profound interest that I rend the wedding of my time schoolmate Mr Mrs Lewis In was my good fortune once t- bride while bat a lassie I was at once charmed with her del icate beauty Many a mans labor in this for naught owing to the rot in the potato crop Many will not save half Artie and Roy left for the city fast weak Before leaving instead of taking in Stilton Fair devoted the day to a ramble thru the bush with their guns and a halfdozen partridge and a coon One our boys who congratulated himself on being solid some dis solute damsels now finds the tide turned and his name is being reck- bandied in connection with some rather rank tales How lovely indeed are the maples now with their colors No pen no artists brush could color it as natures art has Warder and other County of ficials were here last week final arrangements for the new steel bridge The main arch the 1 will span current seventy- five feet in width It will be an ornament to our J Ross has now a matched Easy fortune yearling colts As the result much prying and spying by some long noses and sharp eyes of a few inquisitive mortals a mild scandal has been unearthed here and some racy scenes witnessed in which two wellknown local charac ters a man and a woman were prime movers It is reported but not confirmed that legal documents have been drawn up for the dissolution of part nership of and Murray general merchants 1 UTTOM WEST BUTTER EGGS We have an enormous demand for Fresh Eggs In fact w are not getting what we want That the reason we are giving three or four cents more than you can get else where Just call see I Wealto want a large quantity of Good Butter in pound rolls Make your purchase go as for possible by bringing it to PARK SUTTON WEST AND I Our Stock How Complete Nice Hobby Goods Prices Right ALBERT Happy Model Garland Thought Range Wood Cooking Stove Wood Cooking Stove and all kinds of Stoves for Wood Coal Phillips cider mil is running three days each week Tuesday Thursday and Saturday The prospects arc that quite a lot of cider will be made- Mrs Dunham of Chicago who visiti ALBERT weighed the largest I ever saw Miss Delia T at Sutton won fur ther honors by gaining a prize on both bread and cakes She shares the honors with her mother but heard her telling ma to watch out for her next year as she will he a competitor in the senior class Our friend is leading all competitors a- lively race at the fairs He must have a wonderfully productive farm Stevens Is right at his heels if indeed not nock and neck with him in the race Bear friend Morton whats the great Magnet cream separator do ing at tire airs to demonstrate its boasted superiority Im afraid its all gas Mr Willis and Mrs Tomilson arc holding up Wio the honors of the Laval and Separators respectively floriculture and arbori culture would have been delighted be yond measure to have some of Tom- when in full bloom for two months and her daughter Mrs who also re sides in Chicago and spent a week at Mr left for home on Satur day Mrs Abb Wilson is visiting in two or three days this week Miss was taken to the General Hospital on Monday morning to undergo an operation for appendi citis We arc pleased to hear that she passed through the ordeal and is doing well The potatoes are mostly up now and turned out well but some rot ten ones were found in most places A good start has been made to wards the anniversary In the Meth odist Church Look out for further announcement Oct and is the date Thanksgiving turkeys are at large yet but not much longer to run Mrs Arthur has been confined to house some days with On Wednesday of last week Mi John Smiths ensilage cutter was completely wrecked at Mr John barn The machine had just come from the repair shop and was starting at the seasons cut when suddenly there was a terrible racket and the machine was torn all to pieces Fortunately no person was hurt which was a great wonder as parts the machine were thrown in ail directions The break will cost Mr Smith about but he has a dandy new machine JJ HE LEARNED A TRUTH It is said of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesley Why do you tell that child thing over and over again John Wes ley because once telling is not enough It is lor this reason that you are told and again that Cough Remedy cures colds and grip that it counter acts any tendency of these diseases to result in pneumonia and that ft COAL Stone and nut coal for ale at ton delivered for all kinds of of grab SHIELDS ALBERT per price paid and seeds Suitings is pleasant and safe to sale by T Lloyd take For Wo wish to announce that we bain a largo stock of SUITINGS OVERCOATINGS AND and arc prepared to do firstclaw and thoroughly uptodate iu tahioa blooms some as large as a gallon measure Its a blackened apology now Jack Frost called round one night Our the Sutton scribe in outspoken style docs not fear to call a spade a spade and handle things with his gloves off He evi dently dont care how hard he hits vendors of whisky tobacco and air things detrimental to the wel fare humanity Now I am at bitter enmity with those things yet so long as their sale is legal and the vendors keep within the spe cifications and limitations set down In our statute books the vendor in Ottawa who boon spending the aw summer hero at the intend re turning next week It w a most thing that those who have homos and families to care for should spend a largo portion of Sunday lounging about the hotels This can be seen Sunday here Mfss Beatrice of drowned while canoeing oh Sun- Charles Minn and other villages in Minnesota and Wis consin were swept by a tornado and a number were killed The first turbine steamer for At- service has been ordered by the Allan Line She will lis used to ply between Liverpool and Cana da I I I had over four hundred Magnificent Quinsy hut wo are pleased to say about again and of Newmarket spent Sunday at many of James will regret to learn of her continue illness Wo hope for a MiH has been ponding a few days pleasantly with friends in city I Miss Emma Terry of Holt spent Sunday under the parental roof Mr To try is making to his home AIo Mr Mr Gordon Kcnyon is spending his at home Wo pleased to learn that Mrs atout to move into our midst having purchased home of Mrs Misa Lillian is spend ing a few days with Miss Mary Kavahagh of Toronto Sunday at home Mra Len Davison is tho guest of Mrs Mr Willie Hughes of Newmarket spent Sunday in Sharon guest of Autumn J OF MARRIAGE LICENSES WEST FIRE INSURANCE TO In ho Is ohwpeat LONDON QLOUB COMPANY A1JW1500 will of as low as Mutual Com- DAVIDSON Albert teen but as he oversteps the boundary line he Is a criminal and should lie dealt with accordingly and tfcpt without fear or favor Jim Jim poor old Jim Kitting with face so grim Like a rough and battered limb What thou old chap of him Jim had what he deemed some for breezes A little skilful crossexamination elicit the that he bad gone on his usual Sunday tour his right optic caught sight youths with his Livo the Moor of Venice Jims Jealous passions were aroused Hed aliked to lick those youths ho deemed prudence the better part of valor so ho smoothed I Miss Alice Woodcock to an nounce that she Is prepared to re ceive a limited number of pupils on the piano or organ at her home Mt Albert or at pupils homes it so de sired on application down all hostile demonstrations and en amicable settlement wan made TbeCanadian Pacific station at with his erring Gladstone Man was burned a few snow falls here the days ago Try Our Own Emnlsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy FOR Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble Wo keep leading of Properly fit and guar antee them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT 4 en Wo Solicit Order Ml ALBERT The Liverpool London INSURANCE COMPANY llA of Subscribed Total or yriH C DAVIDSON

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