Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Aug 1903, p. 5

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s 1 ONTARIO BANK STOCK PAID UP Total CHA8 BRANCH General Banting Business Interest Allowed on Deposits T CmMffT DRAFTS ISSUED otitic American Drfu and tended to K033f Changed Hands Chief Anderson has sold his resi dence on Eagle Street to Mr Gilford Mann Mrs Simpson Sundne and Good frank AUCTIONEER junta Street Bolton Painter lJ Lane and Street smiTH DOUGLAS CO per cent Original secured and guaranteed Reformer Block Newmarket das Ellis And Sanitary Manning Toronto and Estimate made or ail of Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES it the Bra Newmarket IT at private residence If NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Can Ordering Allan I FirstClass Photographs Are obtained by wiling on SMITH THE PHOTOGRAPHER Sovereign Bank Newmarket Andrew Hunter Builder Contractor Give On Short Notion Granolithic GriaoUtiUa Porches tad i galas consult ANDREW HUNTER fc A Gotham Box Newmarket Official Visit The Manager and other officials ol the Metropolitan met the mem bers of the Town Council last Satur day and they went over the road to gether agreeing upon what grading is necessary to put the roadbed along Main Street in good condition The work is to be done at once Fall Toronto Aug Sept Sept Hamilton Sept North York Newmarket Sept 2221 CoOingwood Sept 22 2d Sept Oct Queens villa Oct Oct Things Change Horses become accustomed to the trrolley car in a short time and have made the acquaintance of the auto mobile without much trouble or loss And it is quite remarkable that this machine with its queer shape and ra pid motion is so carefully managed in most instances as to be consider ed today a part of the regular equip ment for travel Always Thus We never saw the old saying sucker that is born every minute more beautifully exemplified than it is at the present time We know of quite a number who have dreamed dreams about immense fortunes to be made in stocks but when they woke up they found that somehow their dreams had failed to connect except in favor of the other fellow Improvements Mr Andy Hunter completed a fine granolithic walk for the editors on Saturday and on Monday commenced a similar walk for Mr Jos Codys residence on Eagle St Mr I M is enlarging his by an addition at the rear it is reported that Mr Lloyd and family will reside with him when improvements are completed Mr Norman Wesley has added a splendid windmill to his fine barn which is not only useful hut orna mental Death of The funeral of Miss Agnes daughter of Lieut -Col- Alfred Ranch Alberta formerly of Sutton took place on of last wee to Cemetery Toronto Miss was taken ill on her way back from England and stopped off with her friends Mr and Mrs Grant where she died after an illness of six The friends of Colonel in North York will sympathize with him in his sore bereavement Country schools open next Monday Splendid harvest apples coming In now August like July keeps cool Mr J Smith is off work this week on account of a sore thumb Mr Geo Thompson lias been par ading town with a new engine its a dandy are getting quite numer ous on the streets especially on and Monday going to and from the Lake The front of the Rink looks better in its new coat Coal is coming in lively the last couple of weeks Many people have got in their winters supply Farm Produce The usual warmweather market last Saturday The principal change in prices wan a drop in potatoes The ruling figures were Butter to to He doz Potatoes to bag Apples 15 to basket Red Raspbvrrtes to per lb Black raspberries lb Spring Chickens to 60c pair to Pigeons pair Sheep pelts to each Hides lb Calfskins to lb r THOMPSONS REPAIR SHOP Prospect Are Newmarket ALL KINDS OK OH NOTICE Mower a Guaranteed A Practical Mr George Turner a wellknown citizen of Quebec was killed by a dy namite explosion at the mines Geo If a wealthy Ross- land miner died as the result of in juries received In an encounter with a bear Moorish troops pursuing rebels en tered French territories and a con ensued In which several French and Moorish troopers were killed and THE ERA V4V p By ALLEN to a in own day Take Laxative All druggists oird the noncv it fails to cure Groves signature is on each box J I90t O The Lady Gwendolyn stamped her foot and declared Dwentlolyn Then she poked her white bonnet out of the door and listened They were till talking She could tear Mrs voice high and shrill ye can It here she wat and if any more come while out Ill taken em for ye My but Its fine And all of em from Miss Van Tassel Well well It could be borne no longer Aunt might stay and talk with Mrs long as she liked and about all the stupid things they liked Dwendolyn will she announced again and Gwendolyn did Along the hall past Mrs half open door down the stairs step by step and on to the sidewalk The Lady Gwendolyn was an Impul sive person and being of a mind to view the trees of the park clothed at he had been told snow blankets woven by the fairies the night before she bad determined to wait no longer but to start ont by herself which was of course contrary to any precedent ever established Clad in her white coat marked down and snatched up by Ellen at a white bonnet Aunt Julia bad found It In a Third avenue shop and you couldnt have told it from a Sixth avenue her white mit tens and leggings bought a trifle large last year with a view to shrinking Lady Gwendolyn started on her way Both of her ladles in wAItlng and the bead groom of the chambers were Igno rant of her desperate venture Now the first lady Id waiting was nearly al ways In attendance on the Lady Gwen dolyn and usually planned so that her duties as housekeeper fitted in nicely with the demands of her other position The second lady In waiting having been promoted from the menial rank of cash girl In Rush Hurrys big Fourteenth street shop to serve In that firms lunchroom found her hours a bit easier and her weekly envelope a trifle heavier two things that made possible even more devotion on her part to the service of Lady It would take too long to recount the Incident or accident through which the head of the chambers had arisen to the dignity of a wooden faced footman tight booted and of collar who flung himself with most satisfactory recklessness on from the scat of Van brough am lira a that kid Miss Van Tassel was to exclaim when In company with other blond ladles she wot id leave the stage door re- And Miss Van Tassel her n star of no mean magnitude would enter her carriage of more or less envious assents from the lesser lights of her constellation The coachman would touch the bad tampered cob leave the star groom to alight beside him after a flying leap over wheel Although the head groom of the chambers had become the footman of Miss Violet Van Tassel who had the reputation of being the most graceful dancer as well as the biggest hearted woman that a music hall audience ever apllt its for still be faithful to the house of Ryan and the Lady Gwendolyn could never complain of was at hand and Miss Van Tassel had made known to her fool man a few ideas of her own on the subject of Christmas trees In general of one In particular that In- tended for the special benefit of the Ludy Gwendolyn Nearly all her spare tune for two days had been spent In driving from hop to shop and the address given for of the parcels had not been Central Park but Second avenue On Issuing from out of the hops noticeably the Miss Van would hold consulta tion with ber footman Advice sug gestion description to pus be tween them together with many nods and the part of Tassel and ninny of the hat on the part of Tom All unknown to Van Tassel una became an a very yellow halo and brilliant garments All un known to Tom he became to Van Tassel the Image of the young brother who had died small pauper before ever the twinkling toes had brought fame and wealth to his adoring slater By dint of judicious togging of vari ous people who seemed to be going In the right direction the Gwendo lyn reached the park of two unconscious whose charges were In making faces at each other from their re spective chariots Arrived at her des tination ahe managed to clamber on to one of the benches surveyed the scene 1fore her with delighted The afternoon warm and yet had not quite melted the snow mantle on the of the big statue opposite The wore their snow blankets and the grass was most entirely covered with the white carpet she had been anxious to see Now It Is one thing to fare boldly forth upheld by a sense of Injury and the novelty of adventure and It Is quite another to wend homeward when sense of Injury has utterly vanished and novelty bat become monotony The afternoon sun was not quite warm on the bench when the made the discovery that ahc bad seen enough of carpeted and blanketed tree branches Snow staff to look at anyway and It suddenly seemed to the Lady Gwen dolyn that she had been looking at It a very long time climbed down from her benck with a that surprised ber and with a growing sense of Insecurity walked toward the avenue The park a very large place and she was glad to get oat of It yet as she stood on the sidewalk two big tears forced their way from behind winking Through which of those streets lay the way home Which way should she turn Everything looked strange and unfriendly a When Ellen cat her band on the broken goblet she was picking up in response to the floorwalker order the doctor of Rush Hurrys big store dressed the wonnd neatly and patting ber the shoulder said There youd better ran home for the rest of the day be all right tomorrow So Ellen with hand in a bandage and a stiff feeling In the palm of it harried homeward thinking that If Julia bad been too busy there yet time to take the little sister for a walk Running up the she bumped into by Mamie Reagan who was running down at breakneck speed They aint found her yet was her excited Im out gain on awful heart seemed to stop beating She grasped at Reagans drew and opened her mouth but Mamie had resumed her headlong flight Ellen tottered up the rest of the her ears assailed as she neared the door of their rooms by moans with in and the sound of Mrs voice There now she was saying dont take on so Mamie Reagan 11 find her Shes a regular detective I tell There shell be back In a minute All the cops on the beat knows Then as she caught sight of He len Lord what Ido with her Now Its all right she began shak ing a bottle of household ammonia at Ellen Ellen crossed the room to her aunt When did you miss her asked I Just went In Mis Reagans room explained Aunt Julia 1 wanted her to keep the baby carriage Miss Van Tassel had sent till Christmas I had my nil ou When did you miss her broke In the stern young voice Aunt Julia sat up and pat her band to her head It was 3 oclock or maybe half past I remember because our clock had struck and It find you promised to take to any place We was to the park shed been me that foolishness yeM told her about the snow fairies and Auut Julias voice rose to a sobbing wall as Ellen turned and left the room without explanation or comment She dashed down the stairs at a speed that rivaled Mamie Reagans and started on mad run west She may have found her way there she muttered to herself A messenger boy two newsboys a nursemaid with her charge a man with a suit case and a pretty young woman with bauds In a big muff formed an unconsciously Interesting group about a small solitary figure Blue eyes looked out of a face from under a wide bonnet frill and two little mittens were dou bled up by baby fists Ellen bore down on this group Intuition Instinct sister heart all told that here was the Lady Gwendolyn pushed aside the newsboys on the messengers toes and knocked against the suit case Gweudoleenl Nellen my came from depths of white bonnet The Lady Gwendolyn was caught up Into a fierce embrace and the cut hand heedless of wound and bandage pressed the little head close to NellenV heart 8he ought to be discharged the pretty young woman saia messenger boy Youll luck If you dont get bounce far die Ellen looked from one to another Then It rushed over her Gwendolyns The baby slater had been taken for a lady a real lady Yes maam she said meekly to the young woman Ill bo more care ful another time Taking hold hand she clear distinctly bumble tones Come said Yer aunt will be yer The Lady Gwendolyn obediently trot ted off by her nurses side Half a Mock away a smart brough am waa dashing toward them There was a glimpse of a sable collar an ugly kind face and It had stopped The footman Jumped over the wheel the carriage door opened and the big voice of Van Tassel called Well if here Isnt little sister and the big one too The whole family In a bunch em In Thomas and well drive em home Tom bundled em In closed door and sprang to the box Just at that proud moment the man with the case the young woman with the big muff came Into sight Th Lady Gwendolyn confidence re stored smiled them through open window and Ellen rigid and erect on very edge of the cushions reflected the respectfully Two ff You dont seem to like said What sort of a fellow Isle- llea the aortof fellow replied promptly who rails a a fellow Philadelphia IT Sunday Lesson SAUL TRIES TO KILL DAVID I Sam 18 Aug Text God is our refuge and strength a Very present help in trouble INTRODUCTION The closing versus of chapter from which our last lesson was tak en tell how Abner introduced David to King Saul Jonathan and David made a covenant faithful friend ship Saul did not let David even return to his fathers house lut kept Mm SUGGESTIONS No man can be great without mak ing enemies Christ was so great good that slew him Tltose who will live righteously shall sutler persecution Jealousy grows by what it feeds upon The true nobility of Davids char acter appears in this that he still behaved himself wisely in all his ways Sauls jealousy resulting in remov ing front him became the occa sion of Davids by getting experience in war and giving the people an opportunity to know and love him The wicked are often jealous of a good popularity The wicked are terrified by a good security Good Words the Tfrunk During the summer months a vary large number of tourists make their way into Canada and this year the summer resort districts situated on the Grand Trunk System seem to be the favorable objective point for this large influx into Cana da Many of these tourists send travel letters to home papers which is a means of advertising the Dominion to a very great extent A letter that appeared in the t own Pa Daily Times Fri day July is a sample of these ati extract from which reads as fol lows Tho Grand Trunk Railway is equal in every respect and in some points superior to any great railway system in the States The roadbed is in firstclass condition the first- class coaches judging from their ap pearance are of the most modorn tyre and arc very comfortable and tf3 Pullmans the most luxuriously and conveniently in use The Grand Trunk runs its own din ing cars in addition to what are called CafeParlor cars these latter about nicest thing of the kind I have ever encountered One half of tho coach is as a Par lor Car the other is a dining car with a smoking compartment in tho centre In the diningroom section a varied assortment of weltcooked viands is served in a style equal to that obtained in any firstclass res taurant and at prices much more rea sonable An adjunct to these cars is a Free Library service containing a wellselected list from ttie Library of Philadelphia Immigrants in Months A Ottawa Aug According to im migration returns supplied the De partment of Interior the arrivals for July numbered 11273 The arrivals for last were made up of British from the Continent and from the United States Compared with July there is an increase of For first seven of the cal endar year to July the returns give a total of as against for The British Immigrants numbered as against for the same period of previous year tue Continental immigrants as compared with 391 and the immigrants from United States compared with CREAM WANTED SWEET OR SOUR Let us make your butter eta lowest price we paid last year delivered at your nearest station It Is worth your while to give us a trial You are not put to any ex pense we the cans and pay all express charges SAVE THE WORK And make more money We satis fy per cent of all who sent Thirtythree million pounds of cream ery butter exported last year Let the creameries make It SWEET Special for those keep ing a number and having Ice who can furnish ui with sweet cream delivered at the nearest station A trial aad satisfaction guar anteed la writing tor particulars number of cows kept whether or not A BUTTER CO St Hairier wanted Toronto i- THE LEADING -AND- s SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO WEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE The Newmarket Pharmacy Next door to Post Office We have now a complete line of Pure Druggists Sundries comprising choice Stationery Toilet Prepara tions Soaps and Spongea Brushes Combs Atomizers Hot Water Ac A Full of Patent Medicines at lowest reduced We pay special attention to our Prescription Department A Call Solicited The NORMAN L ROGERS CO J PATTERSON AGENTS FOR THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF CANADA Phono Mo ALL SUMMER GOODS GOING OUT JOBBING HOUSE ICECREAM AND ICECREAM SODA -AT- r Candy Made Fresh Every Day NEXT TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE

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