Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 2 Oct 1903, p. 4

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I THE ERA FRIDAY OCT a igoj of Your Food Yea and cant if your rfflrnaVn ft vetk A stomach does not rti I On the the passed ell hat ordinarily into Hamilton Toronto Railway bill tod end what it fails to to of a weak stomach gff after eating fits of disagreeable troubled with trii tried remedy heard fenTreotaQTthlntrjst me toot rami too highly for flosa EM I take if In Call tad not without f A Oat Hoods stomach the LEGAL A deputation from the- ambitious city wanted the measure amended by in serting a clause requiring the to allow the H Co to use tracks was not considered prac ticable In giving a poke to the Street authorities a Toronto evening paper says The inhabitants Toronto a hundred years ago lacked many things but at any rate they didnt have to hang on to a strap when they came down to work in the rhorning That is the inhabitants of those days had a use for a strap- riVitrii J Barrister Public Street Newmarket to Loan rood Farm security liioyd Solicitor Notary Public etc Loan rawest Court Ontario Barristers Ac Post Or el Chopping door South of flee Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will alio beat and Court ry for J Rom A Co Banker and Ontario Bank Aurora at Barrister Block to Loan This Province seems likely to have a high old time nest general election The Trades and Labor Congress pro poses to run candidates the John wing of the Temperance party will also place can didates in the race The Sunday Alliance too as well as the old line parties will each have rage seekers Sir Richard Cartwright is the old est member at present occupying a seat in the Dominion Commons Sir Wilfrid Laurier Hon J Costtgan Hon J and Mr are the only Four who have been members continuously for the past years With the exception of Sir Richard who is crippled with rheumatism all are in good health and mental facul ties as clear as ever DENIAL A DENTIST I Jobbing House f A fur If we understand the amendment Hon Mr to the Railway Act before the Senate it provides that the railway company shall be liable lor cattle tailed even if they were not in charge of some competent person or came upon the companys property from other than that of the owner Another amendment was carried moved by Hon Mr Watson that where the award was under there should bo no appeal This will stop a lot of work for the lawyers Weak of Livon by a Trouble Easily Overcome people throughout bia suffer continually from blood is poor and their nerves unstrung and jaded They are pale weak often troubled with headache and dizziness are exhausted with the slightest exer tion and often feel as though life were a burden There is only absolute ly certain way to new health and and that is through the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People These pills make new rich red blood strengthen the nerves and bring health strength and happiness to who use them Dr Daley Crystal City Manitoba pram the truth of this He says I have used Dr William Pink Bills with wonderful results Before them I weak and nervous my blood was poor I was pale and Buffer ed from pains in the region of the heart Now after the use of eight boxes of the pills my nerves are strong my blood is pore and rich I have a good color and heart action is I think there no medicine can equal Dr Williams Pink Pills for these troubles This is the verdict of all people who have given the pills a fair trial and those who are sick can obtain Ben health and strength through the use of this medicine Do not waste money a id further endanger your health by taking any substitute See that the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People primed on the wrapper around every box If yon cannot the pills from your dealer they will be sent by at outs a box or six boxes for by writ ing the Or Williams Medicine Co in lasted days and it -is- now- stated that the total cost will be about The were paid a clay or the rest chiefly to lawyers and witnessed Islands in the Balsam Lake up in Mustoka are under the control of the from the States on returning from their summer outings id are enquiring about these islands at the Crown Lands Department in Toronto There are other islands under the con trol of the Provincial Government and may be obtained at per acre sen Throe men were in Bow River on the Black reset night Messrs Brooks J and A Horses wagon and all three went down while crossing river and not A few Indians witnessed the accident were married men All Hunting Season lT titled Haunts ol and 5ilJOaO During M Crown Department etc- In the Hgh- w the source more revenue Ontario at other in jm i Money to Curicni market A A Ramsay Fire bow Town Property Shop Newmarket Sletiopoiitau Co TORONTO AND NEWMARKET A h il mi S3 4S rim Si2 to 0 A number promoters during the past summer have endea vored to persuade the Ontario Gov ernment to grant them privileges in consideration of their bringing out colonists They sought to have good land in New Ontario set apart lor them but past is not favorable to any such schecie and Government stands opposed to any private moneymaking at the expense settlers and have the requests of these socalled emigration promoters An important amendment in the of the farming was made to Railway Act oa motion of Hon Mr Scott which pro vides that all cases of fires caused by a railway locomotive by which damage is done to crops hinds fences or buildings and their tents the company shall be to an amount not exceeding even negligence on their part prevent At the same time the com pany is to be able to procure insur ance on such property in its own he- hall SB j j as every Saturday lb If GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET am Daily tor Wharf with for on North Bay and am Dally except for Colliag- wood MuakoVa pm Daily for Aliandale North Bay ana In except Sunday for mi Orillla NEWMARKET 4fl Daily w Bay Wharf and am Daily except Orillia pm from poll la diaa Bay OrllUa rie Daily except Sunday from I were a Canadian says Mr Alex Brown a big Scotch manufacturer l would risk ruining Canada by taking oft all the duties I believe that instead of ru ining the country such a step would with your natural resources result in making of the Dominion a great ex porting country possibly may be true but Mr Brown to complete his Canadian fiscal problem by telling us where the millions re quired to our public debt and to carry on the departments of govern ment were to from after we taen oft all our Another letter has been received Ontario Bureau of Mines from Mr J M Bell who is away a lour of exploration in Northern Ontario in which stales at and Rapids on the A bit I and at other points on the tagaml River soft coal deposits excellent quality have been found At several points he says acatiis til feet thick run along the Lit tle boring could be done wing to the coating of roc 8 The coal free he says in the open air Along tie rich deposits of iron or brown hematite have been found Dawson Two of Daw- sous biggest social clubs whose ineiii- are men were last night The affair caused a a- ainl from all accounts of the biggest poker garner ever rim in the north whs in when the arrived at re of the houses Several thousand worth of was on the tables of the Aurora Joseph Clarke Conservative candi date for in the election is president of the and he is the man who a Tear a tow the gambling the time the club it was said largo jamcH were im mediately inaugurated lives watched the and last night they pounced upon it morning found by the evidence that it was a common gaming house and to warrant a conviction He there fore gave judgment against tin house and the players Mere fined heavily theres a Story in morning tiredness A story of poor blood weakened nerves of a starved brain Plenty of food mind you but perhaps poor ly prepared and too poorly digested to maintain a vigorous body quickly makes blood gives strength to the nerves cures the fag ged feeling that prevent vigorous thought and action Use it makes blood and good blood feeds the nerves Strong and vigorous nerves are just another name for good health If you seek health and a relief from the tired morning feel ing use Sold by all druggists Sept trial of young mon and at the High Court here on I ho change of criminal assault on a girl was afternoon The jury brought in a verdict of guil ty and recommended Teller to len iency Lordship sentence as follows year in the Central ami laches j Davis fix in the Central Prison and two months in jail than any other branch Government Administration contributed the sum of to the Provincial Treasury- If receipts are to equal those of the previous year the last third of this year will have to be a brisk one indeed Word comes front Ottawa to the effect that the Post Department has been advised of the adhesion of the Colonial Administration of Falk land Islands to the ini tiated by Sir- an Im perial rate on newspapers It well for Canada that of the stamp do not al ways control and have the direction of postal department of the Do minion The people have increased privileges and facilities at a propor tionate less cost than under the Ad- of fifteen and twenty years ago The Government is con structing a number of Public Works at the present time A short dis tance below Pembroke the outlet to Muskrat Lake is being deepened so as to relieve the lowlying lairds which are Hooded periodically by freshets A swmg bridge is being erected over the River at Parry Sound The bridge will be situated about seven miles from and will cost about 3000 Another new swing bridge being erected over Lindsay street in the Town Lind say Work has been commenced on the new bridge over the Winnipeg riv er at Rat Portage The Substruc ture and piers for a new bridge over the in Parry Sound has also teen commenced and the Government will erect a new steel superstructure along the line of the Grand Trunk Copies of the same will be furnished on application at Grand Trunk Ticket Office or to J Mo Donald District Passenger Agent Toronto She Could Use Them An old lady on seeing the electric light in the town for the first time was struck with amazement After gazing at it for a apace she entered the gro cers shop and I law do you make bin light Im tired of replied Oh it in caused by a series of electric cur rants Ia it how the old lady Then weigh me pound If they wont do for lighting Ill use em up for have been arranged in the Parliament for Mr Alex Archivist which have recently been furnished and equipped From enquiry we learn that just what period data the ar chives shall cover has not been defin itely determined by council Mean while however Mr is busily engaged collecting material and com piling data for his department It has been practically settled that among the archives are to be placed the minute books of the various mu nicipalities together with all old re cords obtainable In many instances minute books of value have been allowed to disappear from the muni cipalities which have no hope of re placing the record Records the various other matters will be kept on file it has bean given out by the Pro vincial Treasurers Department that cheques have been received from the Dominion Government for amounts aggregating about for on trust funds and assets which hold belonging to On fa Ho The Montreal Star has a deal to say respecting the administration and policy of tie Ontario Govern ment II the tor thai jour nal would try to sound advice re specting administration and direct more attention to matters connected with tic Province it ore allied to they do a much greater public service and be less liable to the charge or par tisanship Roth the Montreal Star and Gazette have enough local pro vincial to attend to without looking over the fence into Ontarios back yard readers of tola paper will tc pleased to learn that there It at least one dreaded disease teat baa been able to cure In all stages feat Is Catarrh Catarrh Cure is the only positive cureknowa King has carefully preserv ed the artistic programs proceed ings and special Junctions in which he has part These souvenirs says an English paper numbering thousands are all posted in large al bums and kept in the library of Buck- medical fraternity Catarrh Ingham Palace In the same way the re- King has kept all his theatre pro- grams since his earliest playgoing J Catarrh Cure take latcraai days is without doubt the actlag blood and most curious and valuable collection theca- e world tor manager do not destroying fouaCaUM of Ike give kings and priacca ordinary pro- the pkl Sir Mulock and Hon grams The bill of the play placed ay MMiag up Davis in the Royal box to be on silk or satin The editor the Toronto Standard was among visitors to the Fair last week and- makes the following- reference thereto A fea ture of great interest was the ladies work In times past many of the ex hibits in this department were of the stock variety and had been shown year after year but this time nearly all the articles shown were made by the busy hands of the ladles during The display of flowers roots vegetables etc was very good The cattle horses and other stock show the effects of good breeding and all departments were fully up to the standard The- bands of the Highlanders and the York Rangers supplied good music and many notables were present play placed box used to be la M in with a heavy fringe work It Is now as a rule less elaborate but not for that reason less artistic ORDINARY CORN CURBS contain acids but Putnams Is entirely vege table in composition It and sure to cure London Sept was a In tts better demand last week for fcy otter One on spot have fails to eat rumor that large foe fiat of I tore of butter exist in Canada A Co I credited Imports from Canada up to were jleas than last year Prices are salt to finest salt to SCs Canadian cheese for by Pills axe the beat SATISFACTION Poisons new and certain pain cur is used with satis faction in every instance There is abundant reason for this for it per forms all that is claimed for it is a never-bailing- cure for pains in sides or back lum bago sore throat chillblains tooth ache- is- in fact a sure remedy for all pains both internal and external Medicine dealers ev erywhere an Berlin ept A speed of 180 or over miles an hour reached during recent experi ments the specially constructed iHtlwaj between Marienfclde anil The power of vot brought a of thir teen kilometres fi Successful Vocation For the young men and women Is quite a problem Railway business for the former and commercial telegraphy for the latter is an assured success We give you practical training in branches and make you compe tent in from four to six months and place you in position the moment you are competent Young ladies earn from to ICG per month and ypung men from to per month Call on us or write for particulars Canadian Railway Instruction Inst Cor Col lege Yonge St Toronto Only too If the ruiutitiou of boy is do let him stiela at will will ruin a It is during thee night cuouh1 that he learns the vuigariHii which later will grow to wmiething worse and the idea of bavin ho renpct for or him Alas the above is only too true but the average parent more to blame than the boy Too much carelesvaean on the of the parent Indulged In by allowing the to roam about of an evening when they should bo at home A LAKE CAPTAINS EXPERIENCE I r McDonald one of Kingstons most prominent mariners writes For years I have battled with the agonies of Asthma often times so bad that I not sleep for nights at a time I spent hun dreds of dollars on doctors and on quacks without getting relief hut one dollars worth of per fectly cured me The above testi monial was given two years agoand as the Captain lately stated- that he was still quite free from Bronchitis it proves a veritable specific two months treatment guaranteed to cure Bron chitis price small Druggists of Poison Co KlngaUnj h Sept A dispatch from Genoa say that there have arrested an Anarchist named loni who is accused of complicity in demand to I King Alfonso BEST TALKING It talks Comic Sacred and Sentimental Songs lite full Band or Orchestra Yon can understand every words it speaks it the greatest entertainer ever made It uses the which for years The la made In Canada A five years written with each machine Write for Catalogues free PRICES TO Sold on Payments if BY BERLINER 23182319 Catherine 8L Montreal Manager for Canada A Jeweller Agent Newmarket If you ever Blood been eradicated from At ticca festllTft la no result will follow Hits of ibeiclloa ulcers In the mouth halt lcjpilaUcnloe of oreor on the body eye d iirt Indication of the coadat trust Co Idck with the old treat at at- the for a time onlj tobtk ot In life let experiment on Our NEW YRfraTUENT guaranteed to care yon Oar bond the of and rt out NEW METHOD TREATMENT for 6 jtul t no of the disease No experiment no a pitcn car worst caeca collated HEW WBTHOD win core a avis Of yon Under lnflneoc the brain becomes active all pimples blotches and ulcers disappear the become and despondency disappear become bright the full and clear energy to the body and the moral physical sod systems are all drains cease more vital waste from The organs become and manly You feel yourself cannot be a failure all afflicted to consult and of chsrere Dont let and fakirs rob you of dollars WE CURE NO PAY Wo treat sod cure NERVOUS DEBILITY 8KXUAL WEAKNESS EMU- SYPHILIS GLEET STRICTURE VARICOCELE KIDNEY BLADDER DISEASES and all diseases peculiar to men and Cures teed BT HUD I yon lost hope Are to A I Inn blood been diseased Hare yoa say Oar New Method Treatment will fro No matter who has treated yoa write for an opinion Free of Charges reasonable Golden men of Women Tbe Wages of Sin Varicocele Gleet sent sealed No medietas No names on or Hit and Coil Treatment FREE for Home Curt 140 SHELBY ST DETROIT MICH TREASURERS For Taxes in the County of York ox- OF TO WIT By Virtue of a Warrant by the of the C TO wii- of One T and Threo and to mo directed commanding me to proceed with the Lands herd natter eet together win jt I therefore that uuloes the said arrears i of and WJJJU paid I shall on and In place hereinafter specified proceed to sell the much thereof as may bo to discharge the of thereon may ALL FOLLOWING LANDS ABB No I BALE TO ON lUBrJUAY WNI1AV at hour of 11 oclock the Old House Adelaide MUNICIPALITY OF j Lot tftreet Taxes hip to Peers 11 John St north side t DISTRICT Wo Vauglian VIiUki- or ate be VE1SK8DAY lAY 11KKJ At hour of 11 am In the PUBLIC MALI Palmers Block Arnold Street Vllldne if HILL MUNICIPALITY OK Description Lot Asseeacd to Brooke W half to Brooke Con acres 10 sens ft- to Alex Church Owner IT IS half aero part part half sere to Kite A Jas Harris part hair acre Alkenbead Wpart OF Dacrlptlon Lot Con Aaaosacd to K part to In known as the Old Mill Property middle acre at MUNICIPALITY MAUKIIAM VILLAOH- a Description Lot Block to Bertha Millar 3 Main to AD Crosby A 4abt re IT 11 IIS If Fee ill lias lis Mo HO 9 rtichtd Comprlslna Bast and Molland Landing ON DAY OK at hour of la the TOWN MALL AUKOUA MUNICIPALITY OK BABT Lot Ouanllty IWYst acre 14 MUNICIPALITY OK Description Lot Are lib Harold abt ill Harold I Taxes si MUNICIPALITY OK HOLLAND LANDING Deter Lot Quantity WS i I as WYst Bradford Fed a I Hi Bale to be Mo and the Village of DAY Of HALL VlUaaeof NORTH Lot lot II CoswHN3 to 0 well Macro to Henry Taylor Keawlek Usee to J lUaerro frcrea MUNICIPALITY OK BUTTON Description Atiosied to Colby Lot Block Quantity J4scro it aero acre Taxes Treasurers Office Co of York Published 3S

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